
Chapter 3 codes: tf does not exist

suvrat13 opened this issue · 9 comments

When I'm trying to visualize the robot state and laser data on Rviz, I get an error in RViz that Fixed frame [map] does not exist. When i run rosrun rqt rqt i see tf being published. I dont know what to do.

Can you post the issue with a screenshot ?

Here you can see that the arm does not load with RViz. I observed the same issue with the diff robot. Additionally I encountered the following error when launching seven_dof_arm_bringup_moveit.launch file

[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp, type, serialized_data
Master Unknown message type[] From[37752]

I cant find a fix for these problems.


Can you try to launch the following command for Rviz?

roslaunch seven_dof_arm_config demo.launch

Well the robot does load with launching with
roslaunch seven_dof_arm_config demo.launch. It is when launching through moveit with gazebo that I face this issue.

It seems like a bug in Gazebo. May I know the version of ROS you are using and Ubuntu version?

Also, are you trying it on real PC or virtual box?

I am using ROS-indigo on Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 LTS. I have ubuntu installed in my PC. Its not running on virtual box.

Did you check whether it is happening for other simulations? We have to find whether this bug is only for this demo.

I tried simulating the diff_drive_robot to observe the laser scan in RViz. I had the same problem there. I see that when I try to launch other projects ( different robotic arm) it works fine with demo.launch. Is this what you are asking?