These components and shaders allow you to add rounded corners to UI elements!
- 0
undeclared identifier 'UIGammaToLinear'
#61 opened by Niaxor - 0
- 2
Rounded corners not working on build
#53 opened by assyrian00 - 2
Errors on last version
#58 opened by lucanasistemi - 2
Problems with RenderTexture
#44 opened by ImanCol - 1
Support for Rectmask2D?
#43 opened by genaray - 2
Rounded buttons end up with the wrong color
#49 opened by dyc081818 - 1
- 1
Support SpriteAtals
#40 opened by malibu-dev-nsuslab - 0
You should call SetDirty after any changes occur. It is both useful and necessary
#50 opened by Bian-Sh - 1
- 2
The link doesn't work.
#41 opened by rpo6oBLLjuk - 4
- 2
Difference Radius Between IOS And Android
#47 opened by thai18122000 - 5
Rounded Corners Mask
#6 opened by smxthereisonlyone - 1
Both rounded corner scripts stop working in the built application (Windows, Unity 2021.3.0f1)
#26 opened by PuFGGs - 0
After adding the plugin, the initial compilation during runtime becomes particularly slow.
#42 opened by zhou1yu2wei3 - 0
- 2
Backface culling
#28 opened by smitdylan2001 - 0
Shader doesn't work with RectMask2D
#25 opened by cweeks-72 - 1
Support for VR
#33 opened by univeous - 2
RawImage support
#30 opened by diegomazala - 0
Corner doesn't work on images taken from a Sprite sheet (one image containing multiple images)
#31 opened by JafTan21 - 1
Does not work on Android and IOS
#29 opened by smitdylan2001 - 0
Is there a way to reduce the batch call?
#27 opened by Chinedu25 - 8
Scene file changes in version 3
#24 opened by russellquinn - 2
Version 3 won't build
#21 opened by russellquinn - 8
Material Values Constantly Changing
#11 opened by HarrisonShort - 1
- 3
Buggy inside ScrollRect
#15 opened by hippogamesunity - 0
Couln't open include file 'SDFUtils.cginc'
#19 opened by dherault - 0
Request for Ovoid Corners
#18 opened by rcheng15jhu - 1
- 1
Redundant assets in unity package
#12 opened by Nesit1 - 1
Image not visible on iOS devices
#10 opened by fliperamma - 1
gif-05.gif has no meta file
#8 opened by lancer1268 - 3
Radius resets to 0 on reload
#9 opened by Brettehwarrior - 8
Center not filled on some mobile Devices
#7 opened by ZeBrody - 4
In Unity2017.8. No showing properly
#4 opened by suntabu - 2
Add Color option
#5 opened by smxthereisonlyone - 2
Compilation error - missing namespace UI
#2 opened by tigerss - 2
Unable to add transparency
#3 opened by ksi3321