
Pointcloud2 Message frequency drops and data is lost

davidskdds opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, I use the driver under ROS2 Foxy for the Ouster OS0-64 sensor. Basically the driver works. Sometimes the frequency with which the Pointcloud2 message is sent is reduced. Nominal this should be 10 Hz in my configuration. If I monitor the frequency with "ros2 topic hz" it sometimes drops to 7-8 Hz. Apparently some messages are lost. For Quality of Service (QoS) I have set "Sensor_QoS". It also looks like the frequency gets lower the more subscribers are active on the Pointcloud2 message.

Do you have any idea what the problem could be?

Same thing happens to me with a OS1-64 with firmware v2.1.3 on foxy

Hello, you can increase the socket buffers size to solve this prolem. It is explained here (if you are using fastdds as rmw):

Correct, this is not a driver issue, this is a bandwidth on DDS issue