BIA Bob is a Jupyter+LLM-based assistant for interacting with image data and for working on Bio-image Analysis tasks.
- alsodanlowe
- aowenli
- askmetoo
- bill-jia
- biswajitSMTU Delft
- Borstlino
- bruvelluDresden, Germany
- calebclayreagor@rockefelleruniversity
- cao13jfThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- chielliniCity University of Hong Kong
- constantinpapeUniversity Goettingen
- crzysqrl
- dephora
- dikiprawisuda
- dmattekUniversity of Bern
- Dylan8527ShanghaiTech University @ShanghaiTech-CS171 @Cellverse
- garciago-judith
- hinderlingInstitute of Cell Biology University of Bern
- HiramCilloDecision Point
- jdeschampsHuman Technopole
- JoachimGoedhart
- JoOkumaChan Zuckerberg Biohub
- joshmoore@openmicroscopy @German-BioImaging
- jqwhite
- jshklarek
- linhduongtuanKTH Royal Institute of Technology
- marabuuuData Science Center ScaDS.AI, Uni Leipzig
- marlenezwMicrosoft
- mzapukhlyakPAiCON
- NanguageStanford
- nthndyThe Francis Crick Institute
- PhysXu
- thawnHelmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf (HZDR)
- VolkerH
- WeisongZhaoHarbin Institute of Technology
- zverozabr