ML Research Scientist at . Interested in computer vision, machine learning, autonomous systems, automated driving.
frankfengdi's Followers
- adhikariastha5AI Research Engineer in AR247 (Autonomous Robotic Company)
- alanypf
- annopackage
- Arslan-Z
- chang111National University of Singapore
- chaomathaiways
- fly51flyPRIS
- gaoxueming
- HuCaoFightingTechnical University of Munich
- Imfagee
- jeannotesSoutheast University
- jlqzzz
- johon-lituobangUniversity of California, Berkeley
- kuanih
- kxhitImperial College, ZJU, HIT
- lliai
- lucianzhongshanghai
- OuyangJunyuanHITSZ nROS-Lab
- shanyuhu
- TmacTmac1992
- YoushaaMurhijMoscow
- ZHOUYI1023