
VrepIOErrors: Remote error

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I am trying to connect to the V-rep, the creature is launched on vrep scene and it is opened but I got this error to prevent further the simulation I have tried all the solution discussed here regarding to this matter. I have tried other vrep version (e.g. V3_6_2 and less), it has the same issue
from reachy import Reachy reachy = Reachy(simulator='vrep')

Ubuntu 16.04
Vrep = CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_0_0_Ubuntu16_04
Pypot = version = '3.1.3'
Poppy.creature = version = '2.0.0'

I would appreciate your help!

VrepIOErrors Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
1 from chapper import Chapper
----> 2 chapper = Chapper(simulator='vrep', host='')

/home/marwan/chapper/software/chapper/chapper.pyc in new(cls, *args, **kwargs)
74 kwargs['config'] = config
---> 76 robot = AbstractPoppyCreature.new(cls, *args, **kwargs)
77 robot._controllers[0].io.set_highest_temperature_limit(
78 {m.id: 55 for m in robot.motors}

/home/marwan/chapper/software/chapper/pypot/creatures/abstractcreature.pyc in new(cls, base_path, config, simulator, scene, host, port, id, shared_vrep_io, use_snap, snap_host, snap_port, snap_quiet, use_http, http_host, http_port, http_quiet, use_remote, remote_host, remote_port, use_ws, ws_host, ws_port, start_background_services, sync, **extra)
102 try:
--> 103 poppy_creature = from_vrep(config, host, port, scene if scene != "keep-existing" else None, id=id, shared_vrep_io=shared_vrep_io)
104 except VrepConnectionError:
105 raise IOError('Connection to V-REP failed!')

/home/marwan/anaconda2/envs/mmupy2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pypot/vrep/init.pyc in from_vrep(config, vrep_host, vrep_port, scene, tracked_objects, tracked_collisions, id, shared_vrep_io)
103 vc = VrepController(vrep_io, scene, motors, id=id)
--> 104 vc._init_vrep_streaming()
106 sensor_controllers = []

/home/marwan/anaconda2/envs/mmupy2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pypot/vrep/controller.pyc in _init_vrep_streaming(self)
93 for vrep_call in ['simxGetJointPosition', 'simxGetJointForce']:
94 self.io.call_remote_api(vrep_call,
---> 95 self.io.get_object_handle(self._motor_name(m)),
96 streaming=True,
97 _force=True)

/home/marwan/anaconda2/envs/mmupy2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pypot/vrep/io.pyc in get_object_handle(self, obj)
201 """ Gets the vrep object handle. """
202 if obj not in self._object_handles:
--> 203 self._object_handles[obj] = self._get_object_handle(obj=obj)
205 return self._object_handles[obj]

/home/marwan/anaconda2/envs/mmupy2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pypot/vrep/io.pyc in _get_object_handle(self, obj)
197 def _get_object_handle(self, obj):
--> 198 return self.call_remote_api('simxGetObjectHandle', obj)
200 def get_object_handle(self, obj):

/home/marwan/anaconda2/envs/mmupy2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pypot/vrep/io.pyc in call_remote_api(self, func_name, *args, **kwargs)
357 msg = ' '.join([vrep_error[2 ** i]
358 for i, e in enumerate(err) if e])
--> 359 raise VrepIOErrors(msg)
361 return res

VrepIOErrors: Remote error

cjlux commented

From my experience, CopeliaSim (previously V-REP) works rather fine under Linux, and I manage to start sucessfully Poppy-torso, Poppy-Ergo-Jr... in the simulator. The error "VrepIOErrors: Remote error" occurs mostly under windows (from my experience...).

Which robot are you trying to simulate : Poppy-Torso, Reachy, Chapper... ? it is not clear, because the message error you posted begins with chapper = Chapper(simulator='vrep', host='') => can you clarify this point ?

Thanks cjlux for reply

I am trying to control the Chapper

even before I try to load scene but the Vrep scene became black screen , due to the difference versions of Vrep. lately I tried to update the Chapper using the latest version by downloading CopeliaSim on windows because CopeliaSim on windows can open the Chapper scene, then try to save it as CopeliaSim.ttt to be update on Linux.

After that, I try to import the Chapper, the scene is loaded but after pass the max_time raised that VrepIOErrors: Remote error

I have try to reinstall all the packages with Peachy robot, but it is the same error raised.
Vrep = CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_0_0_Ubuntu16_04
vrep= 6.0
vrep= 5
All of them raise the same error

May you help me How to fix that,
May you guide me to install the package again and what Vrep.Version using

I would appreciate your help

cjlux commented

OK, I'm sorry but I have no experience with the robot Chaper...
But concerning V-REP I successfully used V-REP on windows with Poppy robots using the version 3.3.0 found here : https://v-rep-pro-edu.software.informer.com/download/.
Maybe yoy could try this version to see if ti solves your problem ....