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Primary LanguagePython

Updated on 2024.09.04

Table of Contents
  1. NeRF
  2. GaussianSplatting
  3. MVS
  4. SFM


Publish Date Title Authors PDF Code
2024-08-30 ConDense: Consistent 2D/3D Pre-training for Dense and Sparse Features from Multi-View Images Xiaoshuai Zhang et.al. 2408.17027 null
2024-08-29 GameIR: A Large-Scale Synthesized Ground-Truth Dataset for Image Restoration over Gaming Content Lebin Zhou et.al. 2408.16866 null
2024-08-29 OmniRe: Omni Urban Scene Reconstruction Ziyu Chen et.al. 2408.16760 null
2024-09-01 Generic Objects as Pose Probes for Few-Shot View Synthesis Zhirui Gao et.al. 2408.16690 null
2024-08-29 Spurfies: Sparse Surface Reconstruction using Local Geometry Priors Kevin Raj et.al. 2408.16544 null
2024-08-29 NeRF-CA: Dynamic Reconstruction of X-ray Coronary Angiography with Extremely Sparse-views Kirsten W. H. Maas et.al. 2408.16355 link
2024-08-29 RMMI: Enhanced Obstacle Avoidance for Reactive Mobile Manipulation using an Implicit Neural Map Nicolas Marticorena et.al. 2408.16206 null
2024-08-28 Towards Realistic Example-based Modeling via 3D Gaussian Stitching Xinyu Gao et.al. 2408.15708 null
2024-08-28 G-Style: Stylized Gaussian Splatting Áron Samuel Kovács et.al. 2408.15695 null
2024-08-28 Ray-Distance Volume Rendering for Neural Scene Reconstruction Ruihong Yin et.al. 2408.15524 null
2024-08-27 Drone-assisted Road Gaussian Splatting with Cross-view Uncertainty Saining Zhang et.al. 2408.15242 link
2024-08-27 Learning-based Multi-View Stereo: A Survey Fangjinhua Wang et.al. 2408.15235 null
2024-08-27 Few-Shot Unsupervised Implicit Neural Shape Representation Learning with Spatial Adversaries Amine Ouasfi et.al. 2408.15114 null
2024-08-27 LN-Gen: Rectal Lymph Nodes Generation via Anatomical Features Weidong Guo et.al. 2408.14977 null
2024-08-27 GeoTransfer : Generalizable Few-Shot Multi-View Reconstruction via Transfer Learning Shubhendu Jena et.al. 2408.14724 null
2024-08-28 FAST-LIVO2: Fast, Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry Chunran Zheng et.al. 2408.14035 link
2024-08-26 Pixel-Aligned Multi-View Generation with Depth Guided Decoder Zhenggang Tang et.al. 2408.14016 null
2024-08-25 TranSplat: Generalizable 3D Gaussian Splatting from Sparse Multi-View Images with Transformers Chuanrui Zhang et.al. 2408.13770 null
2024-08-24 G3DST: Generalizing 3D Style Transfer with Neural Radiance Fields across Scenes and Styles Adil Meric et.al. 2408.13508 null
2024-08-23 SIn-NeRF2NeRF: Editing 3D Scenes with Instructions through Segmentation and Inpainting Jiseung Hong et.al. 2408.13285 link
2024-08-23 Multi-finger Manipulation via Trajectory Optimization with Differentiable Rolling and Geometric Constraints Fan Yang et.al. 2408.13229 null
2024-08-23 ShapeICP: Iterative Category-level Object Pose and Shape Estimation from Depth Yihao Zhang et.al. 2408.13147 null
2024-08-23 Deep Learning at the Intersection: Certified Robustness as a Tool for 3D Vision Gabriel Pérez S et.al. 2408.13135 null
2024-08-22 ND-SDF: Learning Normal Deflection Fields for High-Fidelity Indoor Reconstruction Ziyu Tang et.al. 2408.12598 null
2024-08-21 Visual Localization in 3D Maps: Comparing Point Cloud, Mesh, and NeRF Representations Lintong Zhang et.al. 2408.11966 null
2024-08-21 HumanCoser: Layered 3D Human Generation via Semantic-Aware Diffusion Model Yi Wang et.al. 2408.11357 null
2024-08-21 Irregularity Inspection using Neural Radiance Field Tianqi Ding et.al. 2408.11251 null
2024-08-20 GSLoc: Efficient Camera Pose Refinement via 3D Gaussian Splatting Changkun Liu et.al. 2408.11085 null
2024-08-20 Learning Part-aware 3D Representations by Fusing 2D Gaussians and Superquadrics Zhirui Gao et.al. 2408.10789 null
2024-08-20 TrackNeRF: Bundle Adjusting NeRF from Sparse and Noisy Views via Feature Tracks Jinjie Mai et.al. 2408.10739 null
2024-08-20 DEGAS: Detailed Expressions on Full-Body Gaussian Avatars Zhijing Shao et.al. 2408.10588 null
2024-08-19 MeshFormer: High-Quality Mesh Generation with 3D-Guided Reconstruction Model Minghua Liu et.al. 2408.10198 null
2024-08-19 NeuRodin: A Two-stage Framework for High-Fidelity Neural Surface Reconstruction Yifan Wang et.al. 2408.10178 null
2024-08-19 $R^2$ -Mesh: Reinforcement Learning Powered Mesh Reconstruction via Geometry and Appearance Refinement Haoyang Wang et.al. 2408.10135 null
2024-08-19 DiscoNeRF: Class-Agnostic Object Field for 3D Object Discovery Corentin Dumery et.al. 2408.09928 null
2024-08-20 CHASE: 3D-Consistent Human Avatars with Sparse Inputs via Gaussian Splatting and Contrastive Learning Haoyu Zhao et.al. 2408.09663 null
2024-08-18 ContactSDF: Signed Distance Functions as Multi-Contact Models for Dexterous Manipulation Wen Yang et.al. 2408.09612 link
2024-08-18 S^3D-NeRF: Single-Shot Speech-Driven Neural Radiance Field for High Fidelity Talking Head Synthesis Dongze Li et.al. 2408.09347 null
2024-08-17 SSNeRF: Sparse View Semi-supervised Neural Radiance Fields with Augmentation Xiao Cao et.al. 2408.09144 null
2024-08-20 Gaussian in the Dark: Real-Time View Synthesis From Inconsistent Dark Images Using Gaussian Splatting Sheng Ye et.al. 2408.09130 link
2024-08-17 HybridOcc: NeRF Enhanced Transformer-based Multi-Camera 3D Occupancy Prediction Xiao Zhao et.al. 2408.09104 null
2024-08-16 VF-NeRF: Learning Neural Vector Fields for Indoor Scene Reconstruction Albert Gassol Puigjaner et.al. 2408.08766 link
2024-08-15 WaterSplatting: Fast Underwater 3D Scene Reconstruction Using Gaussian Splatting Huapeng Li et.al. 2408.08206 null
2024-08-14 Progressive Radiance Distillation for Inverse Rendering with Gaussian Splatting Keyang Ye et.al. 2408.07595 null
2024-08-18 Rethinking Open-Vocabulary Segmentation of Radiance Fields in 3D Space Hyunjee Lee et.al. 2408.07416 null
2024-08-14 RoCoSDF: Row-Column Scanned Neural Signed Distance Fields for Freehand 3D Ultrasound Imaging Shape Reconstruction Hongbo Chen et.al. 2408.07325 link
2024-08-13 PBIR-NIE: Glossy Object Capture under Non-Distant Lighting Guangyan Cai et.al. 2408.06878 null
2024-08-13 SlotLifter: Slot-guided Feature Lifting for Learning Object-centric Radiance Fields Yu Liu et.al. 2408.06697 null
2024-08-13 Potamoi: Accelerating Neural Rendering via a Unified Streaming Architecture Yu Feng et.al. 2408.06608 null
2024-08-13 ActiveNeRF: Learning Accurate 3D Geometry by Active Pattern Projection Jianyu Tao et.al. 2408.06592 link
2024-08-13 HDRGS: High Dynamic Range Gaussian Splatting Jiahao Wu et.al. 2408.06543 link
2024-08-12 Mipmap-GS: Let Gaussians Deform with Scale-specific Mipmap for Anti-aliasing Rendering Jiameng Li et.al. 2408.06286 link
2024-08-12 3D Reconstruction of Protein Structures from Multi-view AFM Images using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) Jaydeep Rade et.al. 2408.06244 null
2024-08-12 FruitNeRF: A Unified Neural Radiance Field based Fruit Counting Framework Lukas Meyer et.al. 2408.06190 link
2024-08-10 Radiance Field Learners As UAV First-Person Viewers Liqi Yan et.al. 2408.05533 null
2024-08-10 Scene123: One Prompt to 3D Scene Generation via Video-Assisted and Consistency-Enhanced MAE Yiying Yang et.al. 2408.05477 null
2024-08-09 DreamCouple: Exploring High Quality Text-to-3D Generation Via Rectified Flow Hangyu Li et.al. 2408.05008 null
2024-08-09 FewShotNeRF: Meta-Learning-based Novel View Synthesis for Rapid Scene-Specific Adaptation Piraveen Sivakumar et.al. 2408.04803 null
2024-08-08 Sampling for View Synthesis: From Local Light Field Fusion to Neural Radiance Fields and Beyond Ravi Ramamoorthi et.al. 2408.04586 null
2024-08-06 LumiGauss: High-Fidelity Outdoor Relighting with 2D Gaussian Splatting Joanna Kaleta et.al. 2408.04474 link
2024-08-08 A Review of 3D Reconstruction Techniques for Deformable Tissues in Robotic Surgery Mengya Xu et.al. 2408.04426 link
2024-08-08 Evaluating Modern Approaches in 3D Scene Reconstruction: NeRF vs Gaussian-Based Methods Yiming Zhou et.al. 2408.04268 null
2024-08-07 Compact 3D Gaussian Splatting for Static and Dynamic Radiance Fields Joo Chan Lee et.al. 2408.03822 null
2024-08-07 3iGS: Factorised Tensorial Illumination for 3D Gaussian Splatting Zhe Jun Tang et.al. 2408.03753 link
2024-08-07 Goal-oriented Semantic Communication for the Metaverse Application Zhe Wang et.al. 2408.03646 null
2024-08-06 RayGauss: Volumetric Gaussian-Based Ray Casting for Photorealistic Novel View Synthesis Hugo Blanc et.al. 2408.03356 null
2024-08-06 Efficient NeRF Optimization -- Not All Samples Remain Equally Hard Juuso Korhonen et.al. 2408.03193 null
2024-08-06 MGFs: Masked Gaussian Fields for Meshing Building based on Multi-View Images Tengfei Wang et.al. 2408.03060 null
2024-08-06 VirtualNexus: Enhancing 360-Degree Video AR/VR Collaboration with Environment Cutouts and Virtual Replicas Xincheng Huang et.al. 2408.02914 null
2024-08-04 View-consistent Object Removal in Radiance Fields Yiren Lu et.al. 2408.02100 null
2024-08-04 Improving Neural Surface Reconstruction with Feature Priors from Multi-View Image Xinlin Ren et.al. 2408.02079 link
2024-08-04 PanicleNeRF: low-cost, high-precision in-field phenotypingof rice panicles with smartphone Xin Yang et.al. 2408.02053 null
2024-08-03 FBINeRF: Feature-Based Integrated Recurrent Network for Pinhole and Fisheye Neural Radiance Fields Yifan Wu et.al. 2408.01878 null
2024-08-03 E $^3$ NeRF: Efficient Event-Enhanced Neural Radiance Fields from Blurry Images Yunshan Qi et.al. 2408.01840 null
2024-08-03 iControl3D: An Interactive System for Controllable 3D Scene Generation Xingyi Li et.al. 2408.01678 link
2024-08-02 NeRFoot: Robot-Footprint Estimation for Image-Based Visual Servoing Daoxin Zhong et.al. 2408.01251 null
2024-08-05 UlRe-NeRF: 3D Ultrasound Imaging through Neural Rendering with Ultrasound Reflection Direction Parameterization Ziwen Guo et.al. 2408.00860 null
2024-07-31 StyleRF-VolVis: Style Transfer of Neural Radiance Fields for Expressive Volume Visualization Kaiyuan Tang et.al. 2408.00150 null
2024-07-30 XHand: Real-time Expressive Hand Avatar Qijun Gan et.al. 2407.21002 link
2024-07-30 Dynamic Scene Understanding through Object-Centric Voxelization and Neural Rendering Yanpeng Zhao et.al. 2407.20908 link
2024-07-30 A Comparative Study of Neural Surface Reconstruction for Scientific Visualization Siyuan Yao et.al. 2407.20868 null
2024-07-29 Registering Neural 4D Gaussians for Endoscopic Surgery Yiming Huang et.al. 2407.20213 null
2024-07-29 Radiance Fields for Robotic Teleoperation Maximum Wilder-Smith et.al. 2407.20194 link
2024-07-29 VortSDF: 3D Modeling with Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation on Signed Distance Field Diego Thomas et.al. 2407.19837 null
2024-07-29 Garment Animation NeRF with Color Editing Renke Wang et.al. 2407.19774 link
2024-07-29 SALVE: A 3D Reconstruction Benchmark of Wounds from Consumer-grade Videos Remi Chierchia et.al. 2407.19652 null
2024-07-28 FINER++: Building a Family of Variable-periodic Functions for Activating Implicit Neural Representation Hao Zhu et.al. 2407.19434 null
2024-07-27 Revisit Self-supervised Depth Estimation with Local Structure-from-Motion Shengjie Zhu et.al. 2407.19166 null
2024-07-26 ObjectCarver: Semi-automatic segmentation, reconstruction and separation of 3D objects Gemmechu Hassena et.al. 2407.19108 null
2024-07-26 HERO-SLAM: Hybrid Enhanced Robust Optimization of Neural SLAM Zhe Xin et.al. 2407.18813 null
2024-07-26 IOVS4NeRF:Incremental Optimal View Selection for Large-Scale NeRFs Jingpeng Xie et.al. 2407.18611 null
2024-07-25 Neural Surface Detection for Unsigned Distance Fields Federico Stella et.al. 2407.18381 null
2024-07-25 StreamMOS: Streaming Moving Object Segmentation with Multi-View Perception and Dual-Span Memory Zhiheng Li et.al. 2407.17905 link
2024-07-24 SV4D: Dynamic 3D Content Generation with Multi-Frame and Multi-View Consistency Yiming Xie et.al. 2407.17470 null
2024-07-24 **Determination of $ V_{ub} $ from simultaneous measurements of untagged $B^0\toπ^- \ell^+ ν_{\ell}$ and $B^+\toρ^0 \ell^+ν_{\ell}$ decays** Belle II Collaboration et.al.
2024-07-29 DHGS: Decoupled Hybrid Gaussian Splatting for Driving Scene Xi Shi et.al. 2407.16600 null
2024-07-23 HDRSplat: Gaussian Splatting for High Dynamic Range 3D Scene Reconstruction from Raw Images Shreyas Singh et.al. 2407.16503 link
2024-07-23 DreamDissector: Learning Disentangled Text-to-3D Generation from 2D Diffusion Priors Zizheng Yan et.al. 2407.16260 null
2024-07-22 BoostMVSNeRFs: Boosting MVS-based NeRFs to Generalizable View Synthesis in Large-scale Scenes Chih-Hai Su et.al. 2407.15848 null
2024-07-22 Differentiable Convex Polyhedra Optimization from Multi-view Images Daxuan Ren et.al. 2407.15686 link
2024-07-22 SETTP: Style Extraction and Tunable Inference via Dual-level Transferable Prompt Learning Chunzhen Jin et.al. 2407.15556 null
2024-07-22 Enhancement of 3D Gaussian Splatting using Raw Mesh for Photorealistic Recreation of Architectures Ruizhe Wang et.al. 2407.15435 null
2024-07-22 ThermalNeRF: Thermal Radiance Fields Yvette Y. Lin et.al. 2407.15337 null
2024-07-19 HOTS3D: Hyper-Spherical Optimal Transport for Semantic Alignment of Text-to-3D Generation Zezeng Li et.al. 2407.14419 null
2024-07-19 SparseCraft: Few-Shot Neural Reconstruction through Stereopsis Guided Geometric Linearization Mae Younes et.al. 2407.14257 null
2024-07-19 Regularizing Dynamic Radiance Fields with Kinematic Fields Woobin Im et.al. 2407.14059 null
2024-07-19 DirectL: Efficient Radiance Fields Rendering for 3D Light Field Displays Zongyuan Yang et.al. 2407.14053 null
2024-07-19 Semantic Communications for 3D Human Face Transmission with Neural Radiance Fields Guanlin Wu et.al. 2407.13992 null
2024-07-18 EaDeblur-GS: Event assisted 3D Deblur Reconstruction with Gaussian Splatting Yuchen Weng et.al. 2407.13520 null
2024-07-18 GeometrySticker: Enabling Ownership Claim of Recolorized Neural Radiance Fields Xiufeng Huang et.al. 2407.13390 null
2024-07-18 Implicit Filtering for Learning Neural Signed Distance Functions from 3D Point Clouds Shengtao Li et.al. 2407.13342 null
2024-07-18 KFD-NeRF: Rethinking Dynamic NeRF with Kalman Filter Yifan Zhan et.al. 2407.13185 null
2024-07-20 Modeling and Driving Human Body Soundfields through Acoustic Primitives Chao Huang et.al. 2407.13083 null
2024-07-17 SMooDi: Stylized Motion Diffusion Model Lei Zhong et.al. 2407.12783 null
2024-07-17 Generalizable Human Gaussians for Sparse View Synthesis Youngjoong Kwon et.al. 2407.12777 link
2024-07-17 SG-NeRF: Neural Surface Reconstruction with Scene Graph Optimization Yiyang Chen et.al. 2407.12667 link
2024-07-17 InfoNorm: Mutual Information Shaping of Normals for Sparse-View Reconstruction Xulong Wang et.al. 2407.12661 link
2024-07-17 Efficient Depth-Guided Urban View Synthesis Sheng Miao et.al. 2407.12395 null
2024-07-17 Invertible Neural Warp for NeRF Shin-Fang Chng et.al. 2407.12354 null
2024-07-17 Splatfacto-W: A Nerfstudio Implementation of Gaussian Splatting for Unconstrained Photo Collections Congrong Xu et.al. 2407.12306 null
2024-07-18 Motion-Oriented Compositional Neural Radiance Fields for Monocular Dynamic Human Modeling Jaehyeok Kim et.al. 2407.11962 null
2024-07-18 IPA-NeRF: Illusory Poisoning Attack Against Neural Radiance Fields Wenxiang Jiang et.al. 2407.11921 link
2024-07-16 MRIo3DS-Net: A Mutually Reinforcing Images to 3D Surface RNN-like framework for model-adaptation indoor 3D reconstruction Chang Li et.al. 2407.11431 null
2024-07-16 DreamCatalyst: Fast and High-Quality 3D Editing via Controlling Editability and Identity Preservation Jiwook Kim et.al. 2407.11394 link
2024-07-16 I $^2$ -SLAM: Inverting Imaging Process for Robust Photorealistic Dense SLAM Gwangtak Bae et.al. 2407.11347 null
2024-07-16 Ev-GS: Event-based Gaussian splatting for Efficient and Accurate Radiance Field Rendering Jingqian Wu et.al. 2407.11343 null
2024-07-15 Evaluating geometric accuracy of NeRF reconstructions compared to SLAM method Adam Korycki et.al. 2407.11238 null
2024-07-15 Exploring the Potentials and Challenges of Deep Generative Models in Product Design Conception Phillip Mueller et.al. 2407.11104 null
2024-07-15 AirNeRF: 3D Reconstruction of Human with Drone and NeRF for Future Communication Systems Alexey Kotcov et.al. 2407.10865 null
2024-07-15 Domain Generalization for 6D Pose Estimation Through NeRF-based Image Synthesis Antoine Legrand et.al. 2407.10762 null
2024-07-15 Interactive Rendering of Relightable and Animatable Gaussian Avatars Youyi Zhan et.al. 2407.10707 null
2024-07-15 IE-NeRF: Inpainting Enhanced Neural Radiance Fields in the Wild Shuaixian Wang et.al. 2407.10695 null
2024-07-15 NGP-RT: Fusing Multi-Level Hash Features with Lightweight Attention for Real-Time Novel View Synthesis Yubin Hu et.al. 2407.10482 null
2024-07-15 Boost Your NeRF: A Model-Agnostic Mixture of Experts Framework for High Quality and Efficient Rendering Francesco Di Sario et.al. 2407.10389 null
2024-07-14 RS-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from Rolling Shutter Images Muyao Niu et.al. 2407.10267 link
2024-07-14 SpikeGS: 3D Gaussian Splatting from Spike Streams with High-Speed Camera Motion Jiyuan Zhang et.al. 2407.10062 null
2024-07-12 Physics-Informed Learning of Characteristic Trajectories for Smoke Reconstruction Yiming Wang et.al. 2407.09679 link
2024-07-12 StyleSplat: 3D Object Style Transfer with Gaussian Splatting Sahil Jain et.al. 2407.09473 null
2024-07-12 Radiance Fields from Photons Sacha Jungerman et.al. 2407.09386 null
2024-07-12 The $Λ_c\to Λ, l^+ν_\ell$ weak decay including new physics Fernando Alvarado et.al. 2407.09325 null
2024-07-12 Measurement of $CP$ asymmetries in $B^0 \to K^0_S π^0 γ$ decays at Belle II Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2407.09139 null
2024-07-12 HPC: Hierarchical Progressive Coding Framework for Volumetric Video Zihan Zheng et.al. 2407.09026 null
2024-07-12 Measurement of branching fractions, CP asymmetry, and isospin asymmetry for $\boldsymbol{B\rightarrowργ}$ decays using Belle and Belle II data Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2407.08984 null
2024-07-11 Feasibility of Neural Radiance Fields for Crime Scene Video Reconstruction Shariq Nadeem Malik et.al. 2407.08795 null
2024-07-11 WildGaussians: 3D Gaussian Splatting in the Wild Jonas Kulhanek et.al. 2407.08447 null
2024-07-11 MeshAvatar: Learning High-quality Triangular Human Avatars from Multi-view Videos Yushuo Chen et.al. 2407.08414 link
2024-07-11 GAURA: Generalizable Approach for Unified Restoration and Rendering of Arbitrary Views Vinayak Gupta et.al. 2407.08221 link
2024-07-11 Explicit_NeRF_QA: A Quality Assessment Database for Explicit NeRF Model Compression Yuke Xing et.al. 2407.08165 null
2024-07-11 Bayesian uncertainty analysis for underwater 3D reconstruction with neural radiance fields Haojie Lian et.al. 2407.08154 null
2024-07-11 Survey on Fundamental Deep Learning 3D Reconstruction Techniques Yonge Bai et.al. 2407.08137 null
2024-07-10 Neural Geometry Processing via Spherical Neural Surfaces Romy Williamson et.al. 2407.07755 null
2024-07-10 Protecting NeRFs' Copyright via Plug-And-Play Watermarking Base Model Qi Song et.al. 2407.07735 null
2024-07-10 Drantal-NeRF: Diffusion-Based Restoration for Anti-aliasing Neural Radiance Field Ganlin Yang et.al. 2407.07461 null
2024-07-09 Reference-based Controllable Scene Stylization with Gaussian Splatting Yiqun Mei et.al. 2407.07220 null
2024-07-10 3D Gaussian Ray Tracing: Fast Tracing of Particle Scenes Nicolas Moenne-Loccoz et.al. 2407.07090 null
2024-07-09 Sparse-DeRF: Deblurred Neural Radiance Fields from Sparse View Dogyoon Lee et.al. 2407.06613 null
2024-07-08 RRM: Relightable assets using Radiance guided Material extraction Diego Gomez et.al. 2407.06397 null
2024-07-08 PanDORA: Casual HDR Radiance Acquisition for Indoor Scenes Mohammad Reza Karimi Dastjerdi et.al. 2407.06150 null
2024-07-09 Fine-Grained Multi-View Hand Reconstruction Using Inverse Rendering Qijun Gan et.al. 2407.05680 link
2024-07-08 Enhancing Neural Radiance Fields with Depth and Normal Completion Priors from Sparse Views Jiawei Guo et.al. 2407.05666 null
2024-07-08 GeoNLF: Geometry guided Pose-Free Neural LiDAR Fields Weiyi Xue et.al. 2407.05597 null
2024-07-08 Dynamic Neural Radiance Field From Defocused Monocular Video Xianrui Luo et.al. 2407.05586 null
2024-07-07 PICA: Physics-Integrated Clothed Avatar Bo Peng et.al. 2407.05324 null
2024-07-07 GaussReg: Fast 3D Registration with Gaussian Splatting Jiahao Chang et.al. 2407.05254 null
2024-07-06 Search for the baryon number and lepton number violating decays $τ^-\to Λπ^-$ and $τ^-\to \barΛπ^-$ at Belle II Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2407.05117 null
2024-07-06 SurgicalGaussian: Deformable 3D Gaussians for High-Fidelity Surgical Scene Reconstruction Weixing Xie et.al. 2407.05023 null
2024-07-05 LaRa: Efficient Large-Baseline Radiance Fields Anpei Chen et.al. 2407.04699 null
2024-07-04 CRiM-GS: Continuous Rigid Motion-Aware Gaussian Splatting from Motion Blur Images Junghe Lee et.al. 2407.03923 null
2024-07-04 VEGS: View Extrapolation of Urban Scenes in 3D Gaussian Splatting using Learned Priors Sungwon Hwang et.al. 2407.02945 link
2024-07-02 MomentsNeRF: Leveraging Orthogonal Moments for Few-Shot Neural Rendering Ahmad AlMughrabi et.al. 2407.02668 null
2024-07-03 BeNeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from a Single Blurry Image and Event Stream Wenpu Li et.al. 2407.02174 link
2024-07-02 Image-GS: Content-Adaptive Image Representation via 2D Gaussians Yunxiang Zhang et.al. 2407.01866 null
2024-07-01 Active Human Pose Estimation via an Autonomous UAV Agent Jingxi Chen et.al. 2407.01811 null
2024-07-01 fVDB: A Deep-Learning Framework for Sparse, Large-Scale, and High-Performance Spatial Intelligence Francis Williams et.al. 2407.01781 null
2024-07-01 DRAGON: Drone and Ground Gaussian Splatting for 3D Building Reconstruction Yujin Ham et.al. 2407.01761 null
2024-07-01 The Continuous Tensor Abstraction: Where Indices are Real Jaeyeon Won et.al. 2407.01742 null
2024-07-01 RoDyn-SLAM: Robust Dynamic Dense RGB-D SLAM with Neural Radiance Fields Haochen Jiang et.al. 2407.01303 link
2024-07-01 GaussianStego: A Generalizable Stenography Pipeline for Generative 3D Gaussians Splatting Chenxin Li et.al. 2407.01301 null
2024-07-01 Fast and Efficient: Mask Neural Fields for 3D Scene Segmentation Zihan Gao et.al. 2407.01220 null
2024-07-01 EndoSparse: Real-Time Sparse View Synthesis of Endoscopic Scenes using Gaussian Splatting Chenxin Li et.al. 2407.01029 null
2024-06-28 HouseCrafter: Lifting Floorplans to 3D Scenes with 2D Diffusion Model Hieu T. Nguyen et.al. 2406.20077 null
2024-06-28 ASSR-NeRF: Arbitrary-Scale Super-Resolution on Voxel Grid for High-Quality Radiance Fields Reconstruction Ding-Jiun Huang et.al. 2406.20066 null
2024-06-28 EgoGaussian: Dynamic Scene Understanding from Egocentric Video with 3D Gaussian Splatting Daiwei Zhang et.al. 2406.19811 null
2024-06-27 Shorter SPECT Scans Using Self-supervised Coordinate Learning to Synthesize Skipped Projection Views Zongyu Li et.al. 2406.18840 null
2024-06-26 Trimming the Fat: Efficient Compression of 3D Gaussian Splats through Pruning Muhammad Salman Ali et.al. 2406.18214 link
2024-06-26 GS-Octree: Octree-based 3D Gaussian Splatting for Robust Object-level 3D Reconstruction Under Strong Lighting Jiaze Li et.al. 2406.18199 null
2024-06-25 Implicit-Zoo: A Large-Scale Dataset of Neural Implicit Functions for 2D Images and 3D Scenes Qi Ma et.al. 2406.17438 link
2024-06-25 NerfBaselines: Consistent and Reproducible Evaluation of Novel View Synthesis Methods Jonas Kulhanek et.al. 2406.17345 null
2024-06-24 From Perfect to Noisy World Simulation: Customizable Embodied Multi-modal Perturbations for SLAM Robustness Benchmarking Xiaohao Xu et.al. 2406.16850 link
2024-06-24 Articulate your NeRF: Unsupervised articulated object modeling via conditional view synthesis Jianning Deng et.al. 2406.16623 null
2024-06-24 Crowd-Sourced NeRF: Collecting Data from Production Vehicles for 3D Street View Reconstruction Tong Qin et.al. 2406.16289 null
2024-06-23 Towards Real-Time Neural Volumetric Rendering on Mobile Devices: A Measurement Study Zhe Wang et.al. 2406.16068 null
2024-06-23 LiveScene: Language Embedding Interactive Radiance Fields for Physical Scene Rendering and Control Delin Qu et.al. 2406.16038 null
2024-06-23 Learning with Noisy Ground Truth: From 2D Classification to 3D Reconstruction Yangdi Lu et.al. 2406.15982 null
2024-06-22 psPRF:Pansharpening Planar Neural Radiance Field for Generalized 3D Reconstruction Satellite Imagery Tongtong Zhang et.al. 2406.15707 null
2024-06-21 Taming 3DGS: High-Quality Radiance Fields with Limited Resources Saswat Subhajyoti Mallick et.al. 2406.15643 link
2024-06-21 Gaussian Splatting to Real World Flight Navigation Transfer with Liquid Networks Alex Quach et.al. 2406.15149 null
2024-06-21 A3D: Does Diffusion Dream about 3D Alignment? Savva Ignatyev et.al. 2406.15020 null
2024-06-21 E2GS: Event Enhanced Gaussian Splatting Hiroyuki Deguchi et.al. 2406.14978 link
2024-06-21 Relighting Scenes with Object Insertions in Neural Radiance Fields Xuening Zhu et.al. 2406.14806 null
2024-06-19 Modeling & Evaluating the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks for Classifying Steel Surface Defects Nadeem Jabbar Chaudhry et.al. 2406.14583 null
2024-06-19 Faster Metallic Surface Defect Detection Using Deep Learning with Channel Shuffling Siddiqui Muhammad Yasir et.al. 2406.14582 null
2024-06-20 Deblurring Neural Radiance Fields with Event-driven Bundle Adjustment Yunshan Qi et.al. 2406.14360 null
2024-06-19 NeRF-Feat: 6D Object Pose Estimation using Feature Rendering Shishir Reddy Vutukur et.al. 2406.13796 null
2024-06-19 MVSBoost: An Efficient Point Cloud-based 3D Reconstruction Umair Haroon et.al. 2406.13515 null
2024-06-24 Style-NeRF2NeRF: 3D Style Transfer From Style-Aligned Multi-View Images Haruo Fujiwara et.al. 2406.13393 null
2024-06-19 Freq-Mip-AA : Frequency Mip Representation for Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields Youngin Park et.al. 2406.13251 link
2024-06-18 Sampling 3D Gaussian Scenes in Seconds with Latent Diffusion Models Paul Henderson et.al. 2406.13099 null
2024-06-18 Head Pose Estimation and 3D Neural Surface Reconstruction via Monocular Camera in situ for Navigation and Safe Insertion into Natural Openings Ruijie Tang et.al. 2406.13048 null
2024-06-18 Latent Intuitive Physics: Learning to Transfer Hidden Physics from A 3D Video Xiangming Zhu et.al. 2406.12769 null
2024-06-18 Generalization bounds for mixing processes via delayed online-to-PAC conversions Baptiste Abeles et.al. 2406.12600 null
2024-06-18 Fast Global Localization on Neural Radiance Field Mangyu Kong et.al. 2406.12202 null
2024-06-17 TutteNet: Injective 3D Deformations by Composition of 2D Mesh Deformations Bo Sun et.al. 2406.12121 null
2024-06-17 DistillNeRF: Perceiving 3D Scenes from Single-Glance Images by Distilling Neural Fields and Foundation Model Features Letian Wang et.al. 2406.12095 null
2024-06-17 Uncertainty modeling for fine-tuned implicit functions Anna Susmelj et.al. 2406.12082 null
2024-06-17 LLaNA: Large Language and NeRF Assistant Andrea Amaduzzi et.al. 2406.11840 null
2024-06-17 Matching Query Image Against Selected NeRF Feature for Efficient and Scalable Localization Huaiji Zhou et.al. 2406.11766 null
2024-06-17 InterNeRF: Scaling Radiance Fields via Parameter Interpolation Clinton Wang et.al. 2406.11737 null
2024-06-17 Projecting Radiance Fields to Mesh Surfaces Adrian Xuan Wei Lim et.al. 2406.11570 null
2024-06-17 NLDF: Neural Light Dynamic Fields for Efficient 3D Talking Head Generation Niu Guanchen et.al. 2406.11259 null
2024-06-16 Learning Relighting and Intrinsic Decomposition in Neural Radiance Fields Yixiong Yang et.al. 2406.11077 null
2024-06-15 fNeRF: High Quality Radiance Fields from Practical Cameras Yi Hua et.al. 2406.10633 null
2024-06-15 NeRFDeformer: NeRF Transformation from a Single View via 3D Scene Flows Zhenggang Tang et.al. 2406.10543 link
2024-06-15 Federated Neural Radiance Field for Distributed Intelligence Yintian Zhang et.al. 2406.10474 null
2024-06-14 Wild-GS: Real-Time Novel View Synthesis from Unconstrained Photo Collections Jiacong Xu et.al. 2406.10373 null
2024-06-14 PUP 3D-GS: Principled Uncertainty Pruning for 3D Gaussian Splatting Alex Hanson et.al. 2406.10219 null
2024-06-14 GaussianSR: 3D Gaussian Super-Resolution with 2D Diffusion Priors Xiqian Yu et.al. 2406.10111 null
2024-06-14 D-NPC: Dynamic Neural Point Clouds for Non-Rigid View Synthesis from Monocular Video Moritz Kappel et.al. 2406.10078 null
2024-06-14 OrientDream: Streamlining Text-to-3D Generation with Explicit Orientation Control Yuzhong Huang et.al. 2406.10000 null
2024-06-14 dGrasp: NeRF-Informed Implicit Grasp Policies with Supervised Optimization Slopes Gergely Sóti et.al. 2406.09939 null
2024-06-14 RaNeuS: Ray-adaptive Neural Surface Reconstruction Yida Wang et.al. 2406.09801 link
2024-06-13 Rethinking Score Distillation as a Bridge Between Image Distributions David McAllister et.al. 2406.09417 null
2024-06-13 Preserving Identity with Variational Score for General-purpose 3D Editing Duong H. Le et.al. 2406.08953 null
2024-06-13 Neural NeRF Compression Tuan Pham et.al. 2406.08943 null
2024-06-14 AV-GS: Learning Material and Geometry Aware Priors for Novel View Acoustic Synthesis Swapnil Bhosale et.al. 2406.08920 null
2024-06-13 OpenMaterial: A Comprehensive Dataset of Complex Materials for 3D Reconstruction Zheng Dang et.al. 2406.08894 null
2024-06-13 NeRF Director: Revisiting View Selection in Neural Volume Rendering Wenhui Xiao et.al. 2406.08839 null
2024-06-13 Gaussian-Forest: Hierarchical-Hybrid 3D Gaussian Splatting for Compressed Scene Modeling Fengyi Zhang et.al. 2406.08759 null
2024-06-12 ICE-G: Image Conditional Editing of 3D Gaussian Splats Vishnu Jaganathan et.al. 2406.08488 null
2024-06-12 Self-supervised Learning of Neural Implicit Feature Fields for Camera Pose Refinement Maxime Pietrantoni et.al. 2406.08463 null
2024-06-12 OpenObj: Open-Vocabulary Object-Level Neural Radiance Fields with Fine-Grained Understanding Yinan Deng et.al. 2406.08009 link
2024-06-12 Spatial Annealing Smoothing for Efficient Few-shot Neural Rendering Yuru Xiao et.al. 2406.07828 link
2024-06-11 C3DAG: Controlled 3D Animal Generation using 3D pose guidance Sandeep Mishra et.al. 2406.07742 null
2024-06-11 A PRISMA Driven Systematic Review of Publicly Available Datasets for Benchmark and Model Developments for Industrial Defect Detection Can Akbas et.al. 2406.07694 null
2024-06-11 M-LRM: Multi-view Large Reconstruction Model Mengfei Li et.al. 2406.07648 null
2024-06-11 Neural Gaffer: Relighting Any Object via Diffusion Haian Jin et.al. 2406.07520 null
2024-06-11 Active Scout: Multi-Target Tracking Using Neural Radiance Fields in Dense Urban Environments Christopher D. Hsu et.al. 2406.07431 null
2024-06-11 Cinematic Gaussians: Real-Time HDR Radiance Fields with Depth of Field Chao Wang et.al. 2406.07329 null
2024-06-11 VoxNeuS: Enhancing Voxel-Based Neural Surface Reconstruction via Gradient Interpolation Sidun Liu et.al. 2406.07170 null
2024-06-11 Generative Lifting of Multiview to 3D from Unknown Pose: Wrapping NeRF inside Diffusion Xin Yuan et.al. 2406.06972 null
2024-06-11 Neural Visibility Field for Uncertainty-Driven Active Mapping Shangjie Xue et.al. 2406.06948 null
2024-06-10 IllumiNeRF: 3D Relighting without Inverse Rendering Xiaoming Zhao et.al. 2406.06527 null
2024-06-10 GaussianCity: Generative Gaussian Splatting for Unbounded 3D City Generation Haozhe Xie et.al. 2406.06526 null
2024-06-10 PGSR: Planar-based Gaussian Splatting for Efficient and High-Fidelity Surface Reconstruction Danpeng Chen et.al. 2406.06521 null
2024-06-10 Measurement of the branching fractions of $\bar{B}\to D^{()} K^- K^{()0}_{(S)}$ and $\bar{B}\to D^{(*)}D_s^{-}$ decays at Belle II Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2406.06277 null
2024-06-10 Lighting Every Darkness with 3DGS: Fast Training and Real-Time Rendering for HDR View Synthesis Xin Jin et.al. 2406.06216 link
2024-06-10 ExtraNeRF: Visibility-Aware View Extrapolation of Neural Radiance Fields with Diffusion Models Meng-Li Shih et.al. 2406.06133 null
2024-06-09 RefGaussian: Disentangling Reflections from 3D Gaussian Splatting for Realistic Rendering Rui Zhang et.al. 2406.05852 null
2024-06-09 GTR: Improving Large 3D Reconstruction Models through Geometry and Texture Refinement Peiye Zhuang et.al. 2406.05649 null
2024-06-08 PAPR in Motion: Seamless Point-level 3D Scene Interpolation Shichong Peng et.al. 2406.05533 null
2024-06-07 CityCraft: A Real Crafter for 3D City Generation Jie Deng et.al. 2406.04983 null
2024-06-07 Multiplane Prior Guided Few-Shot Aerial Scene Rendering Zihan Gao et.al. 2406.04961 null
2024-06-07 Multi-style Neural Radiance Field with AdaIN Yu-Wen Pao et.al. 2406.04960 link
2024-06-07 Measurements of the branching fractions of $Ξ_{c}^{0}\toΞ^{0}π^{0}$, $Ξ_{c}^{0}\toΞ^{0}η$, and $Ξ_{c}^{0}\toΞ^{0}η^{\prime}$ and asymmetry parameter of $Ξ_{c}^{0}\toΞ^{0}π^{0}$ Belle et.al. 2406.04642 null
2024-06-07 DIRECT-3D: Learning Direct Text-to-3D Generation on Massive Noisy 3D Data Qihao Liu et.al. 2406.04322 link
2024-06-06 Neural Surface Reconstruction from Sparse Views Using Epipolar Geometry Kaichen Zhou et.al. 2406.04301 null
2024-06-07 GeoGen: Geometry-Aware Generative Modeling via Signed Distance Functions Salvatore Esposito et.al. 2406.04254 null
2024-06-06 A Survey on 3D Human Avatar Modeling -- From Reconstruction to Generation Ruihe Wang et.al. 2406.04253 null
2024-06-06 Improving Physics-Augmented Continuum Neural Radiance Field-Based Geometry-Agnostic System Identification with Lagrangian Particle Optimization Takuhiro Kaneko et.al. 2406.04155 null
2024-06-06 How Far Can We Compress Instant-NGP-Based NeRF? Yihang Chen et.al. 2406.04101 link
2024-06-06 Bisimulation Metrics are Optimal Transport Distances, and Can be Computed Efficiently Sergio Calo et.al. 2406.04056 null
2024-06-06 Gear-NeRF: Free-Viewpoint Rendering and Tracking with Motion-aware Spatio-Temporal Sampling Xinhang Liu et.al. 2406.03723 null
2024-06-06 Superpoint Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time High-Fidelity Dynamic Scene Reconstruction Diwen Wan et.al. 2406.03697 null
2024-06-05 CoFie: Learning Compact Neural Surface Representations with Coordinate Fields Hanwen Jiang et.al. 2406.03417 null
2024-06-05 Event3DGS: Event-based 3D Gaussian Splatting for Fast Egomotion Tianyi Xiong et.al. 2406.02972 null
2024-06-04 3D-HGS: 3D Half-Gaussian Splatting Haolin Li et.al. 2406.02720 link
2024-06-06 Enhancing Temporal Consistency in Video Editing by Reconstructing Videos with 3D Gaussian Splatting Inkyu Shin et.al. 2406.02541 null
2024-06-04 GenS: Generalizable Neural Surface Reconstruction from Multi-View Images Rui Peng et.al. 2406.02495 link
2024-06-04 Query-based Semantic Gaussian Field for Scene Representation in Reinforcement Learning Jiaxu Wang et.al. 2406.02370 null
2024-06-04 FastLGS: Speeding up Language Embedded Gaussians with Feature Grid Mapping Yuzhou Ji et.al. 2406.01916 null
2024-06-03 Reconstructing and Simulating Dynamic 3D Objects with Mesh-adsorbed Gaussian Splatting Shaojie Ma et.al. 2406.01593 null
2024-06-03 Tetrahedron Splatting for 3D Generation Chun Gu et.al. 2406.01579 link
2024-06-03 Configuration Space Distance Fields for Manipulation Planning Yiming Li et.al. 2406.01137 null
2024-06-03 Self-Calibrating 4D Novel View Synthesis from Monocular Videos Using Gaussian Splatting Fang Li et.al. 2406.01042 link
2024-06-02 PruNeRF: Segment-Centric Dataset Pruning via 3D Spatial Consistency Yeonsung Jung et.al. 2406.00798 null
2024-06-02 Representing Animatable Avatar via Factorized Neural Fields Chunjin Song et.al. 2406.00637 null
2024-05-31 R $^2$ -Gaussian: Rectifying Radiative Gaussian Splatting for Tomographic Reconstruction Ruyi Zha et.al. 2405.20693 link
2024-05-31 4Diffusion: Multi-view Video Diffusion Model for 4D Generation Haiyu Zhang et.al. 2405.20674 null
2024-05-30 $\textit{S}^3$ Gaussian: Self-Supervised Street Gaussians for Autonomous Driving Nan Huang et.al. 2405.20323 link
2024-05-30 TetSphere Splatting: Representing High-Quality Geometry with Lagrangian Volumetric Meshes Minghao Guo et.al. 2405.20283 null
2024-05-31 NeRF View Synthesis: Subjective Quality Assessment and Objective Metrics Evaluation Pedro Martin et.al. 2405.20078 null
2024-05-30 IReNe: Instant Recoloring in Neural Radiance Fields Alessio Mazzucchelli et.al. 2405.19876 null
2024-05-30 Gated Fields: Learning Scene Reconstruction from Gated Videos Andrea Ramazzina et.al. 2405.19819 null
2024-05-30 Search for the decay $B^{0}\toγγ$ using Belle and Belle II data Belle et.al. 2405.19734 null
2024-05-30 HINT: Learning Complete Human Neural Representations from Limited Viewpoints Alessandro Sanvito et.al. 2405.19712 null
2024-05-30 View-Consistent Hierarchical 3D SegmentationUsing Ultrametric Feature Fields Haodi He et.al. 2405.19678 link
2024-05-30 GaussianRoom: Improving 3D Gaussian Splatting with SDF Guidance and Monocular Cues for Indoor Scene Reconstruction Haodong Xiang et.al. 2405.19671 null
2024-05-29 DGD: Dynamic 3D Gaussians Distillation Isaac Labe et.al. 2405.19321 null
2024-05-29 Neural Scene Baking for Permutation Invariant Transparency Rendering with Real-time Global Illumination Ziyang Zhang et.al. 2405.19056 null
2024-05-29 Measurement of the energy dependence of the $e^+e^- \to B\bar{B}$, $B\bar{B}{}^$, and $B^\bar{B}{}^*$ cross sections at Belle~II Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2405.18928 null
2024-05-29 Neural Radiance Fields for Novel View Synthesis in Monocular Gastroscopy Zijie Jiang et.al. 2405.18863 null
2024-05-29 NeRF On-the-go: Exploiting Uncertainty for Distractor-free NeRFs in the Wild Weining Ren et.al. 2405.18715 link
2024-05-28 NeRAF: 3D Scene Infused Neural Radiance and Acoustic Fields Amandine Brunetto et.al. 2405.18213 null
2024-05-28 Self-Supervised Dual Contouring Ramana Sundararaman et.al. 2405.18131 null
2024-05-28 FlowSDF: Flow Matching for Medical Image Segmentation Using Distance Transforms Lea Bogensperger et.al. 2405.18087 null
2024-05-28 RT-GS2: Real-Time Generalizable Semantic Segmentation for 3D Gaussian Representations of Radiance Fields Mihnea-Bogdan Jurca et.al. 2405.18033 link
2024-05-28 Self-supervised Pre-training for Transferable Multi-modal Perception Xiaohao Xu et.al. 2405.17942 null
2024-05-28 A Refined 3D Gaussian Representation for High-Quality Dynamic Scene Reconstruction Bin Zhang et.al. 2405.17891 null
2024-05-29 HFGS: 4D Gaussian Splatting with Emphasis on Spatial and Temporal High-Frequency Components for Endoscopic Scene Reconstruction Haoyu Zhao et.al. 2405.17872 null
2024-05-28 Mani-GS: Gaussian Splatting Manipulation with Triangular Mesh Xiangjun Gao et.al. 2405.17811 null
