- 2
Adding Potential fields as coupling term
#87 opened by Ferdinand50 - 4
- 1
Broken link in the readme
#86 opened by AlexanderFabisch - 1
Change goal state V2
#84 opened by Ferdinand50 - 2
Implement DmpContextual in v2
#69 opened by stulp - 0
some simulation problems
#83 opened by brucejames947 - 2
Implement DmpWithGainSchedules in v2
#68 opened by stulp - 5
pass the via point
#81 opened by wangziyang123456 - 4
a question about your paper
#82 opened by hhhzf0408 - 0
A problem about noise exploration
#80 opened by hhhzf0408 - 1
About Code Running
#78 opened by wangziyang123456 - 3
May I ask a theoretical question
#79 opened by wzy-hhu - 3
- 2
Improve error-handling of get_param_vector(_size)
#75 opened by stulp - 0
Provide demo descriptions
#74 opened by stulp - 1
support for periodic DMP?
#73 opened by xibeisiber - 6
Integrating gains in demo_robot
#66 opened by ignacio-pm - 17
Hints on DmpWithGainSchedules does not yet override Parameterizable interface
#61 opened by ignacio-pm - 0
LWR slope parameterization
#71 opened by stulp - 0
Replace travis
#70 opened by stulp - 3
Implement robot_demo_traj
#62 opened by stulp - 1
Something went wrong when compiling the code
#67 opened by pisoso - 2
Refactoring Python/C++ redundancy
#60 opened by stulp - 1
- 2
Refactor Parameterizable in C++
#63 opened by stulp - 12
DMP Implementation for PDFF Exploration
#58 opened by pranshumalik14 - 3
- 4
Sequences of DMPs
#53 opened by adamconkey - 2
Installing serialization headers
#55 opened by gokhansolak - 1
Not compiling due to boost::serialization (again!)
#57 opened by stulp - 1
some broken links in tutorial pages
#56 opened by HiroIshida - 3
- 2
- 2
- 0
robot demos README typo
#47 opened by studywolf - 3
dmp_bb_robot readme
#44 opened by studywolf - 0
process for contributors
#46 opened by studywolf - 0
Explain why BBO suffices for DMPs
#45 opened by stulp - 0
Plots overlapping in demosDmpChangeGoal
#41 opened by studywolf - 1
- 0
- 2
- 3
Unclear how to call Python wrappers
#33 opened by stulp - 0
Problem with demoDmpChangeGoal and relative paths
#35 opened by stulp - 3
Demo instructions
#32 opened by stulp - 4
- 1
#40 opened by stulp - 0
- 1
demoOptimizationDmp exits with core dump
#37 opened by stulp - 0
demoDmpTrainFromTrajFile exits with core dump
#36 opened by stulp