
Entity Component Manager is unable to attach component to entity. ROS2 Iron with Gazebo Harmonic

Lalith321 opened this issue · 0 comments


I am facing issue with ros2 hardware controls plugin. (This is just my assumption after analyzing the error)
ROS2 - Iron
Gazebo - Harmonic
I have already set environment variable using export GZ_VERSION=harmonic.
Gazebo built from source for ros2 iron.
are present as packages.

Inside my model urdf file I have <ros2_control name="GazeboSimSystem" type="system">


<command_interface name="position">
<state_interface name="position"/>
<state_interface name="velocity"/>
<state_interface name="effort"/>

<command_interface name="position">
<state_interface name="position"/>
<state_interface name="velocity"/>
<state_interface name="effort"/>


Whenever I remove the hardware tag completely including the plugin tag inside it it runs fine but it does not interact with hardware on gazebo. But when I keep the hardware and the plugin tags inside it like the above example I get the error as below.

[Err] [] Trying to create a component of type [8319580315957903596] attached to entity [0], but this entity does not exist. This create component request will be ignored.

You can refer to my entire console output below

[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /root/.ros/log/2024-04-24-17-08-16-451186-docker-desktop-22496
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1]: process started with pid [22500]
[INFO] [robot_state_publisher-2]: process started with pid [22502]
[INFO] [create-3]: process started with pid [22505]
[create-3] [INFO] [1713978496.686175535] [ros_gz_sim]: Requesting list of world names.
[robot_state_publisher-2] [WARN] [1713978496.702804849] [kdl_parser]: The root link chassis has an inertia specified in the URDF, but KDL does not support a root link with an inertia. As a workaround, you can add an extra dummy link to your URDF.
[robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1713978496.702968262] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment Wheel1_1
[robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1713978496.703076470] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment Wheel2_1
[robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1713978496.703088471] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment Wheel3_1
[robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1713978496.703093672] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment Wheel4_1
[robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1713978496.703098472] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment chassis
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
[create-3] [INFO] [1713978497.317422310] [ros_gz_sim]: Waiting messages on topic [robot_description].
[create-3] [INFO] [1713978497.416288021] [ros_gz_sim]: Requested creation of entity.
[create-3] [INFO] [1713978497.416425632] [ros_gz_sim]: OK creation of entity.
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mSubscribing to [�[0m�[1;36m/gazebo/starting_world�[0m�[1;36m].�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mWaiting for a world to be set from the GUI...�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mReceived world [�[0m�[1;32mempty.sdf�[0m�[1;32m] from the GUI.�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mUnsubscribing from [�[0m�[1;36m/gazebo/starting_world�[0m�[1;36m].�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mGazebo Sim Server v�[0m�[1;32m8.3.0�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoading SDF world file[�[0m�[1;32m/usr/share/gz/gz-sim8/worlds/empty.sdf�[0m�[1;32m].�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mServing entity system service on [�[0m�[1;32m/�[0m�[1;32mentity/system/add�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoaded [�[0m�[1;36mgz::physics::dartsim::Plugin�[0m�[1;36m] from library [�[0m�[1;36m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-physics-7/engine-plugins/�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoaded system [�[0m�[1;36mgz::sim::systems::Physics�[0m�[1;36m] for entity [�[0m�[1;36m1�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mCreate service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/create�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mRemove service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/remove�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mPose service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/set_pose�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mPose service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/set_pose_vector�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLight configuration service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/light_config�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mPhysics service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/set_physics�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mSphericalCoordinates service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/set_spherical_coordinates�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mEnable collision service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/enable_collision�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mDisable collision service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/disable_collision�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mMaterial service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/visual_config�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mMaterial service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/wheel_slip�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoaded system [�[0m�[1;36mgz::sim::systems::UserCommands�[0m�[1;36m] for entity [�[0m�[1;36m1�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoaded system [�[0m�[1;36mgz::sim::systems::SceneBroadcaster�[0m�[1;36m] for entity [�[0m�[1;36m1�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoaded system [�[0m�[1;36mgz::sim::systems::Contact�[0m�[1;36m] for entity [�[0m�[1;36m1�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded level [�[0m�[1;32m3�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mServing world controls on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty�[0m�[1;32m/control], [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty�[0m�[1;32m/control/state] and [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty�[0m�[1;32m/playback/control]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mServing GUI information on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty�[0m�[1;32m/�[0m�[1;32mgui/info�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mWorld [�[0m�[1;32mempty�[0m�[1;32m] initialized with [�[0m�[1;32m1ms�[0m�[1;32m] physics profile.�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mServing world SDF generation service on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty�[0m�[1;32m/�[0m�[1;32mgenerate_world_sdf�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mServing world names on [�[0m�[1;32m/gazebo/worlds�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mResource path add service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gazebo/resource_paths/add�[0m�[1;32m].�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mResource path get service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gazebo/resource_paths/get�[0m�[1;32m].�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mResource path resolve service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gazebo/resource_paths/resolve�[0m�[1;32m].�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[INFO] [create-3]: process has finished cleanly [pid 22505]
[INFO] [ros2-4]: process started with pid [22597]