2024-05-29 DC-Gaussian: Improving 3D Gaussian Splatting for Reflective Dash Cam Videos Linhan Wang et.al. 2405.17705 null
2024-05-27 Memorize What Matters: Emergent Scene Decomposition from Multitraverse Yiming Li et.al. 2405.17187 link
2024-05-28 F-3DGS: Factorized Coordinates and Representations for 3D Gaussian Splatting Xiangyu Sun et.al. 2405.17083 null
2024-05-27 Part123: Part-aware 3D Reconstruction from a Single-view Image Anran Liu et.al. 2405.16888 null
2024-05-27 RCDN: Towards Robust Camera-Insensitivity Collaborative Perception via Dynamic Feature-based 3D Neural Modeling Tianhang Wang et.al. 2405.16868 null
2024-05-28 PyGS: Large-scale Scene Representation with Pyramidal 3D Gaussian Splatting Zipeng Wang et.al. 2405.16829 null
2024-05-28 3D Reconstruction with Fast Dipole Sums Hanyu Chen et.al. 2405.16788 null
2024-05-26 Sp2360: Sparse-view 360 Scene Reconstruction using Cascaded 2D Diffusion Priors Soumava Paul et.al. 2405.16517 null
2024-05-24 Volumetric Primitives for Modeling and Rendering Scattering and Emissive Media Jorge Condor et.al. 2405.15425 null
2024-05-24 Neural Elevation Models for Terrain Mapping and Path Planning Adam Dai et.al. 2405.15227 link
2024-05-24 NIVeL: Neural Implicit Vector Layers for Text-to-Vector Generation Vikas Thamizharasan et.al. 2405.15217 null
2024-05-24 HDR-GS: Efficient High Dynamic Range Novel View Synthesis at 1000x Speed via Gaussian Splatting Yuanhao Cai et.al. 2405.15125 link
2024-05-24 GS-Hider: Hiding Messages into 3D Gaussian Splatting Xuanyu Zhang et.al. 2405.15118 null
2024-05-23 NeRF-Casting: Improved View-Dependent Appearance with Consistent Reflections Dor Verbin et.al. 2405.14871 null
2024-05-23 Neural Directional Encoding for Efficient and Accurate View-Dependent Appearance Modeling Liwen Wu et.al. 2405.14847 null
2024-05-23 Camera Relocalization in Shadow-free Neural Radiance Fields Shiyao Xu et.al. 2405.14824 link
2024-05-23 Test of light-lepton universality in $τ$ decays with the Belle II experiment Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2405.14625 null
2024-05-23 LDM: Large Tensorial SDF Model for Textured Mesh Generation Rengan Xie et.al. 2405.14580 link
2024-05-23 JointRF: End-to-End Joint Optimization for Dynamic Neural Radiance Field Representation and Compression Zihan Zheng et.al. 2405.14452 null
2024-05-22 Learning rigid-body simulators over implicit shapes for large-scale scenes and vision Yulia Rubanova et.al. 2405.14045 null
2024-05-22 DoGaussian: Distributed-Oriented Gaussian Splatting for Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction Via Gaussian Consensus Yu Chen et.al. 2405.13943 null
2024-05-22 Offline RL via Feature-Occupancy Gradient Ascent Gergely Neu et.al. 2405.13755 null
2024-05-22 NeurCross: A Self-Supervised Neural Approach for Representing Cross Fields in Quad Mesh Generation Qiujie Dong et.al. 2405.13745 null
2024-05-21 Implicit-ARAP: Efficient Handle-Guided Deformation of High-Resolution Meshes and Neural Fields via Local Patch Meshing Daniele Baieri et.al. 2405.12895 null
2024-05-21 MOSS: Motion-based 3D Clothed Human Synthesis from Monocular Video Hongsheng Wang et.al. 2405.12806 null
2024-05-21 Leveraging Neural Radiance Fields for Pose Estimation of an Unknown Space Object during Proximity Operations Antoine Legrand et.al. 2405.12728 null
2024-05-22 AtomGS: Atomizing Gaussian Splatting for High-Fidelity Radiance Field Rong Liu et.al. 2405.12369 null
2024-05-20 Fast Generalizable Gaussian Splatting Reconstruction from Multi-View Stereo Tianqi Liu et.al. 2405.12218 link
2024-05-20 Embracing Radiance Field Rendering in 6G: Over-the-Air Training and Inference with 3D Contents Guanlin Wu et.al. 2405.12155 null
2024-05-20 CoR-GS: Sparse-View 3D Gaussian Splatting via Co-Regularization Jiawei Zhang et.al. 2405.12110 null
2024-05-20 NPLMV-PS: Neural Point-Light Multi-View Photometric Stereo Fotios Logothetis et.al. 2405.12057 null
2024-05-20 Depth Reconstruction with Neural Signed Distance Fields in Structured Light Systems Rukun Qiao et.al. 2405.12006 null
2024-05-19 Searching Realistic-Looking Adversarial Objects For Autonomous Driving Systems Shengxiang Sun et.al. 2405.11629 null
2024-05-19 R-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Modeling RIS-enabled Wireless Environments Huiying Yang et.al. 2405.11541 null
2024-05-18 MotionGS : Compact Gaussian Splatting SLAM by Motion Filter Xinli Guo et.al. 2405.11129 link
2024-05-17 Photorealistic 3D Urban Scene Reconstruction and Point Cloud Extraction using Google Earth Imagery and Gaussian Splatting Kyle Gao et.al. 2405.11021 null
2024-05-16 When LLMs step into the 3D World: A Survey and Meta-Analysis of 3D Tasks via Multi-modal Large Language Models Xianzheng Ma et.al. 2405.10255 link
2024-05-16 GS-Planner: A Gaussian-Splatting-based Planning Framework for Active High-Fidelity Reconstruction Rui Jin et.al. 2405.10142 null
2024-05-15 From NeRFs to Gaussian Splats, and Back Siming He et.al. 2405.09717 link
2024-05-14 A Simple Approach to Differentiable Rendering of SDFs Zichen Wang et.al. 2405.08733 null
2024-05-14 Dynamic NeRF: A Review Jinwei Lin et.al. 2405.08609 null
2024-05-13 Synergistic Integration of Coordinate Network and Tensorial Feature for Improving Neural Radiance Fields from Sparse Inputs Mingyu Kim et.al. 2405.07857 link
2024-05-13 A Hessian-Based Field Deformer for Real-Time Topology-Aware Shape Editing Yunxiao Zhang et.al. 2405.07644 null
2024-05-12 Search for lepton-flavor-violating $τ^- \to μ^-μ^+μ^-$ decays at Belle II Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2405.07386 null
2024-05-12 Point Resampling and Ray Transformation Aid to Editable NeRF Models Zhenyang Li et.al. 2405.07306 null
2024-05-12 Hologram: Realtime Holographic Overlays via LiDAR Augmented Reconstruction Ekansh Agrawal et.al. 2405.07178 null
2024-05-11 TD-NeRF: Novel Truncated Depth Prior for Joint Camera Pose and Neural Radiance Field Optimization Zhen Tan et.al. 2405.07027 link
2024-05-11 Direct Learning of Mesh and Appearance via 3D Gaussian Splatting Ancheng Lin et.al. 2405.06945 null
2024-05-10 LIVE: LaTex Interactive Visual Editing Jinwei Lin et.al. 2405.06762 null
2024-05-10 OneTo3D: One Image to Re-editable Dynamic 3D Model and Video Generation Jinwei Lin et.al. 2405.06547 link
2024-05-14 SketchDream: Sketch-based Text-to-3D Generation and Editing Feng-Lin Liu et.al. 2405.06461 null
2024-05-10 I3DGS: Improve 3D Gaussian Splatting from Multiple Dimensions Jinwei Lin et.al. 2405.06408 null
2024-05-10 Aerial-NeRF: Adaptive Spatial Partitioning and Sampling for Large-Scale Aerial Rendering Xiaohan Zhang et.al. 2405.06214 null
2024-05-10 Residual-NeRF: Learning Residual NeRFs for Transparent Object Manipulation Bardienus P. Duisterhof et.al. 2405.06181 null
2024-05-09 NeuRSS: Enhancing AUV Localization and Bathymetric Mapping with Neural Rendering for Sidescan SLAM Yiping Xie et.al. 2405.05807 null
2024-05-09 DragGaussian: Enabling Drag-style Manipulation on 3D Gaussian Representation Sitian Shen et.al. 2405.05800 null
2024-05-10 NeRFFaceSpeech: One-shot Audio-driven 3D Talking Head Synthesis via Generative Prior Gihoon Kim et.al. 2405.05749 null
2024-05-09 NGM-SLAM: Gaussian Splatting SLAM with Radiance Field Submap Mingrui Li et.al. 2405.05702 null
2024-05-09 RPBG: Towards Robust Neural Point-based Graphics in the Wild Qingtian Zhu et.al. 2405.05663 link
2024-05-09 Benchmarking Neural Radiance Fields for Autonomous Robots: An Overview Yuhang Ming et.al. 2405.05526 null
2024-05-08 GDGS: Gradient Domain Gaussian Splatting for Sparse Representation of Radiance Fields Yuanhao Gong et.al. 2405.05446 null
2024-05-08 ${M^2D}$ NeRF: Multi-Modal Decomposition NeRF with 3D Feature Fields Ning Wang et.al. 2405.05010 null
2024-05-07 Tactile-Augmented Radiance Fields Yiming Dou et.al. 2405.04534 link
2024-05-08 DistGrid: Scalable Scene Reconstruction with Distributed Multi-resolution Hash Grid Sidun Liu et.al. 2405.04416 null
2024-05-07 Novel View Synthesis with Neural Radiance Fields for Industrial Robot Applications Markus Hillemann et.al. 2405.04345 null
2024-05-06 A Construct-Optimize Approach to Sparse View Synthesis without Camera Pose Kaiwen Jiang et.al. 2405.03659 null
2024-05-06 Statistical Edge Detection And UDF Learning For Shape Representation Virgile Foy et.al. 2405.03381 null
2024-05-05 Blending Distributed NeRFs with Tri-stage Robust Pose Optimization Baijun Ye et.al. 2405.02880 null
2024-05-05 MVIP-NeRF: Multi-view 3D Inpainting on NeRF Scenes via Diffusion Prior Honghua Chen et.al. 2405.02859 null
2024-05-04 TK-Planes: Tiered K-Planes with High Dimensional Feature Vectors for Dynamic UAV-based Scenes Christopher Maxey et.al. 2405.02762 null
2024-05-04 ActiveNeuS: Active 3D Reconstruction using Neural Implicit Surface Uncertainty Hyunseo Kim et.al. 2405.02568 null
2024-05-03 Learning Robot Soccer from Egocentric Vision with Deep Reinforcement Learning Dhruva Tirumala et.al. 2405.02425 null
2024-05-03 Rip-NeRF: Anti-aliasing Radiance Fields with Ripmap-Encoded Platonic Solids Junchen Liu et.al. 2405.02386 link
2024-05-03 WateRF: Robust Watermarks in Radiance Fields for Protection of Copyrights Youngdong Jang et.al. 2405.02066 null
2024-05-02 Multi-view Action Recognition via Directed Gromov-Wasserstein Discrepancy Hoang-Quan Nguyen et.al. 2405.01337 null
2024-05-02 NeRF in Robotics: A Survey Guangming Wang et.al. 2405.01333 null
2024-05-04 LidaRF: Delving into Lidar for Neural Radiance Field on Street Scenes Shanlin Sun et.al. 2405.00900 null
2024-05-01 Depth Priors in Removal Neural Radiance Fields Zhihao Guo et.al. 2405.00630 null
2024-05-01 NeRF-Guided Unsupervised Learning of RGB-D Registration Zhinan Yu et.al. 2405.00507 null
2024-05-01 Implicit Swept Volume SDF: Enabling Continuous Collision-Free Trajectory Generation for Arbitrary Shapes Jingping Wang et.al. 2405.00362 link
2024-05-01 NC-SDF: Enhancing Indoor Scene Reconstruction Using Neural SDFs with View-Dependent Normal Compensation Ziyi Chen et.al. 2405.00340 null
2024-05-01 RTG-SLAM: Real-time 3D Reconstruction at Scale using Gaussian Splatting Zhexi Peng et.al. 2404.19706 null
2024-04-30 BAD-NEUS: Rapidly converging trajectory stratification John Strahan et.al. 2404.19653 null
2024-04-30 MicroDreamer: Zero-shot 3D Generation in $\sim$ 20 Seconds by Score-based Iterative Reconstruction Luxi Chen et.al. 2404.19525 link
2024-04-30 ZSMILES: an approach for efficient SMILES storage for random access in Virtual Screening Gianmarco Accordi et.al. 2404.19391 null
2024-04-30 NeRF-Insert: 3D Local Editing with Multimodal Control Signals Benet Oriol Sabat et.al. 2404.19204 null
2024-04-29 SAGS: Structure-Aware 3D Gaussian Splatting Evangelos Ververas et.al. 2404.19149 null
2024-04-29 GSTalker: Real-time Audio-Driven Talking Face Generation via Deformable Gaussian Splatting Bo Chen et.al. 2404.19040 null
2024-04-29 Embedded Representation Learning Network for Animating Styled Video Portrait Tianyong Wang et.al. 2404.19038 null
2024-04-29 MeGA: Hybrid Mesh-Gaussian Head Avatar for High-Fidelity Rendering and Head Editing Cong Wang et.al. 2404.19026 null
2024-04-29 Simple-RF: Regularizing Sparse Input Radiance Fields with Simpler Solutions Nagabhushan Somraj et.al. 2404.19015 null
2024-04-29 DGE: Direct Gaussian 3D Editing by Consistent Multi-view Editing Minghao Chen et.al. 2404.18929 null
2024-04-29 Bootstrap 3D Reconstructed Scenes from 3D Gaussian Splatting Yifei Gao et.al. 2404.18669 null
2024-04-29 3D Gaussian Splatting with Deferred Reflection Keyang Ye et.al. 2404.18454 link
2024-04-28 S3-SLAM: Sparse Tri-plane Encoding for Neural Implicit SLAM Zhiyao Zhang et.al. 2404.18284 null
2024-04-27 DPER: Diffusion Prior Driven Neural Representation for Limited Angle and Sparse View CT Reconstruction Chenhe Du et.al. 2404.17890 null
2024-04-26 Geometry-aware Reconstruction and Fusion-refined Rendering for Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields Tianqi Liu et.al. 2404.17528 link
2024-04-28 PhyRecon: Physically Plausible Neural Scene Reconstruction Junfeng Ni et.al. 2404.16666 null
2024-04-25 Depth Supervised Neural Surface Reconstruction from Airborne Imagery Vincent Hackstein et.al. 2404.16429 null
2024-04-24 NeRF-XL: Scaling NeRFs with Multiple GPUs Ruilong Li et.al. 2404.16221 null
2024-04-24 ESR-NeRF: Emissive Source Reconstruction Using LDR Multi-view Images Jinseo Jeong et.al. 2404.15707 null
2024-04-23 DreamCraft: Text-Guided Generation of Functional 3D Environments in Minecraft Sam Earle et.al. 2404.15538 null
2024-04-23 TalkingGaussian: Structure-Persistent 3D Talking Head Synthesis via Gaussian Splatting Jiahe Li et.al. 2404.15264 null
2024-04-23 CoARF: Controllable 3D Artistic Style Transfer for Radiance Fields Deheng Zhang et.al. 2404.14967 null
2024-04-23 Bathymetric Surveying with Imaging Sonar Using Neural Volume Rendering Yiping Xie et.al. 2404.14819 null
2024-04-22 HashPoint: Accelerated Point Searching and Sampling for Neural Rendering Jiahao Ma et.al. 2404.14044 null
2024-04-22 GaussianTalker: Speaker-specific Talking Head Synthesis via 3D Gaussian Splatting Hongyun Yu et.al. 2404.14037 null
2024-04-22 NeRF-DetS: Enhancing Multi-View 3D Object Detection with Sampling-adaptive Network of Continuous NeRF-based Representation Chi Huang et.al. 2404.13921 null
2024-04-23 CT-NeRF: Incremental Optimizing Neural Radiance Field and Poses with Complex Trajectory Yunlong Ran et.al. 2404.13896 null
2024-04-22 PGAHum: Prior-Guided Geometry and Appearance Learning for High-Fidelity Animatable Human Reconstruction Hao Wang et.al. 2404.13862 null
2024-04-22 Neural Radiance Field in Autonomous Driving: A Survey Lei He et.al. 2404.13816 null
2024-04-22 FaceFolds: Meshed Radiance Manifolds for Efficient Volumetric Rendering of Dynamic Faces Safa C. Medin et.al. 2404.13807 null
2024-04-21 ArtNeRF: A Stylized Neural Field for 3D-Aware Cartoonized Face Synthesis Zichen Tang et.al. 2404.13711 link
2024-04-21 GScream: Learning 3D Geometry and Feature Consistent Gaussian Splatting for Object Removal Yuxin Wang et.al. 2404.13679 null
2024-04-21 Generalizable Novel-View Synthesis using a Stereo Camera Haechan Lee et.al. 2404.13541 null
2024-04-19 FlyNeRF: NeRF-Based Aerial Mapping for High-Quality 3D Scene Reconstruction Maria Dronova et.al. 2404.12970 null
2024-04-19 Determination of the CKM angle $φ_{3}$ from a combination of Belle and Belle II results Belle et.al. 2404.12817 null
2024-04-18 Does Gaussian Splatting need SFM Initialization? Yalda Foroutan et.al. 2404.12547 null
2024-04-18 MeshLRM: Large Reconstruction Model for High-Quality Mesh Xinyue Wei et.al. 2404.12385 null
2024-04-18 Inverse Neural Rendering for Explainable Multi-Object Tracking Julian Ost et.al. 2404.12359 null
2024-04-18 AG-NeRF: Attention-guided Neural Radiance Fields for Multi-height Large-scale Outdoor Scene Rendering Jingfeng Guo et.al. 2404.11897 null
2024-04-18 Rendering Participating Media Using Path Graphs Becky Hu et.al. 2404.11894 null
2024-04-18 Cicero: Addressing Algorithmic and Architectural Bottlenecks in Neural Rendering by Radiance Warping and Memory Optimizations Yu Feng et.al. 2404.11852 null
2024-04-19 Factorized Motion Fields for Fast Sparse Input Dynamic View Synthesis Nagabhushan Somraj et.al. 2404.11669 null
2024-04-17 SLAIM: Robust Dense Neural SLAM for Online Tracking and Mapping Vincent Cartillier et.al. 2404.11419 null
2024-04-17 RainyScape: Unsupervised Rainy Scene Reconstruction using Decoupled Neural Rendering Xianqiang Lyu et.al. 2404.11401 null
2024-04-17 REACTO: Reconstructing Articulated Objects from a Single Video Chaoyue Song et.al. 2404.11151 null
2024-04-16 Measurement of the branching fraction of the decay $B^- \to D^0 ρ(770)^-$ at Belle II Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2404.10874 null
2024-04-16 RapidVol: Rapid Reconstruction of 3D Ultrasound Volumes from Sensorless 2D Scans Mark C. Eid et.al. 2404.10766 null
2024-04-16 Gaussian Splatting Decoder for 3D-aware Generative Adversarial Networks Florian Barthel et.al. 2404.10625 null
2024-04-16 Enhancing 3D Fidelity of Text-to-3D using Cross-View Correspondences Seungwook Kim et.al. 2404.10603 null
2024-04-16 1st Place Solution for ICCV 2023 OmniObject3D Challenge: Sparse-View Reconstruction Hang Du et.al. 2404.10441 null
2024-04-16 Portrait3D: Text-Guided High-Quality 3D Portrait Generation Using Pyramid Representation and GANs Prior Yiqian Wu et.al. 2404.10394 link
2024-04-16 SRGS: Super-Resolution 3D Gaussian Splatting Xiang Feng et.al. 2404.10318 link
2024-04-16 Plug-and-Play Acceleration of Occupancy Grid-based NeRF Rendering using VDB Grid and Hierarchical Ray Traversal Yoshio Kato et.al. 2404.10272 link
2024-04-15 Taming Latent Diffusion Model for Neural Radiance Field Inpainting Chieh Hubert Lin et.al. 2404.09995 null
2024-04-15 Photoluminescence of Femtosecond Laser-irradiated Silicon Carbide Y. Abdedou et.al. 2404.09906 null
2024-04-15 Video2Game: Real-time, Interactive, Realistic and Browser-Compatible Environment from a Single Video Hongchi Xia et.al. 2404.09833 null
2024-04-15 On the experimental properties of the TS defect in 4H-SiC Johannes A. F. Lehmeyer et.al. 2404.09618 null
2024-04-15 3D Gaussian Splatting as Markov Chain Monte Carlo Shakiba Kheradmand et.al. 2404.09591 null
2024-04-15 Oblique-MERF: Revisiting and Improving MERF for Oblique Photography Xiaoyi Zeng et.al. 2404.09531 null
2024-04-15 ViFu: Multiple 360 $^\circ$ Objects Reconstruction with Clean Background via Visible Part Fusion Tianhan Xu et.al. 2404.09426 null
2024-04-15 DeferredGS: Decoupled and Editable Gaussian Splatting with Deferred Shading Tong Wu et.al. 2404.09412 null
2024-04-14 VRS-NeRF: Visual Relocalization with Sparse Neural Radiance Field Fei Xue et.al. 2404.09271 link
2024-04-14 EGGS: Edge Guided Gaussian Splatting for Radiance Fields Yuanhao Gong et.al. 2404.09105 null
2024-04-13 Probabilistic Directed Distance Fields for Ray-Based Shape Representations Tristan Aumentado-Armstrong et.al. 2404.09081 null
2024-04-15 OccGaussian: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Occluded Human Rendering Jingrui Ye et.al. 2404.08449 null
2024-04-12 GPN: Generative Point-based NeRF Haipeng Wang et.al. 2404.08312 link
2024-04-12 MonoPatchNeRF: Improving Neural Radiance Fields with Patch-based Monocular Guidance Yuqun Wu et.al. 2404.08252 null
2024-04-11 Search for rare $b \to d\ell^+\ell^-$ transitions at Belle Belle et.al. 2404.08133 null
2024-04-11 Connecting NeRFs, Images, and Text Francesco Ballerini et.al. 2404.07993 null
2024-04-11 Boosting Self-Supervision for Single-View Scene Completion via Knowledge Distillation Keonhee Han et.al. 2404.07933 link
2024-04-12 NeuroNCAP: Photorealistic Closed-loop Safety Testing for Autonomous Driving William Ljungbergh et.al. 2404.07762 link
2024-04-11 G-NeRF: Geometry-enhanced Novel View Synthesis from Single-View Images Zixiong Huang et.al. 2404.07474 link
2024-04-10 Gaussian-LIC: Photo-realistic LiDAR-Inertial-Camera SLAM with 3D Gaussian Splatting Xiaolei Lang et.al. 2404.06926 null
2024-04-10 SplatPose & Detect: Pose-Agnostic 3D Anomaly Detection Mathis Kruse et.al. 2404.06832 link
2024-04-10 MonoSelfRecon: Purely Self-Supervised Explicit Generalizable 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes from Monocular RGB Views Runfa Li et.al. 2404.06753 null
2024-04-10 Bayesian NeRF: Quantifying Uncertainty with Volume Density in Neural Radiance Fields Sibeak Lee et.al. 2404.06727 link
2024-04-11 SpikeNVS: Enhancing Novel View Synthesis from Blurry Images via Spike Camera Gaole Dai et.al. 2404.06710 null
2024-04-10 Flying with Photons: Rendering Novel Views of Propagating Light Anagh Malik et.al. 2404.06493 null
2024-04-09 Magic-Boost: Boost 3D Generation with Mutli-View Conditioned Diffusion Fan Yang et.al. 2404.06429 null
2024-04-09 3D Geometry-aware Deformable Gaussian Splatting for Dynamic View Synthesis Zhicheng Lu et.al. 2404.06270 null
2024-04-09 GHNeRF: Learning Generalizable Human Features with Efficient Neural Radiance Fields Arnab Dey et.al. 2404.06246 null
2024-04-09 HFNeRF: Learning Human Biomechanic Features with Neural Radiance Fields Arnab Dey et.al. 2404.06152 null
2024-04-09 Incremental Joint Learning of Depth, Pose and Implicit Scene Representation on Monocular Camera in Large-scale Scenes Tianchen Deng et.al. 2404.06050 null
2024-04-08 Learning 3D-Aware GANs from Unposed Images with Template Feature Field Xinya Chen et.al. 2404.05705 null
2024-04-08 Learning Topology Uniformed Face Mesh by Volume Rendering for Multi-view Reconstruction Yating Wang et.al. 2404.05606 null
2024-04-08 Stylizing Sparse-View 3D Scenes with Hierarchical Neural Representation Y. Wang et.al. 2404.05236 null
2024-04-08 StylizedGS: Controllable Stylization for 3D Gaussian Splatting Dingxi Zhang et.al. 2404.05220 null
2024-04-08 Semantic Flow: Learning Semantic Field of Dynamic Scenes from Monocular Videos Fengrui Tian et.al. 2404.05163 link
2024-04-07 Measurement of the $e^+e^- \to π^+π^-π^0$ cross section in the energy range 0.62-3.50 GeV at Belle II Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2404.04915 null
2024-04-07 CodecNeRF: Toward Fast Encoding and Decoding, Compact, and High-quality Novel-view Synthesis Gyeongjin Kang et.al. 2404.04913 null
2024-04-07 GauU-Scene V2: Expanse Lidar Image Dataset Shows Unreliable Geometric Reconstruction Using Gaussian Splatting and NeRF Butian Xiong et.al. 2404.04880 null
2024-04-07 NeRF2Points: Large-Scale Point Cloud Generation From Street Views' Radiance Field Optimization Peng Tu et.al. 2404.04875 null
2024-04-06 DATENeRF: Depth-Aware Text-based Editing of NeRFs Sara Rojas et.al. 2404.04526 null
2024-04-05 Robust Gaussian Splatting François Darmon et.al. 2404.04211 null
2024-04-05 3D Facial Expressions through Analysis-by-Neural-Synthesis George Retsinas et.al. 2404.04104 null
2024-04-04 SC4D: Sparse-Controlled Video-to-4D Generation and Motion Transfer Zijie Wu et.al. 2404.03736 link
2024-04-04 Know Your Neighbors: Improving Single-View Reconstruction via Spatial Vision-Language Reasoning Rui Li et.al. 2404.03658 link
2024-04-07 RaFE: Generative Radiance Fields Restoration Zhongkai Wu et.al. 2404.03654 null
2024-04-04 OpenNeRF: Open Set 3D Neural Scene Segmentation with Pixel-Wise Features and Rendered Novel Views Francis Engelmann et.al. 2404.03650 null
2024-04-04 VF-NeRF: Viewshed Fields for Rigid NeRF Registration Leo Segre et.al. 2404.03349 null
2024-04-04 OmniGS: Omnidirectional Gaussian Splatting for Fast Radiance Field Reconstruction using Omnidirectional Images Longwei Li et.al. 2404.03202 null
2024-04-03 GenN2N: Generative NeRF2NeRF Translation Xiangyue Liu et.al. 2404.02788 null
2024-04-03 Unsupervised Occupancy Learning from Sparse Point Cloud Amine Ouasfi et.al. 2404.02759 null
2024-04-03 LiDAR4D: Dynamic Neural Fields for Novel Space-time View LiDAR Synthesis Zehan Zheng et.al. 2404.02742 link
2024-04-03 Neural Radiance Fields with Torch Units Bingnan Ni et.al. 2404.02617 null
2024-04-04 Vestibular schwannoma growth prediction from longitudinal MRI by time conditioned neural fields Yunjie Chen et.al. 2404.02614 link
2024-04-03 Freditor: High-Fidelity and Transferable NeRF Editing by Frequency Decomposition Yisheng He et.al. 2404.02514 null
2024-04-02 NeRFCodec: Neural Feature Compression Meets Neural Radiance Fields for Memory-Efficient Scene Representation Sicheng Li et.al. 2404.02185 null
2024-04-02 Alpha Invariance: On Inverse Scaling Between Distance and Volume Density in Neural Radiance Fields Joshua Ahn et.al. 2404.02155 null
2024-04-02 Uncertainty-aware Active Learning of NeRF-based Object Models for Robot Manipulators using Visual and Re-orientation Actions Saptarshi Dasgupta et.al. 2404.01812 null
2024-04-02 Surface Reconstruction from Gaussian Splatting via Novel Stereo Views Yaniv Wolf et.al. 2404.01810 link
2024-04-02 Efficient 3D Implicit Head Avatar with Mesh-anchored Hash Table Blendshapes Ziqian Bai et.al. 2404.01543 null
2024-04-01 NVINS: Robust Visual Inertial Navigation Fused with NeRF-augmented Camera Pose Regressor and Uncertainty Quantification Juyeop Han et.al. 2404.01400 null
2024-04-01 NeRF-MAE : Masked AutoEncoders for Self Supervised 3D representation Learning for Neural Radiance Fields Muhammad Zubair Irshad et.al. 2404.01300 link
2024-04-01 MagicMirror: Fast and High-Quality Avatar Generation with a Constrained Search Space Armand Comas-Massagué et.al. 2404.01296 null
2024-04-02 StructLDM: Structured Latent Diffusion for 3D Human Generation Tao Hu et.al. 2404.01241 null
2024-04-01 Mirror-3DGS: Incorporating Mirror Reflections into 3D Gaussian Splatting Jiarui Meng et.al. 2404.01168 null
2024-04-01 SGCNeRF: Few-Shot Neural Rendering via Sparse Geometric Consistency Guidance Yuru Xiao et.al. 2404.00992 null
2024-03-29 HGS-Mapping: Online Dense Mapping Using Hybrid Gaussian Representation in Urban Scenes Ke Wu et.al. 2403.20159 null
2024-03-29 Talk3D: High-Fidelity Talking Portrait Synthesis via Personalized 3D Generative Prior Jaehoon Ko et.al. 2403.20153 link
2024-03-29 SGD: Street View Synthesis with Gaussian Splatting and Diffusion Prior Zhongrui Yu et.al. 2403.20079 null
2024-03-29 NeSLAM: Neural Implicit Mapping and Self-Supervised Feature Tracking With Depth Completion and Denoising Tianchen Deng et.al. 2403.20034 link
2024-03-29 HO-Gaussian: Hybrid Optimization of 3D Gaussian Splatting for Urban Scenes Zhuopeng Li et.al. 2403.20032 null
2024-03-29 SCINeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from a Snapshot Compressive Image Yunhao Li et.al. 2403.20018 link
2024-03-29 DerainNeRF: 3D Scene Estimation with Adhesive Waterdrop Removal Yunhao Li et.al. 2403.20013 link
2024-03-29 Grounding and Enhancing Grid-based Models for Neural Fields Zelin Zhao et.al. 2403.20002 null
2024-03-29 Stable Surface Regularization for Fast Few-Shot NeRF Byeongin Joung et.al. 2403.19985 null
2024-03-29 MI-NeRF: Learning a Single Face NeRF from Multiple Identities Aggelina Chatziagapi et.al. 2403.19920 null
2024-03-28 GaussianCube: Structuring Gaussian Splatting using Optimal Transport for 3D Generative Modeling Bowen Zhang et.al. 2403.19655 null
2024-03-28 SAID-NeRF: Segmentation-AIDed NeRF for Depth Completion of Transparent Objects Avinash Ummadisingu et.al. 2403.19607 null
2024-03-28 XScale-NVS: Cross-Scale Novel View Synthesis with Hash Featurized Manifold Guangyu Wang et.al. 2403.19517 null
2024-03-28 CoherentGS: Sparse Novel View Synthesis with Coherent 3D Gaussians Avinash Paliwal et.al. 2403.19495 null
2024-03-28 Mesh2NeRF: Direct Mesh Supervision for Neural Radiance Field Representation and Generation Yujin Chen et.al. 2403.19319 null
2024-03-28 Sine Activated Low-Rank Matrices for Parameter Efficient Learning Yiping Ji et.al. 2403.19243 null
2024-03-28 Within the Dynamic Context: Inertia-aware 3D Human Modeling with Pose Sequence Yutong Chen et.al. 2403.19160 null
2024-03-27 Lift3D: Zero-Shot Lifting of Any 2D Vision Model to 3D Mukund Varma T et.al. 2403.18922 null
2024-03-27 MetaCap: Meta-learning Priors from Multi-View Imagery for Sparse-view Human Performance Capture and Rendering Guoxing Sun et.al. 2403.18820 null
2024-03-29 Gamba: Marry Gaussian Splatting with Mamba for single view 3D reconstruction Qiuhong Shen et.al. 2403.18795 link
2024-03-27 SAT-NGP : Unleashing Neural Graphics Primitives for Fast Relightable Transient-Free 3D reconstruction from Satellite Imagery Camille Billouard et.al. 2403.18711 link
2024-03-27 Modeling uncertainty for Gaussian Splatting Luca Savant et.al. 2403.18476 null
2024-03-26 Octree-GS: Towards Consistent Real-time Rendering with LOD-Structured 3D Gaussians Kerui Ren et.al. 2403.17898 link
2024-03-26 2D Gaussian Splatting for Geometrically Accurate Radiance Fields Binbin Huang et.al. 2403.17888 link
2024-03-26 Towards 3D Vision with Low-Cost Single-Photon Cameras Fangzhou Mu et.al. 2403.17801 null
2024-03-26 Learning with Unreliability: Fast Few-shot Voxel Radiance Fields with Relative Geometric Consistency Yingjie Xu et.al. 2403.17638 link
2024-03-26 AniArtAvatar: Animatable 3D Art Avatar from a Single Image Shaoxu Li et.al. 2403.17631 null
2024-03-26 Fully-fused Multi-Layer Perceptrons on Intel Data Center GPUs Kai Yuan et.al. 2403.17607 link
2024-03-26 DeepMIF: Deep Monotonic Implicit Fields for Large-Scale LiDAR 3D Mapping Kutay Yılmaz et.al. 2403.17550 link
2024-03-26 NeRF-HuGS: Improved Neural Radiance Fields in Non-static Scenes Using Heuristics-Guided Segmentation Jiahao Chen et.al. 2403.17537 null
2024-03-25 VP3D: Unleashing 2D Visual Prompt for Text-to-3D Generation Yang Chen et.al. 2403.17001 null
2024-03-25 GSDF: 3DGS Meets SDF for Improved Rendering and Reconstruction Mulin Yu et.al. 2403.16964 null
2024-03-25 Spike-NeRF: Neural Radiance Field Based On Spike Camera Yijia Guo et.al. 2403.16410 null
2024-03-24 Inverse Rendering of Glossy Objects via the Neural Plenoptic Function and Radiance Fields Haoyuan Wang et.al. 2403.16224 null
2024-03-24 Frankenstein: Generating Semantic-Compositional 3D Scenes in One Tri-Plane Han Yan et.al. 2403.16210 null
2024-03-24 Entity-NeRF: Detecting and Removing Moving Entities in Urban Scenes Takashi Otonari et.al. 2403.16141 null
2024-03-24 CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncertainty-aware 3D Gaussian Field Jiarui Hu et.al. 2403.16095 null
2024-03-24 Are NeRFs ready for autonomous driving? Towards closing the real-to-simulation gap Carl Lindström et.al. 2403.16092 null
2024-03-26 PKU-DyMVHumans: A Multi-View Video Benchmark for High-Fidelity Dynamic Human Modeling Xiaoyun Zheng et.al. 2403.16080 link
2024-03-24 Semantic Is Enough: Only Semantic Information For NeRF Reconstruction Ruibo Wang et.al. 2403.16043 null
2024-03-24 Exploring Accurate 3D Phenotyping in Greenhouse through Neural Radiance Fields unhong Zhao et.al. 2403.15981 null
2024-03-23 DriveEnv-NeRF: Exploration of A NeRF-Based Autonomous Driving Environment for Real-World Performance Validation Mu-Yi Shen et.al. 2403.15791 link
2024-03-22 WSCLoc: Weakly-Supervised Sparse-View Camera Relocalization Jialu Wang et.al. 2403.15272 null
2024-03-21 Hyperspectral Neural Radiance Fields Gerry Chen et.al. 2403.14839 null
2024-03-21 ClusteringSDF: Self-Organized Neural Implicit Surfaces for 3D Decomposition Tianhao Wu et.al. 2403.14619 null
2024-03-21 Gaussian Frosting: Editable Complex Radiance Fields with Real-Time Rendering Antoine Guédon et.al. 2403.14554 null
2024-03-21 CombiNeRF: A Combination of Regularization Techniques for Few-Shot Neural Radiance Field View Synthesis Matteo Bonotto et.al. 2403.14412 link
2024-03-21 InfNeRF: Towards Infinite Scale NeRF Rendering with O(log n) Space Complexity Jiabin Liang et.al. 2403.14376 null
2024-03-21 SurroundSDF: Implicit 3D Scene Understanding Based on Signed Distance Field Lizhe Liu et.al. 2403.14366 null
2024-03-21 Isotropic Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering Yuanhao Gong et.al. 2403.14244 null
2024-03-21 Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds via Grid-based Intersection Prediction Hui Tian et.al. 2403.14085 null
2024-03-21 Leveraging Thermal Modality to Enhance Reconstruction in Low-Light Conditions Jiacong Xu et.al. 2403.14053 link
2024-03-20 High Accuracy Numerical Optimal Control for Rigid Bodies with Patch Contacts through Equivalent Contact Points -- Extended Version Christian Dietz et.al. 2403.13931 null
2024-03-20 RadSplat: Radiance Field-Informed Gaussian Splatting for Robust Real-Time Rendering with 900+ FPS Michael Niemeyer et.al. 2403.13806 null
2024-03-20 Advancing 6D Pose Estimation in Augmented Reality -- Overcoming Projection Ambiguity with Uncontrolled Imagery Mayura Manawadu et.al. 2403.13434 null
2024-03-20 MULAN-WC: Multi-Robot Localization Uncertainty-aware Active NeRF with Wireless Coordination Weiying Wang et.al. 2403.13348 null
2024-03-20 Learning Novel View Synthesis from Heterogeneous Low-light Captures Quan Zheng et.al. 2403.13337 null
2024-03-19 Depth-guided NeRF Training via Earth Mover's Distance Anita Rau et.al. 2403.13206 null
2024-03-19 DecentNeRFs: Decentralized Neural Radiance Fields from Crowdsourced Images Zaid Tasneem et.al. 2403.13199 null
2024-03-19 SceneScript: Reconstructing Scenes With An Autoregressive Structured Language Model Armen Avetisyan et.al. 2403.13064 null
2024-03-19 PoNQ: a Neural QEM-based Mesh Representation Nissim Maruani et.al. 2403.12870 null
2024-03-19 Global-guided Focal Neural Radiance Field for Large-scale Scene Rendering Mingqi Shao et.al. 2403.12839 null
2024-03-19 Learning Neural Volumetric Pose Features for Camera Localization Jingyu Lin et.al. 2403.12800 null
2024-03-19 Beyond Point Masses. II. Non-Keplerian Shape Effects are Detectable in Several TNO Binaries Benjamin C. N. Proudfoot et.al. 2403.12783 null
2024-03-19 IFFNeRF: Initialisation Free and Fast 6DoF pose estimation from a single image and a NeRF model Matteo Bortolon et.al. 2403.12682 null
2024-03-18 FLex: Joint Pose and Dynamic Radiance Fields Optimization for Stereo Endoscopic Videos Florian Philipp Stilz et.al. 2403.12198 null
2024-03-18 ThermoNeRF: Multimodal Neural Radiance Fields for Thermal Novel View Synthesis Mariam Hassan et.al. 2403.12154 link
2024-03-18 LN3Diff: Scalable Latent Neural Fields Diffusion for Speedy 3D Generation Yushi Lan et.al. 2403.12019 link
2024-03-18 RoGUENeRF: A Robust Geometry-Consistent Universal Enhancer for NeRF Sibi Catley-Chandar et.al. 2403.11909 null
2024-03-18 GNeRP: Gaussian-guided Neural Reconstruction of Reflective Objects with Noisy Polarization Priors LI Yang et.al. 2403.11899 null
2024-03-18 DVN-SLAM: Dynamic Visual Neural SLAM Based on Local-Global Encoding Wenhua Wu et.al. 2403.11776 null
2024-03-18 Revisiting Tensor Basis Neural Networks for Reynolds stress modeling: application to plane channel and square duct flows Jiayi Cai et.al. 2403.11746 null
2024-03-18 Exploring 3D-aware Latent Spaces for Efficiently Learning Numerous Scenes Antoine Schnepf et.al. 2403.11678 null
2024-03-18 UV Gaussians: Joint Learning of Mesh Deformation and Gaussian Textures for Human Avatar Modeling Yujiao Jiang et.al. 2403.11589 null
2024-03-18 Just Add $100 More: Augmenting NeRF-based Pseudo-LiDAR Point Cloud for Resolving Class-imbalance Problem Mincheol Chang et.al. 2403.11573 null
2024-03-18 Beyond Uncertainty: Risk-Aware Active View Acquisition for Safe Robot Navigation and 3D Scene Understanding with FisherRF Guangyi Liu et.al. 2403.11396 null
2024-03-17 Creating Seamless 3D Maps Using Radiance Fields Sai Tarun Sathyan et.al. 2403.11364 null
2024-03-17 SpikeNeRF: Learning Neural Radiance Fields from Continuous Spike Stream Lin Zhu et.al. 2403.11222 link
2024-03-17 Recent Advances in 3D Gaussian Splatting Tong Wu et.al. 2403.11134 null
2024-03-17 Omni-Recon: Towards General-Purpose Neural Radiance Fields for Versatile 3D Applications Yonggan Fu et.al. 2403.11131 null
2024-03-15 FeatUp: A Model-Agnostic Framework for Features at Any Resolution Stephanie Fu et.al. 2403.10516 link
2024-03-15 Lifelong LERF: Local 3D Semantic Inventory Monitoring Using FogROS2 Adam Rashid et.al. 2403.10494 null
2024-03-15 SWAG: Splatting in the Wild images with Appearance-conditioned Gaussians Hiba Dahmani et.al. 2403.10427 null
2024-03-15 SCILLA: SurfaCe Implicit Learning for Large Urban Area, a volumetric hybrid solution Hala Djeghim et.al. 2403.10344 null
2024-03-15 Thermal-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from an Infrared Camera Tianxiang Ye et.al. 2403.10340 link
2024-03-15 NECA: Neural Customizable Human Avatar Junjin Xiao et.al. 2403.10335 link
2024-03-15 Leveraging Neural Radiance Field in Descriptor Synthesis for Keypoints Scene Coordinate Regression Huy-Hoang Bui et.al. 2403.10297 link
2024-03-15 SemanticHuman-HD: High-Resolution Semantic Disentangled 3D Human Generation Peng Zheng et.al. 2403.10166 null
2024-03-15 GGRt: Towards Generalizable 3D Gaussians without Pose Priors in Real-Time Hao Li et.al. 2403.10147 null
2024-03-15 URS-NeRF: Unordered Rolling Shutter Bundle Adjustment for Neural Radiance Fields Bo Xu et.al. 2403.10119 null
2024-03-14 GaussianGrasper: 3D Language Gaussian Splatting for Open-vocabulary Robotic Grasping Yuhang Zheng et.al. 2403.09637 link
2024-03-14 The NeRFect Match: Exploring NeRF Features for Visual Localization Qunjie Zhou et.al. 2403.09577 null
2024-03-14 VIRUS-NeRF -- Vision, InfraRed and UltraSonic based Neural Radiance Fields Nicolaj Schmid et.al. 2403.09477 link
2024-03-14 3D-SceneDreamer: Text-Driven 3D-Consistent Scene Generation Frank Zhang et.al. 2403.09439 null
2024-03-14 RoDUS: Robust Decomposition of Static and Dynamic Elements in Urban Scenes Thang-Anh-Quan Nguyen et.al. 2403.09419 null
2024-03-14 PreSight: Enhancing Autonomous Vehicle Perception with City-Scale NeRF Priors Tianyuan Yuan et.al. 2403.09079 link
2024-03-13 Gaussian Splatting in Style Abhishek Saroha et.al. 2403.08498 null
2024-03-13 StyleDyRF: Zero-shot 4D Style Transfer for Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields Hongbin Xu et.al. 2403.08310 link
2024-03-13 NeRF-Supervised Feature Point Detection and Description Ali Youssef et.al. 2403.08156 null
2024-03-12 Q-SLAM: Quadric Representations for Monocular SLAM Chensheng Peng et.al. 2403.08125 null
2024-03-12 DrivAerNet: A Parametric Car Dataset for Data-Driven Aerodynamic Design and Graph-Based Drag Prediction Mohamed Elrefaie et.al. 2403.08055 link
2024-03-12 SMURF: Continuous Dynamics for Motion-Deblurring Radiance Fields Jungho Lee et.al. 2403.07547 link
2024-03-13 DNGaussian: Optimizing Sparse-View 3D Gaussian Radiance Fields with Global-Local Depth Normalization Jiahe Li et.al. 2403.06912 link
2024-03-11 SiLVR: Scalable Lidar-Visual Reconstruction with Neural Radiance Fields for Robotic Inspection Yifu Tao et.al. 2403.06877 null
2024-03-11 Vosh: Voxel-Mesh Hybrid Representation for Real-Time View Synthesis Chenhao Zhang et.al. 2403.06505 null
2024-03-13 FSViewFusion: Few-Shots View Generation of Novel Objects Rukhshanda Hussain et.al. 2403.06394 null
2024-03-13 S-DyRF: Reference-Based Stylized Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes Xingyi Li et.al. 2403.06205 null
2024-03-10 Is Vanilla MLP in Neural Radiance Field Enough for Few-shot View Synthesis? Hanxin Zhu et.al. 2403.06092 null
2024-03-09 Lightning NeRF: Efficient Hybrid Scene Representation for Autonomous Driving Junyi Cao et.al. 2403.05907 link
2024-03-09 Large Generative Model Assisted 3D Semantic Communication Feibo Jiang et.al. 2403.05783 null
2024-03-08 GSEdit: Efficient Text-Guided Editing of 3D Objects via Gaussian Splatting Francesco Palandra et.al. 2403.05154 null
2024-03-07 BAGS: Blur Agnostic Gaussian Splatting through Multi-Scale Kernel Modeling Cheng Peng et.al. 2403.04926 link
2024-03-08 Finding Waldo: Towards Efficient Exploration of NeRF Scene Spaces Evangelos Skartados et.al. 2403.04508 null
2024-03-07 Radiative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient X-ray Novel View Synthesis Yuanhao Cai et.al. 2403.04116 link
2024-03-08 DNAct: Diffusion Guided Multi-Task 3D Policy Learning Ge Yan et.al. 2403.04115 null
