Teleop: Low Cost Dexterous Manipulator Robot

Plan of Action

  1. Pre-requisites
  2. Digital Twin
  3. Control
  4. Kinematics
  5. Application
  6. LLM

0. Pre-requisites

In ROS 2, the publisher and subscriber nodes are fundamental building blocks for communication between different parts of a robotic system. A publisher node is responsible for generating and sending messages to a specific topic, while a subscriber node listens to that topic and processes the received messages. This communication pattern allows different components of a robot to exchange information efficiently and in a decoupled manner.

The primary purpose of publisher and subscriber nodes is to enable real-time data exchange within a robotic system. This facilitates the integration of various sensors, actuators, and control algorithms, allowing for a modular and scalable architecture. By using topics, multiple nodes can publish or subscribe to the same data stream, promoting flexibility and reusability of code.

0.1 Publisher Node

import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from std_msgs.msg import String

class SimplePublisher(Node):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.publisher = self.create_publisher(String, topic='chatter', qos_profile=10)
        self.counter = 0
        self.frequency = 1.0
        self.timer = self.create_timer(self.frequency, self.timer_callback)
        self.get_logger().info('Publishing at {:.1f} Hz'.format(self.frequency))

    def timer_callback(self):
        msg = String() = f"Hello ROS 2 - counter: {self.counter}"
        self.counter += 1

def main():
    simple_publisher = SimplePublisher()

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. First, add the required dependencies in the package.xml file. This ensures that the necessary packages are included during the build process.
  1. Next, instruct the compiler on how it should build the script by adding the appropriate entry points in This will specify the executable scripts for the package.
        'console_scripts': [
            'simple_publisher = teleop_robot_py_pkg.simple_publisher:main',
  1. Now, build the workspace using colcon build. This will compile the package and make it ready for use.
colcon build
  1. Before running any nodes, source the workspace to overlay this workspace on top of the environment.
. install/setup.bash
  1. Run the simple_publisher node to start publishing messages.
ros2 run teleop_py_pkg simple_publisher
  1. List all active topics to see which topics are currently being published or subscribed to.
ros2 topic list
  1. Echo the data being published on a specific topic. For example, to retrieve data from the /chatter topic:
ros2 topic echo /chatter
  1. For more detailed information about a topic, you can use the ros2 topic info command. The --verbose flag provides even more detailed information.
ros2 topic info /chatter
ros2 topic info /chatter --verbose

0.2 Subscriber Node

import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from std_msgs.msg import String

class SimpleSubscriber(Node):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.sub_ = self.create_subscription(msg_type=String, topic="chatter", callback=self.msg_callback, qos_profile=10)
    def msg_callback(self, msg):
        self.get_logger().info(f"I heard: {}")

def main():
    simple_subscriber = SimpleSubscriber()

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. Repeat steps 1 - 4 from above.
  • Added dependencies in package.xml.
  • Modified
  • Build the workspace using colcon build.
  • Sourced the workspace with . install/setup.bash.
  1. Start the simple_subscriber node to begin receiving messages on the topic.
ros2 run teleop_py_pkg simple_subscriber
  1. Now, run the simple_publisher node to start sending messages to the simple_subscriber node.
ros2 run teleop_py_pkg simple_publisher
  1. You can manually publish a new message to the /chatter topic using the ros2 topic pub command.
ros2 topic pub /chatter std_msgs/msg/String "data: 'Hello, World'"

1. Digital Twin

A Digital Twin is a detailed virtual model of a physical object, process, or system. It uses simulations to support better decision-making. In robotics, a digital twin allows us to test and refine a robot's behavior and performance in a virtual setting before putting it to work in the real world. This approach helps us spot potential issues early, improve the design, and boost overall efficiency. More on this in my other project: Digital Twin of Anthropomorphic Robotic Arm using AR and Vision Transformer-Based Multi-Class Classification for Simulated 6DoF Robot .

To create an accurate digital twin of a robot, we need to define its** physical structure** and components in a standardized format. This is where URDF (Unified Robot Description Format) comes into play.