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mGazebo Sim GUI v�[0m�[1;32m8.3.0�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mWaiting for subscribers to [�[0m�[1;36m/gazebo/starting_world�[0m�[1;36m]...�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mInitializing application.�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mQt using OpenGL graphics interface�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mCreate main window�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mRequesting resource paths through [�[0m�[1;36m/gazebo/resource_paths/get�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mGUI requesting list of world names. The server may be busy �[0m�[1;36mdownloading resources. Please be patient.�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mRequesting GUI from [�[0m�[1;36m/world/empty/gui/info�[0m�[1;36m]...�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mReceived resource paths.�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mRequesting initial state from [�[0m�[1;36m/world/empty/state�[0m�[1;36m]...�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoading config [�[0m�[1;32m/root/.gz/sim/8/gui.config�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mMinimalScene�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mCreating gz-rendering interface for OpenGL�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mCreating gz-rendering interface for OpenGL�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mCreating render thread interface for OpenGL�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mCreating gz-rendering interface for OpenGL�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mCreating render thread interface for OpenGL�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32m3D View�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mMinimalScene�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mEntityContextMenuPlugin�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mEntity Context Menu�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mEntityContextMenuPlugin�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mGzSceneManager�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mScene Manager�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mGzSceneManager�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mInteractiveViewControl�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mCamera view controller topic advertised on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/camera/view_control�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mCamera reference visual topic advertised on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/camera/view_control/reference_visual�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mCamera view control sensitivity advertised on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/camera/view_control/sensitivity�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mInteractive view control�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mInteractiveViewControl�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mCameraTracking�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mCamera tracking�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mCameraTracking�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mMarkerManager�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mListening to stats on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/stats�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mMarker Manager�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mMarkerManager�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mSelectEntities�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mSelect entities�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mSelectEntities�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mSpawn�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mSpawn�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mSpawn�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mVisualizationCapabilities�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mView as transparent service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/view/transparent�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mView as wireframes service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/view/wireframes�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mView center of mass service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/view/com�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mView inertia service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/view/inertia�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mView collisions service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/view/collisions�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mView joints service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/view/joints�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mView frames service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/view/frames�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mVisualization capabilities�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mVisualizationCapabilities�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mWorldControl�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mUsing world control service [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/control�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mListening to stats on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/stats�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mUsing an event to share WorldControl msgs with the server�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mWorld control�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityTree/EntityTree.qml:148:7: QML ToolButton: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mWorldControl�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mWorldStats�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mListening to stats on [�[0m�[1;32m/world/empty/stats�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mWorld stats�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mWorldStats�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mShapes�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mShapes�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mShapes�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mLights�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mLights�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mLights�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mTransformControl�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mTransform control�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mTransformControl�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mScreenshot�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mScreenshot service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/screenshot�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mScreenshot�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mScreenshot�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mCopyPaste�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mCopy/Paste�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mCopyPaste�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mComponentInspector�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mComponent inspector�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mComponentInspector�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;36mEntityTree�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mAdded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mEntity tree�[0m�[1;32m] to main window�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoaded plugin [�[0m�[1;32mEntityTree�[0m�[1;32m] from path [�[0m�[1;32m/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mLoading window config�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mUsing server control service [�[0m�[1;32m/server_control�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/WorldStats/WorldStats.qml:53:3: QML RowLayout: Binding loop detected for property "x"�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33m[QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33mAnti-aliasing level of '�[0m�[1;33m��[0m�[1;33m' �[0m�[1;33mis not supported; valid FSAA levels are: �[0m�[1;33m[ 0 ]�[0m�[1;33m. Setting to 1�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33mTrying to load deprecated plugin [�[0m�[1;33mignition-gazebo-diff-drive-system�[0m�[1;33m]. Using [�[0m�[1;33mgz-sim-diff-drive-system�[0m�[1;33m] instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[Wrn] [] �[0m�[1;33mTrying to load deprecated plugin name [�[0m�[1;33mignition::gazebo::systems::DiffDrive�[0m�[1;33m]. Using [�[0m�[1;33mgz::sim::systems::DiffDrive�[0m�[1;33m] instead.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [ERROR] [1713978499.682360963] [gz_ros_control]: robot_state_publisher service not available, waiting again...
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [ERROR] [1713978500.183077725] [gz_ros_control]: robot_state_publisher service not available, waiting again...
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.228720831] [gz_ros_control]: connected to service!! robot_state_publisher asking for robot_description
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.231825177] [gz_ros_control]: Received URDF from param server
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.286148769] [gz_ros_control]: The position_proportional_gain has been set to: 0.1
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m8319580315957903596�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m99696134570833896�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m3686471274447957498�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m