2024-03-07 Closing the Visual Sim-to-Real Gap with Object-Composable NeRFs Nikhil Mishra et.al. 2403.04114 link
2024-03-06 DART: Implicit Doppler Tomography for Radar Novel View Synthesis Tianshu Huang et.al. 2403.03896 null
2024-03-06 GSNeRF: Generalizable Semantic Neural Radiance Fields with Enhanced 3D Scene Understanding Zi-Ting Chou et.al. 2403.03608 null
2024-03-05 A Deep Learning Framework for Wireless Radiation Field Reconstruction and Channel Prediction Haofan Lu et.al. 2403.03241 null
2024-03-05 Splat-Nav: Safe Real-Time Robot Navigation in Gaussian Splatting Maps Timothy Chen et.al. 2403.02751 null
2024-03-05 Measurement of $CP$ asymmetries in $B^0 \rightarrow K^0_S K^0_S K^0_S$ decays at Belle II Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2403.02590 null
2024-03-05 Semantic Human Mesh Reconstruction with Textures Xiaoyu Zhan et.al. 2403.02561 null
2024-03-04 MagicClay: Sculpting Meshes With Generative Neural Fields Amir Barda et.al. 2403.02460 null
2024-03-04 DaReNeRF: Direction-aware Representation for Dynamic Scenes Ange Lou et.al. 2403.02265 null
2024-03-04 Depth-Guided Robust and Fast Point Cloud Fusion NeRF for Sparse Input Views Shuai Guo et.al. 2403.02063 null
2024-03-04 AiSDF: Structure-aware Neural Signed Distance Fields in Indoor Scenes Jaehoon Jang et.al. 2403.01861 null
2024-03-05 3DGStream: On-the-Fly Training of 3D Gaussians for Efficient Streaming of Photo-Realistic Free-Viewpoint Videos Jiakai Sun et.al. 2403.01444 link
2024-03-03 Unsigned Orthogonal Distance Fields: An Accurate Neural Implicit Representation for Diverse 3D Shapes Yujie Lu et.al. 2403.01414 link
2024-03-02 NeRF-VPT: Learning Novel View Representations with Neural Radiance Fields via View Prompt Tuning Linsheng Chen et.al. 2403.01325 link
2024-03-02 Neural radiance fields-based holography [Invited] Minsung Kang et.al. 2403.01137 null
2024-03-02 Neural Field Classifiers via Target Encoding and Classification Loss Xindi Yang et.al. 2403.01058 null
2024-03-01 DISORF: A Distributed Online NeRF Training and Rendering Framework for Mobile Robots Chunlin Li et.al. 2403.00228 link
2024-02-29 3D Gaussian Model for Animation and Texturing Xiangzhi Eric Wang et.al. 2402.19441 null
2024-02-28 Square-difference factor absorbing ideals of a commutative ring David F. Anderson et.al. 2402.18704 null
2024-02-28 NToP: NeRF-Powered Large-scale Dataset Generation for 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation in Top-View Fisheye Images Jingrui Yu et.al. 2402.18196 null
2024-02-26 Neural Radiance Fields in Medical Imaging: Challenges and Next Steps Xin Wang et.al. 2402.17797 null
2024-02-27 Diffusion Meets DAgger: Supercharging Eye-in-hand Imitation Learning Xiaoyu Zhang et.al. 2402.17768 null
2024-02-27 AlignMiF: Geometry-Aligned Multimodal Implicit Field for LiDAR-Camera Joint Synthesis Tao Tang et.al. 2402.17483 link
2024-02-27 VastGaussian: Vast 3D Gaussians for Large Scene Reconstruction Jiaqi Lin et.al. 2402.17427 null
2024-02-27 Learning Dynamic Tetrahedra for High-Quality Talking Head Synthesis Zicheng Zhang et.al. 2402.17364 link
2024-02-27 DivAvatar: Diverse 3D Avatar Generation with a Single Prompt Weijing Tao et.al. 2402.17292 null
2024-02-27 A new graph-neural-network flavor tagger for Belle II and measurement of $\sin2φ_1$ in $B^0 \to J/ψK^0_\text{S}$ decays Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2402.17260 null
2024-02-27 CharNeRF: 3D Character Generation from Concept Art Eddy Chu et.al. 2402.17115 null
2024-02-26 HOISDF: Constraining 3D Hand-Object Pose Estimation with Global Signed Distance Fields Haozhe Qi et.al. 2402.17062 link
2024-02-26 Disentangled 3D Scene Generation with Layout Learning Dave Epstein et.al. 2402.16936 null
2024-02-26 Neural Mesh Fusion: Unsupervised 3D Planar Surface Understanding Farhad G. Zanjani et.al. 2402.16739 null
2024-02-26 CMC: Few-shot Novel View Synthesis via Cross-view Multiplane Consistency Hanxin Zhu et.al. 2402.16407 null
2024-02-26 SPC-NeRF: Spatial Predictive Compression for Voxel Based Radiance Field Zetian Song et.al. 2402.16366 null
2024-02-26 DreamUp3D: Object-Centric Generative Models for Single-View 3D Scene Understanding and Real-to-Sim Transfer Yizhe Wu et.al. 2402.16308 null
2024-02-25 GenNBV: Generalizable Next-Best-View Policy for Active 3D Reconstruction Xiao Chen et.al. 2402.16174 null
2024-02-24 RAUCA: A Novel Physical Adversarial Attack on Vehicle Detectors via Robust and Accurate Camouflage Generation Jiawei Zhou et.al. 2402.15853 null
2024-02-23 CharacterMixer: Rig-Aware Interpolation of 3D Characters Xiao Zhan et.al. 2402.15580 null
2024-02-23 Optimisic Information Directed Sampling Gergely Neu et.al. 2402.15411 null
2024-02-22 The Neural Network First-Level Hardware Track Trigger of the Belle II Experiment S. Bähr et.al. 2402.14962 null
2024-02-22 Consolidating Attention Features for Multi-view Image Editing Or Patashnik et.al. 2402.14792 null
2024-02-22 GaussianPro: 3D Gaussian Splatting with Progressive Propagation Kai Cheng et.al. 2402.14650 null
2024-02-22 Distributed Radiance Fields for Edge Video Compression and Metaverse Integration in Autonomous Driving Eugen Šlapak et.al. 2402.14642 null
2024-02-22 FrameNeRF: A Simple and Efficient Framework for Few-shot Novel View Synthesis Yan Xing et.al. 2402.14586 null
2024-02-22 NeRF-Det++: Incorporating Semantic Cues and Perspective-aware Depth Supervision for Indoor Multi-View 3D Detection Chenxi Huang et.al. 2402.14464 link
2024-02-22 TaylorGrid: Towards Fast and High-Quality Implicit Field Learning via Direct Taylor-based Grid Optimization Renyi Mao et.al. 2402.14415 null
2024-02-22 Mip-Grid: Anti-aliased Grid Representations for Neural Radiance Fields Seungtae Nam et.al. 2402.14196 null
2024-02-21 Dealing with unbounded gradients in stochastic saddle-point optimization Gergely Neu et.al. 2402.13903 null
2024-02-21 Identifying Unnecessary 3D Gaussians using Clustering for Fast Rendering of 3D Gaussian Splatting Joongho Jo et.al. 2402.13827 null
2024-02-21 Flexible Physical Camouflage Generation Based on a Differential Approach Yang Li et.al. 2402.13575 null
2024-02-21 SealD-NeRF: Interactive Pixel-Level Editing for Dynamic Scenes by Neural Radiance Fields Zhentao Huang et.al. 2402.13510 null
2024-02-20 How NeRFs and 3D Gaussian Splatting are Reshaping SLAM: a Survey Fabio Tosi et.al. 2402.13255 link
2024-02-20 Improving Robustness for Joint Optimization of Camera Poses and Decomposed Low-Rank Tensorial Radiance Fields Bo-Yu Cheng et.al. 2402.13252 link
2024-02-20 NeRF Solves Undersampled MRI Reconstruction Tae Jun Jang et.al. 2402.13226 null
2024-02-20 OccFlowNet: Towards Self-supervised Occupancy Estimation via Differentiable Rendering and Occupancy Flow Simon Boeder et.al. 2402.12792 null
2024-02-19 Binary Opacity Grids: Capturing Fine Geometric Detail for Mesh-Based View Synthesis Christian Reiser et.al. 2402.12377 null
2024-02-19 Colorizing Monochromatic Radiance Fields Yean Cheng et.al. 2402.12184 null
2024-02-19 One2Avatar: Generative Implicit Head Avatar For Few-shot User Adaptation Zhixuan Yu et.al. 2402.11909 null
2024-02-17 Semantically-aware Neural Radiance Fields for Visual Scene Understanding: A Comprehensive Review Thang-Anh-Quan Nguyen et.al. 2402.11141 link
2024-02-16 GaussianHair: Hair Modeling and Rendering with Light-aware Gaussians Haimin Luo et.al. 2402.10483 null
2024-02-15 Evaluating NeRFs for 3D Plant Geometry Reconstruction in Field Conditions Muhammad Arbab Arshad et.al. 2402.10344 null
2024-02-15 GES: Generalized Exponential Splatting for Efficient Radiance Field Rendering Abdullah Hamdi et.al. 2402.10128 link
2024-02-15 Tomography of orbital vortex lines in a topological semimetal T. Figgemeier et.al. 2402.10031 null
2024-02-15 Reg-NF: Efficient Registration of Implicit Surfaces within Neural Fields Stephen Hausler et.al. 2402.09722 null
2024-02-14 PC-NeRF: Parent-Child Neural Radiance Fields Using Sparse LiDAR Frames in Autonomous Driving Environments Xiuzhong Hu et.al. 2402.09325 link
2024-02-13 Preconditioners for the Stochastic Training of Implicit Neural Representations Shin-Fang Chng et.al. 2402.08784 null
2024-02-13 Are Semi-Dense Detector-Free Methods Good at Matching Local Features? Matthieu Vilain et.al. 2402.08671 null
2024-02-13 NeRF Analogies: Example-Based Visual Attribute Transfer for NeRFs Michael Fischer et.al. 2402.08622 null
2024-02-13 H2O-SDF: Two-phase Learning for 3D Indoor Reconstruction using Object Surface Fields Minyoung Park et.al. 2402.08138 null
2024-02-12 Signed Distance Field based Segmentation and Statistical Shape Modelling of the Left Atrial Appendage Kristine Aavild Juhl et.al. 2402.07708 null
2024-02-12 DeformNet: Latent Space Modeling and Dynamics Prediction for Deformable Object Manipulation Chenchang Li et.al. 2402.07648 null
2024-02-11 BioNeRF: Biologically Plausible Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis Leandro A. Passos et.al. 2402.07310 link
2024-02-11 LISR: Learning Linear 3D Implicit Surface Representation Using Compactly Supported Radial Basis Functions Atharva Pandey et.al. 2402.07301 null
2024-02-11 3D Gaussian as a New Vision Era: A Survey Ben Fei et.al. 2402.07181 null
2024-02-09 Neural Rendering based Urban Scene Reconstruction for Autonomous Driving Shihao Shen et.al. 2402.06826 null
2024-02-09 ImplicitDeepfake: Plausible Face-Swapping through Implicit Deepfake Generation using NeRF and Gaussian Splatting Georgii Stanishevskii et.al. 2402.06390 link
2024-02-09 A New Approach to Voice Authenticity Nicolas M. Müller et.al. 2402.06304 null
2024-02-09 SIR: Multi-view Inverse Rendering with Decomposable Shadow for Indoor Scenes Xiaokang Wei et.al. 2402.06136 null
2024-02-08 Editable Scene Simulation for Autonomous Driving via Collaborative LLM-Agents Yuxi Wei et.al. 2402.05746 link
2024-02-09 NCRF: Neural Contact Radiance Fields for Free-Viewpoint Rendering of Hand-Object Interaction Zhongqun Zhang et.al. 2402.05532 null
2024-02-07 NITO: Neural Implicit Fields for Resolution-free Topology Optimization Amin Heyrani Nobari et.al. 2402.05073 link
2024-02-07 NeRF as Non-Distant Environment Emitter in Physics-based Inverse Rendering Jingwang Ling et.al. 2402.04829 null
2024-02-07 Mesh-based Gaussian Splatting for Real-time Large-scale Deformation Lin Gao et.al. 2402.04796 null
2024-02-07 OV-NeRF: Open-vocabulary Neural Radiance Fields with Vision and Language Foundation Models for 3D Semantic Understanding Guibiao Liao et.al. 2402.04648 null
2024-02-07 GSN: Generalisable Segmentation in Neural Radiance Field Vinayak Gupta et.al. 2402.04632 link
2024-02-07 BirdNeRF: Fast Neural Reconstruction of Large-Scale Scenes From Aerial Imagery Huiqing Zhang et.al. 2402.04554 null
2024-02-06 Improved Generalization of Weight Space Networks via Augmentations Aviv Shamsian et.al. 2402.04081 null
2024-02-06 OASim: an Open and Adaptive Simulator based on Neural Rendering for Autonomous Driving Guohang Yan et.al. 2402.03830 link
2024-02-05 Denoising Diffusion via Image-Based Rendering Titas Anciukevicius et.al. 2402.03445 null
2024-02-05 AONeuS: A Neural Rendering Framework for Acoustic-Optical Sensor Fusion Mohamad Qadri et.al. 2402.03309 null
2024-02-05 ViewFusion: Learning Composable Diffusion Models for Novel View Synthesis Bernard Spiegl et.al. 2402.02906 link
2024-02-05 TensoSDF: Roughness-aware Tensorial Representation for Robust Geometry and Material Reconstruction Jia Li et.al. 2402.02771 null
2024-02-03 S-NeRF++: Autonomous Driving Simulation via Neural Reconstruction and Generation Yurui Chen et.al. 2402.02112 null
2024-02-03 NeuV-SLAM: Fast Neural Multiresolution Voxel Optimization for RGBD Dense SLAM Wenzhi Guo et.al. 2402.02020 null
2024-02-02 ConRF: Zero-shot Stylization of 3D Scenes with Conditioned Radiation Fields Xingyu Miao et.al. 2402.01950 link
2024-02-02 Robust Inverse Graphics via Probabilistic Inference Tuan Anh Le et.al. 2402.01915 link
2024-02-02 HyperPlanes: Hypernetwork Approach to Rapid NeRF Adaptation Paweł Batorski et.al. 2402.01524 link
2024-02-02 Di-NeRF: Distributed NeRF for Collaborative Learning with Unknown Relative Poses Mahboubeh Asadi et.al. 2402.01485 null
2024-02-02 GaMeS: Mesh-Based Adapting and Modification of Gaussian Splatting Joanna Waczyńska et.al. 2402.01459 link
2024-02-02 Efficient Dynamic-NeRF Based Volumetric Video Coding with Rate Distortion Optimization Zhiyu Zhang et.al. 2402.01380 null
2024-02-02 Taming Uncertainty in Sparse-view Generalizable NeRF via Indirect Diffusion Guidance Yaokun Li et.al. 2402.01217 null
2024-02-01 ViCA-NeRF: View-Consistency-Aware 3D Editing of Neural Radiance Fields Jiahua Dong et.al. 2402.00864 link
2024-02-02 Geometry Transfer for Stylizing Radiance Fields Hyunyoung Jung et.al. 2402.00863 null
2024-02-01 Emo-Avatar: Efficient Monocular Video Style Avatar through Texture Rendering Pinxin Liu et.al. 2402.00827 null
2024-02-02 Optimal Projection for 3D Gaussian Splatting Letian Huang et.al. 2402.00752 null
2024-02-01 DRSM: efficient neural 4d decomposition for dynamic reconstruction in stationary monocular cameras Weixing Xie et.al. 2402.00740 null
2024-01-31 CARFF: Conditional Auto-encoded Radiance Field for 3D Scene Forecasting Jiezhi Yang et.al. 2401.18075 null
2024-01-31 ReplaceAnything3D:Text-Guided 3D Scene Editing with Compositional Neural Radiance Fields Edward Bartrum et.al. 2401.17895 null
2024-02-01 Segment Anything in 3D Gaussians Xu Hu et.al. 2401.17857 link
2024-01-31 Topology-Aware Latent Diffusion for 3D Shape Generation Jiangbei Hu et.al. 2401.17603 null
2024-01-30 Physical Priors Augmented Event-Based 3D Reconstruction Jiaxu Wang et.al. 2401.17121 link
2024-01-31 Endo-4DGS: Endoscopic Monocular Scene Reconstruction with 4D Gaussian Splatting Yiming Huang et.al. 2401.16416 link
2024-01-29 SuNeRF: 3D reconstruction of the solar EUV corona using Neural Radiance Fields Robert Jarolim et.al. 2401.16388 null
2024-01-29 Divide and Conquer: Rethinking the Training Paradigm of Neural Radiance Fields Rongkai Ma et.al. 2401.16144 null
2024-01-29 2L3: Lifting Imperfect Generated 2D Images into Accurate 3D Yizheng Chen et.al. 2401.15841 null
2024-01-27 AniDress: Animatable Loose-Dressed Avatar from Sparse Views Using Garment Rigging Model Beijia Chen et.al. 2401.15348 null
2024-01-26 Learning Neural Radiance Fields of Forest Structure for Scalable and Fine Monitoring Juan Castorena et.al. 2401.15029 null
2024-01-26 LIV-GaussMap: LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Fusion for Real-time 3D Radiance Field Map Rendering Sheng Hong et.al. 2401.14857 null
2024-01-26 3D Reconstruction and New View Synthesis of Indoor Environments based on a Dual Neural Radiance Field Zhenyu Bao et.al. 2401.14726 link
2024-01-25 RPNR: Robust-Perception Neural Reshading Fouad Afiouni et.al. 2401.14510 null
2024-01-25 Learning Robust Generalizable Radiance Field with Visibility and Feature Augmented Point Representation Jiaxu Wang et.al. 2401.14354 null
2024-01-25 Sketch2NeRF: Multi-view Sketch-guided Text-to-3D Generation Minglin Chen et.al. 2401.14257 null
2024-01-24 Fast low-temperature irradiation creep driven by athermal defect dynamics Alexander Feichtmayer et.al. 2401.13385 null
2024-01-24 EndoGaussians: Single View Dynamic Gaussian Splatting for Deformable Endoscopic Tissues Reconstruction Yangsen Chen et.al. 2401.13352 null
2024-01-24 PSAvatar: A Point-based Morphable Shape Model for Real-Time Head Avatar Creation with 3D Gaussian Splatting Zhongyuan Zhao et.al. 2401.12900 link
2024-01-23 NeRF-AD: Neural Radiance Field with Attention-based Disentanglement for Talking Face Synthesis Chongke Bi et.al. 2401.12568 null
2024-01-23 DDMI: Domain-Agnostic Latent Diffusion Models for Synthesizing High-Quality Implicit Neural Representations Dogyun Park et.al. 2401.12517 link
2024-01-23 Exploration and Improvement of Nerf-based 3D Scene Editing Techniques Shun Fang et.al. 2401.12456 null
2024-01-23 Methods and strategies for improving the novel view synthesis quality of neural radiation field Shun Fang et.al. 2401.12451 null
2024-01-22 Single-View 3D Human Digitalization with Large Reconstruction Models Zhenzhen Weng et.al. 2401.12175 null
2024-01-22 Scaling Face Interaction Graph Networks to Real World Scenes Tatiana Lopez-Guevara et.al. 2401.11985 null
2024-01-22 HG3-NeRF: Hierarchical Geometric, Semantic, and Photometric Guided Neural Radiance Fields for Sparse View Inputs Zelin Gao et.al. 2401.11711 null
2024-01-21 Deformable Endoscopic Tissues Reconstruction with Gaussian Splatting Lingting Zhu et.al. 2401.11535 link
2024-01-19 Sat2Scene: 3D Urban Scene Generation from Satellite Images with Diffusion Zuoyue Li et.al. 2401.10786 null
2024-01-18 GPAvatar: Generalizable and Precise Head Avatar from Image(s) Xuangeng Chu et.al. 2401.10215 link
2024-01-22 IPR-NeRF: Ownership Verification meets Neural Radiance Field Win Kent Ong et.al. 2401.09495 null
2024-01-17 GARField: Group Anything with Radiance Fields Chung Min Kim et.al. 2401.09419 link
2024-01-17 ICON: Incremental CONfidence for Joint Pose and Radiance Field Optimization Weiyao Wang et.al. 2401.08937 null
2024-01-18 ProvNeRF: Modeling per Point Provenance in NeRFs as a Stochastic Process Kiyohiro Nakayama et.al. 2401.08140 null
2024-01-16 Forging Vision Foundation Models for Autonomous Driving: Challenges, Methodologies, and Opportunities Xu Yan et.al. 2401.08045 link
2024-01-15 6-DoF Grasp Pose Evaluation and Optimization via Transfer Learning from NeRFs Gergely Sóti et.al. 2401.07935 null
2024-01-12 A proposal to increase data utility on Global Differential Privacy data based on data use predictions Henry C. Nunes et.al. 2401.06601 null
2024-01-11 TriNeRFLet: A Wavelet Based Multiscale Triplane NeRF Representation Rajaei Khatib et.al. 2401.06191 null
2024-01-11 Dubbing for Everyone: Data-Efficient Visual Dubbing using Neural Rendering Priors Jack Saunders et.al. 2401.06126 null
2024-01-11 Gaussian Shadow Casting for Neural Characters Luis Bolanos et.al. 2401.06116 null
2024-01-11 Fast High Dynamic Range Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes Guanjun Wu et.al. 2401.06052 null
2024-01-11 TRIPS: Trilinear Point Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering Linus Franke et.al. 2401.06003 link
2024-01-11 CoSSegGaussians: Compact and Swift Scene Segmenting 3D Gaussians Bin Dou et.al. 2401.05925 null
2024-01-13 Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction for Freehand 3D Ultrasound Volumetric Point Clouds with Geometric Constraints Hongbo Chen et.al. 2401.05915 null
2024-01-11 GO-NeRF: Generating Virtual Objects in Neural Radiance Fields Peng Dai et.al. 2401.05750 null
2024-01-10 Diffusion Priors for Dynamic View Synthesis from Monocular Videos Chaoyang Wang et.al. 2401.05583 null
2024-01-10 FPRF: Feed-Forward Photorealistic Style Transfer of Large-Scale 3D Neural Radiance Fields GeonU Kim et.al. 2401.05516 null
2024-01-10 InseRF: Text-Driven Generative Object Insertion in Neural 3D Scenes Mohamad Shahbazi et.al. 2401.05335 null
2024-01-10 URHand: Universal Relightable Hands Zhaoxi Chen et.al. 2401.05334 null
2024-01-10 CTNeRF: Cross-Time Transformer for Dynamic Neural Radiance Field from Monocular Video Xingyu Miao et.al. 2401.04861 link
2024-01-09 2024 Roadmap on Magnetic Microscopy Techniques and Their Applications in Materials Science D. V. Christensen et.al. 2401.04793 null
2024-01-08 A Survey on 3D Gaussian Splatting Guikun Chen et.al. 2401.03890 null
2024-01-08 NeRFmentation: NeRF-based Augmentation for Monocular Depth Estimation Casimir Feldmann et.al. 2401.03771 null
2024-01-08 Sur2f: A Hybrid Representation for High-Quality and Efficient Surface Reconstruction from Multi-view Images Zhangjin Huang et.al. 2401.03704 null
2024-01-07 N $^{3}$ -Mapping: Normal Guided Neural Non-Projective Signed Distance Fields for Large-scale 3D Mapping Shuangfu Song et.al. 2401.03412 null
2024-01-06 RustNeRF: Robust Neural Radiance Field with Low-Quality Images Mengfei Li et.al. 2401.03257 null
2024-01-06 Hi-Map: Hierarchical Factorized Radiance Field for High-Fidelity Monocular Dense Mapping Tongyan Hua et.al. 2401.03203 null
2024-01-05 A test of lepton flavor universality with a measurement of $R(D^{*})$ using hadronic $B$ tagging at the Belle II experiment Belle II Collaboration et.al. 2401.02840 null
2024-01-05 Progress and Prospects in 3D Generative AI: A Technical Overview including 3D human Song Bai et.al. 2401.02620 null
2024-01-05 FED-NeRF: Achieve High 3D Consistency and Temporal Coherence for Face Video Editing on Dynamic NeRF Hao Zhang et.al. 2401.02616 link
2024-01-05 Characterizing Satellite Geometry via Accelerated 3D Gaussian Splatting Van Minh Nguyen et.al. 2401.02588 null
2024-01-04 What You See is What You GAN: Rendering Every Pixel for High-Fidelity Geometry in 3D GANs Alex Trevithick et.al. 2401.02411 null
2024-01-04 Fit-NGP: Fitting Object Models to Neural Graphics Primitives Marwan Taher et.al. 2401.02357 null
2024-01-04 Slot-guided Volumetric Object Radiance Fields Di Qi et.al. 2401.02241 null
2024-01-03 SIGNeRF: Scene Integrated Generation for Neural Radiance Fields Jan-Niklas Dihlmann et.al. 2401.01647 null
2024-01-02 On Optimal Sampling for Learning SDF Using MLPs Equipped with Positional Encoding Guying Lin et.al. 2401.01391 null
2024-01-02 Street Gaussians for Modeling Dynamic Urban Scenes Yunzhi Yan et.al. 2401.01339 null
2024-01-02 Noise-NeRF: Hide Information in Neural Radiance Fields using Trainable Noise Qinglong Huang et.al. 2401.01216 null
2024-01-02 3D Visibility-aware Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields for Interacting Hands Xuan Huang et.al. 2401.00979 link
2023-12-30 PlanarNeRF: Online Learning of Planar Primitives with Neural Radiance Fields Zheng Chen et.al. 2401.00871 null
2024-01-01 Deblurring 3D Gaussian Splatting Byeonghyeon Lee et.al. 2401.00834 null
2024-01-01 Sharp-NeRF: Grid-based Fast Deblurring Neural Radiance Fields Using Sharpness Prior Byeonghyeon Lee et.al. 2401.00825 link
2024-01-02 GD^2-NeRF: Generative Detail Compensation via GAN and Diffusion for One-shot Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields Xiao Pan et.al. 2401.00616 null
2023-12-31 Wild2Avatar: Rendering Humans Behind Occlusions Tiange Xiang et.al. 2401.00431 null
2023-12-30 Inpaint4DNeRF: Promptable Spatio-Temporal NeRF Inpainting with Generative Diffusion Models Han Jiang et.al. 2401.00208 null
2023-12-29 Informative Rays Selection for Few-Shot Neural Radiance Fields Marco Orsingher et.al. 2312.17561 null
2023-12-28 Beyond PID Controllers: PPO with Neuralized PID Policy for Proton Beam Intensity Control in Mu2e Chenwei Xu et.al. 2312.17372 null
2023-12-28 HISR: Hybrid Implicit Surface Representation for Photorealistic 3D Human Reconstruction Angtian Wang et.al. 2312.17192 null
2023-12-27 Best-of-Both-Worlds Linear Contextual Bandits Masahiro Kato et.al. 2312.16489 null
2023-12-27 City-on-Web: Real-time Neural Rendering of Large-scale Scenes on the Web Kaiwen Song et.al. 2312.16457 null
2023-12-29 DL3DV-10K: A Large-Scale Scene Dataset for Deep Learning-based 3D Vision Lu Ling et.al. 2312.16256 null
2023-12-24 Hyper-VolTran: Fast and Generalizable One-Shot Image to 3D Object Structure via HyperNetworks Christian Simon et.al. 2312.16218 null
2023-12-24 SUNDIAL: 3D Satellite Understanding through Direct, Ambient, and Complex Lighting Decomposition Nikhil Behari et.al. 2312.16215 null
2023-12-26 LangSplat: 3D Language Gaussian Splatting Minghan Qin et.al. 2312.16084 link
2023-12-26 2D-Guided 3D Gaussian Segmentation Kun Lan et.al. 2312.16047 null
2023-12-26 Pano-NeRF: Synthesizing High Dynamic Range Novel Views with Geometry from Sparse Low Dynamic Range Panoramic Images Zhan Lu et.al. 2312.15942 null
2023-12-26 SERF: Fine-Grained Interactive 3D Segmentation and Editing with Radiance Fields Kaichen Zhou et.al. 2312.15856 null
2023-12-25 Neural BSSRDF: Object Appearance Representation Including Heterogeneous Subsurface Scattering Thomson TG et.al. 2312.15711 null
2023-12-23 Human101: Training 100+FPS Human Gaussians in 100s from 1 View Mingwei Li et.al. 2312.15258 link
2023-12-23 Efficient Deformable Tissue Reconstruction via Orthogonal Neural Plane Chen Yang et.al. 2312.15253 link
2023-12-23 CaLDiff: Camera Localization in NeRF via Pose Diffusion Rashik Shrestha et.al. 2312.15242 null
2023-12-23 NoPose-NeuS: Jointly Optimizing Camera Poses with Neural Implicit Surfaces for Multi-view Reconstruction Mohamed Shawky Sabae et.al. 2312.15238 null
2023-12-23 Learning Continuous Implicit Field with Local Distance Indicator for Arbitrary-Scale Point Cloud Upsampling Shujuan Li et.al. 2312.15133 null
2023-12-22 Deformable 3D Gaussian Splatting for Animatable Human Avatars HyunJun Jung et.al. 2312.15059 null
2023-12-22 PoseGen: Learning to Generate 3D Human Pose Dataset with NeRF Mohsen Gholami et.al. 2312.14915 link
2023-12-22 Density Uncertainty Quantification with NeRF-Ensembles: Impact of Data and Scene Constraints Miriam Jäger et.al. 2312.14664 null
2023-12-21 PlatoNeRF: 3D Reconstruction in Plato's Cave via Single-View Two-Bounce Lidar Tzofi Klinghoffer et.al. 2312.14239 null
2023-12-21 Virtual Pets: Animatable Animal Generation in 3D Scenes Yen-Chi Cheng et.al. 2312.14154 null
2023-12-21 Neural Point Cloud Diffusion for Disentangled 3D Shape and Appearance Generation Philipp Schröppel et.al. 2312.14124 link
2023-12-21 Carve3D: Improving Multi-view Reconstruction Consistency for Diffusion Models with RL Finetuning Desai Xie et.al. 2312.13980 null
2023-12-22 NeuSurf: On-Surface Priors for Neural Surface Reconstruction from Sparse Input Views Han Huang et.al. 2312.13977 null
2023-12-21 SyncDreamer for 3D Reconstruction of Endangered Animal Species with NeRF and NeuS Ahmet Haydar Ornek et.al. 2312.13832 null
2023-12-22 Gaussian Splatting with NeRF-based Color and Opacity Dawid Malarz et.al. 2312.13729 link
2023-12-21 DyBluRF: Dynamic Deblurring Neural Radiance Fields for Blurry Monocular Video Minh-Quan Viet Bui et.al. 2312.13528 null
2023-12-21 Visual Tomography: Physically Faithful Volumetric Models of Partially Translucent Objects David Nakath et.al. 2312.13494 null
2023-12-20 NeRF-VO: Real-Time Sparse Visual Odometry with Neural Radiance Fields Jens Naumann et.al. 2312.13471 null
2023-12-20 UniSDF: Unifying Neural Representations for High-Fidelity 3D Reconstruction of Complex Scenes with Reflections Fangjinhua Wang et.al. 2312.13285 null
2023-12-20 Deep Learning on 3D Neural Fields Pierluigi Zama Ramirez et.al. 2312.13277 null
2023-12-20 SpecNeRF: Gaussian Directional Encoding for Specular Reflections Li Ma et.al. 2312.13102 null
2023-12-20 Radar Fields: An Extension of Radiance Fields to SAR Thibaud Ehret et.al. 2312.12961 null
2023-12-20 Reducing Shape-Radiance Ambiguity in Radiance Fields with a Closed-Form Color Estimation Method Qihang Fang et.al. 2312.12726 link
2023-12-19 pixelSplat: 3D Gaussian Splats from Image Pairs for Scalable Generalizable 3D Reconstruction David Charatan et.al. 2312.12337 link
2023-12-19 ZS-SRT: An Efficient Zero-Shot Super-Resolution Training Method for Neural Radiance Fields Xiang Feng et.al. 2312.12122 null
2023-12-20 DLCA-Recon: Dynamic Loose Clothing Avatar Reconstruction from Monocular Videos Chunjie Luo et.al. 2312.12096 null
2023-12-20 LHManip: A Dataset for Long-Horizon Language-Grounded Manipulation Tasks in Cluttered Tabletop Environments Federico Ceola et.al. 2312.12036 link
2023-12-20 MixRT: Mixed Neural Representations For Real-Time NeRF Rendering Chaojian Li et.al. 2312.11841 null
2023-12-19 Text-Image Conditioned Diffusion for Consistent Text-to-3D Generation Yuze He et.al. 2312.11774 null
2023-12-18 PR-NeuS: A Prior-based Residual Learning Paradigm for Fast Multi-view Neural Surface Reconstruction Jianyao Xu et.al. 2312.11577 null
2023-12-18 GAvatar: Animatable 3D Gaussian Avatars with Implicit Mesh Learning Ye Yuan et.al. 2312.11461 null
2023-12-18 GauFRe: Gaussian Deformation Fields for Real-time Dynamic Novel View Synthesis Yiqing Liang et.al. 2312.11458 null
2023-12-18 AE-NeRF: Audio Enhanced Neural Radiance Field for Few Shot Talking Head Synthesis Dongze Li et.al. 2312.10921 null
2023-12-17 PNeRFLoc: Visual Localization with Point-based Neural Radiance Fields Boming Zhao et.al. 2312.10649 null
2023-12-19 Learning Dense Correspondence for NeRF-Based Face Reenactment Songlin Yang et.al. 2312.10422 null
2023-12-15 MVHuman: Tailoring 2D Diffusion with Multi-view Sampling For Realistic 3D Human Generation Suyi Jiang et.al. 2312.10120 null
2023-12-15 SlimmeRF: Slimmable Radiance Fields Shiran Yuan et.al. 2312.10034 link
2023-12-15 LAENeRF: Local Appearance Editing for Neural Radiance Fields Lukas Radl et.al. 2312.09913 null
2023-12-15 PLGSLAM: Progressive Neural Scene Represenation with Local to Global Bundle Adjustment Tianchen Deng et.al. 2312.09866 null
2023-12-15 RANRAC: Robust Neural Scene Representations via Random Ray Consensus Benno Buschmann et.al. 2312.09780 null
2023-12-15 SLS4D: Sparse Latent Space for 4D Novel View Synthesis Qi-Yuan Feng et.al. 2312.09743 null
2023-12-15 Towards Transferable Targeted 3D Adversarial Attack in the Physical World Yao Huang et.al. 2312.09558 link
2023-12-15 TIFace: Improving Facial Reconstruction through Tensorial Radiance Fields and Implicit Surfaces Ruijie Zhu et.al. 2312.09527 link
2023-12-14 LatentEditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3D Scenes Umar Khalid et.al. 2312.09313 link
2023-12-14 Stable Score Distillation for High-Quality 3D Generation Boshi Tang et.al. 2312.09305 null
2023-12-14 ZeroRF: Fast Sparse View 360° Reconstruction with Zero Pretraining Ruoxi Shi et.al. 2312.09249 null
2023-12-14 OccNeRF: Self-Supervised Multi-Camera Occupancy Prediction with Neural Radiance Fields Chubin Zhang et.al. 2312.09243 link
2023-12-14 3DGS-Avatar: Animatable Avatars via Deformable 3D Gaussian Splatting Zhiyin Qian et.al. 2312.09228 null
2023-12-14 Mosaic-SDF for 3D Generative Models Lior Yariv et.al. 2312.09222 null
2023-12-14 ColNeRF: Collaboration for Generalizable Sparse Input Neural Radiance Field Zhangkai Ni et.al. 2312.09095 link
2023-12-14 Aleth-NeRF: Illumination Adaptive NeRF with Concealing Field Assumption Ziteng Cui et.al. 2312.09093 link
2023-12-14 iComMa: Inverting 3D Gaussians Splatting for Camera Pose Estimation via Comparing and Matching Yuan Sun et.al. 2312.09031 null
2023-12-14 Scene 3-D Reconstruction System in Scattering Medium Zhuoyifan Zhang et.al. 2312.09005 null
2023-12-14 VaLID: Variable-Length Input Diffusion for Novel View Synthesis Shijie Li et.al. 2312.08892 null
2023-12-14 HeadRecon: High-Fidelity 3D Head Reconstruction from Monocular Video Xueying Wang et.al. 2312.08863 null
2023-12-14 CF-NeRF: Camera Parameter Free Neural Radiance Fields with Incremental Learning Qingsong Yan et.al. 2312.08760 null
2023-12-13 View-Dependent Octree-based Mesh Extraction in Unbounded Scenes for Procedural Synthetic Data Zeyu Ma et.al. 2312.08364 link
2023-12-13 Global Latent Neural Rendering Thomas Tanay et.al. 2312.08338 null
2023-12-13 ProNeRF: Learning Efficient Projection-Aware Ray Sampling for Fine-Grained Implicit Neural Radiance Fields Juan Luis Gonzalez Bello et.al. 2312.08136 null
2023-12-13 Neural Radiance Fields for Transparent Object Using Visual Hull Heechan Yoon et.al. 2312.08118 null
2023-12-13 3DGEN: A GAN-based approach for generating novel 3D models from image data Antoine Schnepf et.al. 2312.08094 null
2023-12-13 Novel View Synthesis with View-Dependent Effects from a Single Image Juan Luis Gonzalez Bello et.al. 2312.08071 null
2023-12-13 uSF: Learning Neural Semantic Field with Uncertainty Vsevolod Skorokhodov et.al. 2312.08012 link
2023-12-12 SMERF: Streamable Memory Efficient Radiance Fields for Real-Time Large-Scene Exploration Daniel Duckworth et.al. 2312.07541 null
2023-12-12 COLMAP-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting Yang Fu et.al. 2312.07504 null
2023-12-12 Unifying Correspondence, Pose and NeRF for Pose-Free Novel View Synthesis from Stereo Pairs Sunghwan Hong et.al. 2312.07246 link
2023-12-12 MaTe3D: Mask-guided Text-based 3D-aware Portrait Editing Kangneng Zhou et.al. 2312.06947 link
2023-12-12 WaterHE-NeRF: Water-ray Tracing Neural Radiance Fields for Underwater Scene Reconstruction Jingchun Zhou et.al. 2312.06946 null
2023-12-11 MonoNPHM: Dynamic Head Reconstruction from Monocular Videos Simon Giebenhain et.al. 2312.06740 null
2023-12-11 Learning Naturally Aggregated Appearance for Efficient 3D Editing Ka Leong Cheng et.al. 2312.06657 link
2023-12-11 CorresNeRF: Image Correspondence Priors for Neural Radiance Fields Yixing Lao et.al. 2312.06642 link
2023-12-11 DreamControl: Control-Based Text-to-3D Generation with 3D Self-Prior Tianyu Huang et.al. 2312.06439 link
2023-12-11 NVFi: Neural Velocity Fields for 3D Physics Learning from Dynamic Videos Jinxi Li et.al. 2312.06398 link
2023-12-11 Optimized View and Geometry Distillation from Multi-view Diffuser Youjia Zhang et.al. 2312.06198 null
2023-12-11 Implicit Shape Modeling for Anatomical Structure Refinement of Volumetric Medical Images Minghui Zhang et.al. 2312.06164 link
2023-12-10 Accurate Differential Operators for Hybrid Neural Fields Aditya Chetan et.al. 2312.05984 link
2023-12-10 Learning for CasADi: Data-driven Models in Numerical Optimization Tim Salzmann et.al. 2312.05873 link
2023-12-10 NeVRF: Neural Video-based Radiance Fields for Long-duration Sequences Minye Wu et.al. 2312.05855 null
2023-12-10 R2Human: Real-Time 3D Human Appearance Rendering from a Single Image Qiao Feng et.al. 2312.05826 null
2023-12-11 Nuvo: Neural UV Mapping for Unruly 3D Representations Pratul P. Srinivasan et.al. 2312.05283 null
2023-12-08 SwiftBrush: One-Step Text-to-Image Diffusion Model with Variational Score Distillation Thuan Hoang Nguyen et.al. 2312.05239 link
2023-12-08 IntrinsicAvatar: Physically Based Inverse Rendering of Dynamic Humans from Monocular Videos via Explicit Ray Tracing Shaofei Wang et.al. 2312.05210 null
2023-12-08 TriHuman : A Real-time and Controllable Tri-plane Representation for Detailed Human Geometry and Appearance Synthesis Heming Zhu et.al. 2312.05161 null
2023-12-08 GIR: 3D Gaussian Inverse Rendering for Relightable Scene Factorization Yahao Shi et.al. 2312.05133 link
2023-12-08 Learn to Optimize Denoising Scores for 3D Generation: A Unified and Improved Diffusion Prior on NeRF and 3D Gaussian Splatting Xiaofeng Yang et.al. 2312.04820 null
2023-12-08 SuperNormal: Neural Surface Reconstruction via Multi-View Normal Integration Xu Cao et.al. 2312.04803 link
2023-12-08 Reality's Canvas, Language's Brush: Crafting 3D Avatars from Monocular Video Yuchen Rao et.al. 2312.04784 null
2023-12-07 NeuSD: Surface Completion with Multi-View Text-to-Image Diffusion Savva Ignatyev et.al. 2312.04654 null
2023-12-07 VOODOO 3D: Volumetric Portrait Disentanglement for One-Shot 3D Head Reenactment Phong Tran et.al. 2312.04651 null
2023-12-07 MuRF: Multi-Baseline Radiance Fields Haofei Xu et.al. 2312.04565 link
2023-12-07 EAGLES: Efficient Accelerated 3D Gaussians with Lightweight EncodingS Sharath Girish et.al. 2312.04564 link
2023-12-07 Correspondences of the Third Kind: Camera Pose Estimation from Object Reflection Kohei Yamashita et.al. 2312.04527 null
2023-12-07 Multi-View Unsupervised Image Generation with Cross Attention Guidance Llukman Cerkezi et.al. 2312.04337 null
2023-12-07 Towards Knowledge-driven Autonomous Driving Xin Li et.al. 2312.04316 link
2023-12-07 Towards 4D Human Video Stylization Tiantian Wang et.al. 2312.04143 link
2023-12-07 Identity-Obscured Neural Radiance Fields: Privacy-Preserving 3D Facial Reconstruction Jiayi Kong et.al. 2312.04106 null
2023-12-06 Inpaint3D: 3D Scene Content Generation using 2D Inpainting Diffusion Kira Prabhu et.al. 2312.03869 null
2023-12-06 Gaussian-Flow: 4D Reconstruction with Dynamic 3D Gaussian Particle Youtian Lin et.al. 2312.03431 null
2023-12-06 Artist-Friendly Relightable and Animatable Neural Heads Yingyan Xu et.al. 2312.03420 null
2023-12-06 Evaluating the point cloud of individual trees generated from images based on Neural Radiance fields (NeRF) method Hongyu Huang et.al. 2312.03372 null
2023-12-06 RING-NeRF: A Versatile Architecture based on Residual Implicit Neural Grids Doriand Petit et.al. 2312.03357 null
2023-12-06 SO-NeRF: Active View Planning for NeRF using Surrogate Objectives Keifer Lee et.al. 2312.03266 null
2023-12-06 Feature 3DGS: Supercharging 3D Gaussian Splatting to Enable Distilled Feature Fields Shijie Zhou et.al. 2312.03203 link
2023-12-05 HybridNeRF: Efficient Neural Rendering via Adaptive Volumetric Surfaces Haithem Turki et.al. 2312.03160 null
2023-12-05 Gaussian Head Avatar: Ultra High-fidelity Head Avatar via Dynamic Gaussians Yuelang Xu et.al. 2312.03029 link
2023-12-05 ReconFusion: 3D Reconstruction with Diffusion Priors Rundi Wu et.al. 2312.02981 null
2023-12-05 GauHuman: Articulated Gaussian Splatting from Monocular Human Videos Shoukang Hu et.al. 2312.02973 link
2023-12-05 Alchemist: Parametric Control of Material Properties with Diffusion Models Prafull Sharma et.al. 2312.02970 null
2023-12-05 MVHumanNet: A Large-scale Dataset of Multi-view Daily Dressing Human Captures Zhangyang Xiong et.al. 2312.02963 null
2023-12-05 HeadGaS: Real-Time Animatable Head Avatars via 3D Gaussian Splatting Helisa Dhamo et.al. 2312.02902 null
2023-12-05 C-NERF: Representing Scene Changes as Directional Consistency Difference-based NeRF Rui Huang et.al. 2312.02751 link
2023-12-05 Prompt2NeRF-PIL: Fast NeRF Generation via Pretrained Implicit Latent Jianmeng Liu et.al. 2312.02568 null
2023-12-05 Differentiable Point-based Inverse Rendering Hoon-Gyu Chung et.al. 2312.02480 null
2023-12-05 FINER: Flexible spectral-bias tuning in Implicit NEural Representation by Variable-periodic Activation Functions Zhen Liu et.al. 2312.02434 null
2023-12-04 PointNeRF++: A multi-scale, point-based Neural Radiance Field Weiwei Sun et.al. 2312.02362 null
2023-12-06 Towards early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: Advances in immune-related blood biomarkers and computational modeling approaches Sophia Krix et.al. 2312.02248 null
2023-12-04 Mesh-Guided Neural Implicit Field Editing Can Wang et.al. 2312.02157 null
2023-12-04 BerfScene: Bev-conditioned Equivariant Radiance Fields for Infinite 3D Scene Generation Qihang Zhang et.al. 2312.02136 null
2023-12-04 Fast View Synthesis of Casual Videos Yao-Chih Lee et.al. 2312.02135 null
2023-12-04 SplaTAM: Splat, Track & Map 3D Gaussians for Dense RGB-D SLAM Nikhil Keetha et.al. 2312.02126 link
2023-12-04 ColonNeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for High-Fidelity Long-Sequence Colonoscopy Reconstruction Yufei Shi et.al. 2312.02015 null
2023-12-04 Fast and accurate sparse-view CBCT reconstruction using meta-learned neural attenuation field and hash-encoding regularization Heejun Shin et.al. 2312.01689 null
2023-12-04 Customize your NeRF: Adaptive Source Driven 3D Scene Editing via Local-Global Iterative Training Runze He et.al. 2312.01663 null
