- 0
- 1
Error with ssgseaParam
#226 opened by kaqisekuzi - 0
Filter genes with constant expression in spatCor()
#225 opened by rcastelo - 1
error matrixStats
#222 opened by jmzhang1911 - 0
Parallelization of spatCor()
#224 opened by rcastelo - 2
- 1
- 1
- 3
- 1
- 3
Error in h(simpleError(msg, call))
#219 opened by sunta3iouxos - 1
Error with Plage method on Windows
#220 opened by jordimartorell - 0
- 5
Most Data Being Filtered
#204 opened by abadgerw - 12
ssGSEA Conceptual Questions
#205 opened by abadgerw - 8
Support for GSEA plots
#192 opened by cihanerkut - 1
- 0
- 0
Implement a missing data policy for GSVA
#211 opened by rcastelo - 0
- 1
Missing Data
#203 opened by abadgerw - 0
Improve annotation mapping through readGMT()
#177 opened by rcastelo - 1
kcdf: in ssgseaParam,do we still need to set kcdf?
#201 opened by Stefanhxw - 0
#199 opened by junglingfish - 0
Improve messages to the user
#197 opened by rcastelo - 5 undefined symbol: match5
#184 opened by bbimber - 1
matrixStats error
#196 opened by andreyurch - 0
- 0
Create a FAQ
#191 opened by rcastelo - 0
- 4
Can ssGSEA be performed when the number of genes in the reference gene set is very small?
#186 opened by Chamberlain1993 - 2
How should ssGSEA be performed on GEP data?
#187 opened by csu-lzj - 2
- 7
- 0
- 13
Result of gsva is all NA
#168 opened by YihengJiang0912 - 1
- 0
Implement a missing data policy for ssGSEA
#174 opened by rcastelo - 2
Association between pathway score of two pathways
#176 opened by Chrisdoan9 - 1
Fail to compiling on HDF5
#165 opened by yifanfu01 - 1
Error: Calling gsva(expr=., gset.idx.list=., method=., ...) is defunct; use a method-specific parameter object (see '?gsva').
#173 opened by jiangych17 - 2
The data type of exprData matrix: for ssgseaParam, integer counts? Continuous expression data?
#171 opened by jnhv - 2
#170 opened by eliauk07yz - 2
- 0
Load GMT files dealing duplicated gene sets
#158 opened by rcastelo - 0
WARNING Missing link or links in documentation object 'gsva.Rd': ‘dgCMatrix’
#160 opened by axelklenk - 0
Provide filtered gene sets sizes
#157 opened by rcastelo - 7
Type of output from gsva()
#155 opened by Chrisdoan9 - 0
reconsider S4 class hierarchy
#156 opened by axelklenk - 5
Number of pathway output
#154 opened by Chrisdoan9