[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.287557980] [gz_ros_control]: Loading joint: wheel2_1__Chassis
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.287807700] [gz_ros_control]: State:
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.287861104] [gz_ros_control]: position
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.288413648] [gz_ros_control]: velocity
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.288556959] [gz_ros_control]: effort
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.288628165] [gz_ros_control]: Command:
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.288643966] [gz_ros_control]: position
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m7092658231261739227�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m3683240423554730519�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m8319580315957903596�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m99696134570833896�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m3686471274447957498�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.289751253] [gz_ros_control]: Loading joint: wheel1_1__Chassis
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.289808958] [gz_ros_control]: State:
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.289821859] [gz_ros_control]: position
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.289836360] [gz_ros_control]: velocity
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.289854661] [gz_ros_control]: effort
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.289867862] [gz_ros_control]: Command:
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.289879163] [gz_ros_control]: position
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m7092658231261739227�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m3683240423554730519�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.295661720] [resource_manager]: Initialize hardware 'GazeboSimSystem'
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [WARN] [1713978500.295714824] [gz_ros_control]: On init...
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.296921420] [resource_manager]: Successful initialization of hardware 'GazeboSimSystem'
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.297605474] [resource_manager]: 'configure' hardware 'GazeboSimSystem'
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.297678780] [gz_ros_control]: System Successfully configured!
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.297764986] [resource_manager]: Successful 'configure' of hardware 'GazeboSimSystem'
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.297777787] [resource_manager]: 'activate' hardware 'GazeboSimSystem'
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.297787788] [resource_manager]: Successful 'activate' of hardware 'GazeboSimSystem'
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.297837492] [gz_ros_control]: Loading controller_manager
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [INFO] [1713978500.349840601] [controller_manager]: Subscribing to '/controller_manager/robot_description' topic for robot description.
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[Wrn] [Component.hh:144] �[0m�[1;33mTrying to serialize component with data type [�[0m�[1;33mN3sdf3v145WorldE�[0m�[1;33m], which doesn't have �[0m�[1;33moperator<<. Component will not be serialized.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [WARN] [1713978500.390247493] [gz_ros_control]: Desired controller update period (0.01 s) is slower than the gazebo simulation period (0.001 s).
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;33m[GUI] [Wrn] [Component.hh:189] �[0m�[1;33mTrying to deserialize component with data type [�[0m�[1;33mN3sdf3v145WorldE�[0m�[1;33m], which doesn't have �[0m�[1;33moperator>>. Component will not be deserialized.�[0m�[1;33m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;31m[Err] [] �[0m�[1;31mTrying to create a component of type [�[0m�[1;31m10078773228734069488�[0m�[1;31m] attached to entity [�[0m�[1;31m0�[0m�[1;31m], but this entity does not �[0m�[1;31mexist. This create component request will be ignored.�[0m�[1;31m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Stack trace (most recent call last) in thread 22666:
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] #10 Object "[0xffffffffffffffff]", at 0xffffffffffffffff, in
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] #9 Object "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", at 0x7ff5b535e84f, in
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] #8 Object "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", at 0x7ff5b52ccac2, in
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] #7 Object "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", at 0x7ff5b18a3252, in
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] #6 Object "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", at 0x7ff5b0c6696d, in