2023-12-04 GaussianHead: Impressive 3D Gaussian-based Head Avatars with Dynamic Hybrid Neural Field Jie Wang et.al. 2312.01632 link
2023-12-03 SANeRF-HQ: Segment Anything for NeRF in High Quality Yichen Liu et.al. 2312.01531 null
2023-12-03 VideoRF: Rendering Dynamic Radiance Fields as 2D Feature Video Streams Liao Wang et.al. 2312.01407 null
2023-12-02 RNb-NeuS: Reflectance and Normal-based Multi-View 3D Reconstruction Baptiste Brument et.al. 2312.01215 link
2023-12-01 MorpheuS: Neural Dynamic 360° Surface Reconstruction from Monocular RGB-D Video Hengyi Wang et.al. 2312.00778 link
2023-12-01 Gaussian Grouping: Segment and Edit Anything in 3D Scenes Mingqiao Ye et.al. 2312.00732 link
2023-12-01 EvE: Exploiting Generative Priors for Radiance Field Enrichment Karim Kassab et.al. 2312.00639 null
2023-11-30 LucidDreaming: Controllable Object-Centric 3D Generation Zhaoning Wang et.al. 2312.00588 null
2023-12-01 FSGS: Real-Time Few-shot View Synthesis using Gaussian Splatting Zehao Zhu et.al. 2312.00451 null
2023-11-30 PyNeRF: Pyramidal Neural Radiance Fields Haithem Turki et.al. 2312.00252 link
2023-11-30 SparseGS: Real-Time 360° Sparse View Synthesis using Gaussian Splatting Haolin Xiong et.al. 2312.00206 link
2023-11-30 Scaffold-GS: Structured 3D Gaussians for View-Adaptive Rendering Tao Lu et.al. 2312.00109 link
2023-11-30 DiffusionAvatars: Deferred Diffusion for High-fidelity 3D Head Avatars Tobias Kirschstein et.al. 2311.18635 null
2023-11-30 Contrastive Denoising Score for Text-guided Latent Diffusion Image Editing Hyelin Nam et.al. 2311.18608 null
2023-11-30 ZeST-NeRF: Using temporal aggregation for Zero-Shot Temporal NeRFs Violeta Menéndez González et.al. 2311.18491 null
2023-11-30 Anisotropic Neural Representation Learning for High-Quality Neural Rendering Y. Wang et.al. 2311.18311 null
2023-11-30 CosAvatar: Consistent and Animatable Portrait Video Tuning with Text Prompt Haiyao Xiao et.al. 2311.18288 null
2023-11-30 Compact3D: Compressing Gaussian Splat Radiance Field Models with Vector Quantization KL Navaneet et.al. 2311.18159 link
2023-11-29 AvatarStudio: High-fidelity and Animatable 3D Avatar Creation from Text Jianfeng Zhang et.al. 2311.17917 null
2023-11-29 HUGS: Human Gaussian Splats Muhammed Kocabas et.al. 2311.17910 link
2023-11-29 CG3D: Compositional Generation for Text-to-3D via Gaussian Splatting Alexander Vilesov et.al. 2311.17907 null
2023-11-29 TSDF-Sampling: Efficient Sampling for Neural Surface Field using Truncated Signed Distance Field Chaerin Min et.al. 2311.17878 null
2023-11-29 FisherRF: Active View Selection and Uncertainty Quantification for Radiance Fields using Fisher Information Wen Jiang et.al. 2311.17874 link
2023-11-29 Coloring the Past: Neural Historical Buildings Reconstruction from Archival Photography David Komorowicz et.al. 2311.17810 null
2023-11-29 Cinematic Behavior Transfer via NeRF-based Differentiable Filming Xuekun Jiang et.al. 2311.17754 null
2023-11-29 SyncTalk: The Devil is in the Synchronization for Talking Head Synthesis Ziqiao Peng et.al. 2311.17590 link
2023-11-29 AgentAvatar: Disentangling Planning, Driving and Rendering for Photorealistic Avatar Agents Duomin Wang et.al. 2311.17465 null
2023-11-29 NeRFTAP: Enhancing Transferability of Adversarial Patches on Face Recognition using Neural Radiance Fields Xiaoliang Liu et.al. 2311.17332 null
2023-11-28 LightGaussian: Unbounded 3D Gaussian Compression with 15x Reduction and 200+ FPS Zhiwen Fan et.al. 2311.17245 link
2023-11-28 UC-NeRF: Neural Radiance Field for Under-Calibrated multi-view cameras in autonomous driving Kai Cheng et.al. 2311.16945 null
2023-11-28 The Sky's the Limit: Re-lightable Outdoor Scenes via a Sky-pixel Constrained Illumination Prior and Outside-In Visibility James A. D. Gardner et.al. 2311.16937 link
2023-11-28 A Unified Approach for Text- and Image-guided 4D Scene Generation Yufeng Zheng et.al. 2311.16854 null
2023-11-28 Point'n Move: Interactive Scene Object Manipulation on Gaussian Splatting Radiance Fields Jiajun Huang et.al. 2311.16737 null
2023-11-28 Photo-SLAM: Real-time Simultaneous Localization and Photorealistic Mapping for Monocular, Stereo, and RGB-D Cameras Huajian Huang et.al. 2311.16728 link
2023-11-28 SplitNeRF: Split Sum Approximation Neural Field for Joint Geometry, Illumination, and Material Estimation Jesus Zarzar et.al. 2311.16671 link
2023-11-28 LiveNVS: Neural View Synthesis on Live RGB-D Streams Laura Fink et.al. 2311.16668 link
2023-11-28 DGNR: Density-Guided Neural Point Rendering of Large Driving Scenes Zhuopeng Li et.al. 2311.16664 null
2023-11-28 SCALAR-NeRF: SCAlable LARge-scale Neural Radiance Fields for Scene Reconstruction Yu Chen et.al. 2311.16657 null
2023-11-28 Rethinking Directional Integration in Neural Radiance Fields Congyue Deng et.al. 2311.16504 null
2023-11-27 Animatable Gaussians: Learning Pose-dependent Gaussian Maps for High-fidelity Human Avatar Modeling Zhe Li et.al. 2311.16096 link
2023-11-27 Weakly-Supervised 3D Reconstruction of Clothed Humans via Normal Maps Jane Wu et.al. 2311.16042 null
2023-11-27 SOAC: Spatio-Temporal Overlap-Aware Multi-Sensor Calibration using Neural Radiance Fields Quentin Herau et.al. 2311.15803 null
2023-11-27 PaintNeSF: Artistic Creation of Stylized Scenes with Vectorized 3D Strokes Hao-Bin Duan et.al. 2311.15637 null
2023-11-27 CaesarNeRF: Calibrated Semantic Representation for Few-shot Generalizable Neural Rendering Haidong Zhu et.al. 2311.15510 link
2023-11-26 Efficient Encoding of Graphics Primitives with Simplex-based Structures Yibo Wen et.al. 2311.15439 null
2023-11-26 Obj-NeRF: Extract Object NeRFs from Multi-view Images Zhiyi Li et.al. 2311.15291 null
2023-11-26 NeuRAD: Neural Rendering for Autonomous Driving Adam Tonderski et.al. 2311.15260 link
2023-11-24 Neural Style Transfer for Computer Games Eleftherios Ioannou et.al. 2311.14617 null
2023-11-24 Animate124: Animating One Image to 4D Dynamic Scene Yuyang Zhao et.al. 2311.14603 null
2023-11-24 GaussianEditor: Swift and Controllable 3D Editing with Gaussian Splatting Yiwen Chen et.al. 2311.14521 link
2023-11-23 ECRF: Entropy-Constrained Neural Radiance Fields Compression with Frequency Domain Optimization Soonbin Lee et.al. 2311.14208 null
2023-11-23 Tube-NeRF: Efficient Imitation Learning of Visuomotor Policies from MPC using Tube-Guided Data Augmentation and NeRFs Andrea Tagliabue et.al. 2311.14153 null
2023-11-23 Posterior Distillation Sampling Juil Koo et.al. 2311.13831 null
2023-11-23 Towards Transferable Multi-modal Perception Representation Learning for Autonomy: NeRF-Supervised Masked AutoEncoder Xiaohao Xu et.al. 2311.13750 null
2023-11-22 Compact 3D Gaussian Representation for Radiance Field Joo Chan Lee et.al. 2311.13681 link
2023-11-22 Animatable 3D Gaussians for High-fidelity Synthesis of Human Motions Keyang Ye et.al. 2311.13404 null
2023-11-22 Depth-Regularized Optimization for 3D Gaussian Splatting in Few-Shot Images Jaeyoung Chung et.al. 2311.13398 link
2023-11-22 Retargeting Visual Data with Deformation Fields Tim Elsner et.al. 2311.13297 null
2023-11-22 Volumetric Reconstruction Resolves Off-Resonance Artifacts in Static and Dynamic PROPELLER MRI Annesha Ghosh et.al. 2311.13177 link
2023-11-22 3D Face Style Transfer with a Hybrid Solution of NeRF and Mesh Rasterization Jianwei Feng et.al. 2311.13168 null
2023-11-22 Test-Time Augmentation for 3D Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation Tuan-Anh Vu et.al. 2311.13152 null
2023-11-22 PIE-NeRF: Physics-based Interactive Elastodynamics with NeRF Yutao Feng et.al. 2311.13099 null
2023-11-21 3D Compression Using Neural Fields Janis Postels et.al. 2311.13009 null
2023-11-21 An $\mathcal{O}(\log_2N)$ SMC$^2$ Algorithm on Distributed Memory with an Approx. Optimal L-Kernel Conor Rosato et.al. 2311.12973 link
2023-11-21 An Efficient 3D Gaussian Representation for Monocular/Multi-view Dynamic Scenes Kai Katsumata et.al. 2311.12897 null
2023-12-02 SuGaR: Surface-Aligned Gaussian Splatting for Efficient 3D Mesh Reconstruction and High-Quality Mesh Rendering Antoine Guédon et.al. 2311.12775 link
2023-11-29 SelfOcc: Self-Supervised Vision-Based 3D Occupancy Prediction Yuanhui Huang et.al. 2311.12754 link
2023-11-21 Hyb-NeRF: A Multiresolution Hybrid Encoding for Neural Radiance Fields Yifan Wang et.al. 2311.12490 null
2023-11-20 LABELMAKER: Automatic Semantic Label Generation from RGB-D Trajectories Silvan Weder et.al. 2311.12174 null
2023-11-18 DatasetNeRF: Efficient 3D-aware Data Factory with Generative Radiance Fields Yu Chi et.al. 2311.12063 link
2023-11-18 Towards Function Space Mesh Watermarking: Protecting the Copyright of Signed Distance Fields Xingyu Zhu et.al. 2311.12059 null
2023-11-20 GP-NeRF: Generalized Perception NeRF for Context-Aware 3D Scene Understanding Hao Li et.al. 2311.11863 null
2023-11-20 Entangled View-Epipolar Information Aggregation for Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields Zhiyuan Min et.al. 2311.11845 link
2023-11-20 Holistic Inverse Rendering of Complex Facade via Aerial 3D Scanning Zixuan Xie et.al. 2311.11825 null
2023-11-19 GaussianDiffusion: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models with Structured Noise Xinhai Li et.al. 2311.11221 null
2023-11-18 SNI-SLAM: Semantic Neural Implicit SLAM Siting Zhu et.al. 2311.11016 link
2023-11-21 Implicit Event-RGBD Neural SLAM Delin Qu et.al. 2311.11013 null
2023-11-18 Structure-Aware Sparse-View X-ray 3D Reconstruction Yuanhao Cai et.al. 2311.10959 link
2023-11-17 SplatArmor: Articulated Gaussian splatting for animatable humans from monocular RGB videos Rohit Jena et.al. 2311.10812 null
2023-11-17 Removing Adverse Volumetric Effects From Trained Neural Radiance Fields Andreas L. Teigen et.al. 2311.10523 null
2023-11-16 Adaptive Shells for Efficient Neural Radiance Field Rendering Zian Wang et.al. 2311.10091 null
2023-11-18 EvaSurf: Efficient View-Aware Implicit Textured Surface Reconstruction on Mobile Devices Jingnan Gao et.al. 2311.09806 null
2023-11-16 Reconstructing Continuous Light Field From Single Coded Image Yuya Ishikawa et.al. 2311.09646 null
2023-11-16 NGEL-SLAM: Neural Implicit Representation-based Global Consistent Low-Latency SLAM System Yunxuan Mao et.al. 2311.09525 null
2023-11-15 Single-Image 3D Human Digitization with Shape-Guided Diffusion Badour AlBahar et.al. 2311.09221 null
2023-11-15 DMV3D: Denoising Multi-View Diffusion using 3D Large Reconstruction Model Yinghao Xu et.al. 2311.09217 null
2023-11-15 Spiking NeRF: Representing the Real-World Geometry by a Discontinuous Representation Zhanfeng Liao et.al. 2311.09077 link
2023-11-14 Drivable 3D Gaussian Avatars Wojciech Zielonka et.al. 2311.08581 null
2023-11-13 $L_0$-Sampler: An $L_{0}$ Model Guided Volume Sampling for NeRF Liangchen Li et.al. 2311.07044 null
2023-11-11 Aria-NeRF: Multimodal Egocentric View Synthesis Jiankai Sun et.al. 2311.06455 null
2023-11-11 CVTHead: One-shot Controllable Head Avatar with Vertex-feature Transformer Haoyu Ma et.al. 2311.06443 link
2023-11-10 Instant3D: Fast Text-to-3D with Sparse-View Generation and Large Reconstruction Model Jiahao Li et.al. 2311.06214 null
2023-11-10 ASSIST: Interactive Scene Nodes for Scalable and Realistic Indoor Simulation Zhide Zhong et.al. 2311.06211 null
2023-11-10 A Neural Height-Map Approach for the Binocular Photometric Stereo Problem Fotios Logothetis et.al. 2311.05958 null
2023-11-10 Uncertainty-aware Single View Volumetric Rendering for Medical Neural Radiance Fields Jing Hu et.al. 2311.05836 null
2023-11-09 Real-Time Neural Rasterization for Large Scenes Jeffrey Yunfan Liu et.al. 2311.05607 null
2023-11-09 BakedAvatar: Baking Neural Fields for Real-Time Head Avatar Synthesis Hao-Bin Duan et.al. 2311.05521 link
2023-11-09 Control3D: Towards Controllable Text-to-3D Generation Yang Chen et.al. 2311.05461 null
2023-11-09 VoxNeRF: Bridging Voxel Representation and Neural Radiance Fields for Enhanced Indoor View Synthesis Sen Wang et.al. 2311.05289 null
2023-11-09 ConRad: Image Constrained Radiance Fields for 3D Generation from a Single Image Senthil Purushwalkam et.al. 2311.05230 null
2023-11-08 Integrated Distributed Semantic Communication and Over-the-air Computation for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Peng Yi et.al. 2311.04791 null
2023-11-08 VET: Visual Error Tomography for Point Cloud Completion and High-Quality Neural Rendering Linus Franke et.al. 2311.04634 link
2023-11-08 Learning Robust Multi-Scale Representation for Neural Radiance Fields from Unposed Images Nishant Jain et.al. 2311.04521 null
2023-11-08 PRED: Pre-training via Semantic Rendering on LiDAR Point Clouds Hao Yang et.al. 2311.04501 null
2023-11-08 LRM: Large Reconstruction Model for Single Image to 3D Yicong Hong et.al. 2311.04400 null
2023-11-07 ADFactory: Automated Data Factory for Optical Flow Tasks Han Ling et.al. 2311.04246 null
2023-11-07 High-fidelity 3D Reconstruction of Plants using Neural Radiance Field Kewei Hu et.al. 2311.04154 null
2023-11-07 Fast Sun-aligned Outdoor Scene Relighting based on TensoRF Yeonjin Chang et.al. 2311.03965 null
2023-11-08 UP-NeRF: Unconstrained Pose-Prior-Free Neural Radiance Fields Injae Kim et.al. 2311.03784 link
2023-11-06 Osprey: Multi-Session Autonomous Aerial Mapping with LiDAR-based SLAM and Next Best View Planning Rowan Border et.al. 2311.03484 null
2023-11-06 Long-Term Invariant Local Features via Implicit Cross-Domain Correspondences Zador Pataki et.al. 2311.03345 null
2023-11-06 Animating NeRFs from Texture Space: A Framework for Pose-Dependent Rendering of Human Performances Paul Knoll et.al. 2311.03140 null
2023-11-06 Consistent4D: Consistent 360° Dynamic Object Generation from Monocular Video Yanqin Jiang et.al. 2311.02848 null
2023-11-06 InstructPix2NeRF: Instructed 3D Portrait Editing from a Single Image Jianhui Li et.al. 2311.02826 link
2023-11-05 VR-NeRF: High-Fidelity Virtualized Walkable Spaces Linning Xu et.al. 2311.02542 null
2023-11-03 A Neural Radiance Field-Based Architecture for Intelligent Multilayered View Synthesis D. Dhinakaran et.al. 2311.01842 null
2023-11-03 Estimating 3D Uncertainty Field: Quantifying Uncertainty for Neural Radiance Fields Jianxiong Shen et.al. 2311.01815 null
2023-11-03 PDF: Point Diffusion Implicit Function for Large-scale Scene Neural Representation Yuhan Ding et.al. 2311.01773 null
2023-11-03 Efficient Cloud Pipelines for Neural Radiance Fields Derek Jacoby et.al. 2311.01659 null
2023-11-03 INeAT: Iterative Neural Adaptive Tomography Bo Xiong et.al. 2311.01653 null
2023-11-02 Novel View Synthesis from a Single RGBD Image for Indoor Scenes Congrui Hetang et.al. 2311.01065 null
2023-11-01 Single-view 3D Scene Reconstruction with High-fidelity Shape and Texture Yixin Chen et.al. 2311.00457 null
2023-11-01 Neural Implicit Field Editing Considering Object-environment Interaction Zhihong Zeng et.al. 2311.00425 null
2023-11-08 SDF4CHD: Generative Modeling of Cardiac Anatomies with Congenital Heart Defects Fanwei Kong et.al. 2311.00332 null
2023-11-01 Federated Topic Model and Model Pruning Based on Variational Autoencoder Chengjie Ma et.al. 2311.00314 null
2023-10-31 FPO++: Efficient Encoding and Rendering of Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields by Analyzing and Enhancing Fourier PlenOctrees Saskia Rabich et.al. 2310.20710 null
2023-10-31 NeRF Revisited: Fixing Quadrature Instability in Volume Rendering Mikaela Angelina Uy et.al. 2310.20685 null
2023-10-31 $p$ -Poisson surface reconstruction in curl-free flow from point clouds Yesom Park et.al. 2310.20095 link
2023-10-30 Generative Neural Fields by Mixtures of Neural Implicit Functions Tackgeun You et.al. 2310.19464 null
2023-10-31 DynPoint: Dynamic Neural Point For View Synthesis Kaichen Zhou et.al. 2310.18999 link
2023-11-04 TiV-NeRF: Tracking and Mapping via Time-Varying Representation with Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields Chengyao Duan et.al. 2310.18917 null
2023-10-28 INCODE: Implicit Neural Conditioning with Prior Knowledge Embeddings Amirhossein Kazerouni et.al. 2310.18846 link
2023-10-27 Multi-fidelity Design of Porous Microstructures for Thermofluidic Applications Jonathan Tammer Eweis-LaBolle et.al. 2310.18505 null
2023-10-27 ZeroNVS: Zero-Shot 360-Degree View Synthesis from a Single Real Image Kyle Sargent et.al. 2310.17994 link
2023-10-27 Reconstructive Latent-Space Neural Radiance Fields for Efficient 3D Scene Representations Tristan Aumentado-Armstrong et.al. 2310.17880 null
2023-10-27 HyperFields: Towards Zero-Shot Generation of NeRFs from Text Sudarshan Babu et.al. 2310.17075 null
2023-10-25 4D-Editor: Interactive Object-level Editing in Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields via 4D Semantic Segmentation Dadong Jiang et.al. 2310.16858 null
2023-10-26 LightSpeed: Light and Fast Neural Light Fields on Mobile Devices Aarush Gupta et.al. 2310.16832 link
2023-10-28 PERF: Panoramic Neural Radiance Field from a Single Panorama Guangcong Wang et.al. 2310.16831 link
2023-10-25 Open-NeRF: Towards Open Vocabulary NeRF Decomposition Hao Zhang et.al. 2310.16383 null
2023-10-25 UAV-Sim: NeRF-based Synthetic Data Generation for UAV-based Perception Christopher Maxey et.al. 2310.16255 null
2023-10-24 Cross-view Self-localization from Synthesized Scene-graphs Ryogo Yamamoto et.al. 2310.15504 null
2023-10-23 Lie Group Variational Collision Integrators for a Class of Hybrid Systems Khoa Tran et.al. 2310.15356 null
2023-10-23 CAwa-NeRF: Instant Learning of Compression-Aware NeRF Features Omnia Mahmoud et.al. 2310.14695 null
2023-10-23 VQ-NeRF: Vector Quantization Enhances Implicit Neural Representations Yiying Yang et.al. 2310.14487 null
2023-10-20 ManifoldNeRF: View-dependent Image Feature Supervision for Few-shot Neural Radiance Fields Daiju Kanaoka et.al. 2310.13670 null
2023-10-20 Sync-NeRF: Generalizing Dynamic NeRFs to Unsynchronized Videos Seoha Kim et.al. 2310.13356 link
2023-10-20 DeepFracture: A Generative Approach for Predicting Brittle Fractures Yuhang Huang et.al. 2310.13344 null
2023-10-20 UE4-NeRF:Neural Radiance Field for Real-Time Rendering of Large-Scale Scene Jiaming Gu et.al. 2310.13263 null
2023-10-19 SIRe-IR: Inverse Rendering for BRDF Reconstruction with Shadow and Illumination Removal in High-Illuminance Scenes Ziyi Yang et.al. 2310.13030 link
2023-10-18 LoHoRavens: A Long-Horizon Language-Conditioned Benchmark for Robotic Tabletop Manipulation Shengqiang Zhang et.al. 2310.12020 null
2023-10-18 The Asymptotic Rank Conjecture and the Set Cover Conjecture are not Both True Andreas Björklund et.al. 2310.11926 null
2023-10-18 IRAD: Implicit Representation-driven Image Resampling against Adversarial Attacks Yue Cao et.al. 2310.11890 link
2023-10-18 VQ-NeRF: Neural Reflectance Decomposition and Editing with Vector Quantization Hongliang Zhong et.al. 2310.11864 null
2023-10-18 Language Agents for Detecting Implicit Stereotypes in Text-to-image Models at Scale Qichao Wang et.al. 2310.11778 null
2023-10-18 A fast normal splitting preconditioner for attractive coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with fractional Laplacian Yan Cheng et.al. 2310.11740 null
2023-10-18 Open-ended Commonsense Reasoning with Unrestricted Answer Scope Chen Ling et.al. 2310.11672 null
2023-10-18 Towards Abdominal 3-D Scene Rendering from Laparoscopy Surgical Videos using NeRFs Khoa Tuan Nguyen et.al. 2310.11645 null
2023-10-17 Hybrid Trajectory Optimization of Simple Skateboarding Tricks through Contact Michael Burgess et.al. 2310.11599 null
2023-10-17 Learning Neural Implicit through Volume Rendering with Attentive Depth Fusion Priors Pengchong Hu et.al. 2310.11598 null
2023-10-17 Seeking Neural Nuggets: Knowledge Transfer in Large Language Models from a Parametric Perspective Ming Zhong et.al. 2310.11451 link
2023-10-17 Towards Generalizable Multi-Camera 3D Object Detection via Perspective Debiasing Hao Lu et.al. 2310.11346 link
2023-10-17 Dual Cognitive Architecture: Incorporating Biases and Multi-Memory Systems for Lifelong Learning Shruthi Gowda et.al. 2310.11341 link
2023-10-17 Source Code Comprehension: A Contemporary Definition and Conceptual Model for Empirical Investigation Marvin Wyrich et.al. 2310.11301 null
2023-10-17 Sparse grid approximation of the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation Xin An et.al. 2310.11225 null
2023-10-17 FocDepthFormer: Transformer with LSTM for Depth Estimation from Focus Xueyang Kang et.al. 2310.11178 null
2023-10-17 DORec: Decomposed Object Reconstruction Utilizing 2D Self-Supervised Features Jun Wu et.al. 2310.11092 null
2023-10-16 CoTFormer: More Tokens With Attention Make Up For Less Depth Amirkeivan Mohtashami et.al. 2310.10845 null
2023-10-16 Rapid Non-cartesian Reconstruction Using an Implicit Representation of GROG Kernels Daniel Abraham et.al. 2310.10823 null
2023-10-16 Deep Conditional Shape Models for 3D cardiac image segmentation Athira J Jacob et.al. 2310.10756 null
2023-10-16 TraM-NeRF: Tracing Mirror and Near-Perfect Specular Reflections through Neural Radiance Fields Leif Van Holland et.al. 2310.10650 link
2023-10-16 Real-time Photorealistic Dynamic Scene Representation and Rendering with 4D Gaussian Splatting Zeyu Yang et.al. 2310.10642 link
2023-10-16 DynVideo-E: Harnessing Dynamic NeRF for Large-Scale Motion- and View-Change Human-Centric Video Editing Jia-Wei Liu et.al. 2310.10624 null
2023-10-16 ViPE: Visualise Pretty-much Everything Hassan Shahmohammadi et.al. 2310.10543 link
2023-10-16 Stance Detection with Collaborative Role-Infused LLM-Based Agents Xiaochong Lan et.al. 2310.10467 link
2023-10-16 Forking Uncertainties: Reliable Prediction and Model Predictive Control with Sequence Models via Conformal Risk Control Matteo Zecchin et.al. 2310.10299 null
2023-10-16 Efficient seismic reliability and fragility analysis of lifeline networks using subset simulation Dongkyu Lee et.al. 2310.10232 null
2023-10-16 Self-supervised Fetal MRI 3D Reconstruction Based on Radiation Diffusion Generation Model Junpeng Tan et.al. 2310.10209 null
2023-10-16 Implicit regularization via soft ascent-descent Matthew J. Holland et.al. 2310.10006 link
2023-10-15 Farzi Data: Autoregressive Data Distillation Noveen Sachdeva et.al. 2310.09983 null
2023-10-15 ProteusNeRF: Fast Lightweight NeRF Editing using 3D-Aware Image Context Binglun Wang et.al. 2310.09965 null
2023-10-15 Active Perception using Neural Radiance Fields Siming He et.al. 2310.09892 link
2023-10-15 CBARF: Cascaded Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields from Imperfect Camera Poses Hongyu Fu et.al. 2310.09776 null
2023-10-14 Point-DynRF: Point-based Dynamic Radiance Fields from a Monocular Video Byeongjun Park et.al. 2310.09647 null
2023-10-14 HIO-SDF: Hierarchical Incremental Online Signed Distance Fields Vasileios Vasilopoulos et.al. 2310.09463 null
2023-10-13 A Parallel Feature-preserving Mesh Variable Offsetting Method with Dynamic Programming Hongyi Cao et.al. 2310.08997 link
2023-10-13 PonderV2: Pave the Way for 3D Foundation Model with A Universal Pre-training Paradigm Haoyi Zhu et.al. 2310.08586 link
2023-10-12 OmniControl: Control Any Joint at Any Time for Human Motion Generation Yiming Xie et.al. 2310.08580 link
2023-10-12 Would you trust a vehicle merging into your lane? Subjective evaluation of negotiating behaviour in a congested merging scenario Akinobu Goto et.al. 2310.08361 null
2023-10-12 Spectral deferred correction methods for second-order problems Ikrom Akramov et.al. 2310.08352 link
2023-10-12 Multimodal Variational Auto-encoder based Audio-Visual Segmentation Yuxin Mao et.al. 2310.08303 link
2023-10-12 Generalized Riemann Problem Method for the Kapila Model of Compressible Multiphase Flows I: Temporal-Spatial Coupling Finite Volume Scheme Zhifang Du et.al. 2310.08241 null
2023-10-12 Long-Tailed Classification Based on Coarse-Grained Leading Forest and Multi-Center Loss Jinye Yang et.al. 2310.08206 link
2023-10-12 A Systematic Evaluation of Automated Tools for Side-Channel Vulnerabilities Detection in Cryptographic Libraries Antoine Geimer et.al. 2310.08153 null
2023-10-12 Continual Learning via Manifold Expansion Replay Zihao Xu et.al. 2310.08038 null
2023-10-12 Point-NeuS: Point-Guided Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction by Volume Rendering Chen Zhang et.al. 2310.07997 null
2023-10-11 Dynamic Appearance Particle Neural Radiance Field Ancheng Lin et.al. 2310.07916 null
2023-10-13 DANet: Enhancing Small Object Detection through an Efficient Deformable Attention Network Md Sohag Mia et.al. 2310.05768 null
2023-10-07 HI-SLAM: Monocular Real-time Dense Mapping with Hybrid Implicit Fields Wei Zhang et.al. 2310.04787 null
2023-10-02 Adversarial Contextual Bandits Go Kernelized Gergely Neu et.al. 2310.01609 null
2023-09-28 Cell nucleus elastography with the adjoint-based inverse solver Yue Mei et.al. 2309.16272 null
2023-09-28 Learning Effective NeRFs and SDFs Representations with 3D Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D Object Generation: Technical Report for ICCV 2023 OmniObject3D Challenge Zheyuan Yang et.al. 2309.16110 null
2023-09-27 Importance-Weighted Offline Learning Done Right Germano Gabbianelli et.al. 2309.15771 null
2023-09-26 PHRIT: Parametric Hand Representation with Implicit Template Zhisheng Huang et.al. 2309.14916 null
2023-09-22 CINFormer: Transformer network with multi-stage CNN feature injection for surface defect segmentation Xiaoheng Jiang et.al. 2309.12639 null

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Publish Date Title Authors PDF Code
2024-08-30 OG-Mapping: Octree-based Structured 3D Gaussians for Online Dense Mapping Meng Wang et.al. 2408.17223 null
2024-08-30 2DGH: 2D Gaussian-Hermite Splatting for High-quality Rendering and Better Geometry Reconstruction Ruihan Yu et.al. 2408.16982 null
2024-08-29 ReconX: Reconstruct Any Scene from Sparse Views with Video Diffusion Model Fangfu Liu et.al. 2408.16767 null
2024-08-29 OmniRe: Omni Urban Scene Reconstruction Ziyu Chen et.al. 2408.16760 null
2024-09-01 Generic Objects as Pose Probes for Few-Shot View Synthesis Zhirui Gao et.al. 2408.16690 null
2024-08-28 Towards Realistic Example-based Modeling via 3D Gaussian Stitching Xinyu Gao et.al. 2408.15708 null
2024-08-28 G-Style: Stylized Gaussian Splatting Áron Samuel Kovács et.al. 2408.15695 null
2024-08-27 Drone-assisted Road Gaussian Splatting with Cross-view Uncertainty Saining Zhang et.al. 2408.15242 link
2024-08-27 Learning-based Multi-View Stereo: A Survey Fangjinhua Wang et.al. 2408.15235 null
2024-08-27 Robo-GS: A Physics Consistent Spatial-Temporal Model for Robotic Arm with Hybrid Representation Haozhe Lou et.al. 2408.14873 null
2024-08-27 LapisGS: Layered Progressive 3D Gaussian Splatting for Adaptive Streaming Yuang Shi et.al. 2408.14823 null
2024-08-26 Avatar Concept Slider: Manipulate Concepts In Your Human Avatar With Fine-grained Control Yixuan He et.al. 2408.13995 null
2024-08-26 DynaSurfGS: Dynamic Surface Reconstruction with Planar-based Gaussian Splatting Weiwei Cai et.al. 2408.13972 link
2024-08-27 Splatt3R: Zero-shot Gaussian Splatting from Uncalibrated Image Pairs Brandon Smart et.al. 2408.13912 null
2024-08-25 DESI Peculiar Velocity Survey -- Fundamental Plane Khaled Said et.al. 2408.13842 null
2024-08-25 TranSplat: Generalizable 3D Gaussian Splatting from Sparse Multi-View Images with Transformers Chuanrui Zhang et.al. 2408.13770 null
2024-08-25 SceneDreamer360: Text-Driven 3D-Consistent Scene Generation with Panoramic Gaussian Splatting Wenrui Li et.al. 2408.13711 link
2024-08-23 BiGS: Bidirectional Gaussian Primitives for Relightable 3D Gaussian Splatting Zhenyuan Liu et.al. 2408.13370 null
2024-08-23 LayerPano3D: Layered 3D Panorama for Hyper-Immersive Scene Generation Shuai Yang et.al. 2408.13252 null
2024-08-23 Atlas Gaussians Diffusion for 3D Generation with Infinite Number of Points Haitao Yang et.al. 2408.13055 null
2024-08-23 S4D: Streaming 4D Real-World Reconstruction with Gaussians and 3D Control Points Bing He et.al. 2408.13036 null
2024-08-23 FLoD: Integrating Flexible Level of Detail into 3D Gaussian Splatting for Customizable Rendering Yunji Seo et.al. 2408.12894 null
2024-08-26 GSFusion: Online RGB-D Mapping Where Gaussian Splatting Meets TSDF Fusion Jiaxin Wei et.al. 2408.12677 link
2024-08-22 Subsurface Scattering for 3D Gaussian Splatting Jan-Niklas Dihlmann et.al. 2408.12282 null
2024-08-21 Robust 3D Gaussian Splatting for Novel View Synthesis in Presence of Distractors Paul Ungermann et.al. 2408.11697 link
2024-08-22 DeRainGS: Gaussian Splatting for Enhanced Scene Reconstruction in Rainy Environments Shuhong Liu et.al. 2408.11540 null
2024-08-21 GaussianOcc: Fully Self-supervised and Efficient 3D Occupancy Estimation with Gaussian Splatting Wanshui Gan et.al. 2408.11447 link
2024-08-21 Pano2Room: Novel View Synthesis from a Single Indoor Panorama Guo Pu et.al. 2408.11413 link
2024-08-20 GSLoc: Efficient Camera Pose Refinement via 3D Gaussian Splatting Changkun Liu et.al. 2408.11085 null
2024-08-20 Large Point-to-Gaussian Model for Image-to-3D Generation Longfei Lu et.al. 2408.10935 null
2024-08-20 ShapeSplat: A Large-scale Dataset of Gaussian Splats and Their Self-Supervised Pretraining Qi Ma et.al. 2408.10906 null
2024-08-20 Learning Part-aware 3D Representations by Fusing 2D Gaussians and Superquadrics Zhirui Gao et.al. 2408.10789 null
2024-08-20 DEGAS: Detailed Expressions on Full-Body Gaussian Avatars Zhijing Shao et.al. 2408.10588 null
2024-08-20 LoopSplat: Loop Closure by Registering 3D Gaussian Splats Liyuan Zhu et.al. 2408.10154 link
2024-08-19 Implicit Gaussian Splatting with Efficient Multi-Level Tri-Plane Representation Minye Wu et.al. 2408.10041 null
2024-08-19 SG-GS: Photo-realistic Animatable Human Avatars with Semantically-Guided Gaussian Splatting Haoyu Zhao et.al. 2408.09665 null
2024-08-20 CHASE: 3D-Consistent Human Avatars with Sparse Inputs via Gaussian Splatting and Contrastive Learning Haoyu Zhao et.al. 2408.09663 null
2024-08-20 Gaussian in the Dark: Real-Time View Synthesis From Inconsistent Dark Images Using Gaussian Splatting Sheng Ye et.al. 2408.09130 link
2024-08-16 Correspondence-Guided SfM-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting for NVS Wei Sun et.al. 2408.08723 null
2024-08-16 GS-ID: Illumination Decomposition on Gaussian Splatting via Diffusion Prior and Parametric Light Source Optimization Kang Du et.al. 2408.08524 link
2024-08-15 WaterSplatting: Fast Underwater 3D Scene Reconstruction Using Gaussian Splatting Huapeng Li et.al. 2408.08206 null
2024-08-19 FlashGS: Efficient 3D Gaussian Splatting for Large-scale and High-resolution Rendering Guofeng Feng et.al. 2408.07967 link
2024-08-14 Progressive Radiance Distillation for Inverse Rendering with Gaussian Splatting Keyang Ye et.al. 2408.07595 null
2024-08-14 3D Gaussian Editing with A Single Image Guan Luo et.al. 2408.07540 null
2024-08-13 SpectralGaussians: Semantic, spectral 3D Gaussian splatting for multi-spectral scene representation, visualization and analysis Saptarshi Neil Sinha et.al. 2408.06975 null
2024-08-13 HDRGS: High Dynamic Range Gaussian Splatting Jiahao Wu et.al. 2408.06543 link
2024-08-12 Mipmap-GS: Let Gaussians Deform with Scale-specific Mipmap for Anti-aliasing Rendering Jiameng Li et.al. 2408.06286 link
2024-08-12 Developing Smart MAVs for Autonomous Inspection in GPS-denied Constructions Paoqiang Pan et.al. 2408.06030 null
2024-08-12 HeadGAP: Few-shot 3D Head Avatar via Generalizable Gaussian Priors Xiaozheng Zheng et.al. 2408.06019 null
2024-08-10 Visual SLAM with 3D Gaussian Primitives and Depth Priors Enabling Novel View Synthesis Zhongche Qu et.al. 2408.05635 null
2024-08-10 PRTGaussian: Efficient Relighting Using 3D Gaussians with Precomputed Radiance Transfer Libo Zhang et.al. 2408.05631 link
2024-08-09 DreamCouple: Exploring High Quality Text-to-3D Generation Via Rectified Flow Hangyu Li et.al. 2408.05008 null
2024-08-14 Self-augmented Gaussian Splatting with Structure-aware Masks for Sparse-view 3D Reconstruction Lingbei Meng et.al. 2408.04831 null
2024-08-06 LumiGauss: High-Fidelity Outdoor Relighting with 2D Gaussian Splatting Joanna Kaleta et.al. 2408.04474 link
2024-08-08 A Review of 3D Reconstruction Techniques for Deformable Tissues in Robotic Surgery Mengya Xu et.al. 2408.04426 link
2024-08-08 InstantStyleGaussian: Efficient Art Style Transfer with 3D Gaussian Splatting Xin-Yi Yu et.al. 2408.04249 null
2024-08-07 Towards Real-Time Gaussian Splatting: Accelerating 3DGS through Photometric SLAM Yan Song Hu et.al. 2408.03825 null
2024-08-07 Compact 3D Gaussian Splatting for Static and Dynamic Radiance Fields Joo Chan Lee et.al. 2408.03822 null
2024-08-07 3iGS: Factorised Tensorial Illumination for 3D Gaussian Splatting Zhe Jun Tang et.al. 2408.03753 link
2024-08-07 PRTGS: Precomputed Radiance Transfer of Gaussian Splats for Real-Time High-Quality Relighting Yijia Guo et.al. 2408.03538 null
2024-08-07 Leveraging LLMs for Enhanced Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Understanding in Autonomous Driving Amirhosein Chahe et.al. 2408.03516 null
2024-08-02 A General Framework to Boost 3D GS Initialization for Text-to-3D Generation by Lexical Richness Lutao Jiang et.al. 2408.01269 null
2024-08-02 Reality Fusion: Robust Real-time Immersive Mobile Robot Teleoperation with Volumetric Visual Data Fusion Ke Li et.al. 2408.01225 link
2024-08-07 IG-SLAM: Instant Gaussian SLAM F. Aykut Sarikamis et.al. 2408.01126 null
2024-08-01 LoopSparseGS: Loop Based Sparse-View Friendly Gaussian Splatting Zhenyu Bao et.al. 2408.00254 null
2024-07-31 Localized Gaussian Splatting Editing with Contextual Awareness Hanyuan Xiao et.al. 2408.00083 null
2024-07-31 Expressive Whole-Body 3D Gaussian Avatar Gyeongsik Moon et.al. 2407.21686 null
2024-07-30 SceneTeller: Language-to-3D Scene Generation Başak Melis Öcal et.al. 2407.20727 null
2024-07-29 Improving 2D Feature Representations by 3D-Aware Fine-Tuning Yuanwen Yue et.al. 2407.20229 null
2024-07-29 Registering Neural 4D Gaussians for Endoscopic Surgery Yiming Huang et.al. 2407.20213 null
2024-07-29 Radiance Fields for Robotic Teleoperation Maximum Wilder-Smith et.al. 2407.20194 link
2024-07-26 ScalingGaussian: Enhancing 3D Content Creation with Generative Gaussian Splatting Shen Chen et.al. 2407.19035 null
2024-07-25 GaussianSR: High Fidelity 2D Gaussian Splatting for Arbitrary-Scale Image Super-Resolution Jintong Hu et.al. 2407.18046 null
2024-07-24 3D Gaussian Splatting: Survey, Technologies, Challenges, and Opportunities Yanqi Bao et.al. 2407.17418 link
2024-07-29 DHGS: Decoupled Hybrid Gaussian Splatting for Driving Scene Xi Shi et.al. 2407.16600 null
2024-07-23 HDRSplat: Gaussian Splatting for High Dynamic Range 3D Scene Reconstruction from Raw Images Shreyas Singh et.al. 2407.16503 link
2024-07-23 Integrating Meshes and 3D Gaussians for Indoor Scene Reconstruction with SAM Mask Guidance Jiyeop Kim et.al. 2407.16173 null
2024-07-22 6DGS: 6D Pose Estimation from a Single Image and a 3D Gaussian Splatting Model Matteo Bortolon et.al. 2407.15484 null
2024-07-22 Enhancement of 3D Gaussian Splatting using Raw Mesh for Photorealistic Recreation of Architectures Ruizhe Wang et.al. 2407.15435 null
2024-07-21 HoloDreamer: Holistic 3D Panoramic World Generation from Text Descriptions Haiyang Zhou et.al. 2407.15187 null
2024-07-21 3D Gaussian Parametric Head Model Yuelang Xu et.al. 2407.15070 null
2024-07-20 Realistic Surgical Image Dataset Generation Based On 3D Gaussian Splatting Tianle Zeng et.al. 2407.14846 null
2024-07-19 A Benchmark for Gaussian Splatting Compression and Quality Assessment Study Qi Yang et.al. 2407.14197 link
2024-07-19 GaussianBeV: 3D Gaussian Representation meets Perception Models for BeV Segmentation Florian Chabot et.al. 2407.14108 null
2024-07-19 DirectL: Efficient Radiance Fields Rendering for 3D Light Field Displays Zongyuan Yang et.al. 2407.14053 null
2024-07-19 PlacidDreamer: Advancing Harmony in Text-to-3D Generation Shuo Huang et.al. 2407.13976 link
2024-07-20 Connecting Consistency Distillation to Score Distillation for Text-to-3D Generation Zongrui Li et.al. 2407.13584 link
2024-07-18 EaDeblur-GS: Event assisted 3D Deblur Reconstruction with Gaussian Splatting Yuchen Weng et.al. 2407.13520 null
2024-07-17 Generalizable Human Gaussians for Sparse View Synthesis Youngjoong Kwon et.al. 2407.12777 link
2024-07-17 Splatfacto-W: A Nerfstudio Implementation of Gaussian Splatting for Unconstrained Photo Collections Congrong Xu et.al. 2407.12306 null
2024-07-16 MVG-Splatting: Multi-View Guided Gaussian Splatting with Adaptive Quantile-Based Geometric Consistency Densification Zhuoxiao Li et.al. 2407.11840 null
2024-07-16 Click-Gaussian: Interactive Segmentation to Any 3D Gaussians Seokhun Choi et.al. 2407.11793 null
2024-07-16 SlingBAG: Sliding ball adaptive growth algorithm with differentiable radiation enables super-efficient iterative 3D photoacoustic image reconstruction Shuang Li et.al. 2407.11781 null
2024-07-16 I $^2$ -SLAM: Inverting Imaging Process for Robust Photorealistic Dense SLAM Gwangtak Bae et.al. 2407.11347 null
2024-07-16 Ev-GS: Event-based Gaussian splatting for Efficient and Accurate Radiance Field Rendering Jingqian Wu et.al. 2407.11343 null
2024-07-16 Gaussian Splatting LK Liuyue Xie et.al. 2407.11309 null
2024-07-15 iHuman: Instant Animatable Digital Humans From Monocular Videos Pramish Paudel et.al. 2407.11174 link
2024-07-15 Scaling 3D Reasoning with LMMs to Large Robot Mission Environments Using Datagraphs W. J. Meijer et.al. 2407.10743 null
2024-07-15 Interactive Rendering of Relightable and Animatable Gaussian Avatars Youyi Zhan et.al. 2407.10707 null
2024-07-15 Pathformer3D: A 3D Scanpath Transformer for 360° Images Rong Quan et.al. 2407.10563 link
2024-07-14 RecGS: Removing Water Caustic with Recurrent Gaussian Splatting Tianyi Zhang et.al. 2407.10318 null
2024-07-14 3DEgo: 3D Editing on the Go! Umar Khalid et.al. 2407.10102 null
2024-07-14 SpikeGS: 3D Gaussian Splatting from Spike Streams with High-Speed Camera Motion Jiyuan Zhang et.al. 2407.10062 null
2024-07-13 Textured-GS: Gaussian Splatting with Spatially Defined Color and Opacity Zhentao Huang et.al. 2407.09733 null
2024-07-12 StyleSplat: 3D Object Style Transfer with Gaussian Splatting Sahil Jain et.al. 2407.09473 null
2024-07-11 WildGaussians: 3D Gaussian Splatting in the Wild Jonas Kulhanek et.al. 2407.08447 null
2024-07-11 Survey on Fundamental Deep Learning 3D Reconstruction Techniques Yonge Bai et.al. 2407.08137 null
2024-07-10 MIGS: Multi-Identity Gaussian Splatting via Tensor Decomposition Aggelina Chatziagapi et.al. 2407.07284 null
2024-07-09 Reference-based Controllable Scene Stylization with Gaussian Splatting Yiqun Mei et.al. 2407.07220 null
2024-07-10 3D Gaussian Ray Tracing: Fast Tracing of Particle Scenes Nicolas Moenne-Loccoz et.al. 2407.07090 null
2024-07-07 PICA: Physics-Integrated Clothed Avatar Bo Peng et.al. 2407.05324 null
