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odas_ros (ROS2) in a Dockerfile
#34 opened by kyle-redyeti - 1
Why the ROS GUI is updating super slowly?
#29 opened by Femtofirst - 1
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odas_ros and audio_utils output
#32 opened by rcodddow - 1
rostopic echo /odas/ssl gives no output
#16 opened by Gaurav37 - 0
ROS GUI updating super slowly
#30 opened by Femtofirst - 3
Missing MusicBeatDetector
#22 opened by annesteenbeek - 0
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Running odas_ros on remote computer
#25 opened by sheriffMelamine - 0
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What do these outputs show? Are they even correct? SST doesn't seem to be working
#21 opened by Gaurav37 - 2
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Is there a tutorial by which we can learn what different parameters are and how to control them?
#20 opened by Gaurav37 - 0
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x, y and z
#10 opened by kehinde-elelu - 1
Sink tracks: Cannot connect to server
#4 opened by mamadouDembele - 1
Make a procedure in the wiki on how to create a configuration file for a microphone matrix.
#2 opened by oliroy92 - 1
ROS audio play
#1 opened by airfield20