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] #5 Object "/ros2iron_ws/install/gz_ros2_control/lib/", at 0x7ff584999440, in gz_ros2_control::GazeboSimROS2ControlPlugin::PostUpdate(gz::sim::v8::UpdateInfo const&, gz::sim::v8::EntityComponentManager const&)
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] #4 Object "/opt/ros/iron/lib/", at 0x7ff5847529c2, in controller_manager::ControllerManager::read(rclcpp::Time const&, rclcpp::Duration const&)
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] #3 Object "/opt/ros/iron/lib/", at 0x7ff58466a942, in hardware_interface::ResourceManager::read(rclcpp::Time const&, rclcpp::Duration const&)
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] #2 Object "/opt/ros/iron/lib/", at 0x7ff58468c24f, in hardware_interface::System::read(rclcpp::Time const&, rclcpp::Duration const&)
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] #1 Object "/ros2iron_ws/install/gz_ros2_control/lib/", at 0x7ff57c1fb506, in gz_ros2_control::GazeboSimSystem::read(rclcpp::Time const&, rclcpp::Duration const&)
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] #0 Object "/ros2iron_ws/install/gz_ros2_control/lib/", at 0x7ff57c20f280, in std::vector<double, std::allocator >::operator[](unsigned long) const
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Segmentation fault (Address not mapped to object [0x8])
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mApplying config�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mCreating gz-rendering interface for OpenGL�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mCreating render thread interface for OpenGL�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mLoading plugin [�[0m�[1;32mgz-rendering-ogre2�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mCreate scene [�[0m�[1;36mscene�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mCreating texture node render interface for OpenGL�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mTransformControl plugin is using camera [�[0m�[1;36mscene::Camera(65527)�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mSpawn plugin is using camera [�[0m�[1;36mscene::Camera(65527)�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mSelectEntities plugin is using camera [�[0m�[1;36mscene::Camera(65527)�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mAdvertise �[0m�[1;36m/marker�[0m�[1;36m/list service.�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mAdvertise �[0m�[1;36m/marker�[0m�[1;36m/list.�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mAdvertise �[0m�[1;36m/marker�[0m�[1;36m_array.�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mCameraTrackingPrivate plugin is moving camera [�[0m�[1;36mscene::Camera(65527)�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mMove to service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/move_to�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mFollow service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/follow�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mMove to pose service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/move_to/pose�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mCamera pose topic advertised on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/camera/pose�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;32m[GUI] �[0m�[1;32m[Msg] �[0m�[1;32mFollow offset service on [�[0m�[1;32m/gui/follow/offset�[0m�[1;32m]�[0m�[1;32m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mInteractiveViewControl plugin is moving camera [�[0m�[1;36mscene::Camera(65527)�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mEntity context menu plugin is using camera [�[0m�[1;36mscene::Camera(65527)�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mReceived signal[�[0m�[1;36m2�[0m�[1;36m].�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mShutting down gz-sim-gui�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mTerminating application.�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] �[1;36m[GUI] [Dbg] [] �[0m�[1;36mDestroy scene [�[0m�[1;36mscene�[0m�[1;36m]�[0m�[1;36m�[0m
[INFO] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1]: process has finished cleanly [pid 22500]
[INFO] [launch]: process[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] was required: shutting down launched system
[INFO] [ros2-4]: sending signal 'SIGINT' to process[ros2-4]
[INFO] [robot_state_publisher-2]: sending signal 'SIGINT' to process[robot_state_publisher-2]
[robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1713978500.893447651] [rclcpp]: signal_handler(signum=2)
[INFO] [robot_state_publisher-2]: process has finished cleanly [pid 22502]
[ERROR] [ros2-4]: process has died [pid 22597, exit code 2, cmd 'ros2 control load_controller --set-state active joint_state_broadcaster'].

There are multiple instances of the error and I have made one part of the error instance bold.