2024-07-07 GaussReg: Fast 3D Registration with Gaussian Splatting Jiahao Chang et.al. 2407.05254 null
2024-07-06 SurgicalGaussian: Deformable 3D Gaussians for High-Fidelity Surgical Scene Reconstruction Weixing Xie et.al. 2407.05023 null
2024-07-05 Gaussian Eigen Models for Human Heads Wojciech Zielonka et.al. 2407.04545 null
2024-07-12 Segment Any 4D Gaussians Shengxiang Ji et.al. 2407.04504 null
2024-07-10 GSD: View-Guided Gaussian Splatting Diffusion for 3D Reconstruction Yuxuan Mu et.al. 2407.04237 null
2024-07-04 CRiM-GS: Continuous Rigid Motion-Aware Gaussian Splatting from Motion Blur Images Junghe Lee et.al. 2407.03923 null
2024-07-04 PFGS: High Fidelity Point Cloud Rendering via Feature Splatting Jiaxu Wang et.al. 2407.03857 link
2024-07-04 SpikeGS: Reconstruct 3D scene via fast-moving bio-inspired sensors Yijia Guo et.al. 2407.03771 null
2024-07-03 Expressive Gaussian Human Avatars from Monocular RGB Video Hezhen Hu et.al. 2407.03204 null
2024-07-04 VEGS: View Extrapolation of Urban Scenes in 3D Gaussian Splatting using Learned Priors Sungwon Hwang et.al. 2407.02945 link
2024-07-03 Free-SurGS: SfM-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting for Surgical Scene Reconstruction Jiaxin Guo et.al. 2407.02918 link
2024-07-03 Spatially Coherent 3D Distributions of HI and CO in the Milky Way Laurin Söding et.al. 2407.02859 null
2024-07-04 AutoSplat: Constrained Gaussian Splatting for Autonomous Driving Scene Reconstruction Mustafa Khan et.al. 2407.02598 null
2024-07-02 TrAME: Trajectory-Anchored Multi-View Editing for Text-Guided 3D Gaussian Splatting Manipulation Chaofan Luo et.al. 2407.02034 null
2024-07-01 DRAGON: Drone and Ground Gaussian Splatting for 3D Building Reconstruction Yujin Ham et.al. 2407.01761 null
2024-07-01 GaussianStego: A Generalizable Stenography Pipeline for Generative 3D Gaussians Splatting Chenxin Li et.al. 2407.01301 null
2024-07-01 Learning 3D Gaussians for Extremely Sparse-View Cone-Beam CT Reconstruction Yiqun Lin et.al. 2407.01090 link
2024-07-01 EndoSparse: Real-Time Sparse View Synthesis of Endoscopic Scenes using Gaussian Splatting Chenxin Li et.al. 2407.01029 null
2024-07-02 RTGS: Enabling Real-Time Gaussian Splatting on Mobile Devices Using Efficiency-Guided Pruning and Foveated Rendering Weikai Lin et.al. 2407.00435 link
2024-06-29 OccFusion: Rendering Occluded Humans with Generative Diffusion Priors Adam Sun et.al. 2407.00316 null
2024-06-28 SpotlessSplats: Ignoring Distractors in 3D Gaussian Splatting Sara Sabour et.al. 2406.20055 null
2024-06-28 EgoGaussian: Dynamic Scene Understanding from Egocentric Video with 3D Gaussian Splatting Daiwei Zhang et.al. 2406.19811 null
2024-06-27 Lightweight Predictive 3D Gaussian Splats Junli Cao et.al. 2406.19434 link
2024-06-28 FAGhead: Fully Animate Gaussian Head from Monocular Videos Yixin Xuan et.al. 2406.19070 null
2024-06-26 Dynamic Gaussian Marbles for Novel View Synthesis of Casual Monocular Videos Colton Stearns et.al. 2406.18717 null
2024-06-26 On Scaling Up 3D Gaussian Splatting Training Hexu Zhao et.al. 2406.18533 link
2024-06-26 GaussianDreamerPro: Text to Manipulable 3D Gaussians with Highly Enhanced Quality Taoran Yi et.al. 2406.18462 null
2024-06-26 Trimming the Fat: Efficient Compression of 3D Gaussian Splats through Pruning Muhammad Salman Ali et.al. 2406.18214 link
2024-06-26 GS-Octree: Octree-based 3D Gaussian Splatting for Robust Object-level 3D Reconstruction Under Strong Lighting Jiaze Li et.al. 2406.18199 null
2024-06-26 VDG: Vision-Only Dynamic Gaussian for Driving Simulation Hao Li et.al. 2406.18198 null
2024-06-25 Director3D: Real-world Camera Trajectory and 3D Scene Generation from Text Xinyang Li et.al. 2406.17601 link
2024-06-25 NerfBaselines: Consistent and Reproducible Evaluation of Novel View Synthesis Methods Jonas Kulhanek et.al. 2406.17345 null
2024-06-24 Reducing the Memory Footprint of 3D Gaussian Splatting Panagiotis Papantonakis et.al. 2406.17074 null
2024-06-24 From Perfect to Noisy World Simulation: Customizable Embodied Multi-modal Perturbations for SLAM Robustness Benchmarking Xiaohao Xu et.al. 2406.16850 link
2024-06-24 ClotheDreamer: Text-Guided Garment Generation with 3D Gaussians Yufei Liu et.al. 2406.16815 null
2024-06-23 LGS: A Light-weight 4D Gaussian Splatting for Efficient Surgical Scene Reconstruction Hengyu Liu et.al. 2406.16073 null
2024-06-23 Learning with Noisy Ground Truth: From 2D Classification to 3D Reconstruction Yangdi Lu et.al. 2406.15982 null
2024-06-21 Taming 3DGS: High-Quality Radiance Fields with Limited Resources Saswat Subhajyoti Mallick et.al. 2406.15643 link
2024-06-21 GeoLRM: Geometry-Aware Large Reconstruction Model for High-Quality 3D Gaussian Generation Chubin Zhang et.al. 2406.15333 link
2024-06-21 Gaussian Splatting to Real World Flight Navigation Transfer with Liquid Networks Alex Quach et.al. 2406.15149 null
2024-06-21 E2GS: Event Enhanced Gaussian Splatting Hiroyuki Deguchi et.al. 2406.14978 link
2024-06-21 Gaussian-Informed Continuum for Physical Property Identification and Simulation Junhao Cai et.al. 2406.14927 null
2024-06-19 Splatter a Video: Video Gaussian Representation for Versatile Processing Yang-Tian Sun et.al. 2406.13870 null
2024-06-18 Sampling 3D Gaussian Scenes in Seconds with Latent Diffusion Models Paul Henderson et.al. 2406.13099 null
2024-06-18 HumanSplat: Generalizable Single-Image Human Gaussian Splatting with Structure Priors Panwang Pan et.al. 2406.12459 link
2024-06-17 A Hierarchical 3D Gaussian Representation for Real-Time Rendering of Very Large Datasets Bernhard Kerbl et.al. 2406.12080 null
2024-06-22 RetinaGS: Scalable Training for Dense Scene Rendering with Billion-Scale 3D Gaussians Bingling Li et.al. 2406.11836 null
2024-06-18 Effective Rank Analysis and Regularization for Enhanced 3D Gaussian Splatting Junha Hyung et.al. 2406.11672 null
2024-06-17 Projecting Radiance Fields to Mesh Surfaces Adrian Xuan Wei Lim et.al. 2406.11570 null
2024-06-16 Physically Embodied Gaussian Splatting: A Realtime Correctable World Model for Robotics Jad Abou-Chakra et.al. 2406.10788 null
2024-06-14 Wild-GS: Real-Time Novel View Synthesis from Unconstrained Photo Collections Jiacong Xu et.al. 2406.10373 null
2024-06-14 L4GM: Large 4D Gaussian Reconstruction Model Jiawei Ren et.al. 2406.10324 null
2024-06-14 PUP 3D-GS: Principled Uncertainty Pruning for 3D Gaussian Splatting Alex Hanson et.al. 2406.10219 null
2024-06-14 GaussianSR: 3D Gaussian Super-Resolution with 2D Diffusion Priors Xiqian Yu et.al. 2406.10111 null
2024-06-14 GradeADreamer: Enhanced Text-to-3D Generation Using Gaussian Splatting and Multi-View Diffusion Trapoom Ukarapol et.al. 2406.09850 link
2024-06-14 Unified Gaussian Primitives for Scene Representation and Rendering Yang Zhou et.al. 2406.09733 null
2024-06-13 Modeling Ambient Scene Dynamics for Free-view Synthesis Meng-Li Shih et.al. 2406.09395 null
2024-06-13 GGHead: Fast and Generalizable 3D Gaussian Heads Tobias Kirschstein et.al. 2406.09377 null
2024-06-14 AV-GS: Learning Material and Geometry Aware Priors for Novel View Acoustic Synthesis Swapnil Bhosale et.al. 2406.08920 null
2024-06-13 Gaussian-Forest: Hierarchical-Hybrid 3D Gaussian Splatting for Compressed Scene Modeling Fengyi Zhang et.al. 2406.08759 null
2024-06-12 ICE-G: Image Conditional Editing of 3D Gaussian Splats Vishnu Jaganathan et.al. 2406.08488 null
2024-06-12 Human 3Diffusion: Realistic Avatar Creation via Explicit 3D Consistent Diffusion Models Yuxuan Xue et.al. 2406.08475 null
2024-06-12 From Chaos to Clarity: 3DGS in the Dark Zhihao Li et.al. 2406.08300 null
2024-06-11 Trim 3D Gaussian Splatting for Accurate Geometry Representation Lue Fan et.al. 2406.07499 null
2024-06-11 Cinematic Gaussians: Real-Time HDR Radiance Fields with Depth of Field Chao Wang et.al. 2406.07329 null
2024-06-10 GaussianCity: Generative Gaussian Splatting for Unbounded 3D City Generation Haozhe Xie et.al. 2406.06526 null
2024-06-10 PGSR: Planar-based Gaussian Splatting for Efficient and High-Fidelity Surface Reconstruction Danpeng Chen et.al. 2406.06521 null
2024-06-10 MVGamba: Unify 3D Content Generation as State Space Sequence Modeling Xuanyu Yi et.al. 2406.06367 null
2024-06-10 Lighting Every Darkness with 3DGS: Fast Training and Real-Time Rendering for HDR View Synthesis Xin Jin et.al. 2406.06216 link
2024-06-09 Bits-to-Photon: End-to-End Learned Scalable Point Cloud Compression for Direct Rendering Yueyu Hu et.al. 2406.05915 null
2024-06-09 InfoGaussian: Structure-Aware Dynamic Gaussians through Lightweight Information Shaping Yunchao Zhang et.al. 2406.05897 null
2024-06-09 RefGaussian: Disentangling Reflections from 3D Gaussian Splatting for Realistic Rendering Rui Zhang et.al. 2406.05852 null
2024-06-09 VCR-GauS: View Consistent Depth-Normal Regularizer for Gaussian Surface Reconstruction Hanlin Chen et.al. 2406.05774 null
2024-06-06 Flash3D: Feed-Forward Generalisable 3D Scene Reconstruction from a Single Image Stanislaw Szymanowicz et.al. 2406.04343 link
2024-06-11 Physics3D: Learning Physical Properties of 3D Gaussians via Video Diffusion Fangfu Liu et.al. 2406.04338 null
2024-06-06 A Survey on 3D Human Avatar Modeling -- From Reconstruction to Generation Ruihe Wang et.al. 2406.04253 null
2024-06-06 Localized Gaussian Point Management Haosen Yang et.al. 2406.04251 null
2024-06-06 Superpoint Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time High-Fidelity Dynamic Scene Reconstruction Diwen Wan et.al. 2406.03697 null
2024-06-05 Gaussian Representation for Deformable Image Registration Jihe Li et.al. 2406.03394 null
2024-06-05 Dynamic 3D Gaussian Fields for Urban Areas Tobias Fischer et.al. 2406.03175 null
2024-06-05 Event3DGS: Event-based 3D Gaussian Splatting for Fast Egomotion Tianyi Xiong et.al. 2406.02972 null
2024-06-05 Adversarial Generation of Hierarchical Gaussians for 3D Generative Model Sangeek Hyun et.al. 2406.02968 link
2024-06-04 3D-HGS: 3D Half-Gaussian Splatting Haolin Li et.al. 2406.02720 link
2024-06-06 Enhancing Temporal Consistency in Video Editing by Reconstructing Videos with 3D Gaussian Splatting Inkyu Shin et.al. 2406.02541 null
2024-06-04 SatSplatYOLO: 3D Gaussian Splatting-based Virtual Object Detection Ensembles for Satellite Feature Recognition Van Minh Nguyen et.al. 2406.02533 null
2024-06-04 DDGS-CT: Direction-Disentangled Gaussian Splatting for Realistic Volume Rendering Zhongpai Gao et.al. 2406.02518 null
2024-06-04 WE-GS: An In-the-wild Efficient 3D Gaussian Representation for Unconstrained Photo Collections Yuze Wang et.al. 2406.02407 null
2024-06-04 Query-based Semantic Gaussian Field for Scene Representation in Reinforcement Learning Jiaxu Wang et.al. 2406.02370 null
2024-06-04 OpenGaussian: Towards Point-Level 3D Gaussian-based Open Vocabulary Understanding Yanmin Wu et.al. 2406.02058 null
2024-06-04 FastLGS: Speeding up Language Embedded Gaussians with Feature Grid Mapping Yuzhou Ji et.al. 2406.01916 null
2024-06-03 Reconstructing and Simulating Dynamic 3D Objects with Mesh-adsorbed Gaussian Splatting Shaojie Ma et.al. 2406.01593 null
2024-06-03 Tetrahedron Splatting for 3D Generation Chun Gu et.al. 2406.01579 link
2024-06-03 DreamPhysics: Learning Physical Properties of Dynamic 3D Gaussians with Video Diffusion Priors Tianyu Huang et.al. 2406.01476 link
2024-05-31 GS-Phong: Meta-Learned 3D Gaussians for Relightable Novel View Synthesis Yumeng He et.al. 2405.20791 link
2024-05-31 ContextGS: Compact 3D Gaussian Splatting with Anchor Level Context Model Yufei Wang et.al. 2405.20721 link
2024-05-31 R $^2$ -Gaussian: Rectifying Radiative Gaussian Splatting for Tomographic Reconstruction Ruyi Zha et.al. 2405.20693 link
2024-05-31 Fourier123: One Image to High-Quality 3D Object Generation with Hybrid Fourier Score Distillation Shuzhou Yang et.al. 2405.20669 link
2024-05-30 $\textit{S}^3$ Gaussian: Self-Supervised Street Gaussians for Autonomous Driving Nan Huang et.al. 2405.20323 link
2024-06-03 A Pixel Is Worth More Than One 3D Gaussians in Single-View 3D Reconstruction Jianghao Shen et.al. 2405.20310 null
2024-05-30 Object-centric Reconstruction and Tracking of Dynamic Unknown Objects using 3D Gaussian Splatting Kuldeep R Barad et.al. 2405.20104 null
2024-06-04 PLA4D: Pixel-Level Alignments for Text-to-4D Gaussian Splatting Qiaowei Miao et.al. 2405.19957 link
2024-05-30 GaussianPrediction: Dynamic 3D Gaussian Prediction for Motion Extrapolation and Free View Synthesis Boming Zhao et.al. 2405.19745 null
2024-05-30 GaussianRoom: Improving 3D Gaussian Splatting with SDF Guidance and Monocular Cues for Indoor Scene Reconstruction Haodong Xiang et.al. 2405.19671 null
2024-05-30 Uncertainty-guided Optimal Transport in Depth Supervised Sparse-View 3D Gaussian Wei Sun et.al. 2405.19657 null
2024-05-30 TAMBRIDGE: Bridging Frame-Centered Tracking and 3D Gaussian Splatting for Enhanced SLAM Peifeng Jiang et.al. 2405.19614 null
2024-05-29 NPGA: Neural Parametric Gaussian Avatars Simon Giebenhain et.al. 2405.19331 null
2024-05-29 DGD: Dynamic 3D Gaussians Distillation Isaac Labe et.al. 2405.19321 null
2024-05-30 $E^{3}$ Gen: Efficient, Expressive and Editable Avatars Generation Weitian Zhang et.al. 2405.19203 null
2024-05-29 LP-3DGS: Learning to Prune 3D Gaussian Splatting Zhaoliang Zhang et.al. 2405.18784 link
2024-05-28 GFlow: Recovering 4D World from Monocular Video Shizun Wang et.al. 2405.18426 null
2024-05-28 3DitScene: Editing Any Scene via Language-guided Disentangled Gaussian Splatting Qihang Zhang et.al. 2405.18424 null
2024-05-30 3D StreetUnveiler with Semantic-Aware 2DGS Jingwei Xu et.al. 2405.18416 null
2024-05-30 NegGS: Negative Gaussian Splatting Artur Kasymov et.al. 2405.18163 link
2024-05-28 A Grid-Free Fluid Solver based on Gaussian Spatial Representation Jingrui Xing et.al. 2405.18133 null
2024-05-28 EG4D: Explicit Generation of 4D Object without Score Distillation Qi Sun et.al. 2405.18132 link
2024-05-28 RT-GS2: Real-Time Generalizable Semantic Segmentation for 3D Gaussian Representations of Radiance Fields Mihnea-Bogdan Jurca et.al. 2405.18033 link
2024-05-28 FreeSplat: Generalizable 3D Gaussian Splatting Towards Free-View Synthesis of Indoor Scenes Yunsong Wang et.al. 2405.17958 link
2024-05-28 A Refined 3D Gaussian Representation for High-Quality Dynamic Scene Reconstruction Bin Zhang et.al. 2405.17891 null
2024-05-29 HFGS: 4D Gaussian Splatting with Emphasis on Spatial and Temporal High-Frequency Components for Endoscopic Scene Reconstruction Haoyu Zhao et.al. 2405.17872 null
2024-05-27 GaussianFormer: Scene as Gaussians for Vision-Based 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction Yuanhui Huang et.al. 2405.17429 link
2024-05-27 MoSca: Dynamic Gaussian Fusion from Casual Videos via 4D Motion Scaffolds Jiahui Lei et.al. 2405.17421 null
2024-05-27 DOF-GS: Adjustable Depth-of-Field 3D Gaussian Splatting for Refocusing,Defocus Rendering and Blur Removal Yujie Wang et.al. 2405.17351 null
2024-05-27 Memorize What Matters: Emergent Scene Decomposition from Multitraverse Yiming Li et.al. 2405.17187 link
2024-05-28 F-3DGS: Factorized Coordinates and Representations for 3D Gaussian Splatting Xiangyu Sun et.al. 2405.17083 null
2024-05-28 SA-GS: Semantic-Aware Gaussian Splatting for Large Scene Reconstruction with Geometry Constrain Butian Xiong et.al. 2405.16923 null
2024-05-27 Sync4D: Video Guided Controllable Dynamics for Physics-Based 4D Generation Zhoujie Fu et.al. 2405.16849 null
2024-05-28 PyGS: Large-scale Scene Representation with Pyramidal 3D Gaussian Splatting Zipeng Wang et.al. 2405.16829 null
2024-05-26 Diffusion4D: Fast Spatial-temporal Consistent 4D Generation via Video Diffusion Models Hanwen Liang et.al. 2405.16645 null
2024-05-26 Splat-SLAM: Globally Optimized RGB-only SLAM with 3D Gaussians Erik Sandström et.al. 2405.16544 link
2024-05-24 Feature Splatting for Better Novel View Synthesis with Low Overlap T. Berriel Martins et.al. 2405.15518 null
2024-05-24 GSDeformer: Direct Cage-based Deformation for 3D Gaussian Splatting Jiajun Huang et.al. 2405.15491 null
2024-05-24 Volumetric Primitives for Modeling and Rendering Scattering and Emissive Media Jorge Condor et.al. 2405.15425 null
2024-05-24 DisC-GS: Discontinuity-aware Gaussian Splatting Haoxuan Qu et.al. 2405.15196 null
2024-05-24 HDR-GS: Efficient High Dynamic Range Novel View Synthesis at 1000x Speed via Gaussian Splatting Yuanhao Cai et.al. 2405.15125 link
2024-05-24 GS-Hider: Hiding Messages into 3D Gaussian Splatting Xuanyu Zhang et.al. 2405.15118 null
2024-05-23 EvGGS: A Collaborative Learning Framework for Event-based Generalizable Gaussian Splatting Jiaxu Wang et.al. 2405.14959 link
2024-05-23 Tele-Aloha: A Low-budget and High-authenticity Telepresence System Using Sparse RGB Cameras Hanzhang Tu et.al. 2405.14866 null
2024-05-23 LDM: Large Tensorial SDF Model for Textured Mesh Generation Rengan Xie et.al. 2405.14580 link
2024-05-23 MagicDrive3D: Controllable 3D Generation for Any-View Rendering in Street Scenes Ruiyuan Gao et.al. 2405.14475 null
2024-05-23 TIGER: Text-Instructed 3D Gaussian Retrieval and Coherent Editing Teng Xu et.al. 2405.14455 null
2024-05-24 RoGS: Large Scale Road Surface Reconstruction based on 2D Gaussian Splatting Zhiheng Feng et.al. 2405.14342 link
2024-05-24 D-MiSo: Editing Dynamic 3D Scenes using Multi-Gaussians Soup Joanna Waczyńska et.al. 2405.14276 link
2024-05-22 DoGaussian: Distributed-Oriented Gaussian Splatting for Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction Via Gaussian Consensus Yu Chen et.al. 2405.13943 null
2024-05-22 Monocular Gaussian SLAM with Language Extended Loop Closure Tian Lan et.al. 2405.13748 null
2024-05-22 Gaussian Time Machine: A Real-Time Rendering Methodology for Time-Variant Appearances Licheng Shen et.al. 2405.13694 null
2024-05-21 MOSS: Motion-based 3D Clothed Human Synthesis from Monocular Video Hongsheng Wang et.al. 2405.12806 null
2024-05-21 LAGA: Layered 3D Avatar Generation and Customization via Gaussian Splatting Jia Gong et.al. 2405.12663 null
2024-05-21 Gaussian Control with Hierarchical Semantic Graphs in 3D Human Recovery Hongsheng Wang et.al. 2405.12477 null
2024-05-20 GarmentDreamer: 3DGS Guided Garment Synthesis with Diverse Geometry and Texture Details Boqian Li et.al. 2405.12420 null
2024-05-22 AtomGS: Atomizing Gaussian Splatting for High-Fidelity Radiance Field Rong Liu et.al. 2405.12369 null
2024-05-20 Fast Generalizable Gaussian Splatting Reconstruction from Multi-View Stereo Tianqi Liu et.al. 2405.12218 link
2024-05-20 Embracing Radiance Field Rendering in 6G: Over-the-Air Training and Inference with 3D Contents Guanlin Wu et.al. 2405.12155 null
2024-05-20 CoR-GS: Sparse-View 3D Gaussian Splatting via Co-Regularization Jiawei Zhang et.al. 2405.12110 null
2024-05-21 Gaussian Head & Shoulders: High Fidelity Neural Upper Body Avatars with Anchor Gaussian Guided Texture Warping Tianhao Wu et.al. 2405.12069 null
2024-05-20 MirrorGaussian: Reflecting 3D Gaussians for Reconstructing Mirror Reflections Jiayue Liu et.al. 2405.11921 null
2024-05-18 Dreamer XL: Towards High-Resolution Text-to-3D Generation via Trajectory Score Matching Xingyu Miao et.al. 2405.11252 link
2024-05-18 MotionGS : Compact Gaussian Splatting SLAM by Motion Filter Xinli Guo et.al. 2405.11129 link
2024-05-17 Photorealistic 3D Urban Scene Reconstruction and Point Cloud Extraction using Google Earth Imagery and Gaussian Splatting Kyle Gao et.al. 2405.11021 null
2024-05-17 ART3D: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Text-Guided Artistic Scenes Generation Pengzhi Li et.al. 2405.10508 null
2024-05-16 GS-Planner: A Gaussian-Splatting-based Planning Framework for Active High-Fidelity Reconstruction Rui Jin et.al. 2405.10142 null
2024-05-15 From NeRFs to Gaussian Splats, and Back Siming He et.al. 2405.09717 link
2024-05-13 GaussianVTON: 3D Human Virtual Try-ON via Multi-Stage Gaussian Splatting Editing with Image Prompting Haodong Chen et.al. 2405.07472 null
2024-05-12 LayGA: Layered Gaussian Avatars for Animatable Clothing Transfer Siyou Lin et.al. 2405.07319 null
2024-05-11 Direct Learning of Mesh and Appearance via 3D Gaussian Splatting Ancheng Lin et.al. 2405.06945 null
2024-05-10 OneTo3D: One Image to Re-editable Dynamic 3D Model and Video Generation Jinwei Lin et.al. 2405.06547 link
2024-05-10 I3DGS: Improve 3D Gaussian Splatting from Multiple Dimensions Jinwei Lin et.al. 2405.06408 null
2024-05-10 MGS-SLAM: Monocular Sparse Tracking and Gaussian Mapping with Depth Smooth Regularization Pengcheng Zhu et.al. 2405.06241 null
2024-05-09 DragGaussian: Enabling Drag-style Manipulation on 3D Gaussian Representation Sitian Shen et.al. 2405.05800 null
2024-05-09 FastScene: Text-Driven Fast 3D Indoor Scene Generation via Panoramic Gaussian Splatting Yikun Ma et.al. 2405.05768 null
2024-05-09 NGM-SLAM: Gaussian Splatting SLAM with Radiance Field Submap Mingrui Li et.al. 2405.05702 null
2024-05-09 Benchmarking Neural Radiance Fields for Autonomous Robots: An Overview Yuhang Ming et.al. 2405.05526 null
2024-05-08 GDGS: Gradient Domain Gaussian Splatting for Sparse Representation of Radiance Fields Yuanhao Gong et.al. 2405.05446 null
2024-05-07 $\textbf{Splat-MOVER}$ : Multi-Stage, Open-Vocabulary Robotic Manipulation via Editable Gaussian Splatting Ola Shorinwa et.al. 2405.04378 null
2024-05-06 A Construct-Optimize Approach to Sparse View Synthesis without Camera Pose Kaiwen Jiang et.al. 2405.03659 null
2024-05-06 Gaussian Splatting: 3D Reconstruction and Novel View Synthesis, a Review Anurag Dalal et.al. 2405.03417 null
2024-05-03 DreamScene4D: Dynamic Multi-Object Scene Generation from Monocular Videos Wen-Hsuan Chu et.al. 2405.02280 link
2024-05-03 HoloGS: Instant Depth-based 3D Gaussian Splatting with Microsoft HoloLens 2 Miriam Jäger et.al. 2405.02005 null
2024-05-02 Efficient Data-driven Scene Simulation using Robotic Surgery Videos via Physics-embedded 3D Gaussians Zhenya Yang et.al. 2405.00956 null
2024-05-01 Spectrally Pruned Gaussian Fields with Neural Compensation Runyi Yang et.al. 2405.00676 link
2024-05-09 RTG-SLAM: Real-time 3D Reconstruction at Scale using Gaussian Splatting Zhexi Peng et.al. 2404.19706 null
2024-04-30 GS-LRM: Large Reconstruction Model for 3D Gaussian Splatting Kai Zhang et.al. 2404.19702 null
2024-04-30 MicroDreamer: Zero-shot 3D Generation in $\sim$ 20 Seconds by Score-based Iterative Reconstruction Luxi Chen et.al. 2404.19525 link
2024-05-02 3D Gaussian Blendshapes for Head Avatar Animation Shengjie Ma et.al. 2404.19398 null
2024-04-29 SAGS: Structure-Aware 3D Gaussian Splatting Evangelos Ververas et.al. 2404.19149 null
2024-04-29 GSTalker: Real-time Audio-Driven Talking Face Generation via Deformable Gaussian Splatting Bo Chen et.al. 2404.19040 null
2024-04-29 MeGA: Hybrid Mesh-Gaussian Head Avatar for High-Fidelity Rendering and Head Editing Cong Wang et.al. 2404.19026 null
2024-04-29 DGE: Direct Gaussian 3D Editing by Consistent Multi-view Editing Minghao Chen et.al. 2404.18929 null
2024-04-29 Bootstrap 3D Reconstructed Scenes from 3D Gaussian Splatting Yifei Gao et.al. 2404.18669 null
2024-04-29 3D Gaussian Splatting with Deferred Reflection Keyang Ye et.al. 2404.18454 link
2024-04-29 Reconstructing Satellites in 3D from Amateur Telescope Images Zhiming Chang et.al. 2404.18394 null
2024-04-30 High-quality Surface Reconstruction using Gaussian Surfels Pinxuan Dai et.al. 2404.17774 null
2024-04-26 SLAM for Indoor Mapping of Wide Area Construction Environments Vincent Ress et.al. 2404.17215 null
2024-04-25 Interactive3D: Create What You Want by Interactive 3D Generation Shaocong Dong et.al. 2404.16510 null
2024-04-25 DIG3D: Marrying Gaussian Splatting with Deformable Transformer for Single Image 3D Reconstruction Jiamin Wu et.al. 2404.16323 null
2024-04-25 GaussianTalker: Real-Time High-Fidelity Talking Head Synthesis with Audio-Driven 3D Gaussian Splatting Kyusun Cho et.al. 2404.16012 link
2024-04-25 OMEGAS: Object Mesh Extraction from Large Scenes Guided by Gaussian Segmentation Lizhi Wang et.al. 2404.15891 link
2024-04-23 TalkingGaussian: Structure-Persistent 3D Talking Head Synthesis via Gaussian Splatting Jiahe Li et.al. 2404.15264 null
2024-04-23 FlowMap: High-Quality Camera Poses, Intrinsics, and Depth via Gradient Descent Cameron Smith et.al. 2404.15259 link
2024-04-22 Guess The Unseen: Dynamic 3D Scene Reconstruction from Partial 2D Glimpses Inhee Lee et.al. 2404.14410 null
2024-04-22 CLIP-GS: CLIP-Informed Gaussian Splatting for Real-time and View-consistent 3D Semantic Understanding Guibiao Liao et.al. 2404.14249 link
2024-04-28 GaussianTalker: Speaker-specific Talking Head Synthesis via 3D Gaussian Splatting Hongyun Yu et.al. 2404.14037 null
2024-04-21 GScream: Learning 3D Geometry and Feature Consistent Gaussian Splatting for Object Removal Yuxin Wang et.al. 2404.13679 null
2024-04-19 Learn2Talk: 3D Talking Face Learns from 2D Talking Face Yixiang Zhuang et.al. 2404.12888 null
2024-04-19 Contrastive Gaussian Clustering: Weakly Supervised 3D Scene Segmentation Myrna C. Silva et.al. 2404.12784 null
2024-04-19 EfficientGS: Streamlining Gaussian Splatting for Large-Scale High-Resolution Scene Representation Wenkai Liu et.al. 2404.12777 null
2024-04-22 Does Gaussian Splatting need SFM Initialization? Yalda Foroutan et.al. 2404.12547 null
2024-04-22 Dynamic Gaussians Mesh: Consistent Mesh Reconstruction from Monocular Videos Isabella Liu et.al. 2404.12379 null
2024-04-17 InFusion: Inpainting 3D Gaussians via Learning Depth Completion from Diffusion Prior Zhiheng Liu et.al. 2404.11613 null
2024-04-17 RainyScape: Unsupervised Rainy Scene Reconstruction using Decoupled Neural Rendering Xianqiang Lyu et.al. 2404.11401 null
2024-04-18 DeblurGS: Gaussian Splatting for Camera Motion Blur Jeongtaek Oh et.al. 2404.11358 null
2024-04-17 Novel View Synthesis for Cinematic Anatomy on Mobile and Immersive Displays Simon Niedermayr et.al. 2404.11285 null
2024-04-16 Gaussian Opacity Fields: Efficient and Compact Surface Reconstruction in Unbounded Scenes Zehao Yu et.al. 2404.10772 null
2024-04-16 Gaussian Splatting Decoder for 3D-aware Generative Adversarial Networks Florian Barthel et.al. 2404.10625 null
2024-04-16 AbsGS: Recovering Fine Details for 3D Gaussian Splatting Zongxin Ye et.al. 2404.10484 null
2024-04-16 SRGS: Super-Resolution 3D Gaussian Splatting Xiang Feng et.al. 2404.10318 link
2024-04-15 LetsGo: Large-Scale Garage Modeling and Rendering via LiDAR-Assisted Gaussian Primitives Jiadi Cui et.al. 2404.09748 null
2024-04-15 3D Gaussian Splatting as Markov Chain Monte Carlo Shakiba Kheradmand et.al. 2404.09591 null
2024-04-15 CompGS: Efficient 3D Scene Representation via Compressed Gaussian Splatting Xiangrui Liu et.al. 2404.09458 null
2024-04-15 DeferredGS: Decoupled and Editable Gaussian Splatting with Deferred Shading Tong Wu et.al. 2404.09412 null
2024-04-14 DreamScape: 3D Scene Creation via Gaussian Splatting joint Correlation Modeling Xuening Yuan et.al. 2404.09227 null
2024-04-14 EGGS: Edge Guided Gaussian Splatting for Radiance Fields Yuanhao Gong et.al. 2404.09105 null
2024-04-13 LoopGaussian: Creating 3D Cinemagraph with Multi-view Images via Eulerian Motion Field Jiyang Li et.al. 2404.08966 link
2024-04-15 OccGaussian: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Occluded Human Rendering Jingrui Ye et.al. 2404.08449 null
2024-04-11 GoMAvatar: Efficient Animatable Human Modeling from Monocular Video Using Gaussians-on-Mesh Jing Wen et.al. 2404.07991 null
2024-04-10 RealmDreamer: Text-Driven 3D Scene Generation with Inpainting and Depth Diffusion Jaidev Shriram et.al. 2404.07199 null
2024-04-10 Gaussian-LIC: Photo-realistic LiDAR-Inertial-Camera SLAM with 3D Gaussian Splatting Xiaolei Lang et.al. 2404.06926 null
2024-04-10 DreamScene360: Unconstrained Text-to-3D Scene Generation with Panoramic Gaussian Splatting Shijie Zhou et.al. 2404.06903 null
2024-04-10 SplatPose & Detect: Pose-Agnostic 3D Anomaly Detection Mathis Kruse et.al. 2404.06832 link
2024-04-10 Zero-shot Point Cloud Completion Via 2D Priors Tianxin Huang et.al. 2404.06814 null
2024-04-12 SpikeNVS: Enhancing Novel View Synthesis from Blurry Images via Spike Camera Gaole Dai et.al. 2404.06710 null
2024-04-14 3D Geometry-aware Deformable Gaussian Splatting for Dynamic View Synthesis Zhicheng Lu et.al. 2404.06270 null
2024-04-09 Gaussian Pancakes: Geometrically-Regularized 3D Gaussian Splatting for Realistic Endoscopic Reconstruction Sierra Bonilla et.al. 2404.06128 link
2024-04-09 Revising Densification in Gaussian Splatting Samuel Rota Bulò et.al. 2404.06109 null
2024-04-09 Hash3D: Training-free Acceleration for 3D Generation Xingyi Yang et.al. 2404.06091 link
2024-04-08 StylizedGS: Controllable Stylization for 3D Gaussian Splatting Dingxi Zhang et.al. 2404.05220 null
2024-04-07 Dual-Camera Smooth Zoom on Mobile Phones Renlong Wu et.al. 2404.04908 link
2024-04-07 GauU-Scene V2: Expanse Lidar Image Dataset Shows Unreliable Geometric Reconstruction Using Gaussian Splatting and NeRF Butian Xiong et.al. 2404.04880 null
2024-04-06 Z-Splat: Z-Axis Gaussian Splatting for Camera-Sonar Fusion Ziyuan Qu et.al. 2404.04687 link
2024-04-05 Robust Gaussian Splatting François Darmon et.al. 2404.04211 null
2024-04-05 MM-Gaussian: 3D Gaussian-based Multi-modal Fusion for Localization and Reconstruction in Unbounded Scenes Chenyang Wu et.al. 2404.04026 null
2024-04-04 SC4D: Sparse-Controlled Video-to-4D Generation and Motion Transfer Zijie Wu et.al. 2404.03736 link
2024-04-04 Per-Gaussian Embedding-Based Deformation for Deformable 3D Gaussian Splatting Jeongmin Bae et.al. 2404.03613 null
2024-04-04 DreamScene: 3D Gaussian-based Text-to-3D Scene Generation via Formation Pattern Sampling Haoran Li et.al. 2404.03575 null
2024-04-08 OmniGS: Omnidirectional Gaussian Splatting for Fast Radiance Field Reconstruction using Omnidirectional Images Longwei Li et.al. 2404.03202 null
2024-04-04 GaSpCT: Gaussian Splatting for Novel CT Projection View Synthesis Emmanouil Nikolakakis et.al. 2404.03126 null
2024-04-03 TCLC-GS: Tightly Coupled LiDAR-Camera Gaussian Splatting for Surrounding Autonomous Driving Scenes Cheng Zhao et.al. 2404.02410 null
2024-04-07 Sketch3D: Style-Consistent Guidance for Sketch-to-3D Generation Wangguandong Zheng et.al. 2404.01843 null
2024-04-02 Surface Reconstruction from Gaussian Splatting via Novel Stereo Views Yaniv Wolf et.al. 2404.01810 link
2024-04-01 Feature Splatting: Language-Driven Physics-Based Scene Synthesis and Editing Ri-Zhao Qiu et.al. 2404.01223 null
2024-04-01 Mirror-3DGS: Incorporating Mirror Reflections into 3D Gaussian Splatting Jiarui Meng et.al. 2404.01168 null
2024-04-01 CityGaussian: Real-time High-quality Large-Scale Scene Rendering with Gaussians Yang Liu et.al. 2404.01133 link
2024-04-01 HAHA: Highly Articulated Gaussian Human Avatars with Textured Mesh Prior David Svitov et.al. 2404.01053 link
2024-04-01 MM3DGS SLAM: Multi-modal 3D Gaussian Splatting for SLAM Using Vision, Depth, and Inertial Measurements Lisong C. Sun et.al. 2404.00923 null
2024-03-30 3DGSR: Implicit Surface Reconstruction with 3D Gaussian Splatting Xiaoyang Lyu et.al. 2404.00409 null
2024-03-29 InstantSplat: Unbounded Sparse-view Pose-free Gaussian Splatting in 40 Seconds Zhiwen Fan et.al. 2403.20309 null
2024-03-29 Snap-it, Tap-it, Splat-it: Tactile-Informed 3D Gaussian Splatting for Reconstructing Challenging Surfaces Mauro Comi et.al. 2403.20275 null
2024-03-29 HGS-Mapping: Online Dense Mapping Using Hybrid Gaussian Representation in Urban Scenes Ke Wu et.al. 2403.20159 null
2024-03-29 SGD: Street View Synthesis with Gaussian Splatting and Diffusion Prior Zhongrui Yu et.al. 2403.20079 null
2024-03-29 HO-Gaussian: Hybrid Optimization of 3D Gaussian Splatting for Urban Scenes Zhuopeng Li et.al. 2403.20032 null
2024-03-28 GaussianCube: Structuring Gaussian Splatting using Optimal Transport for 3D Generative Modeling Bowen Zhang et.al. 2403.19655 null
2024-03-28 GauStudio: A Modular Framework for 3D Gaussian Splatting and Beyond Chongjie Ye et.al. 2403.19632 link
2024-03-28 SA-GS: Scale-Adaptive Gaussian Splatting for Training-Free Anti-Aliasing Xiaowei Song et.al. 2403.19615 link
2024-03-28 TOGS: Gaussian Splatting with Temporal Opacity Offset for Real-Time 4D DSA Rendering Shuai Zhang et.al. 2403.19586 link
2024-03-28 CoherentGS: Sparse Novel View Synthesis with Coherent 3D Gaussians Avinash Paliwal et.al. 2403.19495 null
2024-03-29 Gamba: Marry Gaussian Splatting with Mamba for single view 3D reconstruction Qiuhong Shen et.al. 2403.18795 link
2024-03-27 SplatFace: Gaussian Splat Face Reconstruction Leveraging an Optimizable Surface Jiahao Luo et.al. 2403.18784 null
2024-03-27 Modeling uncertainty for Gaussian Splatting Luca Savant et.al. 2403.18476 null
2024-03-26 EgoLifter: Open-world 3D Segmentation for Egocentric Perception Qiao Gu et.al. 2403.18118 null
2024-03-26 Octree-GS: Towards Consistent Real-time Rendering with LOD-Structured 3D Gaussians Kerui Ren et.al. 2403.17898 link
2024-03-26 2D Gaussian Splatting for Geometrically Accurate Radiance Fields Binbin Huang et.al. 2403.17888 link
2024-03-26 DN-Splatter: Depth and Normal Priors for Gaussian Splatting and Meshing Matias Turkulainen et.al. 2403.17822 link
2024-03-25 DreamPolisher: Towards High-Quality Text-to-3D Generation via Geometric Diffusion Yuanze Lin et.al. 2403.17237 null
2024-03-25 GSDF: 3DGS Meets SDF for Improved Rendering and Reconstruction Mulin Yu et.al. 2403.16964 null
2024-03-24 latentSplat: Autoencoding Variational Gaussians for Fast Generalizable 3D Reconstruction Christopher Wewer et.al. 2403.16292 null
2024-03-24 CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncertainty-aware 3D Gaussian Field Jiarui Hu et.al. 2403.16095 null
2024-03-23 Gaussian in the Wild: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Unconstrained Image Collections Dongbin Zhang et.al. 2403.15704 null
2024-03-22 Semantic Gaussians: Open-Vocabulary Scene Understanding with 3D Gaussian Splatting Jun Guo et.al. 2403.15624 null
2024-03-22 Pixel-GS: Density Control with Pixel-aware Gradient for 3D Gaussian Splatting Zheng Zhang et.al. 2403.15530 null
2024-03-22 EndoGSLAM: Real-Time Dense Reconstruction and Tracking in Endoscopic Surgeries using Gaussian Splatting Kailing Wang et.al. 2403.15124 null
2024-03-22 STAG4D: Spatial-Temporal Anchored Generative 4D Gaussians Yifei Zeng et.al. 2403.14939 null
2024-03-21 MVSplat: Efficient 3D Gaussian Splatting from Sparse Multi-View Images Yuedong Chen et.al. 2403.14627 link
2024-03-21 GRM: Large Gaussian Reconstruction Model for Efficient 3D Reconstruction and Generation Yinghao Xu et.al. 2403.14621 link
2024-03-21 Gaussian Frosting: Editable Complex Radiance Fields with Real-Time Rendering Antoine Guédon et.al. 2403.14554 null
2024-03-21 HAC: Hash-grid Assisted Context for 3D Gaussian Splatting Compression Yihang Chen et.al. 2403.14530 link
2024-03-22 SyncTweedies: A General Generative Framework Based on Synchronized Diffusions Jaihoon Kim et.al. 2403.14370 null
2024-03-21 Isotropic Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering Yuanhao Gong et.al. 2403.14244 null
2024-03-21 Mini-Splatting: Representing Scenes with a Constrained Number of Gaussians Guangchi Fang et.al. 2403.14166 link
2024-03-20 RadSplat: Radiance Field-Informed Gaussian Splatting for Robust Real-Time Rendering with 900+ FPS Michael Niemeyer et.al. 2403.13806 null
2024-03-20 Gaussian Splatting on the Move: Blur and Rolling Shutter Compensation for Natural Camera Motion Otto Seiskari et.al. 2403.13327 link
2024-03-19 GVGEN: Text-to-3D Generation with Volumetric Representation Xianglong He et.al. 2403.12957 null
2024-03-19 HUGS: Holistic Urban 3D Scene Understanding via Gaussian Splatting Hongyu Zhou et.al. 2403.12722 null
2024-03-19 RGBD GS-ICP SLAM Seongbo Ha et.al. 2403.12550 link
2024-03-19 High-Fidelity SLAM Using Gaussian Splatting with Rendering-Guided Densification and Regularized Optimization Shuo Sun et.al. 2403.12535 null
2024-03-19 GaussianFlow: Splatting Gaussian Dynamics for 4D Content Creation Quankai Gao et.al. 2403.12365 null
2024-03-18 VideoMV: Consistent Multi-View Generation Based on Large Video Generative Model Qi Zuo et.al. 2403.12010 null
2024-03-20 View-Consistent 3D Editing with Gaussian Splatting Yuxuan Wang et.al. 2403.11868 null
2024-03-19 BAD-Gaussians: Bundle Adjusted Deblur Gaussian Splatting Lingzhe Zhao et.al. 2403.11831 link
2024-03-18 NEDS-SLAM: A Novel Neural Explicit Dense Semantic SLAM Framework using 3D Gaussian Splatting Yiming Ji et.al. 2403.11679 null
2024-03-20 GaussNav: Gaussian Splatting for Visual Navigation Xiaohan Lei et.al. 2403.11625 link
2024-03-18 UV Gaussians: Joint Learning of Mesh Deformation and Gaussian Textures for Human Avatar Modeling Yujiao Jiang et.al. 2403.11589 null
2024-03-18 3DGS-Calib: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Multimodal SpatioTemporal Calibration Quentin Herau et.al. 2403.11577 null
2024-03-18 Fed3DGS: Scalable 3D Gaussian Splatting with Federated Learning Teppei Suzuki et.al. 2403.11460 link
2024-03-18 Bridging 3D Gaussian and Mesh for Freeview Video Rendering Yuting Xiao et.al. 2403.11453 null
2024-03-18 Motion-aware 3D Gaussian Splatting for Efficient Dynamic Scene Reconstruction Zhiyang Guo et.al. 2403.11447 null
2024-03-18 BAGS: Building Animatable Gaussian Splatting from a Monocular Video with Diffusion Priors Tingyang Zhang et.al. 2403.11427 null
2024-03-18 Beyond Uncertainty: Risk-Aware Active View Acquisition for Safe Robot Navigation and 3D Scene Understanding with FisherRF Guangyi Liu et.al. 2403.11396 null
2024-03-17 3DGS-ReLoc: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Map Representation and Visual ReLocalization Peng Jiang et.al. 2403.11367 null
2024-03-15 SWAG: Splatting in the Wild images with Appearance-conditioned Gaussians Hiba Dahmani et.al. 2403.10427 null
2024-03-15 FDGaussian: Fast Gaussian Splatting from Single Image via Geometric-aware Diffusion Model Qijun Feng et.al. 2403.10242 null
2024-03-15 GGRt: Towards Generalizable 3D Gaussians without Pose Priors in Real-Time Hao Li et.al. 2403.10147 null
2024-03-15 Texture-GS: Disentangling the Geometry and Texture for 3D Gaussian Splatting Editing Tian-Xing Xu et.al. 2403.10050 null
2024-03-15 Controllable Text-to-3D Generation via Surface-Aligned Gaussian Splatting Zhiqi Li et.al. 2403.09981 link
2024-03-15 Den-SOFT: Dense Space-Oriented Light Field DataseT for 6-DOF Immersive Experience Xiaohang Yu et.al. 2403.09973 null
2024-03-14 Touch-GS: Visual-Tactile Supervised 3D Gaussian Splatting Aiden Swann et.al. 2403.09875 null
2024-03-14 GaussianGrasper: 3D Language Gaussian Splatting for Open-vocabulary Robotic Grasping Yuhang Zheng et.al. 2403.09637 link
2024-03-14 Reconstruction and Simulation of Elastic Objects with Spring-Mass 3D Gaussians Licheng Zhong et.al. 2403.09434 null
2024-03-14 Relaxing Accurate Initialization Constraint for 3D Gaussian Splatting Jaewoo Jung et.al. 2403.09413 link
2024-03-14 Hyper-3DG: Text-to-3D Gaussian Generation via Hypergraph Donglin Di et.al. 2403.09236 link
2024-03-14 A New Split Algorithm for 3D Gaussian Splatting Qiyuan Feng et.al. 2403.09143 null
