- 0
`write_to_sbml()` fails with `TypeError`
#1408 opened by hariszaf - 2
[BUG] Numpy update broke load_matlab_model
#1406 opened by cjrodriguez98 - 1
- 1
- 6
[Feature] way to add_boundary if not already present
#1398 opened by oxinabox - 0
[Feature] Handle reaction removal in the objective
#1396 opened by cdiener - 3
Gapfilling failed in context manager (infeasible)
#1392 opened by wshao1 - 11
[Feature] Nullspace calculation similar to COBRA (MATLAB)
#1393 opened by dagl1 - 2
SBML parsing fails on invalid GPRs
#1394 opened by tamascogustavo - 1
find_gene_knockout_reactions error
#1351 opened by Laminsecin - 8
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'items'
#1354 opened by QixingWei - 2
Flux-Samplig: Cannot escape sampling region, model seems to be numerically unstable. Reporting the model
#1344 opened by brunorbqi - 1
I cannot install Cobrapy in Anacoda I get this error "chr(c) # raise ValueError for invalid code error: incomplete escape \U at position 28" What should I do?
#1391 opened by zahraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - 1
Stable release of docs broken [BUG]
#1379 opened by gregmedlock - 0
- 4
Introduction of general constraint in Gurobipy breaks Cobrapy assumption [BUG]
#1372 opened by Palaract - 3
[BUG] using gurobi on non-linear optimization
#1381 opened by lbugnon - 3
- 0
Question about iCN900 from BiGG
#1384 opened by amarsh26 - 1
Error assigning the bounds in _add_cycle_free
#1374 opened by alexpan00 - 6
Incompatibility with pydantic version 2
#1345 opened by teddygroves - 4
Adding new metabolites
#1371 opened by amarsh26 - 0
[BUG] Biomodels web io access broekn due to redirects
#1367 opened by cdiener - 1
upgrading dependency to allow pandas>=2.0
#1362 opened by eladnoor - 0
Hello I am new to python and Cobra, i would be grateful if you can provide me with steps to open an XML file from the computer and/or from online database, i tried the commands on Cobra documentation but i can't apply it.
#1356 opened by Rahmaabubakr - 5
Presence of objective influences FVA result even if fraction_of_optimum=0.0
#1308 opened by axelvonkamp - 2
Model valid but cannot be loaded
#1343 opened by HASaunders - 4
gurobipy.Model.addConstr() DeprecationWarning
#1348 opened by wshao1 - 3
how to handle mixed-integer programming (MIP) problems with the glpk, cplex or/and gurobi solvers in python/with cobrapy?
#1342 opened by helehera - 1
How to perform relaxedFBA with cobrapy?
#1338 opened by helehera - 2
SBML file not getting uploaded
#1337 opened by ksingh371 - 4
Cannot import cobra: import error involving numpy
#1339 opened by CNelias - 3
ContainerAlreadyContains error with the fastcc()
#1334 opened by Alvis-Jiang - 2
reading sbml models based on MetaCyc/KEGG data bases
#1309 opened by Rotembartuv - 1
How to set the model solver
#1333 opened by brunorbqi - 4
- 3
problems reading certain AGORA2 models
#1326 opened by eugenibc - 0
Give parameters to model.optimize()
#1328 opened by KurtzMarina - 4
Can Not Open the SBML File
#1327 opened by xuejun1214 - 1
model.reactions.get_by_id error
#1325 opened by dtusso2020 - 9
installation issue on v0.26.2
#1323 opened by hariszaf - 2
FVA gives back odd results
#1321 opened by Patrickens - 4
from import load_model model = load_model("textbook") model.medium
#1320 opened by ChenCongZ - 6
Gapfilling keyerror during solution validation
#1315 opened by jmol0917 - 2
Gapfilling constantly fails for model
#1319 opened by kristycyw - 9
#1310 opened by freiburgermsu - 1
minimal media question
#1313 opened by amarsh26 - 1
Delete duplicate reactions
#1311 opened by helehera - 1
Problem saving model in SBML format
#1314 opened by SergioBordel - 2
minimal media growth rate
#1307 opened by amarsh26