- 6
How can I install Peregrine python packages?
#34 opened by fmalmeida - 1
Singularity containers for Peregerine
#42 opened by gitcruz - 6
- 1
Run peregrine with singularity
#37 opened by RenzoTale88 - 1
Submit a job with peregrine
#39 opened by RenzoTale88 - 9
Peregrine wihout Docker?
#31 opened by Tdanis - 2
- 1
- 1
how to produced p_ctg_cns.fa by p_ctg.fa?
#41 opened by Ahahaha3 - 1
- 1
What's `pypeflow.simple_pwatcher_bridge:(slept for another 1100.0s -- another 110 loop iterations)`
#35 opened by SHuang-Broad - 2
python2.7: command not found
#26 opened by zhenzhenyang-psu - 1
core file produced but final output is created
#29 opened by aclum - 1
Upsteam kseq
#32 opened by Phhere - 7
Peregrine not recognising options
#22 opened - 4
Accuracy column in preads.ovl
#21 opened by mrvollger - 1
make all error
#25 opened by zhenzhenyang-psu - 2
error in 3-asm
#20 opened by zhenzhenyang-psu - 1
pypeflow Error Unable to run the assembly
#23 opened by sum732 - 1
Racon and Pilon
#24 opened by mictadlo - 4
Pypeflow issues
#10 opened by kautto - 4
shmr_map issue
#15 opened by smoretti - 4
crash in 2-ovlp
#16 opened by macmanes - 1
Question on SHIMMER and MC
#17 opened by kfletcher88 - 1
crash in 3-asm:
#18 opened by rfinkers - 0
Networkx < 2.4
#19 opened by mrvollger - 1
Question about best practices
#13 opened by cschin - 6
Add peregrine 'hello world' runbook
#5 opened by a-khalak - 1
error in building docker image
#12 opened by githubrookie1 - 8
Parameters for plant genome
#4 opened by mycecilia - 5
Human genome assembly parameters
#11 opened by kautto - 0
Add script to identify un-assembled reads
#9 opened by cschin - 0
Add a clean up script
#8 opened by cschin - 5
Null pointer error during installation
#2 opened by alima90 - 4
docker errors
#3 opened by bitcometz