2024-03-14 GaussCtrl: Multi-View Consistent Text-Driven 3D Gaussian Splatting Editing Jing Wu et.al. 2403.08733 link
2024-03-14 GaussianImage: 1000 FPS Image Representation and Compression by 2D Gaussian Splatting Xinjie Zhang et.al. 2403.08551 link
2024-03-13 Gaussian Splatting in Style Abhishek Saroha et.al. 2403.08498 null
2024-03-13 ManiGaussian: Dynamic Gaussian Splatting for Multi-task Robotic Manipulation Guanxing Lu et.al. 2403.08321 null
2024-03-12 StyleGaussian: Instant 3D Style Transfer with Gaussian Splatting Kunhao Liu et.al. 2403.07807 null
2024-03-12 SemGauss-SLAM: Dense Semantic Gaussian Splatting SLAM Siting Zhu et.al. 2403.07494 null
2024-03-13 DNGaussian: Optimizing Sparse-View 3D Gaussian Radiance Fields with Global-Local Depth Normalization Jiahe Li et.al. 2403.06912 link
2024-03-11 FreGS: 3D Gaussian Splatting with Progressive Frequency Regularization Jiahui Zhang et.al. 2403.06908 null
2024-03-11 V3D: Video Diffusion Models are Effective 3D Generators Zilong Chen et.al. 2403.06738 link
2024-03-08 GSEdit: Efficient Text-Guided Editing of 3D Objects via Gaussian Splatting Francesco Palandra et.al. 2403.05154 null
2024-03-08 SplattingAvatar: Realistic Real-Time Human Avatars with Mesh-Embedded Gaussian Splatting Zhijing Shao et.al. 2403.05087 link
2024-03-07 BAGS: Blur Agnostic Gaussian Splatting through Multi-Scale Kernel Modeling Cheng Peng et.al. 2403.04926 link
2024-03-07 Radiative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient X-ray Novel View Synthesis Yuanhao Cai et.al. 2403.04116 link
2024-03-06 Online Photon Guiding with 3D Gaussians for Caustics Rendering Jiawei Huang et.al. 2403.03641 null
2024-03-05 Splat-Nav: Safe Real-Time Robot Navigation in Gaussian Splatting Maps Timothy Chen et.al. 2403.02751 null
2024-03-05 3DGStream: On-the-Fly Training of 3D Gaussians for Efficient Streaming of Photo-Realistic Free-Viewpoint Videos Jiakai Sun et.al. 2403.01444 link
2024-02-29 3D Gaussian Model for Animation and Texturing Xiangzhi Eric Wang et.al. 2402.19441 null
2024-02-27 VastGaussian: Vast 3D Gaussians for Large Scene Reconstruction Jiaqi Lin et.al. 2402.17427 null
2024-02-26 GEA: Reconstructing Expressive 3D Gaussian Avatar from Monocular Video Xinqi Liu et.al. 2402.16607 null
2024-02-24 Spec-Gaussian: Anisotropic View-Dependent Appearance for 3D Gaussian Splatting Ziyi Yang et.al. 2402.15870 null
2024-02-22 GaussianPro: 3D Gaussian Splatting with Progressive Propagation Kai Cheng et.al. 2402.14650 null
2024-02-21 Identifying Unnecessary 3D Gaussians using Clustering for Fast Rendering of 3D Gaussian Splatting Joongho Jo et.al. 2402.13827 null
2024-02-20 How NeRFs and 3D Gaussian Splatting are Reshaping SLAM: a Survey Fabio Tosi et.al. 2402.13255 link
2024-02-16 GaussianHair: Hair Modeling and Rendering with Light-aware Gaussians Haimin Luo et.al. 2402.10483 null
2024-02-20 GaussianObject: Just Taking Four Images to Get A High-Quality 3D Object with Gaussian Splatting Chen Yang et.al. 2402.10259 link
2024-02-15 GES: Generalized Exponential Splatting for Efficient Radiance Field Rendering Abdullah Hamdi et.al. 2402.10128 link
2024-02-14 Magic-Me: Identity-Specific Video Customized Diffusion Ze Ma et.al. 2402.09368 link
2024-02-13 IM-3D: Iterative Multiview Diffusion and Reconstruction for High-Quality 3D Generation Luke Melas-Kyriazi et.al. 2402.08682 null
2024-02-11 GALA3D: Towards Text-to-3D Complex Scene Generation via Layout-guided Generative Gaussian Splatting Xiaoyu Zhou et.al. 2402.07207 null
2024-02-11 3D Gaussian as a New Vision Era: A Survey Ben Fei et.al. 2402.07181 null
2024-02-09 ImplicitDeepfake: Plausible Face-Swapping through Implicit Deepfake Generation using NeRF and Gaussian Splatting Georgii Stanishevskii et.al. 2402.06390 link
2024-02-13 GS-CLIP: Gaussian Splatting for Contrastive Language-Image-3D Pretraining from Real-World Data Haoyuan Li et.al. 2402.06198 null
2024-02-09 HeadStudio: Text to Animatable Head Avatars with 3D Gaussian Splatting Zhenglin Zhou et.al. 2402.06149 null
2024-02-07 Mesh-based Gaussian Splatting for Real-time Large-scale Deformation Lin Gao et.al. 2402.04796 null
2024-02-06 Rig3DGS: Creating Controllable Portraits from Casual Monocular Videos Alfredo Rivero et.al. 2402.03723 null
2024-02-07 4D Gaussian Splatting: Towards Efficient Novel View Synthesis for Dynamic Scenes Yuanxing Duan et.al. 2402.03307 null
2024-02-05 SGS-SLAM: Semantic Gaussian Splatting For Neural Dense SLAM Mingrui Li et.al. 2402.03246 null
2024-02-06 GaMeS: Mesh-Based Adapting and Modification of Gaussian Splatting Joanna Waczyńska et.al. 2402.01459 link
2024-02-01 360-GS: Layout-guided Panoramic Gaussian Splatting For Indoor Roaming Jiayang Bai et.al. 2402.00763 null
2024-02-02 Optimal Projection for 3D Gaussian Splatting Letian Huang et.al. 2402.00752 null
2024-02-01 StopThePop: Sorted Gaussian Splatting for View-Consistent Real-time Rendering Lukas Radl et.al. 2402.00525 link
2024-02-01 Segment Anything in 3D Gaussians Xu Hu et.al. 2401.17857 link
2024-01-30 VR-GS: A Physical Dynamics-Aware Interactive Gaussian Splatting System in Virtual Reality Ying Jiang et.al. 2401.16663 null
2024-01-31 Endo-4DGS: Endoscopic Monocular Scene Reconstruction with 4D Gaussian Splatting Yiming Huang et.al. 2401.16416 link
2024-01-27 Gaussian Splashing: Dynamic Fluid Synthesis with Gaussian Splatting Yutao Feng et.al. 2401.15318 null
2024-01-26 TIP-Editor: An Accurate 3D Editor Following Both Text-Prompts And Image-Prompts Jingyu Zhuang et.al. 2401.14828 null
2024-01-25 GauU-Scene: A Scene Reconstruction Benchmark on Large Scale 3D Reconstruction Dataset Using Gaussian Splatting Butian Xiong et.al. 2401.14032 null
2024-01-24 EndoGaussians: Single View Dynamic Gaussian Splatting for Deformable Endoscopic Tissues Reconstruction Yangsen Chen et.al. 2401.13352 null
2024-01-30 PSAvatar: A Point-based Morphable Shape Model for Real-Time Head Avatar Animation with 3D Gaussian Splatting Zhongyuan Zhao et.al. 2401.12900 link
2024-01-23 EndoGaussian: Gaussian Splatting for Deformable Surgical Scene Reconstruction Yifan Liu et.al. 2401.12561 link
2024-01-21 Deformable Endoscopic Tissues Reconstruction with Gaussian Splatting Lingting Zhu et.al. 2401.11535 link
2024-01-27 GaussianBody: Clothed Human Reconstruction via 3d Gaussian Splatting Mengtian Li et.al. 2401.09720 null
2024-01-16 Fast Dynamic 3D Object Generation from a Single-view Video Zijie Pan et.al. 2401.08742 link
2024-01-16 Forging Vision Foundation Models for Autonomous Driving: Challenges, Methodologies, and Opportunities Xu Yan et.al. 2401.08045 link
2024-01-11 Gaussian Shadow Casting for Neural Characters Luis Bolanos et.al. 2401.06116 null
2024-01-11 TRIPS: Trilinear Point Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering Linus Franke et.al. 2401.06003 link
2024-01-11 CoSSegGaussians: Compact and Swift Scene Segmenting 3D Gaussians Bin Dou et.al. 2401.05925 null
2024-01-08 AGG: Amortized Generative 3D Gaussians for Single Image to 3D Dejia Xu et.al. 2401.04099 null
2024-01-08 A Survey on 3D Gaussian Splatting Guikun Chen et.al. 2401.03890 null
2024-01-05 Progress and Prospects in 3D Generative AI: A Technical Overview including 3D human Song Bai et.al. 2401.02620 null
2024-01-05 Characterizing Satellite Geometry via Accelerated 3D Gaussian Splatting Van Minh Nguyen et.al. 2401.02588 null
2024-01-04 PEGASUS: Physically Enhanced Gaussian Splatting Simulation System for 6DOF Object Pose Dataset Generation Lukas Meyer et.al. 2401.02281 link
2024-01-03 FMGS: Foundation Model Embedded 3D Gaussian Splatting for Holistic 3D Scene Understanding Xingxing Zuo et.al. 2401.01970 null
2024-01-02 Street Gaussians for Modeling Dynamic Urban Scenes Yunzhi Yan et.al. 2401.01339 null
2024-01-01 Deblurring 3D Gaussian Splatting Byeonghyeon Lee et.al. 2401.00834 null
2023-12-28 4DGen: Grounded 4D Content Generation with Spatial-temporal Consistency Yuyang Yin et.al. 2312.17225 null
2023-12-29 DreamGaussian4D: Generative 4D Gaussian Splatting Jiawei Ren et.al. 2312.17142 link
2023-12-28 Spacetime Gaussian Feature Splatting for Real-Time Dynamic View Synthesis Zhan Li et.al. 2312.16812 link
2023-12-26 LangSplat: 3D Language Gaussian Splatting Minghan Qin et.al. 2312.16084 link
2023-12-26 2D-Guided 3D Gaussian Segmentation Kun Lan et.al. 2312.16047 null
2023-12-25 Sparse-view CT Reconstruction with 3D Gaussian Volumetric Representation Yingtai Li et.al. 2312.15676 null
2023-12-23 Human101: Training 100+FPS Human Gaussians in 100s from 1 View Mingwei Li et.al. 2312.15258 link
2023-12-22 Deformable 3D Gaussian Splatting for Animatable Human Avatars HyunJun Jung et.al. 2312.15059 null
2023-12-21 Align Your Gaussians: Text-to-4D with Dynamic 3D Gaussians and Composed Diffusion Models Huan Ling et.al. 2312.13763 null
2023-12-22 Gaussian Splatting with NeRF-based Color and Opacity Dawid Malarz et.al. 2312.13729 link
2023-12-20 SWAGS: Sampling Windows Adaptively for Dynamic 3D Gaussian Splatting Richard Shaw et.al. 2312.13308 null
2023-12-19 Compact 3D Scene Representation via Self-Organizing Gaussian Grids Wieland Morgenstern et.al. 2312.13299 link
2023-12-20 Splatter Image: Ultra-Fast Single-View 3D Reconstruction Stanislaw Szymanowicz et.al. 2312.13150 link
2023-12-21 pixelSplat: 3D Gaussian Splats from Image Pairs for Scalable Generalizable 3D Reconstruction David Charatan et.al. 2312.12337 link
2023-12-18 GAvatar: Animatable 3D Gaussian Avatars with Implicit Mesh Learning Ye Yuan et.al. 2312.11461 null
2023-12-18 GauFRe: Gaussian Deformation Fields for Real-time Dynamic Novel View Synthesis Yiqing Liang et.al. 2312.11458 null
2023-12-15 Exploring the Feasibility of Generating Realistic 3D Models of Endangered Species Using DreamGaussian: An Analysis of Elevation Angle's Impact on Model Generation Selcuk Anil Karatopak et.al. 2312.09682 null
2023-12-14 Text2Immersion: Generative Immersive Scene with 3D Gaussians Hao Ouyang et.al. 2312.09242 null
2023-12-15 3DGS-Avatar: Animatable Avatars via Deformable 3D Gaussian Splatting Zhiyin Qian et.al. 2312.09228 null
2023-12-16 Triplane Meets Gaussian Splatting: Fast and Generalizable Single-View 3D Reconstruction with Transformers Zi-Xin Zou et.al. 2312.09147 null
2023-12-14 iComMa: Inverting 3D Gaussians Splatting for Camera Pose Estimation via Comparing and Matching Yuan Sun et.al. 2312.09031 null
2023-12-13 DrivingGaussian: Composite Gaussian Splatting for Surrounding Dynamic Autonomous Driving Scenes Xiaoyu Zhou et.al. 2312.07920 link
2023-12-12 COLMAP-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting Yang Fu et.al. 2312.07504 null
2023-12-11 Gaussian Splatting SLAM Hidenobu Matsuki et.al. 2312.06741 null
2023-12-10 ASH: Animatable Gaussian Splats for Efficient and Photoreal Human Rendering Haokai Pang et.al. 2312.05941 link
2023-12-09 CoGS: Controllable Gaussian Splatting Heng Yu et.al. 2312.05664 null
2023-12-08 GIR: 3D Gaussian Inverse Rendering for Relightable Scene Factorization Yahao Shi et.al. 2312.05133 link
2023-12-08 Learn to Optimize Denoising Scores for 3D Generation: A Unified and Improved Diffusion Prior on NeRF and 3D Gaussian Splatting Xiaofeng Yang et.al. 2312.04820 null
2023-12-07 EAGLES: Efficient Accelerated 3D Gaussians with Lightweight EncodingS Sharath Girish et.al. 2312.04564 link
2023-12-07 MonoGaussianAvatar: Monocular Gaussian Point-based Head Avatar Yufan Chen et.al. 2312.04558 null
2023-12-08 Gaussian3Diff: 3D Gaussian Diffusion for 3D Full Head Synthesis and Editing Yushi Lan et.al. 2312.03763 null
2023-12-06 Relightable Gaussian Codec Avatars Shunsuke Saito et.al. 2312.03704 null
2023-12-07 HiFi4G: High-Fidelity Human Performance Rendering via Compact Gaussian Splatting Yuheng Jiang et.al. 2312.03461 null
2023-12-06 Gaussian-Flow: 4D Reconstruction with Dynamic 3D Gaussian Particle Youtian Lin et.al. 2312.03431 null
2023-12-06 Feature 3DGS: Supercharging 3D Gaussian Splatting to Enable Distilled Feature Fields Shijie Zhou et.al. 2312.03203 link
2023-12-05 Gaussian Head Avatar: Ultra High-fidelity Head Avatar via Dynamic Gaussians Yuelang Xu et.al. 2312.03029 link
2023-12-05 GauHuman: Articulated Gaussian Splatting from Monocular Human Videos Shoukang Hu et.al. 2312.02973 link
2023-12-05 HeadGaS: Real-Time Animatable Head Avatars via 3D Gaussian Splatting Helisa Dhamo et.al. 2312.02902 null
2023-12-03 FlashAvatar: High-Fidelity Digital Avatar Rendering at 300FPS Jun Xiang et.al. 2312.02214 null
2023-12-04 GPS-Gaussian: Generalizable Pixel-wise 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-time Human Novel View Synthesis Shunyuan Zheng et.al. 2312.02155 link
2023-12-04 MANUS: Markerless Hand-Object Grasp Capture using Articulated 3D Gaussians Chandradeep Pokhariya et.al. 2312.02137 null
2023-12-04 GaussianAvatar: Towards Realistic Human Avatar Modeling from a Single Video via Animatable 3D Gaussians Liangxiao Hu et.al. 2312.02134 link
2023-12-04 SplaTAM: Splat, Track & Map 3D Gaussians for Dense RGB-D SLAM Nikhil Keetha et.al. 2312.02126 link
2023-12-04 Mathematical Supplement for the $\texttt{gsplat}$ Library Vickie Ye et.al. 2312.02121 link
2023-12-04 GaussianAvatars: Photorealistic Head Avatars with Rigged 3D Gaussians Shenhan Qian et.al. 2312.02069 link
2023-12-04 GaussianHead: Impressive 3D Gaussian-based Head Avatars with Dynamic Hybrid Neural Field Jie Wang et.al. 2312.01632 link
2023-12-02 Neural Parametric Gaussians for Monocular Non-Rigid Object Reconstruction Devikalyan Das et.al. 2312.01196 null
2023-12-01 Segment Any 3D Gaussians Jiazhong Cen et.al. 2312.00860 null
2023-12-01 Gaussian Grouping: Segment and Edit Anything in 3D Scenes Mingqiao Ye et.al. 2312.00732 link
2023-11-30 MD-Splatting: Learning Metric Deformation from 4D Gaussians in Highly Deformable Scenes Bardienus P. Duisterhof et.al. 2312.00583 null
2023-12-01 FSGS: Real-Time Few-shot View Synthesis using Gaussian Splatting Zehao Zhu et.al. 2312.00451 null
2023-11-30 SparseGS: Real-Time 360° Sparse View Synthesis using Gaussian Splatting Haolin Xiong et.al. 2312.00206 link
2023-11-30 DynMF: Neural Motion Factorization for Real-time Dynamic View Synthesis with 3D Gaussian Splatting Agelos Kratimenos et.al. 2312.00112 null
2023-11-30 Scaffold-GS: Structured 3D Gaussians for View-Adaptive Rendering Tao Lu et.al. 2312.00109 link
2023-11-30 Periodic Vibration Gaussian: Dynamic Urban Scene Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering Yurui Chen et.al. 2311.18561 null
2023-11-30 Language Embedded 3D Gaussians for Open-Vocabulary Scene Understanding Jin-Chuan Shi et.al. 2311.18482 link
2023-11-30 Compact3D: Compressing Gaussian Splat Radiance Field Models with Vector Quantization KL Navaneet et.al. 2311.18159 link
2023-11-29 GaussianShader: 3D Gaussian Splatting with Shading Functions for Reflective Surfaces Yingwenqi Jiang et.al. 2311.17977 null
2023-11-29 HUGS: Human Gaussian Splats Muhammed Kocabas et.al. 2311.17910 link
2023-11-29 CG3D: Compositional Generation for Text-to-3D via Gaussian Splatting Alexander Vilesov et.al. 2311.17907 null
2023-11-29 FisherRF: Active View Selection and Uncertainty Quantification for Radiance Fields using Fisher Information Wen Jiang et.al. 2311.17874 link
2023-11-29 Gaussian Shell Maps for Efficient 3D Human Generation Rameen Abdal et.al. 2311.17857 link
2023-11-28 LightGaussian: Unbounded 3D Gaussian Compression with 15x Reduction and 200+ FPS Zhiwen Fan et.al. 2311.17245 link
2023-11-28 Human Gaussian Splatting: Real-time Rendering of Animatable Avatars Arthur Moreau et.al. 2311.17113 link
2023-11-28 Multi-Scale 3D Gaussian Splatting for Anti-Aliased Rendering Zhiwen Yan et.al. 2311.17089 null
2023-11-28 HumanGaussian: Text-Driven 3D Human Generation with Gaussian Splatting Xian Liu et.al. 2311.17061 null
2023-11-28 Point'n Move: Interactive Scene Object Manipulation on Gaussian Splatting Radiance Fields Jiajun Huang et.al. 2311.16737 null
2023-11-27 Mip-Splatting: Alias-free 3D Gaussian Splatting Zehao Yu et.al. 2311.16493 null
2023-11-27 Animatable 3D Gaussian: Fast and High-Quality Reconstruction of Multiple Human Avatars Yang Liu et.al. 2311.16482 link
2023-11-26 GS-IR: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Inverse Rendering Zhihao Liang et.al. 2311.16473 link
2023-11-27 GART: Gaussian Articulated Template Models Jiahui Lei et.al. 2311.16099 null
2023-11-27 Animatable Gaussians: Learning Pose-dependent Gaussian Maps for High-fidelity Human Avatar Modeling Zhe Li et.al. 2311.16096 link
2023-11-27 Relightable 3D Gaussian: Real-time Point Cloud Relighting with BRDF Decomposition and Ray Tracing Jian Gao et.al. 2311.16043 null
2023-11-27 GaussianEditor: Editing 3D Gaussians Delicately with Text Instructions Jiemin Fang et.al. 2311.16037 null
2023-11-24 GaussianEditor: Swift and Controllable 3D Editing with Gaussian Splatting Yiwen Chen et.al. 2311.14521 link
2023-11-22 Compact 3D Gaussian Representation for Radiance Field Joo Chan Lee et.al. 2311.13681 link
2023-11-27 Animatable 3D Gaussians for High-fidelity Synthesis of Human Motions Keyang Ye et.al. 2311.13404 null
2023-11-22 Depth-Regularized Optimization for 3D Gaussian Splatting in Few-Shot Images Jaeyoung Chung et.al. 2311.13398 link
2023-11-23 LucidDreamer: Domain-free Generation of 3D Gaussian Splatting Scenes Jaeyoung Chung et.al. 2311.13384 null
2023-11-21 An Efficient 3D Gaussian Representation for Monocular/Multi-view Dynamic Scenes Kai Katsumata et.al. 2311.12897 null
2023-11-21 SuGaR: Surface-Aligned Gaussian Splatting for Efficient 3D Mesh Reconstruction and High-Quality Mesh Rendering Antoine Guédon et.al. 2311.12775 link
2023-11-22 PhysGaussian: Physics-Integrated 3D Gaussians for Generative Dynamics Tianyi Xie et.al. 2311.12198 null
2023-11-21 GS-SLAM: Dense Visual SLAM with 3D Gaussian Splatting Chi Yan et.al. 2311.11700 null
2023-11-22 LucidDreamer: Towards High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation via Interval Score Matching Yixun Liang et.al. 2311.11284 link
2023-11-19 GaussianDiffusion: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models with Structured Noise Xinhai Li et.al. 2311.11221 null
2023-11-17 SplatArmor: Articulated Gaussian splatting for animatable humans from monocular RGB videos Rohit Jena et.al. 2311.10812 null
2023-11-14 Drivable 3D Gaussian Avatars Wojciech Zielonka et.al. 2311.08581 null
2023-10-30 Dynamic Gaussian Splatting from Markerless Motion Capture can Reconstruct Infants Movements R. James Cotton et.al. 2310.19441 null
2023-10-16 Real-time Photorealistic Dynamic Scene Representation and Rendering with 4D Gaussian Splatting Zeyu Yang et.al. 2310.10642 link
2023-10-12 GaussianDreamer: Fast Generation from Text to 3D Gaussian Splatting with Point Cloud Priors Taoran Yi et.al. 2310.08529 link
2023-10-12 4D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Dynamic Scene Rendering Guanjun Wu et.al. 2310.08528 link
2023-09-28 DreamGaussian: Generative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient 3D Content Creation Jiaxiang Tang et.al. 2309.16653 link
2023-10-31 Text-to-3D using Gaussian Splatting Zilong Chen et.al. 2309.16585 link
2023-09-22 Deformable 3D Gaussians for High-Fidelity Monocular Dynamic Scene Reconstruction Ziyi Yang et.al. 2309.13101 link
2023-08-28 Flexible Techniques for Differentiable Rendering with 3D Gaussians Leonid Keselman et.al. 2308.14737 null
2023-08-18 Dynamic 3D Gaussians: Tracking by Persistent Dynamic View Synthesis Jonathon Luiten et.al. 2308.09713 null
2023-08-08 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering Bernhard Kerbl et.al. 2308.04079 link
2023-10-16 Decoherence in Neutrino Oscillation between 3D Gaussian Wave Packets Haruhi Mitani et.al. 2307.12230 null
2023-06-15 DiViNeT: 3D Reconstruction from Disparate Views via Neural Template Regularization Aditya Vora et.al. 2306.04699 null

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Publish Date Title Authors PDF Code
2024-08-30 EMHI: A Multimodal Egocentric Human Motion Dataset with HMD and Body-Worn IMUs Zhen Fan et.al. 2408.17168 null
2024-08-29 The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility at 12 GeV P. A. Adderley et.al. 2408.16880 null
2024-08-29 GameIR: A Large-Scale Synthesized Ground-Truth Dataset for Image Restoration over Gaming Content Lebin Zhou et.al. 2408.16866 null
2024-08-29 STEREO: Towards Adversarially Robust Concept Erasing from Text-to-Image Generation Models Koushik Srivatsan et.al. 2408.16807 link
2024-08-29 Spurfies: Sparse Surface Reconstruction using Local Geometry Priors Kevin Raj et.al. 2408.16544 null
2024-08-28 Direct measurement of surface interactions experienced by sticky microcapsules made from environmentally benign materials Hairou Yu et.al. 2408.15945 null
2024-08-28 DiffAge3D: Diffusion-based 3D-aware Face Aging Junaid Wahid et.al. 2408.15922 null
2024-08-30 Addressing the challenges of loop detection in agricultural environments Nicolás Soncini et.al. 2408.15761 link
2024-08-28 ES-PTAM: Event-based Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping Suman Ghosh et.al. 2408.15605 link
2024-08-27 Learning-based Multi-View Stereo: A Survey Fangjinhua Wang et.al. 2408.15235 null
2024-08-27 GeoTransfer : Generalizable Few-Shot Multi-View Reconstruction via Transfer Learning Shubhendu Jena et.al. 2408.14724 null
2024-08-26 One-dimensional Photonic Crystal Structure Enhanced External-Magnetic-Field-Free Spintronic Terahertz High-Field Emitter Zehao Yang et.al. 2408.14054 null
2024-08-27 Splatt3R: Zero-shot Gaussian Splatting from Uncalibrated Image Pairs Brandon Smart et.al. 2408.13912 null
2024-08-24 Segment Any Mesh: Zero-shot Mesh Part Segmentation via Lifting Segment Anything 2 to 3D George Tang et.al. 2408.13679 link
2024-08-24 High-power femtosecond mid-IR source with tunable center frequency and chirp Larissa Boie et.al. 2408.13583 null
2024-08-26 Focus on Neighbors and Know the Whole: Towards Consistent Dense Multiview Text-to-Image Generator for 3D Creation Bonan Li et.al. 2408.13149 null
2024-08-23 VCEMO: Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition for Chinese Voiceprints Jinghua Tang et.al. 2408.13019 null
2024-08-22 Mapping Hydrogen Evolution Activity Trends of V-based A15 Superconducting Alloys Peifeng Yu et.al. 2408.12160 null
2024-08-21 CaRDiff: Video Salient Object Ranking Chain of Thought Reasoning for Saliency Prediction with Diffusion Yunlong Tang et.al. 2408.12009 null
2024-08-21 Dielectric Reliability and Interface Trap Characterization in MOCVD grown In-situ Al $_2$O$_3$ on $β$-Ga$_2$O$_3$ Saurav Roy et.al. 2408.11342 null
2024-08-20 SDI-Net: Toward Sufficient Dual-View Interaction for Low-light Stereo Image Enhancement Linlin Hu et.al. 2408.10934 null
2024-08-20 A Noncontact Technique for Wave Measurement Based on Thermal Stereography and Deep Learning Deyu Li et.al. 2408.10670 null
2024-08-20 MV-MOS: Multi-View Feature Fusion for 3D Moving Object Segmentation Jintao Cheng et.al. 2408.10602 null
2024-08-20 DEGAS: Detailed Expressions on Full-Body Gaussian Avatars Zhijing Shao et.al. 2408.10588 null
2024-08-20 Multi-view Hand Reconstruction with a Point-Embedded Transformer Lixin Yang et.al. 2408.10581 link
2024-08-19 GPT-Augmented Reinforcement Learning with Intelligent Control for Vehicle Dispatching Xiao Han et.al. 2408.10286 null
2024-08-19 Gapless spin excitations in nanographene-based antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains Chenxiao Zhao et.al. 2408.10045 null
2024-08-17 Intuitive Human-Robot Interface: A 3-Dimensional Action Recognition and UAV Collaboration Framework Akash Chaudhary et.al. 2408.09232 null
2024-08-16 CoSEC: A Coaxial Stereo Event Camera Dataset for Autonomous Driving Shihan Peng et.al. 2408.08500 null
2024-08-15 Comparing NASA Discovery and New Frontiers Class Mission Concepts for the Io Volcano Observer (IVO) Christopher W. Hamilton et.al. 2408.08334 null
2024-08-15 Analysing kinematic data from recreational runners using functional data analysis Edward Gunning et.al. 2408.08200 link
2024-08-14 High-Temperature Quantum Valley Hall Effect with Quantized Resistance and a Topological Switch Ke Huang et.al. 2408.07804 null
2024-08-14 Analog Spiking Neuron in CMOS 28 nm Towards Large-Scale Neuromorphic Processors Marwan Besrour et.al. 2408.07734 null
2024-08-14 Rethinking the Key Factors for the Generalization of Remote Sensing Stereo Matching Networks Liting Jiang et.al. 2408.07613 null
2024-08-15 DIffSteISR: Harnessing Diffusion Prior for Superior Real-world Stereo Image Super-Resolution Yuanbo Zhou et.al. 2408.07516 null
2024-08-14 Unsupervised Stereo Matching Network For VHR Remote Sensing Images Based On Error Prediction Liting Jiang et.al. 2408.07419 link
2024-08-13 Tunable Doping and Mobility Enhancement in 2D Channel Field-Effect Transistors via Damage-Free Atomic Layer Deposition of AlOX Dielectrics Ardeshir Esteki et.al. 2408.07183 null
2024-08-13 Enhancing Multiview Synergy: Robust Learning by Exploiting the Wave Loss Function with Consensus and Complementarity Principles A. Quadir et.al. 2408.06819 null
2024-08-13 DC3DO: Diffusion Classifier for 3D Objects Nursena Koprucu et.al. 2408.06693 link
2024-08-13 MV-DETR: Multi-modality indoor object detection by Multi-View DEtecton TRansformers Zichao Dong et.al. 2408.06604 null
2024-08-13 Can Wireless Environmental Information Decrease Pilot Overhead: A CSI Prediction Example Lianzheng Shi et.al. 2408.06558 null
2024-08-12 IIT Bombay Racing Driverless: Autonomous Driving Stack for Formula Student AI Yash Rampuria et.al. 2408.06113 null
2024-08-10 EV-MGDispNet: Motion-Guided Event-Based Stereo Disparity Estimation Network with Left-Right Consistency Junjie Jiang et.al. 2408.05452 null
2024-08-09 Meta-Learning Guided Label Noise Distillation for Robust Signal Modulation Classification Xiaoyang Hao et.al. 2408.05151 null
2024-08-08 LiDAR-Event Stereo Fusion with Hallucinations Luca Bartolomei et.al. 2408.04633 link
2024-08-08 A Review of 3D Reconstruction Techniques for Deformable Tissues in Robotic Surgery Mengya Xu et.al. 2408.04426 link
2024-08-08 Temporal Logic Planning via Zero-Shot Policy Composition Taylor Bergeron et.al. 2408.04215 null
2024-08-07 Enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction activity of nitrogen deficient $hg-C_{3}N_{4}$ quantum dot Khushboo Dange et.al. 2408.03549 null
2024-08-07 Opening the Black Box of 3D Reconstruction Error Analysis with VECTOR Racquel Fygenson et.al. 2408.03503 link
2024-08-06 Fusing Forces: Deep-Human-Guided Refinement of Segmentation Masks Rafael Sterzinger et.al. 2408.03304 link
2024-08-05 Gaussian Mixture based Evidential Learning for Stereo Matching Weide Liu et.al. 2408.02796 null
2024-08-04 Improving Neural Surface Reconstruction with Feature Priors from Multi-View Image Xinlin Ren et.al. 2408.02079 link
2024-08-04 PanicleNeRF: low-cost, high-precision in-field phenotypingof rice panicles with smartphone Xin Yang et.al. 2408.02053 null
2024-08-04 Multiview learning with twin parametric margin SVM A. Quadir et.al. 2408.01981 link
2024-08-03 MCPDepth: Omnidirectional Depth Estimation via Stereo Matching from Multi-Cylindrical Panoramas Feng Qiao et.al. 2408.01653 null
2024-08-06 Three-dimensional Morphological Reconstruction of Millimeter-Scale Soft Continuum Robots based on Dual-Stereo-Vision Tian-Ao Ren et.al. 2408.01615 null
2024-08-02 Nanoscale spin rectifiers for harvesting ambient radiofrequency energy Raghav Sharma et.al. 2408.01160 null
2024-08-02 Ultra-steep slope cryogenic FETs based on bilayer graphene E. Icking et.al. 2408.01111 null
2024-07-31 Unifying Event-based Flow, Stereo and Depth Estimation via Feature Similarity Matching Pengjie Zhang et.al. 2407.21735 null
2024-07-31 Amalgamation in Semilinear Residuated Lattices Wesley Fussner et.al. 2407.21613 null
2024-07-30 Mean of Means: A 10-dollar Solution for Human Localization with Calibration-free and Unconstrained Camera Settings Tianyi Zhang et.al. 2407.20870 null
2024-07-30 Non-Bayesian Social Learning with Multiview Observations Dongyan Sui et.al. 2407.20770 null
2024-07-29 BaseBoostDepth: Exploiting Larger Baselines For Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Kieran Saunders et.al. 2407.20437 null
2024-08-02 Alignment Scores: Robust Metrics for Multiview Pose Accuracy Evaluation Seong Hun Lee et.al. 2407.20391 link
2024-07-27 MSP-MVS: Multi-granularity Segmentation Prior Guided Multi-View Stereo Zhenlong Yuan et.al. 2407.19323 null
2024-07-27 A Basic Łukasiewicz m-valued conditional logic Shuquan Huo et.al. 2407.19221 null
2024-07-27 RePLAy: Remove Projective LiDAR Depthmap Artifacts via Exploiting Epipolar Geometry Shengjie Zhu et.al. 2407.19154 null
2024-07-26 PIV3CAMS: a multi-camera dataset for multiple computer vision problems and its application to novel view-point synthesis Sohyeong Kim et.al. 2407.18695 null
2024-07-25 First Demonstration of HZO/beta-Ga2O3 Ferroelectric FinFET with Improved Memory Window Seohyeon Park et.al. 2407.18187 null
2024-07-25 TiCoSS: Tightening the Coupling between Semantic Segmentation and Stereo Matching within A Joint Learning Framework Guanfeng Tang et.al. 2407.18038 null
2024-07-25 Towards the Spectral bias Alleviation by Normalizations in Coordinate Networks Zhicheng Cai et.al. 2407.17834 link
2024-07-24 SMA-Hyper: Spatiotemporal Multi-View Fusion Hypergraph Learning for Traffic Accident Prediction Xiaowei Gao et.al. 2407.17642 null
2024-07-25 Monolithic beta-Ga2O3 Bidirectional MOSFET Pooja Sharma et.al. 2407.17263 null
2024-07-24 Sparse Tensor PCA via Tensor Decomposition for Unsupervised Feature Selection Junjing Zheng et.al. 2407.16985 link
2024-07-24 FCNR: Fast Compressive Neural Representation of Visualization Images Yunfei Lu et.al. 2407.16369 link
2024-07-22 Characterization of a modified clinical linear accelerator for ultra-high dose rate electron beam delivery Umberto Deut et.al. 2407.16027 null
2024-07-21 Improving Prediction of Need for Mechanical Ventilation using Cross-Attention Anwesh Mohanty et.al. 2407.15885 null
2024-07-22 BoostMVSNeRFs: Boosting MVS-based NeRFs to Generalizable View Synthesis in Large-scale Scenes Chih-Hai Su et.al. 2407.15848 null
2024-07-21 Clinical Validation of myOSLchip system for Radiotherapy Dosimetry H. Davis et.al. 2407.15246 null
2024-07-19 Stable Audio Open Zach Evans et.al. 2407.14358 link
2024-07-19 High strength self-healable supercapacitor based on supramolecular polymer hydrogel with upper critical solubility temperature Roman Elashnikov et.al. 2407.14354 null
2024-07-19 SparseCraft: Few-Shot Neural Reconstruction through Stereopsis Guided Geometric Linearization Mae Younes et.al. 2407.14257 null
2024-07-18 CookAR: Affordance Augmentations in Wearable AR to Support Kitchen Tool Interactions for People with Low Vision Jaewook Lee et.al. 2407.13515 link
2024-07-18 MIR laser CEP estimation using machine learning concepts in bulk high harmonic generation Balázs Nagyillés et.al. 2407.13512 null
2024-07-17 Propagation of Interplanetary Shocks in the Heliosphere Munkhjargal Lkhagvadorj et.al. 2407.12689 null
2024-07-17 Further improvement of medium temperature heat treated SRF cavities for high gradients L. Steder et.al. 2407.12570 null
2024-07-16 Temporally Consistent Stereo Matching Jiaxi Zeng et.al. 2407.11950 link
2024-07-16 MVG-Splatting: Multi-View Guided Gaussian Splatting with Adaptive Quantile-Based Geometric Consistency Densification Zhuoxiao Li et.al. 2407.11840 null
2024-07-16 Snail-Radar: A large-scale diverse dataset for the evaluation of 4D-radar-based SLAM systems Jianzhu Huai et.al. 2407.11705 null
2024-07-16 Animate3D: Animating Any 3D Model with Multi-view Video Diffusion Yanqin Jiang et.al. 2407.11398 null
2024-07-15 Temporal Event Stereo via Joint Learning with Stereoscopic Flow Hoonhee Cho et.al. 2407.10831 link
2024-07-15 Bidirectional Stereo Image Compression with Cross-Dimensional Entropy Model Zhening Liu et.al. 2407.10632 null
2024-07-15 ConTEXTure: Consistent Multiview Images to Texture Jaehoon Ahn et.al. 2407.10558 null
2024-07-15 Lite2Relight: 3D-aware Single Image Portrait Relighting Pramod Rao et.al. 2407.10487 null
2024-07-13 Ferroelectric AlBN Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Chandrashekhar Savant et.al. 2407.09740 null
2024-07-11 Explicit_NeRF_QA: A Quality Assessment Database for Explicit NeRF Model Compression Yuke Xing et.al. 2407.08165 null
2024-07-10 A Survey on Deep Stereo Matching in the Twenties Fabio Tosi et.al. 2407.07816 link
2024-07-10 Correlation of srf performance to oxygen diffusion length of medium temperature heat treated cavities C. Bate et.al. 2407.07779 null
2024-07-10 Incremental Multiview Point Cloud Registration with Two-stage Candidate Retrieval Shiqi Li et.al. 2407.07525 null
2024-07-09 A Detailed Analysis of a Magnetic Island Observed by WISPR on Parker Solar Probe Madison L. Ascione et.al. 2407.07216 null
2024-07-09 Category-level Object Detection, Pose Estimation and Reconstruction from Stereo Images Chuanrui Zhang et.al. 2407.06984 null
2024-07-09 Computer vision tasks for intelligent aerospace missions: An overview Huilin Chen et.al. 2407.06513 null
2024-07-09 LuSNAR:A Lunar Segmentation, Navigation and Reconstruction Dataset based on Muti-sensor for Autonomous Exploration Jiayi Liu et.al. 2407.06512 link
2024-07-06 Incremental Multiview Point Cloud Registration Xiaoya Cheng et.al. 2407.05021 link
2024-07-06 SID: Stereo Image Dataset for Autonomous Driving in Adverse Conditions Zaid A. El-Shair et.al. 2407.04908 null
2024-07-04 The SOHO LASCO CME Catalog -- Version 2 Nat Gopalswamy et.al. 2407.04165 null
2024-07-04 High Fidelity Text-Guided Music Generation and Editing via Single-Stage Flow Matching Gael Le Lan et.al. 2407.03648 null
2024-07-04 ASteISR: Adapting Single Image Super-resolution Pre-trained Model for Efficient Stereo Image Super-resolution Yuanbo Zhou et.al. 2407.03598 null
2024-07-03 Stereo Risk: A Continuous Modeling Approach to Stereo Matching Ce Liu et.al. 2407.03152 null
2024-07-03 Origin of Interstitial Doping Induced Coercive Field Reduction in Ferroelectric Hafnia Tianyuan Zhu et.al. 2407.02808 null
2024-07-02 Structure-Aware Consensus Network on Graphs with Few Labeled Nodes Shuaike Xu et.al. 2407.02188 null
2024-07-02 Investigating the Effects of Large-Scale Pseudo-Stereo Data and Different Speech Foundation Model on Dialogue Generative Spoken Language Model Yu-Kuan Fu et.al. 2407.01911 null
2024-06-30 ModelVerification.jl: a Comprehensive Toolbox for Formally Verifying Deep Neural Networks Tianhao Wei et.al. 2407.01639 null
2024-07-01 Preserving Relative Localization of FoV-Limited Drone Swarm via Active Mutual Observation Lianjie Guo et.al. 2407.01292 link
2024-06-28 Tense logics based on posets Ivan Chajda et.al. 2406.20034 null
2024-06-28 LightStereo: Channel Boost Is All Your Need for Efficient 2D Cost Aggregation Xianda Guo et.al. 2406.19833 link
2024-06-27 Stereo Vision Based Robot for Remote Monitoring with VR Support Mohamed Fazil M. S. et.al. 2406.19498 null
2024-06-27 Design and First Tests of the Trapped Electrons Experiment T-REX Francesco Romano et.al. 2406.19123 null
2024-06-27 Retain, Blend, and Exchange: A Quality-aware Spatial-Stereo Fusion Approach for Event Stream Recognition Lan Chen et.al. 2406.18845 link
2024-06-26 DoubleTake: Geometry Guided Depth Estimation Mohamed Sayed et.al. 2406.18387 null
2024-06-26 An interactive framework for the evaluation and detection of stereoacuity threshold under ambient lighting Kritika Lohia et.al. 2406.18336 null
2024-06-26 3D-MVP: 3D Multiview Pretraining for Robotic Manipulation Shengyi Qian et.al. 2406.18158 null
2024-06-25 Spatial Voice Conversion: Voice Conversion Preserving Spatial Information and Non-target Signals Kentaro Seki et.al. 2406.17722 link
2024-06-25 Low Excess Noise, High Quantum Efficiency Avalanche Photodiodes for Beyond 2 μm Wavelength Detection Hyemin Jung et.al. 2406.17562 null
2024-06-24 Lone Pair Induced 1D Character and Weak Cation-anion Interactions: Two Ingredients for Low Thermal Conductivity in Mixed-anion Metal Chalcohalides Xingchen Shen et.al. 2406.16744 null
2024-06-24 Geometry-Aware Score Distillation via 3D Consistent Noising and Gradient Consistency Modeling Min-Seop Kwak et.al. 2406.16695 null
2024-06-23 Learning Accurate and Enriched Features for Stereo Image Super-Resolution Hu Gao et.al. 2406.16001 link
2024-06-22 Estimation of the Soil Water Characteristics from Dielectric Relaxation Spectra -- a Machine Learning Approach Norman Wagner et.al. 2406.15756 null
2024-06-21 3D-Localization of Single Point-Like Gamma Sources with a Coded Aperture Camera Tobias Meißner et.al. 2406.15048 null
2024-06-21 Trustworthy Enhanced Multi-view Multi-modal Alzheimer's Disease Prediction with Brain-wide Imaging Transcriptomics Data Shan Cong et.al. 2406.14977 link
2024-06-20 Nano-Patterned Pt-Based Metallic Glass Electrocatalysts with In-Situ Copper Oxide Foam for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Fei-Fan Cai et.al. 2406.14079 null
2024-06-19 Formation of a Magnetic Cloud from the Merging of Two Successive Coronal Mass Ejections Chong Chen et.al. 2406.13603 null
2024-06-19 MVSBoost: An Efficient Point Cloud-based 3D Reconstruction Umair Haroon et.al. 2406.13515 null
2024-06-19 Design of Phase Locked Loop in 180 nm Technology Priyam Kumar et.al. 2406.13462 null
2024-06-18 Restorer: Solving Multiple Image Restoration Tasks with One Set of Parameters Jiawei Mao et.al. 2406.12587 null
2024-06-18 Moiré flat bands and antiferroelectric domains in lattice relaxed twisted bilayer hexagonal boron nitride under perpendicular electric fields Fengping Li et.al. 2406.12231 null
2024-06-17 Inside the Working Mechanism of Meta-generalized Gradient Density Functional Approximations: The Example of Quantum Spin-Hall Insulator 1T`-WTe2 Li Yin et.al. 2406.12124 null
2024-06-17 Joint Linked Component Analysis for Multiview Data Lin Xiao et.al. 2406.11761 null
2024-06-17 Multispectral Snapshot Image Registration Using Learned Cross Spectral Disparity Estimation and a Deep Guided Occlusion Reconstruction Network Frank Sippel et.al. 2406.11284 link
2024-06-17 Vid3D: Synthesis of Dynamic 3D Scenes using 2D Video Diffusion Rishab Parthasarathy et.al. 2406.11196 link
2024-06-16 Rectified Iterative Disparity for Stereo Matching Weiqing Xiao et.al. 2406.10943 null
2024-06-14 L4GM: Large 4D Gaussian Reconstruction Model Jiawei Ren et.al. 2406.10324 null
2024-06-14 Quasinormal modes of slowly-spinning horizonless compact objects M. V. S. Saketh et.al. 2406.10070 link
2024-06-14 DurLAR: A High-fidelity 128-channel LiDAR Dataset with Panoramic Ambient and Reflectivity Imagery for Multi-modal Autonomous Driving Applications Li Li et.al. 2406.10068 link
2024-06-14 Learning Multi-view Molecular Representations with Structured and Unstructured Knowledge Yizhen Luo et.al. 2406.09841 link
2024-06-13 MuirBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Robust Multi-image Understanding Fei Wang et.al. 2406.09411 null
