A tool for detecting somatic variants in single cell data
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Failure of installing pybedtools and rpy2
#70 opened by LiuCanidk - 2
Detecting somatic SNPs with VAF=1
#71 opened by Swap90 - 0
Fig6 plot mutation data
#69 opened by seoyounglee6445 - 5
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How to estimate single-cell mutational burdens
#65 opened by xyzheng123 - 0
Plotting 96 trinucleotide mutation count
#67 opened by hl-xue - 5
pysam.pileup low max depth leads to FP
#63 opened by ArthurDondi - 1
Matching SNP to cell barcode
#57 opened by malonzm1 - 6
output of SingleCellGenotype is empty!
#61 opened by dipingxian431 - 1
start > stop
#60 opened by xuxif - 2
Issue while generating a custom PoN file
#48 opened by Swap90 - 1
Using chromosome reference in Scomatic
#62 opened by Arsamat - 1
Issue with betabinomial estimation?
#59 opened by danieljrichard - 2
Problem installing SComatic
#43 opened by malonzm1 - 1
The problem of analysing single-cell data from multiple tissues of the same individual
#58 opened by zhoudreames - 0
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Understanding step 4.2 variant filters
#53 opened by bkinnersley - 16
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How does work and what does it mean if substantial number of cell have different expected and observed cell types?
#52 opened by prakashraaz - 0
Mutational Burden Calculation
#51 opened by JakeJackson22 - 0
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run SComatic with not FACS-sorted data
#49 opened by giorgiagandolfi - 2
Concurrent running of cells for step 2.
#47 opened by JakeJackson22 - 4
Very low number of matched variants when comparing known SNVs from several studies with the results obtained by SComatic when applied to the same data
#45 opened by FranSoriano - 2
Does SComatic identify frameshift mutations?
#46 opened by FranSoriano - 2
Challenges with adapting for long read data?
#38 opened by tsa4002 - 1
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hg38 fa recommendation
#42 opened by malonzm1 - 0
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Do I need estimate new Beta binomial parameters for each sample? Another: according to somatic mutation in epi cells select cancer cell
#36 opened by gloriafight - 2
chromosome name difference, e.g., chr1 vs 1
#27 opened by robinycfang - 2
Split Bam Error 2
#35 opened by sph17 - 5
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ValueError: invalid coordinates: start > stop
#28 opened by amdqiao1 - 1
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No base count matrix(.tsv) files in Step 2 output but bam files of those cell types are there in Step1 Output.
#31 opened by lipikakalson - 1
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Can you run SComatic on bulk RNA seq?
#26 opened by sph17 - 3
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invalid contig `1`
#20 opened by ramashka328 - 2
SComatic on Stereo-seq data
#21 opened by vladimirkovacevic