Gazebo-Sim Tutorial Build Error
BobbieZain opened this issue · 12 comments
Describe the bug
Unable to build the ROS 2 package for integrating the ros2_control controller package with docker
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to 'tutorial'
- Run
cd Dockerfile
sudo docker build -t gz_ros2_control .
- See error
Environment (please complete the following information):
- OS: Ubuntu 22.04
- Version Humble
Are you speaking about the Dockerfile of this repository, or gz_ros2_control?
@BobbieZain Can you check #284? but how did you pass the colcon build step with the wrong branch?
@BobbieZain Can you check #284? but how did you pass the colcon build step with the wrong branch?
I'll uninstall and build the control package again
The linked PR has not been merged yet, please checkout the correct branch before you run the docker command.
There is another issue, #286
docker run -it --rm --name gz_ros2_control_demo --net host gz_ros2_control ros2 launch ign_ros2_control_demos gui:=false
works perfectly on my machine.
@christophfroehlich This code
sudo docker run -it --rm --name gz_ros2_control_demo --net host gz_ros2_control ros2 launch ign_ros2_control_demos gui:=false
Doesn't launch gazebo as expected.
Also could you please suggest some solutions regarding this error of
Could not contact service /controller_manager/load_controller
which appears when I try to run the demos after colcon building
The "could not contact controller manager" error of the spawners just means that gz_ros2_control was not started properly. You have to read the earlier error messages in the log.
On which system are you trying to run the docker?
The qt errors mean that gui:=false was not used and it tries to launch the gui.
I just tried it again. It built successfully but I was not able to run gazebo without gui with the given examples, see #302
However, with the change in the gz_args to use -s
it launches as expected for me
# ros2 launch ign_ros2_control_demos
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /root/.ros/log/2024-05-10-21-21-43-347429-L1CDS09-925
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1]: process started with pid [926]
[INFO] [robot_state_publisher-2]: process started with pid [928]
[INFO] [create-3]: process started with pid [931]
[robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1715376103.500200731] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment cart
[robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1715376103.500258483] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment slideBar
[robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1715376103.500263286] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment world
[create-3] [INFO] [1715376103.517451505] [ros_gz_sim]: Requesting list of world names.
[create-3] [INFO] [1715376103.837955295] [ros_gz_sim]: Requested creation of entity.
[create-3] [INFO] [1715376103.838049399] [ros_gz_sim]: OK creation of entity.
[INFO] [create-3]: process has finished cleanly [pid 931]
[INFO] [ros2-4]: process started with pid [980]
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.640239355] [GazeboSimROS2ControlPlugin]: robot_param_node is robot_state_publisher
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.640267448] [GazeboSimROS2ControlPlugin]: robot_param_node is robot_description
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.655809833] [gz_ros2_control]: [ign_ros2_control] Fixed joint [world_to_base] (Entity=15)] is skipped
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.720307810] [gz_ros2_control]: connected to service!! robot_state_publisher asking for robot_description
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.721735000] [gz_ros2_control]: Received URDF from param server
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.726505068] [gz_ros2_control]: The position_proportional_gain has been set to: 0.1
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.726608181] [gz_ros2_control]: Loading joint: slider_to_cart
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.726625638] [gz_ros2_control]: State:
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.726634638] [gz_ros2_control]: position
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.726690808] [gz_ros2_control]: found initial value: -5.000000
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.726701236] [gz_ros2_control]: velocity
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.726728617] [gz_ros2_control]: effort
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.726744757] [gz_ros2_control]: Command:
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.726751406] [gz_ros2_control]: position
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.727127141] [resource_manager]: Initialize hardware 'IgnitionSystem'
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [WARN] [1715376105.727143833] [gz_ros2_control]: On init...
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.727340080] [resource_manager]: Successful initialization of hardware 'IgnitionSystem'
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.727393407] [resource_manager]: 'configure' hardware 'IgnitionSystem'
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.727397453] [gz_ros2_control]: System Successfully configured!
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.727406352] [resource_manager]: Successful 'configure' of hardware 'IgnitionSystem'
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.727409584] [resource_manager]: 'activate' hardware 'IgnitionSystem'
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.727412539] [resource_manager]: Successful 'activate' of hardware 'IgnitionSystem'
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.727420224] [gz_ros2_control]: Loading controller_manager
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [WARN] [1715376105.742925539] [gz_ros2_control]: Desired controller update period (0.01 s) is slower than the gazebo simulation period (0.001 s).
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.896627946] [controller_manager]: Loading controller 'joint_state_broadcaster'
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.909421704] [controller_manager]: Configuring controller 'joint_state_broadcaster'
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376105.909512986] [joint_state_broadcaster]: 'joints' or 'interfaces' parameter is empty. All available state interfaces will be published
[ros2-4] Successfully loaded controller joint_state_broadcaster into state active
[INFO] [ros2-4]: process has finished cleanly [pid 980]
[INFO] [ros2-5]: process started with pid [1011]
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376106.757494465] [controller_manager]: Loading controller 'joint_trajectory_controller'
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [WARN] [1715376106.764812967] [joint_trajectory_controller]: [Deprecated]: "allow_nonzero_velocity_at_trajectory_end" is set to true. The default behavior will change to false.
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376106.766324534] [controller_manager]: Configuring controller 'joint_trajectory_controller'
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376106.766404167] [joint_trajectory_controller]: No specific joint names are used for command interfaces. Using 'joints' parameter.
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376106.766420605] [joint_trajectory_controller]: Command interfaces are [position] and state interfaces are [position velocity].
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376106.766431214] [joint_trajectory_controller]: Using 'splines' interpolation method.
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376106.767462306] [joint_trajectory_controller]: Controller state will be published at 50.00 Hz.
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [INFO] [1715376106.768970577] [joint_trajectory_controller]: Action status changes will be monitored at 20.00 Hz.
[ros2-5] Successfully loaded controller joint_trajectory_controller into state active
[INFO] [ros2-5]: process has finished cleanly [pid 1011]
I'll close this issue now because the "build error" is fixed, and the issue with the gui parameter is reported in #302
Feel free to reopen or create a new issue if you still have problems.