- 4
Error: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
#121 opened by ycl6 - 1
custom pattern recognition load_fastq_directory
#145 opened by uloeber - 14
Reading .bz2 files fails to decompress or segfaults
#116 opened by unode - 1
To use the motus module for newer versions, you need to download it and import it with 'local import'
#154 opened by zckoo007 - 0
fd:12: hPutBuf: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
#153 opened by uloeber - 2
sdist lacks files necessary to run test suite
#152 opened by sternenseemann - 2
Implement readset return type types for modules
#119 opened by mkuhn - 0
- 2
- 1
ngless complains about igc version
#123 opened by ycl6 - 0
Requesting qcstats when none exist fails
#113 opened by unode - 2
- 7
NGLess contain the adapter removel or not?
#151 opened by timeresistance1996 - 2
- 0
Documentation for smoothtrim
#148 opened by mkuhn - 3
ngless-1.3.0-bwa not found
#147 opened by liuxianghui - 1
error message write ofile
#144 opened by uloeber - 4
Loading map file gmgc emapper2 annotations fails
#143 opened by uloeber - 7
Error ir mapping step
#142 opened by chodarq - 2
Parallel module exits with error, if the data are not in the same directory as the script
#141 opened by vpuller - 8
- 0
- 10
Installation issue on Mac
#125 opened by dkinkj - 2
- 0
- 8
Reading in fastq.gz files
#115 opened by luispedro - 0
Better debug message for files missing for collect()
#136 opened by unode - 2
bioconda recipe no longer works
#101 opened by notestaff - 1
- 2
Update Documentation: Add developer test details on how new developers can test .ngl scripts
#131 opened by nairsajjal - 7
- 2
Update Documentation: regarding the developer docs change in accordance with Ngless Version 1.1.0
#129 opened by nairsajjal - 1
- 2
load_mocat_sample fails when given file names with multiple pair identifiers
#127 opened by jakob-wirbel - 3
- 2
Add read_length() to ShortRead type
#126 opened by unode - 5
- 1
- 1
Inconsistent use of `local import`
#117 opened by unode - 2
Docs for load_mocat_sample
#122 opened by mkuhn - 2
Allow collect()'ing when all processing is complete
#112 opened by unode - 1
Output unmapped PE fastq files
#118 opened by ycl6 - 0
Reinjected sequences on matches containing inserts are invalid according to samtools
#109 opened by unode - 0
Default zstd compression breaks streaming
#110 opened by unode - 6
Reference genomes not available Mus musculus
#106 opened by kunstner - 0
- 1
can_gzip=False is not respected
#104 opened by unode - 2
ZStandard compression breaks saving BAM files
#103 opened by unode - 1
0.9 catalogs misnamed gene column
#100 opened by unode - 0
Implement API to cleanup unnecessary files
#99 opened by unode