1.1 URDF

The URDF (Unified Robot Description Format) convention allows you to represent the structure and the components of any robot through XML tags.

Create a package in the src folder named teleop_description, where we include all components related to the URDF of our model as XML files.

ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake teleop_description

Once the package is created, we need to build it using colcon.

colcon build

To ensure that ROS2 recognizes the meshes and urdf folders, we need to update the CMakeLists.txt file in our package. This will install these directories in the correct location when the package is built.

  DIRECTORY meshes urdf

To visualize the URDF model, install the URDF tutorial package.

sudo apt-get install ros-humble-urdf-tutorial

Let's create our first URDF depicting the base of the robot. The robot's configuration begins with a world link serving as the global reference frame. The primary base_link, illustrated with an STL mesh and positioned at coordinates (-0.5, -0.5, 0), is statically connected to the world via a virtual_joint. Additionally, the base_plate link, illustrated with its own STL mesh and positioned at coordinates (-0.39, -0.39, -0.56), attaches to the base_link through a revolute joint. This joint, which rotates around the Z-axis (0, 0, 1), allows controlled rotational movement within a range of -π/2 to π/2, with an effort limit of 30.0 and a velocity limit of 10.0.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- Root element defining the robot with a unique name and xacro namespace inclusion for macros -->
<robot xmlns:xacro="" name="teleop_robot">

    <xacro:property name="PI" value="3.14159"/>
    <xacro:property name="effort" value="30.0"/>
    <xacro:property name="velocity" value="10.0"/>

    <!-- Link element defining the 'world' link, usually serves as the reference frame for other elements -->
    <link name="world"/>

    <!-- Link element for 'base_link', the primary link of the robot -->
    <link name="base_link">
        <!-- Visual properties of the 'base_link', defining how it looks in the simulation -->
            <!-- Origin of the visual representation with zero rotation and translation -->
            <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="-0.5 -0.5 0"/>
            <!-- Geometry definition using a mesh file -->
                <!-- Mesh file location and scale. 'package://teleop_description/meshes/basement.STL' refers to the STL file in the specified package with a scaling factor -->
                <mesh filename="package://teleop_description/meshes/basement.STL" scale="0.01 0.01 0.01"/>

    <!-- Joint element defining a fixed connection between 'world' and 'base_link' -->
    <joint name="virtual_joint" type="fixed">
        <!-- Parent link of the joint, the 'world' link in this case -->
        <parent link="world"/>
        <!-- Child link of the joint, the 'base_link' in this case -->
        <child link="base_link"/>
        <!-- Origin of the joint with zero rotation and translation, aligning 'base_link' directly with 'world' -->
        <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>

    <!-- Link element for 'base_plate', includes visual representation settings -->
    <link name="base_plate">
        <!-- Visual element specifying the appearance and position of 'base_plate' -->
            <!-- Origin of the visual element relative to the parent link -->
            <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="-0.39 -0.39 -0.56"/>
            <!-- Geometry defining the shape from an external mesh file and its scale -->
                <mesh filename="package://teleop_description/meshes/base_plate.STL" scale="0.01 0.01 0.01"/>

    <!-- Revolute joint 'joint_1' connecting 'base_link' to 'base_plate' -->
    <joint name="joint_1" type="revolute">
        <!-- Parent link of the joint -->
        <parent link="base_link"/>
        <!-- Child link of the joint -->
        <child link="base_plate"/>
        <!-- Axis of rotation for the revolute joint -->
        <axis xyz="0 0 1"/>
        <!-- Origin of the joint relative to the parent link -->
        <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0.307"/>
        <!-- Limits of the joint motion with parameters for rotation angle, force, and speed -->
        <limit lower="-${PI/2}" upper="${PI/2}" effort="${effort}" velocity="${velocity}"/>


Finally, to visualize the URDF model in RViz, use the following launch command. Ensure the path to the URDF file is correct.

ros2 launch urdf_tutorial model:=/home/toto/teleop_ws/src/teleop_description/urdf/teleop.urdf.xacro

We want to position the base_link at the same position as the world link. The image below shows before and after we move the base_link by (-0.5, -0.5, 0).

