- 2
understanding of the output file!
#41 opened by allen-zhan340 - 0
I find two CRISPR in genome 'CP069814.1', (23 spacers in CRISPR 1 and 11 spacers in CRISPR 2), I wnder
#40 opened by allen-zhan340 - 0
- 4
- 2
portions of repeats annotated as spacers
#36 opened by acvill - 1
- 3
output with no repeat&spacer
#34 opened by 1185307269 - 4
add repeat sequence to database
#33 opened by fabgenomics - 1
Java version required for minced?
#32 opened by top334 - 3
Part of repeat put on spacer sequence
#21 opened by Russel88 - 2
identify the spacer sense strand
#31 opened by YiweiZhu - 4
Name and length of sequence is off in the output
#30 opened by Russel88 - 1
Bump version string
#29 opened by dpryan79 - 2
wrapper script not honouring JAVA_HOME
#28 opened by tseemann - 3
Minced java error
#27 opened by sudeep71 - 2
- 7
Error processing input file
#25 opened by johnomics - 2
High copy number repeats only found with --minNR 2
#24 opened by iimog - 1
- 2
Output with too long spacers
#22 opened by Russel88 - 1
Add /rpt_type=direct to GFF3 ?
#20 opened by tseemann - 7
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: IntervalSearchTree$IntervalNode
#19 opened by tseemann - 2
- 6
java error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: IntervalSearchTree$IntervalNode
#17 opened by Ruonan0101 - 1
Make a 0.2.1 release?
#16 opened by tseemann - 1
- 1
Java error
#13 opened by bforde - 2
Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
#12 opened by tseemann - 1
minced now in Homebrew
#10 opened by tseemann - 3
- 3
Option --version not in --help outout
#9 opened by tseemann - 1
- 1
How do I run the tests?
#6 opened by tseemann - 2
Need an option to get the version
#7 opened by tseemann - 2
- 0
Usage issue
#1 opened by tseemann - 0
Improved 'minced' shell wrapper
#3 opened by tseemann - 0
Inconsistent column 2 in -gffFull output
#2 opened by tseemann