2024-06-13 LLAVIDAL: Benchmarking Large Language Vision Models for Daily Activities of Living Rajatsubhra Chakraborty et.al. 2406.09390 null
2024-06-13 Scale-Invariant Monocular Depth Estimation via SSI Depth S. Mahdi H. Miangoleh et.al. 2406.09374 null
2024-06-13 Less Cybersickness, Please: Demystifying and Detecting Stereoscopic Visual Inconsistencies in VR Apps Shuqing Li et.al. 2406.09313 null
2024-06-13 Python-based DSL for generating Verilog model of Synchronous Digital Circuits Mandar Datar et.al. 2406.09208 link
2024-06-13 OpenMaterial: A Comprehensive Dataset of Complex Materials for 3D Reconstruction Zheng Dang et.al. 2406.08894 null
2024-06-13 Real2Code: Reconstruct Articulated Objects via Code Generation Zhao Mandi et.al. 2406.08474 null
2024-06-12 Diff-A-Riff: Musical Accompaniment Co-creation via Latent Diffusion Models Javier Nistal et.al. 2406.08384 null
2024-06-12 McKean-Vlasov Forward-backward doubly stochastic differential equations and applications to stochastic control AbdulRahman Al-Hussein et.al. 2406.07881 null
2024-06-12 Automatic detection of large-scale flux ropes and their geoeffectiveness with a machine learning approach Sanchita Pal et.al. 2406.07798 null
2024-06-11 PLT-D3: A High-fidelity Dynamic Driving Simulation Dataset for Stereo Depth and Scene Flow Joshua Tokarsky et.al. 2406.07667 null
2024-06-11 SSNVC: Single Stream Neural Video Compression with Implicit Temporal Information Feng Wang et.al. 2406.07645 null
2024-06-11 NeRSP: Neural 3D Reconstruction for Reflective Objects with Sparse Polarized Images Yufei Han et.al. 2406.07111 null
2024-06-11 The evolution of coronal shock wave properties and their relation with solar energetic particles Manon Jarry et.al. 2406.07058 null
2024-06-11 Half Heusler alloy CoVSn as self-supported electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction Deepak Gujjar et.al. 2406.06981 null
2024-06-11 Generative Lifting of Multiview to 3D from Unknown Pose: Wrapping NeRF inside Diffusion Xin Yuan et.al. 2406.06972 null
2024-06-11 Stepwise Regression and Pre-trained Edge for Robust Stereo Matching Weiqing Xiao et.al. 2406.06953 link
2024-06-10 FlexLoc: Conditional Neural Networks for Zero-Shot Sensor Perspective Invariance in Object Localization with Distributed Multimodal Sensors Jason Wu et.al. 2406.06796 link
2024-06-09 Predictors of the Sense of Presence in an Immersive Audio Storytelling Experience, a Mixed Methods Study. PREPRINT Isabelle Verhulst et.al. 2406.05856 null
2024-06-09 Error analysis of vertical test for CEPC 650 MHz superconducting radio-frequency cavity Lingxi Ye et.al. 2406.05715 null
2024-06-07 Normal-guided Detail-Preserving Neural Implicit Functions for High-Fidelity 3D Surface Reconstruction Aarya Patel et.al. 2406.04861 null
2024-06-06 Stereo-Depth Fusion through Virtual Pattern Projection Luca Bartolomei et.al. 2406.04345 link
2024-06-06 Localized Gaussian Point Management Haosen Yang et.al. 2406.04251 null
2024-06-06 Mean-variance portfolio selection in jump-diffusion model under no-shorting constraint: A viscosity solution approach Xiaomin Shi et.al. 2406.03709 null
2024-06-05 Does the Sun have a Dark Disk? Gustavo F. S. Alves et.al. 2406.03607 null
2024-06-05 A Flexible Recursive Network for Video Stereo Matching Based on Residual Estimation Youchen Zhao et.al. 2406.03333 link
2024-06-05 L-PR: Exploiting LiDAR Fiducial Marker for Unordered Low Overlap Multiview Point Cloud Registration Yibo Liu et.al. 2406.03298 link
2024-06-04 VHS: High-Resolution Iterative Stereo Matching with Visual Hull Priors Markus Plack et.al. 2406.02552 null
2024-06-04 Negative-polarity nanosecond-pulsed cryogenic plasma in liquid nitrogen Danil Dobrynin et.al. 2406.02452 null
2024-06-04 A Multipurpose Interface for Close- and Far-Proximity Control of Mobile Collaborative Robots Hamidreza Raei et.al. 2406.02171 null
2024-06-03 Dual-Stream Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Unmixing Yufang Wang et.al. 2406.01644 null
2024-06-03 Seasonal variation in nighttime NO radiative cooling as observed by TIMED/SABER in lower thermosphere during solar maximum and solar minimum Alok Kumar Ranjan et.al. 2406.01000 null
2024-06-02 Bayesian Joint Additive Factor Models for Multiview Learning Niccolo Anceschi et.al. 2406.00778 link
2024-06-02 Filament eruption by multiple reconnections Y. Liu et.al. 2406.00769 null
2024-06-01 Topo4D: Topology-Preserving Gaussian Splatting for High-Fidelity 4D Head Capture X. Li et.al. 2406.00440 null
2024-06-01 MoDGS: Dynamic Gaussian Splatting from Causually-captured Monocular Videos Qingming Liu et.al. 2406.00434 null
2024-06-04 Inter-planetary type-IV solar radio bursts: A comprehensive catalog and statistical results Atul Mohan et.al. 2406.00194 null
2024-05-30 An Ultra-High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope with Pulse Tube and Joule-Thomson cooling operating at sub-pm z-noise Marcus Eßer et.al. 2405.20187 null
2024-05-30 Modeling of Nitric Oxide Infrared radiative flux in lower thermosphere: a machine learning perspective Dayakrishna Nailwal et.al. 2405.19801 null
2024-05-29 Contrasting Multiple Representations with the Multi-Marginal Matching Gap Zoe Piran et.al. 2405.19532 null
2024-05-28 Track Initialization and Re-Identification for~3D Multi-View Multi-Object Tracking Linh Van Ma et.al. 2405.18606 link
2024-05-28 Batch VUV4 Characterization for the SBC-LAr10 scintillating bubble chamber H. Hawley-Herrera et.al. 2405.18403 null
2024-05-28 A Calibration Tool for Refractive Underwater Vision Felix Seegräber et.al. 2405.18018 null
2024-05-28 FreeSplat: Generalizable 3D Gaussian Splatting Towards Free-View Synthesis of Indoor Scenes Yunsong Wang et.al. 2405.17958 link
2024-05-27 EF-Calib: Spatiotemporal Calibration of Event- and Frame-Based Cameras Using Continuous-Time Trajectories Shaoan Wang et.al. 2405.17278 link
2024-05-27 SDL-MVS: View Space and Depth Deformable Learning Paradigm for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction in Remote Sensing Yong-Qiang Mao et.al. 2405.17140 null
2024-05-27 Part123: Part-aware 3D Reconstruction from a Single-view Image Anran Liu et.al. 2405.16888 null
2024-05-26 Multi-Modal UAV Detection, Classification and Tracking Algorithm -- Technical Report for CVPR 2024 UG2 Challenge Tianchen Deng et.al. 2405.16464 link
2024-05-23 ETA-INIT: Enhancing the Translation Accuracy for Stereo Visual-Inertial SLAM Initialization Han Song et.al. 2405.15082 null
2024-05-23 CraftsMan: High-fidelity Mesh Generation with 3D Native Generation and Interactive Geometry Refiner Weiyu Li et.al. 2405.14979 link
2024-05-23 Federated Online Adaptation for Deep Stereo Matteo Poggi et.al. 2405.14873 null
2024-05-23 Direct3D: Scalable Image-to-3D Generation via 3D Latent Diffusion Transformer Shuang Wu et.al. 2405.14832 null
2024-05-23 Ghost-Stereo: GhostNet-based Cost Volume Enhancement and Aggregation for Stereo Matching Networks Xingguang Jiang et.al. 2405.14520 null
2024-05-22 Two Heads are Better Than One: Neural Networks Quantization with 2D Hilbert Curve-based Output Representation Mykhailo Uss et.al. 2405.14024 null
2024-05-22 Ambisonizer: Neural Upmixing as Spherical Harmonics Generation Yongyi Zang et.al. 2405.13428 null
2024-05-21 Boundary Effects and Confinement in the Theory of Nonabelian Gauge Fields E. G. Timoshenko et.al. 2405.13189 null
2024-05-20 MHD modeling of a geoeffective interplanetary CME with the magnetic topology informed by in-situ observations E. Provornikova et.al. 2405.13069 null
2024-05-21 Cross-spectral Gated-RGB Stereo Depth Estimation Samuel Brucker et.al. 2405.12759 null
2024-05-20 In-situ Measurements of Dark Photon Dark Matter using Parker Solar Probe: Going beyond the Radio Window Haipeng An et.al. 2405.12285 null
2024-05-20 Fast Generalizable Gaussian Splatting Reconstruction from Multi-View Stereo Tianqi Liu et.al. 2405.12218 link
2024-05-20 NPLMV-PS: Neural Point-Light Multi-View Photometric Stereo Fotios Logothetis et.al. 2405.12057 null
2024-05-20 Stereo-Knowledge Distillation from dpMV to Dual Pixels for Light Field Video Reconstruction Aryan Garg et.al. 2405.11823 null
2024-05-20 Distill-then-prune: An Efficient Compression Framework for Real-time Stereo Matching Network on Edge Devices Baiyu Pan et.al. 2405.11809 null
2024-05-19 Era3D: High-Resolution Multiview Diffusion using Efficient Row-wise Attention Peng Li et.al. 2405.11616 null
2024-05-18 Dusk Till Dawn: Self-supervised Nighttime Stereo Depth Estimation using Visual Foundation Models Madhu Vankadari et.al. 2405.11158 link
2024-05-17 Homological Lemmas in a Non-pointed Context Andrea Cappelletti et.al. 2405.11038 null
2024-05-17 Photorealistic 3D Urban Scene Reconstruction and Point Cloud Extraction using Google Earth Imagery and Gaussian Splatting Kyle Gao et.al. 2405.11021 null
2024-05-17 Monitoring electrochemical dynamics through single-molecule imaging of hBN surface emitters in organic solvents Eveline Mayner et.al. 2405.10686 null
2024-05-16 JIGGLE: An Active Sensing Framework for Boundary Parameters Estimation in Deformable Surgical Environments Nikhil Uday Shinde et.al. 2405.09743 null
2024-05-15 Classifying geospatial objects from multiview aerial imagery using semantic meshes David Russell et.al. 2405.09544 null
2024-05-15 Comparative Performance of Fluorite-Structured Materials for Nanosupercapacitor Applications Grégoire Magagnin et.al. 2405.09345 null
2024-05-15 RobustMVS: Single Domain Generalized Deep Multi-view Stereo Hongbin Xu et.al. 2405.09131 link
2024-05-14 Ballistic-aggregated Carbon Nanofoam in Target-side of Pulsed Laser Deposition for Energy Storage Applications Subrata Ghosh et.al. 2405.08957 null
2024-05-14 Varieties of MV-monoids and positive MV-algebras Marco Abbadini et.al. 2405.08471 null
2024-05-14 NAFRSSR: a Lightweight Recursive Network for Efficient Stereo Image Super-Resolution Yihong Chen et.al. 2405.08423 link
2024-05-10 Comparative Analysis of Advanced Feature Matching Algorithms in Challenging High Spatial Resolution Optical Satellite Stereo Scenarios Qiyan Luo et.al. 2405.06246 null
2024-05-10 MGS-SLAM: Monocular Sparse Tracking and Gaussian Mapping with Depth Smooth Regularization Pengcheng Zhu et.al. 2405.06241 null
2024-05-09 NGM-SLAM: Gaussian Splatting SLAM with Radiance Field Submap Mingrui Li et.al. 2405.05702 null
2024-05-09 ASGrasp: Generalizable Transparent Object Reconstruction and Grasping from RGB-D Active Stereo Camera Jun Shi et.al. 2405.05648 null
2024-05-09 Multi-Level Feature Fusion Network for Lightweight Stereo Image Super-Resolution Yunxiang Li et.al. 2405.05497 link
2024-05-08 Giant Thermoelectric Response of Fluxons in Superconductors Alok Nath Singh et.al. 2405.05456 null
2024-05-08 Geometry-Informed Distance Candidate Selection for Adaptive Lightweight Omnidirectional Stereo Vision with Fisheye Images Conner Pulling et.al. 2405.05355 null
2024-05-07 Cross-Platform Autonomous Control of Minimal Kitaev Chains David van Driel et.al. 2405.04596 null
2024-05-07 A first-principles study of structural, elastic, electronic, and transport properties of Cs2Te Gaoxue Wang et.al. 2405.04398 null
2024-05-07 IMU-Aided Event-based Stereo Visual Odometry Junkai Niu et.al. 2405.04071 link
2024-05-06 MV-frames Jean B Nganou et.al. 2405.03604 null
2024-05-06 SL-SLAM: A robust visual-inertial SLAM based deep feature extraction and matching Zhang Xiao et.al. 2405.03413 null
2024-05-05 Over-the-Air Majority Vote Computation with Modulation on Conjugate-Reciprocal Zeros Alphan Sahin et.al. 2405.02981 null
2024-05-03 Water Structure and Electric Fields at the Interface of Oil Droplets Lixue Shi et.al. 2405.02207 null
2024-05-03 Histogram-Based Federated XGBoost using Minimal Variance Sampling for Federated Tabular Data William Lindskog et.al. 2405.02067 null
2024-05-06 ShadowNav: Autonomous Global Localization for Lunar Navigation in Darkness Deegan Atha et.al. 2405.01673 null
2024-05-02 Improved weak convergence for the long time simulation of Mean-field Langevin equations Xingyuan Chen et.al. 2405.01346 null
2024-05-02 Sports Analysis and VR Viewing System Based on Player Tracking and Pose Estimation with Multimodal and Multiview Sensors Wenxuan Guo et.al. 2405.01112 null
2024-05-02 Efficient Data-driven Scene Simulation using Robotic Surgery Videos via Physics-embedded 3D Gaussians Zhenya Yang et.al. 2405.00956 null
2024-04-30 Using sunRunner3D to interpret the global structure of the heliosphere from in situ measurements José Juan González-Avilés et.al. 2405.00174 null
2024-04-30 Revisiting RGBT Tracking Benchmarks from the Perspective of Modality Validity: A New Benchmark, Problem, and Method Zhangyong Tang et.al. 2405.00168 link
2024-05-01 A Minimal Set of Parameters Based Depth-Dependent Distortion Model and Its Calibration Method for Stereo Vision Systems Xin Ma et.al. 2404.19242 null
2024-04-30 On the Determining Physical Factor of Jet-Related Coronal Mass Ejection's Morphology in the High Corona Yadan Duan et.al. 2404.19179 null
2024-04-29 Semiparametric mean and variance joint models with Laplace link functions for count time series Tianqing Liu et.al. 2404.18421 null
2024-04-27 Spatial, Temporal, and Geometric Fusion for Remote Sensing Images Hessah Albanwan et.al. 2404.17851 null
2024-04-29 MV-VTON: Multi-View Virtual Try-On with Diffusion Models Haoyu Wang et.al. 2404.17364 link
2024-04-26 SLAM for Indoor Mapping of Wide Area Construction Environments Vincent Ress et.al. 2404.17215 null
2024-04-25 100+ years of colossal confusion on colloidal coagulation. Part I: Smoluchowski's work on absorbing boundaries K. Razi Naqvi et.al. 2404.17021 null
2024-04-25 Depth Supervised Neural Surface Reconstruction from Airborne Imagery Vincent Hackstein et.al. 2404.16429 null
2024-04-24 Drawing the Line: Deep Segmentation for Extracting Art from Ancient Etruscan Mirrors Rafael Sterzinger et.al. 2404.15903 link
2024-04-24 The integral motivic Satake equivalence for ramified groups Thibaud van den Hove et.al. 2404.15694 null
2024-04-23 MIMOSA: Human-AI Co-Creation of Computational Spatial Audio Effects on Videos Zheng Ning et.al. 2404.15107 null
2024-04-23 Unknown Object Grasping for Assistive Robotics Elle Miller et.al. 2404.15001 null
2024-04-23 Machine Vision Based Assessment of Fall Color Changes in Apple Trees: Exploring Relationship with Leaf Nitrogen Concentration Achyut Paudel et.al. 2404.14653 null
2024-04-20 Generative Subspace Adversarial Active Learning for Outlier Detection in Multiple Views of High-dimensional Data Jose Cribeiro-Ramallo et.al. 2404.14451 link
2024-04-22 RESFM: Robust Equivariant Multiview Structure from Motion Fadi Khatib et.al. 2404.14280 null
2024-04-21 Are We Ready for Planetary Exploration Robots? The TAIL-Plus Dataset for SLAM in Granular Environments Zirui Wang et.al. 2404.13600 null
2024-04-21 Generalizable Novel-View Synthesis using a Stereo Camera Haechan Lee et.al. 2404.13541 null
2024-04-20 SEGSRNet for Stereo-Endoscopic Image Super-Resolution and Surgical Instrument Segmentation Mansoor Hayat et.al. 2404.13330 null
2024-04-19 Grid-aware Scheduling and Control of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Dispatching Active Distribution Networks. Part-II: Intra-day and Experimental Validation Rahul K. Gupta et.al. 2404.12870 null
2024-04-19 Unveiling the Ambiguity in Neural Inverse Rendering: A Parameter Compensation Analysis Georgios Kouros et.al. 2404.12819 null
2024-04-18 Advancing Applications of Satellite Photogrammetry: Novel Approaches for Built-up Area Modeling and Natural Environment Monitoring using Stereo/Multi-view Satellite Image-derived 3D Data Shengxi Gui et.al. 2404.12487 null
2024-04-17 Alloyed Re $x$Mo${1-x}$S$_2$ Nanoflakes with Enlarged Interlayer Distances for Hydrogen Evolution Jing Li et.al. 2404.12412 null
2024-04-18 SPOT: Point Cloud Based Stereo Visual Place Recognition for Similar and Opposing Viewpoints Spencer Carmichael et.al. 2404.12339 null
2024-04-17 TempBEV: Improving Learned BEV Encoders with Combined Image and BEV Space Temporal Aggregation Thomas Monninger et.al. 2404.11803 null
2024-04-15 One-Click Upgrade from 2D to 3D: Sandwiched RGB-D Video Compression for Stereoscopic Teleconferencing Yueyu Hu et.al. 2404.09979 null
2024-04-15 Neural McKean-Vlasov Processes: Distributional Dependence in Diffusion Processes Haoming Yang et.al. 2404.09402 null
2024-04-14 \textit{sweet} -- An Open Source Modular Platform for Contactless Hand Vascular Biometric Experiments David Geissbühler et.al. 2404.09376 null
2024-04-14 SyntStereo2Real: Edge-Aware GAN for Remote Sensing Image-to-Image Translation while Maintaining Stereo Constraint Vasudha Venkatesan et.al. 2404.09277 null
2024-04-13 Rethinking Iterative Stereo Matching from Diffusion Bridge Model Perspective Yuguang Shi et.al. 2404.09051 null
2024-04-12 Electron-phonon interaction, magnetic phase transition, charge density waves and resistive switching in VS2 and VSe2 revealed by Yanson point contact spectroscopy D. L. Bashlakov et.al. 2404.08269 null
2024-04-12 MonoPatchNeRF: Improving Neural Radiance Fields with Patch-based Monocular Guidance Yuqun Wu et.al. 2404.08252 null
2024-04-11 GoMVS: Geometrically Consistent Cost Aggregation for Multi-View Stereo Jiang Wu et.al. 2404.07992 link
2024-04-14 RMAFF-PSN: A Residual Multi-Scale Attention Feature Fusion Photometric Stereo Network Kai Luo et.al. 2404.07766 link
2024-04-11 Stereo-LiDAR Depth Estimation with Deformable Propagation and Learned Disparity-Depth Conversion Ang Li et.al. 2404.07545 link
2024-04-11 A Pathway to Efficient Simulations of Charge Density Waves in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: A Case Study for TiSe2 Li Yin et.al. 2404.07414 null
2024-04-10 InstantMesh: Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image with Sparse-view Large Reconstruction Models Jiale Xu et.al. 2404.07191 link
2024-04-10 Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation on Water Scenes via Specular Reflection Prior Zhengyang Lu et.al. 2404.07176 null
2024-04-11 MoCha-Stereo: Motif Channel Attention Network for Stereo Matching Ziyang Chen et.al. 2404.06842 link
2024-04-09 RoadBEV: Road Surface Reconstruction in Bird's Eye View Tong Zhao et.al. 2404.06605 link
2024-04-09 Robust Confidence Intervals in Stereo Matching using Possibility Theory Roman Malinowski et.al. 2404.06273 link
2024-04-09 Playing to Vision Foundation Model's Strengths in Stereo Matching Chuang-Wei Liu et.al. 2404.06261 null
2024-04-08 Learning Topology Uniformed Face Mesh by Volume Rendering for Multi-view Reconstruction Yating Wang et.al. 2404.05606 null
2024-04-09 Generating Galaxy Clusters Mass Density Maps from Mock Multiview Images via Deep Learning Daniel de Andres et.al. 2404.05400 null
2024-04-08 Cellular automata, many-valued logic, and deep neural networks Yani Zhang et.al. 2404.05259 null
2024-04-08 Adaptive Learning for Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction Qinglu Min et.al. 2404.05181 null
2024-04-08 STITCH: Augmented Dexterity for Suture Throws Including Thread Coordination and Handoffs Kush Hari et.al. 2404.05151 null
2024-04-07 The convergence of the EM scheme in empirical approximation of invariant probability measure for McKean-Vlasov SDEs Cui Yuanping et.al. 2404.04781 null
2024-04-06 Mathematics of the MML functional quantizer modules for VCV Rack software synthesizer Michael G. Maxwell et.al. 2404.04739 link
2024-04-06 Efficient Sparse Processing-in-Memory Architecture (ESPIM) for Machine Learning Inference Mingxuan He et.al. 2404.04708 null
2024-04-06 HawkDrive: A Transformer-driven Visual Perception System for Autonomous Driving in Night Scene Ziang Guo et.al. 2404.04653 link
2024-04-03 Projections of Curves and Conic Multiview Varieties Felix Rydell et.al. 2404.03063 null
2024-04-03 Remote-contact catalysis for target-diameter semiconducting carbon nanotube array Jiangtao Wang et.al. 2404.02981 null
2024-04-03 Freditor: High-Fidelity and Transferable NeRF Editing by Frequency Decomposition Yisheng He et.al. 2404.02514 null
2024-04-02 CHOSEN: Contrastive Hypothesis Selection for Multi-View Depth Refinement Di Qiu et.al. 2404.02225 null
2024-04-02 Superionic Fluoride Gate Dielectrics with Low Diffusion Barrier for Advanced Electronics Kui Meng et.al. 2404.02011 null
2024-04-02 CME Deflection and East-West Asymmetry of ESP Intensity in Solar Cycles 23 and 24 Adolfo Santa Fe Dueñas et.al. 2404.01993 null
2024-04-02 Surface Reconstruction from Gaussian Splatting via Novel Stereo Views Yaniv Wolf et.al. 2404.01810 link
2024-04-02 Spin-UP: Spin Light for Natural Light Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Zongrui Li et.al. 2404.01612 link
2024-03-30 Reusable Architecture Growth for Continual Stereo Matching Chenghao Zhang et.al. 2404.00360 null
2024-03-30 SGDFormer: One-stage Transformer-based Architecture for Cross-Spectral Stereo Image Guided Denoising Runmin Zhang et.al. 2404.00349 null
2024-03-30 Gradient bandgap enables >13% efficiency sulfide Kesterite solar cells with open-circuit voltage over 800 mV Kang Yin et.al. 2404.00291 null
2024-03-29 Coronal Signatures of Flare Generated Fast Mode Wave at EUV and Radio wavelengths V. Vasanth et.al. 2404.00135 null
2024-03-29 Sparse Views, Near Light: A Practical Paradigm for Uncalibrated Point-light Photometric Stereo Mohammed Brahimi et.al. 2404.00098 null
2024-03-29 InstantSplat: Unbounded Sparse-view Pose-free Gaussian Splatting in 40 Seconds Zhiwen Fan et.al. 2403.20309 null
2024-04-01 BundledSLAM: An Accurate Visual SLAM System Using Multiple Cameras Han Song et.al. 2403.19886 null
2024-03-28 CoherentGS: Sparse Novel View Synthesis with Coherent 3D Gaussians Avinash Paliwal et.al. 2403.19495 null
2024-03-27 Lift3D: Zero-Shot Lifting of Any 2D Vision Model to 3D Mukund Varma T et.al. 2403.18922 null
2024-03-27 SAT-NGP : Unleashing Neural Graphics Primitives for Fast Relightable Transient-Free 3D reconstruction from Satellite Imagery Camille Billouard et.al. 2403.18711 link
2024-03-27 Record cryogenic cooling in ferroelectric hafnia proximity induced via Mott transition Jalaja M A et.al. 2403.18475 null
2024-03-26 EgoPoseFormer: A Simple Baseline for Egocentric 3D Human Pose Estimation Chenhongyi Yang et.al. 2403.18080 link
2024-03-26 Low-Latency Neural Stereo Streaming Qiqi Hou et.al. 2403.17879 null
2024-03-26 Implementing photometric stereo for scanning helium microscopy (SHeM) to reconstruct true-to-size 3D surfaces Aleksandar Radic et.al. 2403.17835 null
2024-03-25 Facile synthesis of micro-flower NiCo2O4 assembled by nanosheets efficient for electrocatalysis of water Yujie Wang et.al. 2403.17744 null
2024-03-26 Quantum accelerated cross regression algorithm for multiview feature extraction Hai-Ling Liu et.al. 2403.17444 null
2024-03-25 High-Dimensional Mean-Variance Spanning Tests David Ardia et.al. 2403.17127 null
2024-03-25 GSDF: 3DGS Meets SDF for Improved Rendering and Reconstruction Mulin Yu et.al. 2403.16964 null
2024-03-25 TAIL: A Terrain-Aware Multi-Modal SLAM Dataset for Robot Locomotion in Deformable Granular Environments Chen Yao et.al. 2403.16875 null
2024-03-25 Creating a Digital Twin of Spinal Surgery: A Proof of Concept Jonas Hein et.al. 2403.16736 null
2024-03-25 Characterisation of the Intel RealSense D415 Stereo Depth Camera for Motion-Corrected CT Perfusion Imaging Mahdieh Dashtbani Moghari et.al. 2403.16490 null
2024-03-25 SignSGD with Federated Voting Chanho Park et.al. 2403.16372 null
2024-03-22 An Optimization Framework to Enforce Multi-View Consistency for Texturing 3D Meshes Using Pre-Trained Text-to-Image Models Zhengyi Zhao et.al. 2403.15559 null
2024-03-22 HortiBot: An Adaptive Multi-Arm System for Robotic Horticulture of Sweet Peppers Christian Lenz et.al. 2403.15306 null
2024-03-21 ODTFormer: Efficient Obstacle Detection and Tracking with Stereo Cameras Based on Transformer Tianye Ding et.al. 2403.14626 null
2024-03-21 Superpower E-Beam Sources and Performance Estimates for Compact THz FELs Richard B. True et.al. 2403.14546 null
2024-03-23 Exploring 3D Human Pose Estimation and Forecasting from the Robot's Perspective: The HARPER Dataset Andrea Avogaro et.al. 2403.14447 null
2024-03-21 A theoretic analysis of magnetoactive GES-based turbulent solar plasma instability Souvik Das et.al. 2403.14182 null
2024-03-20 Experience gained about Resistive Plate Chambers ageing from the ALICE Muon TRigger/IDentifier detector Alessandro Ferretti et.al. 2403.13618 null
2024-03-20 Record-high Anomalous Ettingshausen effect in a micron-sized magnetic Weyl semimetal on-chip cooler Mohammadali Razeghi et.al. 2403.13598 null
2024-03-20 FACT: Fast and Active Coordinate Initialization for Vision-based Drone Swarms Yuan Li et.al. 2403.13455 link
2024-03-19 Geometric Constraints in Deep Learning Frameworks: A Survey Vibhas K Vats et.al. 2403.12431 null
2024-03-18 FLex: Joint Pose and Dynamic Radiance Fields Optimization for Stereo Endoscopic Videos Florian Philipp Stilz et.al. 2403.12198 null
2024-03-18 The POLAR Traverse Dataset: A Dataset of Stereo Camera Images Simulating Traverses across Lunar Polar Terrain under Extreme Lighting Conditions Margaret Hansen et.al. 2403.12194 null
2024-03-18 StereoNavNet: Learning to Navigate using Stereo Cameras with Auxiliary Occupancy Voxels Hongyu Li et.al. 2403.12039 null
2024-03-18 GNeRP: Gaussian-guided Neural Reconstruction of Reflective Objects with Noisy Polarization Priors LI Yang et.al. 2403.11899 null
2024-03-18 Discovery of self-assembled Ru/Si heterostructures with unique periodic nanostripe patterns boosting hydrogen evolution Weizheng Cai et.al. 2403.11822 null
2024-03-21 Neural Markov Random Field for Stereo Matching Tongfan Guan et.al. 2403.11193 link
2024-03-17 Electrically controlled nonvolatile switching of single-atom magnetism in a Dy@C84 single-molecule transistor Feng Wang et.al. 2403.11137 null
2024-03-16 Ctrl123: Consistent Novel View Synthesis via Closed-Loop Transcription Hongxiang Zhao et.al. 2403.10953 null
2024-03-16 Match-Stereo-Videos: Bidirectional Alignment for Consistent Dynamic Stereo Matching Junpeng Jing et.al. 2403.10755 null
2024-03-15 MusicHiFi: Fast High-Fidelity Stereo Vocoding Ge Zhu et.al. 2403.10493 null
2024-03-14 Low-coercive-field ferroelectric hafnia with mobile domain walls Jing Wu et.al. 2403.09426 null
2024-03-17 Intention-driven Ego-to-Exo Video Generation Hongchen Luo et.al. 2403.09194 null
2024-03-14 Urban mapping in Dar es Salaam using AJIVE Rachel J. Carrington et.al. 2403.09014 null
2024-03-13 Content-aware Masked Image Modeling Transformer for Stereo Image Compression Xinjie Zhang et.al. 2403.08505 null
2024-03-13 Improved Image-based Pose Regressor Models for Underwater Environments Luyuan Peng et.al. 2403.08360 null
2024-03-12 Robust Synthetic-to-Real Transfer for Stereo Matching Jiawei Zhang et.al. 2403.07705 link
2024-03-12 Stereo-NEC: Enhancing Stereo Visual-Inertial SLAM Initialization with Normal Epipolar Constraints Weihan Wang et.al. 2403.07225 link
2024-03-11 Aggregated distribution grid flexibilities in subtransmission grid operational management Neelotpal Majumdar et.al. 2403.06635 null
2024-03-11 Search for a new charged particle in the mass range of 2-100 MeV M. H. Anikina et.al. 2403.06628 null
2024-03-11 Reconstructing Visual Stimulus Images from EEG Signals Based on Deep Visual Representation Model Hongguang Pan et.al. 2403.06532 null
2024-03-10 Monotone Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection in Semimartingale Markets: Martingale Method Yuchen Li et.al. 2403.06190 null
2024-03-10 PSS-BA: LiDAR Bundle Adjustment with Progressive Spatial Smoothing Jianping Li et.al. 2403.06124 null
2024-03-09 A New Mechanism For Generating Type-III Radiation From The Sun Forrest Mozer et.al. 2403.05984 null
2024-03-08 Generalized Correspondence Matching via Flexible Hierarchical Refinement and Patch Descriptor Distillation Yu Han et.al. 2403.05388 null
2024-03-08 StereoDiffusion: Training-Free Stereo Image Generation Using Latent Diffusion Models Lezhong Wang et.al. 2403.04965 link
2024-03-09 Single-to-Dual-View Adaptation for Egocentric 3D Hand Pose Estimation Ruicong Liu et.al. 2403.04381 link
2024-03-07 Control-Barrier-Aided Teleoperation with Visual-Inertial SLAM for Safe MAV Navigation in Complex Environments Siqi Zhou et.al. 2403.04331 null
2024-03-06 Photonic-electronic spiking neuron with multi-modal and multi-wavelength excitatory and inhibitory operation for high-speed neuromorphic sensing and computing Weikang Zhang et.al. 2403.03775 null
2024-03-05 F $^3$ Loc: Fusion and Filtering for Floorplan Localization Changan Chen et.al. 2403.03370 null
2024-03-05 Surface and sub-surface modifications of copper electrodes exposed to high-field conditioning at cryogenic temperatures Marek Jacewicz et.al. 2403.03198 null
2024-03-05 Regularised Canonical Correlation Analysis: graphical lasso, biplots and beyond Lennie Wells et.al. 2403.02979 null
2024-03-05 Towards Geometric-Photometric Joint Alignment for Facial Mesh Registration Xizhi Wang et.al. 2403.02629 null
2024-03-04 Scalable Vision-Based 3D Object Detection and Monocular Depth Estimation for Autonomous Driving Yuxuan Liu et.al. 2403.02037 link
2024-03-03 Multiview Subspace Clustering of Hyperspectral Images based on Graph Convolutional Networks Xianju Li et.al. 2403.01465 null
2024-03-01 The solar cycle 25 multi-spacecraft solar energetic particle event catalog of the SERPENTINE project N. Dresing et.al. 2403.00658 null
2024-03-01 Selective-Stereo: Adaptive Frequency Information Selection for Stereo Matching Xianqi Wang et.al. 2403.00486 link
2024-03-06 Learning Intra-view and Cross-view Geometric Knowledge for Stereo Matching Rui Gong et.al. 2402.19270 null
2024-02-28 Correction method applied to MC simulated LST images affected by clouds Natalia Żywucka et.al. 2402.18416 null
2024-02-28 Attention-Propagation Network for Egocentric Heatmap to 3D Pose Lifting Taeho Kang et.al. 2402.18330 link
2024-02-29 CFDNet: A Generalizable Foggy Stereo Matching Network with Contrastive Feature Distillation Zihua Liu et.al. 2402.18181 null
2024-02-28 Digging Into Normal Incorporated Stereo Matching Zihua Liu et.al. 2402.18171 link
2024-02-28 Passive Snapshot Coded Aperture Dual-Pixel RGB-D Imaging Bhargav Ghanekar et.al. 2402.18102 null
2024-02-27 A TDM-based Analog Front-End for Ear-EEG Recording with 83-G $Ω$ Input Impedance, 384-mV DC Tolerance and 0.47-$μ$ Vrms Input-Referred Noise Huiyong Zheng et.al. 2402.17538 null
2024-02-27 Real-Time Estimation of Relative Pose for UAVs Using a Dual-Channel Feature Association Zhaoying Wang et.al. 2402.17504 null
2024-02-25 Slow electron holes in the Earth's magnetosheath Z. I. Shaikh et.al. 2402.16916 null
2024-02-26 DCVSMNet: Double Cost Volume Stereo Matching Network Mahmoud Tahmasebi et.al. 2402.16473 link
2024-02-26 MV-Swin-T: Mammogram Classification with Multi-view Swin Transformer Sushmita Sarker et.al. 2402.16298 link
2024-02-25 Finding Near-Optimal Portfolios With Quality-Diversity Bruno Gašperov et.al. 2402.16118 null
2024-02-22 Deep Learning Models for Conditioning Extremely Noisy Signals Andrea Faúndez Quezada et.al. 2402.14713 null
2024-02-22 GaussianPro: 3D Gaussian Splatting with Progressive Propagation Kai Cheng et.al. 2402.14650 null
2024-02-22 MVD $^2$ : Efficient Multiview 3D Reconstruction for Multiview Diffusion Xin-Yang Zheng et.al. 2402.14253 null
2024-02-20 Design and Flight Demonstration of a Quadrotor for Urban Mapping and Target Tracking Research Collin Hague et.al. 2402.13195 null
2024-02-19 Landmark-based Localization using Stereo Vision and Deep Learning in GPS-Denied Battlefield Environment Ganesh Sapkota et.al. 2402.12551 null
2024-02-19 An evaluation of Deep Learning based stereo dense matching dataset shift from aerial images and a large scale stereo dataset Teng Wu et.al. 2402.12522 link
2024-02-19 Landmark Stereo Dataset for Landmark Recognition and Moving Node Localization in a Non-GPS Battlefield Environment Ganesh Sapkota et.al. 2402.12320 null
2024-02-19 SDGE: Stereo Guided Depth Estimation for 360° Camera Sets Jialei Xu et.al. 2402.11791 null
2024-02-18 Stackelberg reinsurance and premium decisions with MV criterion and irreversibility Zongxia Liang et.al. 2402.11580 null
2024-02-15 How to validate average calibration for machine learning regression tasks ? Pascal Pernot et.al. 2402.10043 link
2024-02-14 A comparison of next-generation turbulence profiling instruments at Paranal Ryan Griffiths et.al. 2402.09144 null
2024-02-14 Depth-aware Volume Attention for Texture-less Stereo Matching Tong Zhao et.al. 2402.08931 link
2024-02-13 IM-3D: Iterative Multiview Diffusion and Reconstruction for High-Quality 3D Generation Luke Melas-Kyriazi et.al. 2402.08682 null
2024-02-13 Tracking solar radio bursts using Bayesian multilateration L. A. Cañizares et.al. 2402.08590 link
2024-02-16 Integration of multiview microbiome data for deciphering microbiome-metabolome-disease pathways Lei Fang et.al. 2402.08222 null
2024-02-12 Anisotropic molecular photoemission dynamics: Interpreting and accounting for the nuclear motion Antoine Desrier et.al. 2402.08124 null
2024-02-12 Evaluation of a Smart Mobile Robotic System for Industrial Plant Inspection and Supervision Georg K. J. Fischer et.al. 2402.07691 null
2024-02-09 Is it safe to cross? Interpretable Risk Assessment with GPT-4V for Safety-Aware Street Crossing Hochul Hwang et.al. 2402.06794 null
2024-02-09 Gravitational lensing stereoscopy Ira Rai et.al. 2402.06217 null
2024-02-08 Extending 6D Object Pose Estimators for Stereo Vision Thomas Pöllabauer et.al. 2402.05610 null
2024-02-07 SPAD : Spatially Aware Multiview Diffusers Yash Kant et.al. 2402.05235 null
2024-02-08 Fast Timing-Conditioned Latent Audio Diffusion Zach Evans et.al. 2402.04825 link
2024-02-07 Meet JEANIE: a Similarity Measure for 3D Skeleton Sequences via Temporal-Viewpoint Alignment Lei Wang et.al. 2402.04599 null
2024-02-06 Ultrafast terahertz field control of the emergent magnetic and electronic interactions at oxide interfaces A. M. Derrico et.al. 2402.04302 null
2024-02-06 MMAUD: A Comprehensive Multi-Modal Anti-UAV Dataset for Modern Miniature Drone Threats Shenghai Yuan et.al. 2402.03706 link
2024-02-05 Constrained Multiview Representation for Self-supervised Contrastive Learning Siyuan Dai et.al. 2402.03456 null
2024-02-02 Immersive Video Compression using Implicit Neural Representations Ho Man Kwan et.al. 2402.01596 link
2024-02-02 SignSGD with Federated Defense: Harnessing Adversarial Attacks through Gradient Sign Decoding Chanho Park et.al. 2402.01340 null
2024-01-29 Gadolinium scandate by high-pressure sputtering for future generations of high-k dielectrics Pedro Carlos Feijoo et.al. 2402.00887 null
2024-02-01 Metric Multiview Geometry -- a Catalogue in Low Dimensions Timothy Duff et.al. 2402.00648 null
2024-02-01 Real-time Stereo Speech Enhancement with Spatial-Cue Preservation based on Dual-Path Structure Masahito Togami et.al. 2402.00337 null
2024-02-01 Debiased Multivariable Mendelian Randomization Yinxiang Wu et.al. 2402.00307 link
2024-01-30 Problems and related results in Algebraic Vision and Multiview Geometry Marina Bertolini et.al. 2401.17412 null
2024-01-30 Coherent $γ^*$ -nucleus scattering and coherent nuclear states Alfred H. Mueller et.al. 2401.17087 null
2024-01-30 Tunable high-temperature tunneling magnetoresistance in all-van der Waals antiferromagnet/semiconductor/ferromagnet junctions Wen Jin et.al. 2401.16984 null
2024-01-31 High-Quality Image Restoration Following Human Instructions Marcos V. Conde et.al. 2401.16468 link
2024-01-31 Endo-4DGS: Endoscopic Monocular Scene Reconstruction with 4D Gaussian Splatting Yiming Huang et.al. 2401.16416 link
2024-01-29 Transverse oscillation of prominence and filament induced by an EUV wave from the farside of the Sun Yanjie Zhang et.al. 2401.15858 null
2024-01-29 2L3: Lifting Imperfect Generated 2D Images into Accurate 3D Yizheng Chen et.al. 2401.15841 null
2024-01-26 The Machine Vision Iceberg Explained: Advancing Dynamic Testing by Considering Holistic Environmental Circumstances Hubert Padusinski et.al. 2401.14831 null
2024-01-26 SimpleEgo: Predicting Probabilistic Body Pose from Egocentric Cameras Hanz Cuevas-Velasquez et.al. 2401.14785 null
2024-01-25 Learning Robust Generalizable Radiance Field with Visibility and Feature Augmented Point Representation Jiaxu Wang et.al. 2401.14354 null
2024-01-24 Dataset and Benchmark: Novel Sensors for Autonomous Vehicle Perception Spencer Carmichael et.al. 2401.13853 link
2024-01-24 FoVA-Depth: Field-of-View Agnostic Depth Estimation for Cross-Dataset Generalization Daniel Lichy et.al. 2401.13786 null
2024-01-24 Multiview Graph Learning with Consensus Graph Abdullah Karaaslanli et.al. 2401.13769 null
2024-01-23 PSDF: Prior-Driven Neural Implicit Surface Learning for Multi-view Reconstruction Wanjuan Su et.al. 2401.12751 null
2024-01-23 Consistency Enhancement-Based Deep Multiview Clustering via Contrastive Learning Hao Yang et.al. 2401.12648 null
2024-01-23 EndoGaussian: Gaussian Splatting for Deformable Surgical Scene Reconstruction Yifan Liu et.al. 2401.12561 link
2024-01-23 Icy Moon Surface Simulation and Stereo Depth Estimation for Sampling Autonomy Ramchander Bhaskara et.al. 2401.12414 link
2024-01-22 Extracting Formulae in Many-Valued Logic from Deep Neural Networks Yani Zhang et.al. 2401.12113 null
2024-01-22 Resource-constrained stereo singing voice cancellation Clara Borrelli et.al. 2401.12068 null
2024-01-23 Stereo-Matching Knowledge Distilled Monocular Depth Estimation Filtered by Multiple Disparity Consistency Woonghyun Ka et.al. 2401.12019 null
2024-01-23 Modeling Stereo-Confidence Out of the End-to-End Stereo-Matching Network via Disparity Plane Sweep Jae Young Lee et.al. 2401.12001 null
2024-01-24 Boosting Multi-view Stereo with Late Cost Aggregation Jiang Wu et.al. 2401.11751 link
2024-01-22 MVSFormer++: Revealing the Devil in Transformer's Details for Multi-View Stereo Chenjie Cao et.al. 2401.11673 link
2024-01-21 S $^3$ M-Net: Joint Learning of Semantic Segmentation and Stereo Matching for Autonomous Driving Zhiyuan Wu et.al. 2401.11414 null
2024-01-19 Dense 3D Reconstruction Through Lidar: A Comparative Study on Ex-vivo Porcine Tissue Guido Caccianiga et.al. 2401.10709 null
2024-01-18 Thin Ice Lithospheres and High Heat Flows on Europa From Large Impact Structure Ring-graben Kelsi N. Singer et.al. 2401.10380 null
2024-01-17 3D Scene Geometry Estimation from 360 $^\circ$ Imagery: A Survey Thiago Lopes Trugillo da Silveira et.al. 2401.09252 null
2024-01-16 Evaluating aliphatic CF, CF2 and CF3 groups as vibrational Stark effect reporters Ruben Cruz et.al. 2401.08578 null
2024-01-16 Preprocessing-based Kinodynamic Motion Planning Framework for Intercepting Projectiles using a Robot Manipulator Ramkumar Natarajan et.al. 2401.08022 null
2024-01-15 Low-light Stereo Image Enhancement and De-noising in the Low-frequency Information Enhanced Image Space Minghua Zhao et.al. 2401.07753 link
