
Using ouster and Lord 3DM imu in foxy

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hello, I am currently trying to run this package. As shown in the picture below, there is a time difference between imu and ouster. So, in the picture below
if (imuQueue.empty() || t_f > timeScanCur || t_b < timeScanNext)
Problem occurs in conditional statement. Is there a way to correct this?
imu time = 1689176983.31
ouster time = 2946.97




Since the timestamp of ouster is the time since it was started, it is necessary to deal with this on the ouster driver side.

Change the timestamp_mode below.

Thank you for your answer. Thanks to you, I timed it equally.But I have a question.
Currently, I'm trying to proceed with the slam in real time through the ouster, imu, but it's not working. If you record the data and run it as a bagfile, it will be a slam, but is this package only available as a bag file?

I found new information while I was looking for a way.
If you change 5 of the function in the picture below to rclcpp::SensorDataQoS() , the pointcloud callback function turns and exchanges data, but the slam does not proceed. If you do ros2 topic echo /cloud_deskewed as evidence, it proceeds at first, and soon, the value stops without ros time flowing.
On the other hand, the bag file has a function of 5 so that slam is achieved.
Is there anything you know about this situation?


This package has only been tested with rosbag.
(This package was developed as a hobby, and buying sensors for fun is a bit too expensive!)

There were no warnings when you use ros2 topic echo or outputted the terminal in li_slam_ros2?
Based on what I hear, this might be a problem related to QoS.

This issue has been inactive for a while and will be closed for housekeeping. If it's still relevant, please feel free to reopen it with a new comment. Thank you for your contribution.