Web client for CIViC: Clinical Interpretations of Variants in Cancer
- acoffmanWashington University
- apipe-tester
- arpaddanos
- chiangchenweitaipei
- dufeiyuThe Genome Institute, Washington University Medical School
- eemailme
- gspies
- hbioer
- indraniel
- ivogeorgCUBEstation
- jasonwalker80Clinical Genomics - Cortex - WUSM
- jeldred
- jhcloos
- jmcmichaelThe McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington University School of Medicine
- juheonSt. Louis, US
- jweibleSt. Louis
- kkrysiak
- KujanL
- lhelsethEvanston, IL USA
- malachigWashington University
- nspies13
- obigriffithWashington University School of Medicine
- rbilski
- sleongmgi
- susannasiebertThe McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington University
- tmooney
- yang-yangfeng@genome, @griffithlab