Pinned issues
- 0
Util folder missing (prepare curated library)
#530 opened by weilu1998 - 8
error in Identify TIR candidates
#516 opened by qfh20m20m - 5
TE not found in the TE_SO database
#529 opened by C-YONG - 8
CrossmatchSearchEngine::parseOutput issue
#479 opened by cai1991 - 11
#509 opened by Apl-cc - 1
- 2
EDTA222-docker-image-do not find LTR_FINDER_parallel
#521 opened by Wan9299 - 3
Heliano in EDTA?
#524 opened by chestnutbt - 1
When I run PanEDTA, it seems to rerun EDTA from scratch for each chromosome instead of starting the merging process directly.
#487 opened by dongaoqian - 1
unknown/NA not found in the TE_SO database, it will not be used to rename sequences in the final annotation.
#493 opened by jwli-code - 1
TIR-learner overutilizes threads
#523 opened by tinyfallen - 1
Why am I using the .gff3 file to count Names that is different from the .sum file? In addition, in order to speed up the analysis, how can I conduct subsequent pan-TE analysis on the EDTA that runs separately on all chromosomes?
#525 opened by joybio - 1
- 3 LINE analysis stalls
#504 opened by afurches - 5
High proportion of Unclassified TE
#520 opened by yaoxkkkkk - 8
Warning: LOC list - is empty
#483 opened by wangyangXie - 7
EDTA 2.2 stalling early in LTR discovery
#519 opened by Chriswinefield - 5
Repeat masker stalling
#480 opened by yanarizzieri - 4
LAI values could not be calculated
#515 opened by sunshichao0916 - 4
ERROR: Raw TIR results not found in sample_ragtag.fa.mod.EDTA.raw/sample_ragtag.fa.mod.TIR.intact.raw.fa
#518 opened by wangguiqian - 6
No chromosome_density_plots.pdf
#514 opened by bijendrabio - 1
- 18
- 1
Error with add -w $genome_file_real_path.EDTA.raw/TIR
#512 opened by lpzoaa - 1
- 2
can't find LTR and NO SINE on Split Genome
#510 opened by rr9002 - 9
How to install EDTA?
#497 opened by zyy36920 - 5
EDTA_2.2.x.yml relies on anaconda channel
#500 opened by SwiftSeal - 1 doesn't recognize "snRNA" repeat class; leads to an empty .sum file
#494 opened by malia-is-a-squid - 5
Test is failing after install
#517 opened by etwatson - 1
"long_terminal_repeat" vs "LTR_retrotransposon"
#511 opened by G-Thomson - 2
awk: fatal: cannot open file `genome.fa.mod.pass.list' for reading: No such file or directory
#490 opened by Dorrie1041 - 3
LINE/NA not found in the TE_SO database, it will not be used to rename sequences in the final annotation.
#491 opened by liangchengbo - 2
- 6
ValueError: File format not supported
#484 opened by jwli-code - 5
singularity ERRO
#485 opened by jwli-code - 2 1.9版本,转换成 2.2版本哪些过程可以跳过;
#499 opened by LengFeng00 - 2
TIR-Learner error
#505 opened by qfh20m20m - 3
No space left on device
#481 opened by ycgong - 1 erro
#498 opened by jwli-code - 1
LTR not found in plant genome
#502 opened by LeoVincenzi - 1
Invalid value for shared scalar at /public/home/kanaconda3/envs/edta/share/LTR_retriever/bin/LT
#507 opened by Hanjiangna - 2
How to continue running
#503 opened by Xuuuurj - 2
Chr9 of Rice(NIP) 4M do not have TE ?
#508 opened by GooLey1025 - 1
Error: Error while loading sequence perl file.gff3 file.list > new.gff3
#506 opened by huaixiaolu - 5
TIR-Learner error
#478 opened by amandine-velt - 3
ERROR: Identify TIR candidates from scratch
#482 opened by Lee951108 - 2
NestTE out
#488 opened by porkfan - 1
singularity install not working
#476 opened by tallnuttrbgv - 0