2024-01-14 MapNeXt: Revisiting Training and Scaling Practices for Online Vectorized HD Map Construction Toyota Li et.al. 2401.07323 null
2024-01-14 Left-right Discrepancy for Adversarial Attack on Stereo Networks Pengfei Wang et.al. 2401.07188 null
2024-01-12 UAV-borne Mapping Algorithms for Canopy-Level and High-Speed Drone Applications Jincheng Zhang et.al. 2401.06407 null
2024-01-12 SD-MVS: Segmentation-Driven Deformation Multi-View Stereo with Spherical Refinement and EM optimization Zhenlong Yuan et.al. 2401.06385 null
2024-01-12 Kimera2: Robust and Accurate Metric-Semantic SLAM in the Real World Marcus Abate et.al. 2401.06323 null
2024-01-11 ConKeD: Multiview contrastive descriptor learning for keypoint-based retinal image registration David Rivas-Villar et.al. 2401.05901 null
2024-01-10 DISCOVER: 2-D Multiview Summarization of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis Mostafa El Habib Daho et.al. 2401.05137 null
2024-01-10 Electronic transport in amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change memory line cells and its response to photoexcitation A. Talukder et.al. 2401.04913 null
2024-01-10 Real-time and Continuous Turn-taking Prediction Using Voice Activity Projection Koji Inoue et.al. 2401.04868 link
2024-01-09 Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble Learning for Hyperspectral Imaging-based Blackberry Fruit Ripeness Detection in Uncontrolled Farm Environment Chollette C. Olisah et.al. 2401.04748 null
2024-01-09 Morphable Diffusion: 3D-Consistent Diffusion for Single-image Avatar Creation Xiyi Chen et.al. 2401.04728 link
2024-01-09 Mixture of multilayer stochastic block models for multiview clustering Kylliann De Santiago et.al. 2401.04682 null
2024-01-09 GPU-accelerated Interval Arithmetic to solve the Apollonius Problem applied to a Stereo Drift Chamber Wilfrid da Silva et.al. 2401.04576 null
2024-01-09 RomniStereo: Recurrent Omnidirectional Stereo Matching Hualie Jiang et.al. 2401.04345 link
2024-01-09 Autonomous robotic re-alignment for face-to-face underwater human-robot interaction Demetrious T. Kutzke et.al. 2401.04320 null
2024-01-07 Generalizations of quantum-Wajsberg algebras Lavinia Corina Ciungu et.al. 2401.04140 null
2024-01-05 Using perceptive subbands analysis to perform audio scenes cartography Laurent Millot et.al. 2401.04127 null
2024-01-08 A multimodal gesture recognition dataset for desktop human-computer interaction Qi Wang et.al. 2401.03828 null
2024-01-07 Global density equations for interacting particle systems with stochastic resetting: from overdamped Brownian motion to phase synchronization Paul C Bressloff et.al. 2401.03501 null
2024-01-05 Explicit numerical approximations for McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations in finite and infinite time Cui Yuanping et.al. 2401.02878 null
2024-01-05 Enhancing 3D-Air Signature by Pen Tip Tail Trajectory Awareness: Dataset and Featuring by Novel Spatio-temporal CNN Saurabh Atreya et.al. 2401.02649 link
2024-01-05 FED-NeRF: Achieve High 3D Consistency and Temporal Coherence for Face Video Editing on Dynamic NeRF Hao Zhang et.al. 2401.02616 link
2024-01-04 ODIN: A Single Model for 2D and 3D Perception Ayush Jain et.al. 2401.02416 link
2024-01-04 What You See is What You GAN: Rendering Every Pixel for High-Fidelity Geometry in 3D GANs Alex Trevithick et.al. 2401.02411 null
2024-01-03 S3Net: Innovating Stereo Matching and Semantic Segmentation with a Single-Branch Semantic Stereo Network in Satellite Epipolar Imagery Qingyuan Yang et.al. 2401.01643 link
2024-01-03 DDN-SLAM: Real-time Dense Dynamic Neural Implicit SLAM with Joint Semantic Encoding Mingrui Li et.al. 2401.01545 null
2023-12-30 3D Human Pose Perception from Egocentric Stereo Videos Hiroyasu Akada et.al. 2401.00889 null
2023-12-30 Inpaint4DNeRF: Promptable Spatio-Temporal NeRF Inpainting with Generative Diffusion Models Han Jiang et.al. 2401.00208 null
2023-12-30 ODAQ: Open Dataset of Audio Quality Matteo Torcoli et.al. 2401.00197 link
2023-12-29 In-Plane Magnon Valve Effect in Magnetic Insulator/Heavy Metal/ Magnetic Insulator Device Tianyi Zhang et.al. 2312.17413 null
2023-12-29 FFCA-Net: Stereo Image Compression via Fast Cascade Alignment of Side Information Yichong Xia et.al. 2312.16963 null
2023-12-26 Quantum-Hybrid Stereo Matching With Nonlinear Regularization and Spatial Pyramids Cameron Braunstein et.al. 2312.16118 null
2023-12-26 Learning Deformable Hypothesis Sampling for Accurate PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo Hongjie Li et.al. 2312.15970 link
2023-12-25 BDIS-SLAM: A lightweight CPU-based dense stereo SLAM for surgery Jingwei Song et.al. 2312.15679 link
2023-12-23 NoPose-NeuS: Jointly Optimizing Camera Poses with Neural Implicit Surfaces for Multi-view Reconstruction Mohamed Shawky Sabae et.al. 2312.15238 null
2023-12-22 Global Occlusion-Aware Transformer for Robust Stereo Matching Zihua Liu et.al. 2312.14650 link
2023-12-21 DUSt3R: Geometric 3D Vision Made Easy Shuzhe Wang et.al. 2312.14132 link
2023-12-21 Align Your Gaussians: Text-to-4D with Dynamic 3D Gaussians and Composed Diffusion Models Huan Ling et.al. 2312.13763 null
2023-12-21 Demonstration and STEM Analysis of Ferroelectric Switching in MOCVD-Grown Single Crystalline Al ${0.85}$Sc${0.15}$ N Niklas Wolff et.al. 2312.13759 null
2023-12-20 Revisiting Deep Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis Paris A. Karakasis et.al. 2312.13455 link
2023-12-20 Quantum Annealing for Computer Vision Minimization Problems Shahrokh Heidari et.al. 2312.12848 null
2023-12-18 Towards Establishing Dense Correspondence on Multiview Coronary Angiography: From Point-to-Point to Curve-to-Curve Query Matching Yifan Wu et.al. 2312.11593 null
2023-12-18 A low-rank non-convex norm method for multiview graph clustering Alaeddine Zahir et.al. 2312.11157 null
2023-12-18 3D surface profilometry using neutral helium atoms Aleksandar Radic et.al. 2312.11114 null
2023-12-15 Deep Event Visual Odometry Simon Klenk et.al. 2312.09800 link
2023-12-15 Toward Deep Drum Source Separation Alessandro Ilic Mezza et.al. 2312.09663 link
2023-12-14 Revisiting Depth Completion from a Stereo Matching Perspective for Cross-domain Generalization Luca Bartolomei et.al. 2312.09254 link
2023-12-14 Tailoring Amorphous Boron Nitride for High-Performance 2D Electronics Cindy Y. Chen et.al. 2312.09136 null
2023-12-14 A Guided Upsampling Network for Short Wave Infrared Images Using Graph Regularization Frank Sippel et.al. 2312.08949 null
2023-12-14 Color Agnostic Cross-Spectral Disparity Estimation Frank Sippel et.al. 2312.08946 link
2023-12-14 Unlocking High Performance, Ultra-Low Power Van der Waals Transistors: Towards Back-End-of-Line In-Sensor Machine Vision Applications Olaiyan Alolaiyan et.al. 2312.08634 null
2023-12-14 CT-MVSNet: Efficient Multi-View Stereo with Cross-scale Transformer Sicheng Wang et.al. 2312.08594 link
2023-12-13 Efficient-NeRF2NeRF: Streamlining Text-Driven 3D Editing with Multiview Correspondence-Enhanced Diffusion Models Liangchen Song et.al. 2312.08563 null
2023-12-13 Instance-aware Multi-Camera 3D Object Detection with Structural Priors Mining and Self-Boosting Learning Yang Jiao et.al. 2312.08004 null
2023-12-13 Toward Real World Stereo Image Super-Resolution via Hybrid Degradation Model and Discriminator for Implied Stereo Image Information Yuanbo Zhou et.al. 2312.07934 link
2023-12-12 Automatic coral reef fish identification and 3D measurement in the wild Cyril Barrelet et.al. 2312.07357 null
2023-12-12 Unifying Correspondence, Pose and NeRF for Pose-Free Novel View Synthesis from Stereo Pairs Sunghwan Hong et.al. 2312.07246 link
2023-12-12 Connecting remote and in situ observations of shock-accelerated electrons associated with a coronal mass ejection D. E. Morosan et.al. 2312.07166 null
2023-12-12 CompdVision: Combining Near-Field 3D Visual and Tactile Sensing Using a Compact Compound-Eye Imaging System Lifan Luo et.al. 2312.07146 null
2023-12-11 EpiDiff: Enhancing Multi-View Synthesis via Localized Epipolar-Constrained Diffusion Zehuan Huang et.al. 2312.06725 link
2023-12-11 Inferring Hybrid Neural Fluid Fields from Videos Hong-Xing Yu et.al. 2312.06561 null
2023-12-11 Variational Auto-Encoder Based Deep Learning Technique For Filling Gaps in Reacting PIV Data Shashank Yellapantula et.al. 2312.06461 null
2023-12-11 A generalized Dean-Kawasaki equation for an interacting Brownian gas in a partially absorbing medium Paul C Bressloff et.al. 2312.06294 null
2023-12-08 Product Centered Dirichlet Processes for Dependent Clustering Alexander Dombowsky et.al. 2312.05365 link
2023-12-08 SuperNormal: Neural Surface Reconstruction via Multi-View Normal Integration Xu Cao et.al. 2312.04803 link
2023-12-07 Multiview Aerial Visual Recognition (MAVREC): Can Multi-view Improve Aerial Visual Perception? Aritra Dutta et.al. 2312.04548 null
2023-12-06 Size stability and self-agglomeration of erythrocyte-derived membrane nanovesicles versus physiological extracellular vesicles Maryam Sanaee et.al. 2312.03554 null
2023-12-05 ReconFusion: 3D Reconstruction with Diffusion Priors Rundi Wu et.al. 2312.02981 null
2023-12-05 C-NERF: Representing Scene Changes as Directional Consistency Difference-based NeRF Rui Huang et.al. 2312.02751 link
2023-12-04 PatchFusion: An End-to-End Tile-Based Framework for High-Resolution Monocular Metric Depth Estimation Zhenyu Li et.al. 2312.02284 link
2023-12-04 Re-Nerfing: Enforcing Geometric Constraints on Neural Radiance Fields through Novel Views Synthesis Felix Tristram et.al. 2312.02255 null
2023-12-02 A deep learning pipeline for cross-sectional and longitudinal multiview data integration Sarthak Jain et.al. 2312.01238 link
2023-12-02 RNb-NeuS: Reflectance and Normal-based Multi-View 3D Reconstruction Baptiste Brument et.al. 2312.01215 link
2023-12-02 High Q and high gradient performance of the first medium-temperature baking 1.3 GHz cryomodule Jiyuan Zhai et.al. 2312.01175 null
2023-12-01 UAVs and Birds: Enhancing Short-Range Navigation through Budgerigar Flight Studies Md. Mahmudur Rahman et.al. 2312.00597 null
2023-12-01 MultiView Independent Component Analysis with Delays Ambroise Heurtebise et.al. 2312.00484 null
2023-12-01 OpenStereo: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Stereo Matching and Strong Baseline Xianda Guo et.al. 2312.00343 link
2023-11-30 Fool the Hydra: Adversarial Attacks against Multi-view Object Detection Systems Bilel Tarchoun et.al. 2312.00173 null
2023-11-30 An Aliasing-Free Hybrid Digital-Analog Polyphonic Synthesizer Jonas Roth et.al. 2311.18774 null
2023-11-30 Mid-infrared top-gated Ge/Ge ${0.82}$Sn${0.18}$ nanowire phototransistors Lu Luo et.al. 2311.18569 null
2023-11-30 Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- and Third-Person Perspectives Kristen Grauman et.al. 2311.18259 link
2023-11-30 Event-based Visual Inertial Velometer Xiuyuan Lu et.al. 2311.18189 null
2023-11-29 Driving into the Future: Multiview Visual Forecasting and Planning with World Model for Autonomous Driving Yuqi Wang et.al. 2311.17918 link
2023-11-29 Volumetric Cloud Field Reconstruction Jacob Lin et.al. 2311.17657 null
2023-11-28 Mirković-Vilonen Polytopes from Combinatorics Mario Sanchez et.al. 2311.16979 null
2023-11-28 Photo-SLAM: Real-time Simultaneous Localization and Photorealistic Mapping for Monocular, Stereo, and RGB-D Cameras Huajian Huang et.al. 2311.16728 link
2023-11-25 mvlearnR and Shiny App for multiview learning Elise F. Palzer et.al. 2311.16181 link
2023-11-27 Weakly-Supervised 3D Reconstruction of Clothed Humans via Normal Maps Jane Wu et.al. 2311.16042 null
2023-11-25 Parkinson Disease classification Using Contrastive Graph Cross-View Learning with Multimodal Fusion of SPECT Images and Clinical Features Jun-En Ding et.al. 2311.14902 null
2023-11-24 RSB-Pose: Robust Short-Baseline Binocular 3D Human Pose Estimation with Occlusion Handling Xiaoyue Wan et.al. 2311.14242 null
2023-11-23 MonoNav: MAV Navigation via Monocular Depth Estimation and Reconstruction Nathaniel Simon et.al. 2311.14100 null
2023-11-23 Empirical Comparison between Cross-Validation and Mutation-Validation in Model Selection Jinyang Yu et.al. 2311.14079 null
2023-11-22 Multi-view Hybrid Graph Convolutional Network for Volume-to-mesh Reconstruction in Cardiovascular MRI Nicolás Gaggion et.al. 2311.13706 link
2023-11-22 WildFusion: Learning 3D-Aware Latent Diffusion Models in View Space Katja Schwarz et.al. 2311.13570 null
2023-11-21 SelfOcc: Self-Supervised Vision-Based 3D Occupancy Prediction Yuanhui Huang et.al. 2311.12754 link
2023-11-21 BundleMoCap: Efficient, Robust and Smooth Motion Capture from Sparse Multiview Videos Georgios Albanis et.al. 2311.12679 null
2023-11-21 Visually Guided Object Grasping Radu Horaud et.al. 2311.12660 null
2023-11-21 Two Views Are Better than One: Monocular 3D Pose Estimation with Multiview Consistency Christian Keilstrup Ingwersen et.al. 2311.12421 null
2023-11-20 Hybrid Controller for Robot Manipulators in Task-Space with Visual-Inertial Feedback Seyed Hamed Hashemi et.al. 2311.11816 null
2023-11-19 Exchanging Dual Encoder-Decoder: A New Strategy for Change Detection with Semantic Guidance and Spatial Localization Sijie Zhao et.al. 2311.11302 link
2023-11-17 Point Cloud Self-supervised Learning via 3D to Multi-view Masked Autoencoder Zhimin Chen et.al. 2311.10887 link
2023-11-17 Multi-entity Video Transformers for Fine-Grained Video Representation Learning Matthew Walmer et.al. 2311.10873 link
2023-11-17 Efficient Temporally-Aware DeepFake Detection using H.264 Motion Vectors Peter Grönquist et.al. 2311.10788 null
2023-11-16 Collection, Collation, and Comparison of 3D Coronal CME Reconstructions C. Kay et.al. 2311.10712 null
2023-11-17 Phase Guided Light Field for Spatial-Depth High Resolution 3D Imaging Geyou Zhang et.al. 2311.10568 null
2023-11-17 Utilizing VQ-VAE for End-to-End Health Indicator Generation in Predicting Rolling Bearing RUL Junliang Wang et.al. 2311.10525 null
2023-11-16 Gate modulation of the hole singlet-triplet qubit frequency in germanium John Rooney et.al. 2311.10188 null
2023-11-16 Combined Channel and Spatial Attention-based Stereo Endoscopic Image Super-Resolution Mansoor Hayat et.al. 2311.10115 null
2023-11-16 Redefining the Laparoscopic Spatial Sense: AI-based Intra- and Postoperative Measurement from Stereoimages Leopold Müller et.al. 2311.09744 link
2023-11-15 Local strain enhanced switching of magnetic tunnel junctions for energy efficient computing Suyogya Karki et.al. 2311.08984 null
2023-11-13 Cross-modal Generative Model for Visual-Guided Binaural Stereo Generation Zhaojian Li et.al. 2311.07630 null
2023-11-11 Polarimetric PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo Jinyu Zhao et.al. 2311.07600 null
2023-11-13 Terahertz metamaterials for light-driven magnetism M. Pancaldi et.al. 2311.07252 null
2023-11-11 Formation of field-induced breakdown precursors on metallic electrode surfaces Soumendu Bagchi et.al. 2311.06624 null
2023-11-10 MonoProb: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Interpretable Uncertainty Rémi Marsal et.al. 2311.06137 link
2023-11-10 A Neural Height-Map Approach for the Binocular Photometric Stereo Problem Fotios Logothetis et.al. 2311.05958 null
2023-11-10 A Practical Guide to Implementing Off-Axis Stereo Projection Using Existing Ray Tracing Libraries Stefan Zellmann et.al. 2311.05887 link
2023-11-08 Patterning edge-like defects and tuning defective areas on the basal plane of ultra-large MoS $_{2}$ monolayers toward hydrogen evolution reaction Bianca Rocha Florindo et.al. 2311.04413 null
2023-11-07 High-fidelity 3D Reconstruction of Plants using Neural Radiance Field Kewei Hu et.al. 2311.04154 null
2023-11-06 Geometric contexts and applications to logic Mayk de Andrade et.al. 2311.03507 null
2023-11-04 The Three Hundred Project: Mapping The Matter Distribution in Galaxy Clusters Via Deep Learning from Multiview Mock Observations Daniel de Andres et.al. 2311.02469 null
2023-11-04 MC-Stereo: Multi-peak Lookup and Cascade Search Range for Stereo Matching Miaojie Feng et.al. 2311.02340 link
2023-11-04 ECMD: An Event-Centric Multisensory Driving Dataset for SLAM Peiyu Chen et.al. 2311.02327 link
2023-11-02 Novel View Synthesis from a Single RGBD Image for Indoor Scenes Congrui Hetang et.al. 2311.01065 null
2023-11-02 Augmentation is AUtO-Net: Augmentation-Driven Contrastive Multiview Learning for Medical Image Segmentation Yanming Guo et.al. 2311.01023 null
2023-11-01 Reverberant sound field equalisation for an enhanced stereo playback experience James Brooks-Park et.al. 2311.00624 null
2023-11-01 Controllable Music Production with Diffusion Models and Guidance Gradients Mark Levy et.al. 2311.00613 null
2023-10-31 Joint Depth Prediction and Semantic Segmentation with Multi-View SAM Mykhailo Shvets et.al. 2311.00134 null
2023-10-31 Multi-Valued Verification of Strategic Ability Wojciech Jamroga et.al. 2310.20344 null
2023-10-31 Optimal Monotone Mean-Variance Problem in a Catastrophe Insurance Model Bohan Li et.al. 2310.20173 null
2023-10-30 GC-MVSNet: Multi-View, Multi-Scale, Geometrically-Consistent Multi-View Stereo Vibhas K. Vats et.al. 2310.19583 link
2023-10-28 Efficient augmented block designs for unreplicated test treatments Rahul Mukerjee et.al. 2310.18692 null
2023-10-25 SparseDFF: Sparse-View Feature Distillation for One-Shot Dexterous Manipulation Qianxu Wang et.al. 2310.16838 null
2023-10-25 A Novel Approach for Object Based Audio Broadcasting Mohammad Reza Hasanabadi et.al. 2310.16481 null
2023-10-24 iNVS: Repurposing Diffusion Inpainters for Novel View Synthesis Yash Kant et.al. 2310.16167 null
2023-10-24 Ghost on the Shell: An Expressive Representation of General 3D Shapes Zhen Liu et.al. 2310.15168 null
2023-10-23 MSFormer: A Skeleton-multiview Fusion Method For Tooth Instance Segmentation Yuan Li et.al. 2310.14489 null
2023-10-21 Energetics of a solar flare and a coronal mass ejection generated by a hot channel eruption Qingmin Zhang et.al. 2310.14010 null
2023-10-20 A hot mini-Neptune and a temperate, highly eccentric sub-Saturn around the bright K-dwarf TOI-2134 F. Rescigno et.al. 2310.13623 null
2023-10-20 Numerical approximation of McKean-Vlasov SDEs via stochastic gradient descent Ankush Agarwal et.al. 2310.13579 null
2023-10-20 Malliavin differentiability of McKean-Vlasov SDEs with locally Lipschitz coefficients Goncalo dos Reis et.al. 2310.13400 null
2023-10-19 Multiscale Motion-Aware and Spatial-Temporal-Channel Contextual Coding Network for Learned Video Compression Yiming Wang et.al. 2310.12733 null
2023-10-19 Conceptual design and progress of transmitting $\sim$ MV DC HV into 4 K LHe detectors Zhuo Liang et.al. 2310.12504 null
2023-10-18 A Framework for Treating Model Uncertainty in the Asset Liability Management Problem Georgios I. Papayiannis et.al. 2310.11987 null
2023-10-17 Diver Interest via Pointing in Three Dimensions: 3D Pointing Reconstruction for Diver-AUV Communication Chelsey Edge et.al. 2310.11536 null
2023-10-17 A Galois Theory and a Pretorsion Theory in MV-Algebras Andrea Cappelletti et.al. 2310.11006 null
2023-10-16 TOSS:High-quality Text-guided Novel View Synthesis from a Single Image Yukai Shi et.al. 2310.10644 null
2023-10-13 Multi-Purpose NLP Chatbot : Design, Methodology & Conclusion Shivom Aggarwal et.al. 2310.08977 null
2023-10-12 HeightFormer: A Multilevel Interaction and Image-adaptive Classification-regression Network for Monocular Height Estimation with Aerial Images Zhan Chen et.al. 2310.07995 null
2023-10-11 Multiview Transformer: Rethinking Spatial Information in Hyperspectral Image Classification Jie Zhang et.al. 2310.07186 null
2023-10-11 rpcPRF: Generalizable MPI Neural Radiance Field for Satellite Camera Tongtong Zhang et.al. 2310.07179 null
2023-10-11 Motion Vector-Domain Video Steganalysis Exploiting Skipped Macroblocks Jun Li et.al. 2310.07121 null
2023-10-10 Nonlinear Generation, Compression and Spatio-Temporal Analysis of GV/cm-Class Femtosecond Mid-Infrared Transients Christoph Schoenfeld et.al. 2310.06619 null
2023-10-09 STOPNet: Multiview-based 6-DoF Suction Detection for Transparent Objects on Production Lines Yuxuan Kuang et.al. 2310.05717 null
2023-10-07 Separating the effects of earthside and far side solar events. A case study Silja Pohjolainen et.al. 2310.04765 null
2023-10-07 UFD-PRiME: Unsupervised Joint Learning of Optical Flow and Stereo Depth through Pixel-Level Rigid Motion Estimation Shuai Yuan et.al. 2310.04712 null
2023-10-06 Rotation of a Stealth CME on 2012 October 5 Observed in the Inner Heliosphere Sandeep Kumar et.al. 2310.04023 null
2023-10-05 Design Methodology for a Medium Voltage Single Stage LLC Resonant Solar PV Inverter Parthkumar Bhuvela et.al. 2310.03834 null

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Publish Date Title Authors PDF Code
2024-08-30 Augmented Reality without Borders: Achieving Precise Localization Without Maps Albert Gassol Puigjaner et.al. 2408.17373 null
2024-08-29 Mismatched: Evaluating the Limits of Image Matching Approaches and Benchmarks Sierra Bonilla et.al. 2408.16445 link
2024-08-21 Visual Localization in 3D Maps: Comparing Point Cloud, Mesh, and NeRF Representations Lintong Zhang et.al. 2408.11966 null
2024-08-20 TrackNeRF: Bundle Adjusting NeRF from Sparse and Noisy Views via Feature Tracks Jinjie Mai et.al. 2408.10739 null
2024-08-16 Correspondence-Guided SfM-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting for NVS Wei Sun et.al. 2408.08723 null
2024-08-15 CorrAdaptor: Adaptive Local Context Learning for Correspondence Pruning Wei Zhu et.al. 2408.08134 link
2024-08-13 A Miniature Vision-Based Localization System for Indoor Blimps Shicong Ma et.al. 2408.06648 null
2024-08-07 Towards Real-Time Gaussian Splatting: Accelerating 3DGS through Photometric SLAM Yan Song Hu et.al. 2408.03825 null
2024-08-05 Context-aware Mamba-based Reinforcement Learning for social robot navigation Syed Muhammad Mustafa et.al. 2408.02661 null
2024-08-04 Birational geometry of critical loci in Algebraic Vision Marina Bertolini et.al. 2408.02067 null
2024-08-04 PanicleNeRF: low-cost, high-precision in-field phenotypingof rice panicles with smartphone Xin Yang et.al. 2408.02053 null
2024-08-02 Structure from Motion-based Motion Estimation and 3D Reconstruction of Unknown Shaped Space Debris Kentaro Uno et.al. 2408.01035 null
2024-08-01 LoopSparseGS: Loop Based Sparse-View Friendly Gaussian Splatting Zhenyu Bao et.al. 2408.00254 null
2024-07-29 Global Structure-from-Motion Revisited Linfei Pan et.al. 2407.20219 link
2024-08-06 Revisit Self-supervised Depth Estimation with Local Structure-from-Motion Shengjie Zhu et.al. 2407.19166 null
2024-07-23 The Hidden Variables: Harnessing Half-Shell Potentials for Enhanced Precision in Nuclear Reaction Calculations Hao Liu et.al. 2407.16452 null
2024-07-22 Enhancement of 3D Gaussian Splatting using Raw Mesh for Photorealistic Recreation of Architectures Ruizhe Wang et.al. 2407.15435 null
2024-07-16 NeuSurfEmb: A Complete Pipeline for Dense Correspondence-based 6D Object Pose Estimation without CAD Models Francesco Milano et.al. 2407.12207 link
2024-07-15 LVCP: LiDAR-Vision Tightly Coupled Collaborative Real-time Relative Positioning Zhuozhu Jian et.al. 2407.10782 null
2024-07-15 Towards Scale-Aware Full Surround Monodepth with Transformers Yuchen Yang et.al. 2407.10406 null
2024-07-14 3DEgo: 3D Editing on the Go! Umar Khalid et.al. 2407.10102 null
2024-07-10 Hybrid Structure-from-Motion and Camera Relocalization for Enhanced Egocentric Localization Jinjie Mai et.al. 2407.08023 link
2024-07-10 Euclid preparation. Forecasting the recovery of galaxy physical properties and their relations with template-fitting and machine-learning methods Euclid Collaboration et.al. 2407.07940 null
2024-07-10 Controlling Space and Time with Diffusion Models Daniel Watson et.al. 2407.07860 null
2024-07-09 Computer vision tasks for intelligent aerospace missions: An overview Huilin Chen et.al. 2407.06513 null
2024-07-08 Enhancing Neural Radiance Fields with Depth and Normal Completion Priors from Sparse Views Jiawei Guo et.al. 2407.05666 null
2024-07-05 Efficient Detection of Long Consistent Cycles and its Application to Distributed Synchronization Shaohan Li et.al. 2407.04260 null
2024-07-15 SfM on-the-fly: Get better 3D from What You Capture Zongqian Zhan et.al. 2407.03939 null
2024-07-03 Free-SurGS: SfM-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting for Surgical Scene Reconstruction Jiaxin Guo et.al. 2407.02918 link
2024-07-02 Indoor 3D Reconstruction with an Unknown Camera-Projector Pair Zhaoshuai Qi et.al. 2407.01945 null
2024-06-27 SALVe: Semantic Alignment Verification for Floorplan Reconstruction from Sparse Panoramas John Lambert et.al. 2406.19390 link
2024-06-27 STAL3D: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Object Detection via Collaborating Self-Training and Adversarial Learning Yanan Zhang et.al. 2406.19362 null
2024-06-26 VDG: Vision-Only Dynamic Gaussian for Driving Simulation Hao Li et.al. 2406.18198 null
2024-06-25 Consensus Learning with Deep Sets for Essential Matrix Estimation Dror Moran et.al. 2406.17414 null
2024-06-24 Crowd-Sourced NeRF: Collecting Data from Production Vehicles for 3D Street View Reconstruction Tong Qin et.al. 2406.16289 null
2024-06-21 The importance of stochasticity in determining galaxy emissivities and UV LFs during cosmic dawn and reionization Ivan Nikolić et.al. 2406.15237 null
2024-06-19 MVSBoost: An Efficient Point Cloud-based 3D Reconstruction Umair Haroon et.al. 2406.13515 null
2024-06-17 MegaScenes: Scene-Level View Synthesis at Scale Joseph Tung et.al. 2406.11819 link
2024-06-15 Benchmarking Children's ASR with Supervised and Self-supervised Speech Foundation Models Ruchao Fan et.al. 2406.10507 link
2024-06-14 On the Evaluation of Speech Foundation Models for Spoken Language Understanding Siddhant Arora et.al. 2406.10083 null
2024-06-12 Self-supervised Learning of Neural Implicit Feature Fields for Camera Pose Refinement Maxime Pietrantoni et.al. 2406.08463 null
2024-06-12 SVSNet+: Enhancing Speaker Voice Similarity Assessment Models with Representations from Speech Foundation Models Chun Yin et.al. 2406.08445 null
2024-06-10 Lighting Every Darkness with 3DGS: Fast Training and Real-Time Rendering for HDR View Synthesis Xin Jin et.al. 2406.06216 link
2024-06-07 The Star-Forming Main Sequence in JADES and CEERS at $z>1.4$ : Investigating the Burstiness of Star Formation Leonardo Clarke et.al. 2406.05178 null
2024-06-13 Gaussian Splatting with Localized Points Management Haosen Yang et.al. 2406.04251 null
2024-06-05 L-PR: Exploiting LiDAR Fiducial Marker for Unordered Low Overlap Multiview Point Cloud Registration Yibo Liu et.al. 2406.03298 link
2024-06-04 CamCo: Camera-Controllable 3D-Consistent Image-to-Video Generation Dejia Xu et.al. 2406.02509 null
2024-05-29 Neural Radiance Fields for Novel View Synthesis in Monocular Gastroscopy Zijie Jiang et.al. 2405.18863 null
2024-05-29 3D Reconstruction with Fast Dipole Sums Hanyu Chen et.al. 2405.16788 null
2024-05-26 MCGMapper: Light-Weight Incremental Structure from Motion and Visual Localization With Planar Markers and Camera Groups Yusen Xie et.al. 2405.16599 null
2024-05-26 Categorical Flow Matching on Statistical Manifolds Chaoran Cheng et.al. 2405.16441 null
2024-05-22 Exploring Galaxy Properties of eCALIFA with Contrastive Learning G. Martínez-Solaeche et.al. 2405.13471 null
2024-05-23 Switched Flow Matching: Eliminating Singularities via Switching ODEs Qunxi Zhu et.al. 2405.11605 null
2024-05-28 NeRO: Neural Road Surface Reconstruction Ruibo Wang et.al. 2405.10554 link
2024-05-15 Three Dimensional Spatial Cognition: Bees and Bats Robert Worden et.al. 2405.09413 null
2024-05-09 Similarity Guided Multimodal Fusion Transformer for Semantic Location Prediction in Social Media Zhizhen Zhang et.al. 2405.05760 null
2024-05-09 Power Variable Projection for Initialization-Free Large-Scale Bundle Adjustment Simon Weber et.al. 2405.05079 link
2024-05-07 Novel View Synthesis with Neural Radiance Fields for Industrial Robot Applications Markus Hillemann et.al. 2405.04345 null
2024-05-07 Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion: Temporally-smooth Procrustean Alignment and Spatially-variant Deformation Modeling Jiawei Shi et.al. 2405.04309 null
2024-05-06 Transformer-based RGB-T Tracking with Channel and Spatial Feature Fusion Yunfeng Li et.al. 2405.03177 link
2024-05-03 HoloGS: Instant Depth-based 3D Gaussian Splatting with Microsoft HoloLens 2 Miriam Jäger et.al. 2405.02005 null
2024-04-25 The MAGPI Survey: Evolution of radial trends in star formation activity across cosmic time Marcie Mun et.al. 2404.16319 null
2024-04-23 FlowMap: High-Quality Camera Poses, Intrinsics, and Depth via Gradient Descent Cameron Smith et.al. 2404.15259 link
2024-04-22 Scene Coordinate Reconstruction: Posing of Image Collections via Incremental Learning of a Relocalizer Eric Brachmann et.al. 2404.14351 null
2024-04-22 RESFM: Robust Equivariant Multiview Structure from Motion Fadi Khatib et.al. 2404.14280 null
2024-04-22 Does Gaussian Splatting need SFM Initialization? Yalda Foroutan et.al. 2404.12547 null
2024-05-07 A Subspace-Constrained Tyler's Estimator and its Applications to Structure from Motion Feng Yu et.al. 2404.11590 link
2024-04-18 DeblurGS: Gaussian Splatting for Camera Motion Blur Jeongtaek Oh et.al. 2404.11358 null
2024-04-17 Towards unveiling the Cosmic Reionization: the ionizing photon production efficiency ( $ξ_{ion}$) of Low-mass H$α$ emitters at $z \sim 2.3$ Nuo Chen et.al. 2404.10998 null
2024-04-15 Non-Monotonic Relations of Galaxy Star Formation, Radius, and Structure at Fixed Stellar Mass Jimena Stephenson et.al. 2404.10114 null
2024-04-15 LetsGo: Large-Scale Garage Modeling and Rendering via LiDAR-Assisted Gaussian Primitives Jiadi Cui et.al. 2404.09748 null
2024-04-18 NIR-Assisted Image Denoising: A Selective Fusion Approach and A Real-World Benchmark Dataset Rongjian Xu et.al. 2404.08514 link
2024-04-12 MonoPatchNeRF: Improving Neural Radiance Fields with Patch-based Monocular Guidance Yuqun Wu et.al. 2404.08252 null
2024-04-11 Boosting Self-Supervision for Single-View Scene Completion via Knowledge Distillation Keonhee Han et.al. 2404.07933 link
2024-04-10 Learning Priors for Non Rigid SfM from Casual Videos Yoni Kasten et.al. 2404.07097 null
2024-04-07 NeRF2Points: Large-Scale Point Cloud Generation From Street Views' Radiance Field Optimization Peng Tu et.al. 2404.04875 null
2024-04-04 GaSpCT: Gaussian Splatting for Novel CT Projection View Synthesis Emmanouil Nikolakakis et.al. 2404.03126 null
2024-03-31 A Comparative Study of Star Forming Dwarf Galaxies using the UVIT S Amrutha et.al. 2404.00537 null
2024-03-29 InstantSplat: Unbounded Sparse-view Pose-free Gaussian Splatting in 40 Seconds Zhiwen Fan et.al. 2403.20309 null
2024-03-29 HO-Gaussian: Hybrid Optimization of 3D Gaussian Splatting for Urban Scenes Zhuopeng Li et.al. 2403.20032 null
2024-03-26 NeRF-HuGS: Improved Neural Radiance Fields in Non-static Scenes Using Heuristics-Guided Segmentation Jiahao Chen et.al. 2403.17537 null
2024-03-25 INPC: Implicit Neural Point Clouds for Radiance Field Rendering Florian Hahlbohm et.al. 2403.16862 null
2024-03-24 The mass-metallicity and fundamental metallicity relations in non-AGN and AGN-host galaxies Song-Lin Li et.al. 2403.16069 null
2024-03-05 Simple Full-Spectrum Correlated k-Distribution Model based on Multilayer Perceptron Xin Wang et.al. 2403.12993 null
2024-03-18 An Accurate and Real-time Relative Pose Estimation from Triple Point-line Images by Decoupling Rotation and Translation Zewen Xu et.al. 2403.11639 null
2024-03-14 Relaxing Accurate Initialization Constraint for 3D Gaussian Splatting Jaewoo Jung et.al. 2403.09413 link
2024-03-13 Refractive COLMAP: Refractive Structure-from-Motion Revisited Mengkun She et.al. 2403.08640 null
2024-03-13 NeRF-Supervised Feature Point Detection and Description Ali Youssef et.al. 2403.08156 null
2024-03-11 SiLVR: Scalable Lidar-Visual Reconstruction with Neural Radiance Fields for Robotic Inspection Yifu Tao et.al. 2403.06877 null
2024-03-24 BAGS: Blur Agnostic Gaussian Splatting through Multi-Scale Kernel Modeling Cheng Peng et.al. 2403.04926 link
2024-03-05 Depth resolution in piezoresponse force microscopy Matthias Roeper et.al. 2403.02797 null
2024-02-28 JWST/MIRI unveils the stellar component of the GN20 dusty galaxy overdensity at $z$ =4.05 A. Crespo Gómez et.al. 2402.18672 null
2024-02-22 GaussianPro: 3D Gaussian Splatting with Progressive Propagation Kai Cheng et.al. 2402.14650 null
2024-02-19 Speech Translation with Speech Foundation Models and Large Language Models: What is There and What is Missing? Marco Gaido et.al. 2402.12025 null
2024-02-25 A Robust Error-Resistant View Selection Method for 3D Reconstruction Shaojie Zhang et.al. 2402.11431 null
2024-02-17 Dense Matchers for Dense Tracking Tomáš Jelínek et.al. 2402.11287 null
2024-02-14 UniEnc-CASSNAT: An Encoder-only Non-autoregressive ASR for Speech SSL Models Ruchao Fan et.al. 2402.08898 null
2024-03-11 Local Feature Matching Using Deep Learning: A Survey Shibiao Xu et.al. 2401.17592 link
2024-01-24 Speech foundation models on intelligibility prediction for hearing-impaired listeners Santiago Cuervo et.al. 2401.14289 null
2024-01-22 HG3-NeRF: Hierarchical Geometric, Semantic, and Photometric Guided Neural Radiance Fields for Sparse View Inputs Zelin Gao et.al. 2401.11711 null
2024-01-19 SCENES: Subpixel Correspondence Estimation With Epipolar Supervision Dominik A. Kloepfer et.al. 2401.10886 null
2024-01-19 Catheter Ablation Outcome Prediction With Advanced Time-Frequency Features of the Fibrillatory Waves From Patients in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Pilar Escribano et.al. 2401.10705 null
2024-01-15 3DMASC: Accessible, explainable 3D point clouds classification. Application to Bi-spectral Topo-bathymetric lidar data Mathilde Letard et.al. 2401.09481 link
2024-01-17 3D Scene Geometry Estimation from 360 $^\circ$ Imagery: A Survey Thiago Lopes Trugillo da Silveira et.al. 2401.09252 null
2024-01-17 ICON: Incremental CONfidence for Joint Pose and Radiance Field Optimization Weiyao Wang et.al. 2401.08937 null
2024-01-16 Cross-Modal Semi-Dense 6-DoF Tracking of an Event Camera in Challenging Conditions Yi-Fan Zuo et.al. 2401.08043 link
2024-01-10 Structure from Duplicates: Neural Inverse Graphics from a Pile of Objects Tianhang Cheng et.al. 2401.05236 link
2024-01-07 A Classification of Critical Configurations for any Number of Projective Views Martin Bråtelund et.al. 2401.03450 link
2023-12-24 Residual Learning for Image Point Descriptors Rashik Shrestha et.al. 2312.15471 null
2023-12-22 NeuSurf: On-Surface Priors for Neural Surface Reconstruction from Sparse Input Views Han Huang et.al. 2312.13977 null
2024-01-05 Research on Multilingual Natural Scene Text Detection Algorithm Tao Wang et.al. 2312.11153 null
2023-12-16 Transformers in Unsupervised Structure-from-Motion Hemang Chawla et.al. 2312.10529 link
2023-12-15 Enlighten-Your-Voice: When Multimodal Meets Zero-shot Low-light Image Enhancement Xiaofeng Zhang et.al. 2312.10109 link
2023-12-14 HeadRecon: High-Fidelity 3D Head Reconstruction from Monocular Video Xueying Wang et.al. 2312.08863 null
2023-12-14 CF-NeRF: Camera Parameter Free Neural Radiance Fields with Incremental Learning Qingsong Yan et.al. 2312.08760 null
2023-12-12 COLMAP-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting Yang Fu et.al. 2312.07504 null
2023-12-11 Keypoint-based Stereophotoclinometry for Characterizing and Navigating Small Bodies: A Factor Graph Approach Travis Driver et.al. 2312.06865 link
2023-12-11 Gaussian Splatting SLAM Hidenobu Matsuki et.al. 2312.06741 null
2023-12-10 SuperPrimitive: Scene Reconstruction at a Primitive Level Kirill Mazur et.al. 2312.05889 null
2023-12-07 Visual Geometry Grounded Deep Structure From Motion Jianyuan Wang et.al. 2312.04563 null
2023-12-05 The ALMaQUEST Survey XI: A strong but non-linear relationship between star formation and dynamical equilibrium pressure Sara L. Ellison et.al. 2312.03132 null
2023-12-01 FSGS: Real-Time Few-shot View Synthesis using Gaussian Splatting Zehao Zhu et.al. 2312.00451 null
2023-11-30 Distributed Global Structure-from-Motion with a Deep Front-End Ayush Baid et.al. 2311.18801 link
2023-12-07 LightGaussian: Unbounded 3D Gaussian Compression with 15x Reduction and 200+ FPS Zhiwen Fan et.al. 2311.17245 link
2023-11-21 Robot Hand-Eye Calibration using Structure-from-Motion Nicolas Andreff et.al. 2311.11808 null
2023-11-18 LOSTU: Fast, Scalable, and Uncertainty-Aware Triangulation Sébastien Henry et.al. 2311.11171 null
2023-11-17 Human motion trajectory prediction using the Social Force Model for real-time and low computational cost applications Oscar Gil et.al. 2311.10582 null
2023-11-10 MonoProb: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Interpretable Uncertainty Rémi Marsal et.al. 2311.06137 link
2023-11-09 Spatial Attention-based Distribution Integration Network for Human Pose Estimation Sihan Gao et.al. 2311.05323 null
2023-11-08 VET: Visual Error Tomography for Point Cloud Completion and High-Quality Neural Rendering Linus Franke et.al. 2311.04634 link
2023-10-25 The intelligent agent model -- a fully two-dimensional microscopic traffic flow model Martin Treiber et.al. 2310.16816 null
2023-10-22 A Quantitative Evaluation of Dense 3D Reconstruction of Sinus Anatomy from Monocular Endoscopic Video Jan Emily Mangulabnan et.al. 2310.14364 null
2023-10-20 FMRT: Learning Accurate Feature Matching with Reconciliatory Transformer Xinyu Zhang et.al. 2310.13605 null
2023-10-09 Colmap-PCD: An Open-source Tool for Fine Image-to-point cloud Registration Chunge Bai et.al. 2310.05504 link
2023-10-08 LocoNeRF: A NeRF-based Approach for Local Structure from Motion for Precise Localization Artem Nenashev et.al. 2310.05134 null
2023-10-02 Leveraging Cutting Edge Deep Learning Based Image Matching for Reconstructing a Large Scene from Sparse Images Georg Bökman et.al. 2310.01092 null
2023-10-01 Propagating Semantic Labels in Video Data David Balaban et.al. 2310.00783 null
2023-09-28 Sparse Submodular Function Minimization Andrei Graur et.al. 2309.16632 null
2023-09-24 Motion Segmentation from a Moving Monocular Camera Yuxiang Huang et.al. 2309.13772 null
2023-09-22 Scalable Semantic 3D Mapping of Coral Reefs with Deep Learning Jonathan Sauder et.al. 2309.12804 null
2023-09-21 On-the-Fly SfM: What you capture is What you get Zongqian Zhan et.al. 2309.11883 link
2023-09-19 SHOWMe: Benchmarking Object-agnostic Hand-Object 3D Reconstruction Anilkumar Swamy et.al. 2309.10748 null
2023-09-19 Using an Uncrewed Surface Vehicle to Create a Volumetric Model of Non-Navigable Rivers and Other Shallow Bodies of Water Jayesh Tripathi et.al. 2309.10269 null

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