
This project aims to test how fast you can respond after seeing a visual stimulus or rather hand-eye coordination.

Primary LanguageVHDL


This project aims to test how fast you can respond after seeing a visual stimulus or rather hand-eye coordination. There would be a “reset” button to reset all the states and make the system ready for the next reflex test. It will then display a “hi” message on 7-segment display to show that it is ready for next input. The user needs to press the “start” button to start a random number generator that turns on the “output led” after a random interval. (Randomness is important here, otherwise the time of led on can be memorized). After the led is on, the timer starts and counts the time till the user presses “stop” button. At this time, the reaction time should be displayed on the 7-segment display and hi message should be removed from 7-segment display.

Check the Project Report for a detailed description...