a project to check the FOSS synthesizers against vendors EDA tools
- 0
Evaluate "FREE RANGE VHDL" to be included
#14 opened by rodrigomelo9 - 4
Usage of docker images from ghdl/docker
#8 opened by eine - 22
Would you want this be part of SymbiFlow?
#7 opened by mithro - 6
- 3
Take a look at SymbiFlow/fpga-tool-perf
#1 opened by mithro - 4
Use of conda to get latest version of tools
#10 opened by rodrigomelo9 - 0
- 0
Test against FPGADesignElements
#2 opened by rodrigomelo9 - 0
Test Xilinx VHDL examples with ghdlsynt
#3 opened by rodrigomelo9