Compatibility with Ouster lidar
MrOCW opened this issue · 5 comments
Hi, using an external 9DoF IMU with an Ouster1-32,
I am playing from a rosbag but im getting such PCL errors.
[image_projection-3] [WARN] [1657123061.814967364] [image_projection]: Point cloud timestamp not available, deskew function disabled, system will drift significantly!
[image_projection-3] Failed to find match for field 'ring'.
[image_projection-3] Failed to find match for field 'time'.
This package is currently not ouster-compatible.
I will try to support it this weekend if I can.
I just need to implement the following, but I was too busy last weekend to do so. I will commit when I have time.
else if (sensor == SensorType::OUSTER)
// Convert to Velodyne format
pcl::moveFromROSMsg(currentCloudMsg, *tmpOusterCloudIn);
laserCloudIn->is_dense = tmpOusterCloudIn->is_dense;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tmpOusterCloudIn->size(); i++)
auto &src = tmpOusterCloudIn->points[i];
auto &dst = laserCloudIn->points[i];
dst.x = src.x;
dst.y = src.y;
dst.z = src.z;
dst.intensity = src.intensity;
dst.ring = src.ring;
dst.time = src.t * 1e-9f;
Hi @rsasaki0109, thanks so much but take your time no hurry! I managed to get a 3d map using LIO-SAM already
Ok, I think it is important to support ouster, so I will not close this issue yet, but will close this issue when it has been addressed.
Thank you for putting up the issue.
I close this issue as I have merged the PR for ouster
Support ouster and livox