Xilinx Vivado block designs for FPGA RISC-V SoC running Debian Linux distro
- 9
Issues with NFS Boot on Xilinx Alveo U250 - SFP Port Not Lighting Up & DHCP
#257 opened by Xu-feng-feng - 2
- 2
Ethernet throughput on Genesys 2
#255 opened by sammy17 - 2
- 3
Is 6-core possible?
#253 opened by binghe - 3
Performance of rocket-chip
#251 opened by cassebas - 13
Bare-metal application with custom Peripheral
#227 opened by munozher - 2
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Question about the MEM_AXI4 to DDR communication
#249 opened by cassebas - 3
Question about adding a GPIO
#248 opened by cassebas - 2
Large size of memory
#244 opened by haipnh - 0
- 0
VCU118 boot failed with v3.6.0
#242 opened by Yuxin-Yu - 4
Error in Makefile for command: make CONFIG=rocket64b2 BOARD=nexys-video vivado-gui
#241 opened by walrider3 - 3
Kernel boot fail on Arty 100T board
#240 opened by imocanu - 6
Question about RocketChip MEM_AXI4 to DDR memory
#238 opened by cassebas - 1
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CAN Digilent Pmod IP or Vivado IP?
#226 opened by ahmrr - 1
Some questions about Booting Linux with QEMU
#237 opened by EternitYjl - 1
gcc inside debian img
#216 opened by elialaz - 4
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Problems when recompiling the bootrom with a new maskrom_mem address range and a new dtb address
#233 opened by Caiyujie007 - 1
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Problems when connecting the Rocketchip core with JTAG interface using BSCANE2 and bscan2jtag module
#230 opened by Caiyujie007 - 1
Problems when recompiling the bootrom with a new maskrom_mem address range and a new dtb address
#234 opened by Caiyujie007 - 4
Understanding the role of co-simulation
#231 opened by sramichetty20019 - 1
cannot read boot.elf : File not found
#229 opened by wudehua2016 - 3
What is the correct workflow for 'modding the design' (adding new peripheral)
#228 opened by cassebas - 1
Question about the bootrom generation
#225 opened by cassebas - 6
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How to set U280 QSFP pins?
#201 opened by Nicole-H-u - 1
Is there a plan to increase support for NVDLA?
#209 opened by Yuxin-Yu - 3
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Trying to add our custom bootloader
#220 opened by suyogchaudhary - 3
Add support for VCU118
#210 opened by cassebas - 0
when run make CONFIG=rocket64b1 BOARD=kc705 bitstream ,Also with the other parameter!
#219 opened by jswxsanta - 0
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Question about porting to HBM memory
#203 opened by Leo-Z-Li - 12
- 1
CVA6 support
#213 opened by elialaz - 1
Verilator support
#212 opened by ncppd - 6
Generating a Rocket32s1 with smaller cache
#208 opened by cassebas - 3
Help needed using a different version of rocket
#206 opened by SteBruening - 0
- 1
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Issues related to SDC on the 512Bits AXI bus
#202 opened by Ryan45758 - 2
Build fails starting from commit 964ac04.
#200 opened by newinnovations - 1
Prerequisite of memcfg file generation
#197 opened by garthlei - 1