
Missing "control_msgs/msg/" dependencies in pid_controller

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dependencies such as "control_msgs/msg/multi_dof_command.hpp" and "control_msgs/msg/multi_dof_state_stamped.hpp" can not be found in any part of ros-controls publicly.

I tried colcon build pid_controller and it fails with
dev_ws/src/pid_controller/include/pid_controller/pid_controller.hpp:25:10: fatal error: control_msgs/msg/multi_dof_command.hpp: No such file or directory
25 | #include "control_msgs/msg/multi_dof_command.hpp"


It's right there in the default branch of control_msgs.

When you build things from source, you should

  • always question whether you should really be doing that,
  • ensure you are building the right branches for the distro you have locally.