- 1
- 4
Bio.pairwise2 will be deprecated
#96 opened by lukaszsobala - 0
TravisCI -> gh actions
#99 opened by jgallowa07 - 0
nose -> nose2
#98 opened by jgallowa07 - 1
Error with --reverse-complement: random prefix of letters appended to fastq file name, causing failure to read.
#94 opened by jsacco1 - 2
- 0
#90 opened by jgallowa07 - 2
convert from fasta fails on stable biopython (Bio.Alphabet has been removed from Biopython)
#87 opened by wwood - 2
Please replace deprecated module Bio.triefind
#84 opened by tillea - 2
SeqIO.index does not support gzip files
#42 opened by crosenth - 2
- 0
Total length column with the info command
#57 opened by nr0cinu - 0
- 6
Translation error with new BioPython
#79 opened by fungs - 0
seqmagick with no params gives "KeyError:None"
#77 opened by tseemann - 1
- 6
- 1
pip3 install preferred over pip3 install
#78 opened by tseemann - 2
Mixed error messages and real output on stdout
#74 opened by fungs - 3
adding N to the "gap characters"
#72 opened by dunleavy005 - 0
- 3
Deduplication using seqmagick
#69 opened by dot4822 - 9
out of date docs still hanging around
#60 opened by matsen - 3
Missing paretheses if run with python 3
#44 opened by hcraT - 4
python 3 support?
#56 opened by wwood - 1
Please consider updating to support Python >3.x
#65 opened by fizwit - 2
issue with Biopython 1.67
#59 opened by bowmanjeffs - 0
restore support for bz2 compression
#66 opened by nhoffman - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
SIGPIPE problem in Windows
#58 opened by katieMlyons - 1
tests not run in
#55 opened by wwood - 1
quality-filter --pct-ambiguous
#53 opened by crosenth - 1
push to pypi
#51 opened by wwood - 4
convert docs are broken
#43 opened by matsen - 1
how to translate into 6 frames ?
#46 opened by lmanchon - 1
pip install seqmagick failed
#50 opened by sjackman - 0
- 1
- 9
Case insensitive `convert --pattern-replace`
#38 opened by sjackman - 2
Request: Make sequence IDs unique
#40 opened by sjackman - 2
Anchored --pattern-replace doesn't replace
#39 opened by sjackman - 0
backtrans-align: codon:proein length missmatch error message should include sequence name
#37 opened by metasoarous - 4
--sample N causes error if number of seqs < N
#35 opened by nhoffman - 4
- 0
Support reading and writing compressed files
#30 opened by cmccoy - 0
`extract-ids --source-format` is inconsistent
#29 opened by cmccoy - 0
backtrans-align docs appear 2x
#28 opened by matsen