Before After
image image

Below is the visualization of the base_plate rotating about the base_link around the Z-axis (0, 0, 1). This joint allows controlled rotational movement within a range of -π/2 to π/2, with an effort limit of 30.0 and a velocity limit of 10.0.

Now we will finish our URDF for our robot and visualize its all 4 joints:

1.2 Parameters

In ROS2, parameters are settings that control how nodes behave. They allow you to adjust things like thresholds or modes without changing the code, making it easier to configure and manage nodes. Let's see a simple example.

import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from rcl_interfaces.msg import SetParametersResult
from rclpy.parameter import Parameter

class SimpleParameter(Node):
    """A ROS 2 Node that demonstrates parameter declaration and dynamic parameter updates"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.declare_parameter(name="simple_int_param", value=42)  # Declare an integer parameter with default value 42
        self.declare_parameter(name="simple_string_param", value="iRobot")  # Declare a string parameter with default value 'iRobot'

        # Add a callback to handle parameter changes

    def paramChangeCallback(self, params):
        result = SetParametersResult()  # Create a result object to indicate the success of the parameter update

        for param in params:
            if == "simple_int_param" and param.type_ == Parameter.Type.INTEGER:
                # Log the new value of the parameter
                self.get_logger().info("Param simple_int_param changed! New value is %d" % param.value)
                result.successful = True

            if == "simple_string_param" and param.type_ == Parameter.Type.STRING:
                # Log the new value of the parameter
                self.get_logger().info("Param simple_string_param changed! New value is %s" % param.value)
                result.successful = True  # Indicate successful update

        return result

def main():
    simple_parameter = SimpleParameter()
    rclpy.spin(simple_parameter)  # Keep the node running to listen for parameter updates
    simple_parameter.destroy_node()  # Destroy the node after spinning

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. Again, repeat steps 1 - 4 from above.
  • Added dependencies in package.xml.
  • Modified
  • Build the workspace using colcon build.
  • Sourced the workspace with . install/setup.bash.
  1. To start the simple_parameter node
ros2 run teleop_robot_py_pkg simple_parameter 
  1. List all the parameters of the simple_parameter node using this command:
ros2 param list

  1. To read the values of specific parameters, use the ros2 param get command:
ros2 param get /simple_parameter simple_string_param
ros2 param get /simple_parameter simple_int_param

>> String value is: iRobot
>> Integer value is: 42
  1. To set a new value for a parameter before starting the node, use the --ros-args -p option:
ros2 run teleop_robot_py_pkg simple_parameter --ros-args -p simple_int_param:=24
  1. You can also change the parameter value while the node is running by using the ros2 param set command:
ros2 param set /simple_parameter simple_string_param "Hello, World!"

>> Set parameter successful
>> [INFO] [1715633615.899038632] [simple_parameter]: Param simple_string_param changed! New value is Hello, World!

Now that we know how to get and set a parameter, let's configure some nodes that will allow us to publish the URDF model within some Ros2 topics such that Rviz can read the information to display the links and joints on its GUI.

  1. The robot_state_publisher node publishes the state of the robot to the /robot_description topic. This command uses xacro to process the URDF file and pass it to the robot_state_publisher:
ros2 run robot_state_publisher robot_state_publisher  --ros-args -p robot_description:="$(xacro /home/toto/teleop_ws/src/teleop_description/urdf/teleop.urdf.xacro)"
  1. The joint_state_publisher_gui node provides a GUI to manually control and publish the joint states of the robot. This is useful for testing and visualizing the robot's joint configurations:
ros2 run joint_state_publisher_gui joint_state_publisher_gui 
  1. Finally, launch RViz to visualize the robot model and its states. RViz subscribes to the topics published by robot_state_publisher and joint_state_publisher_gui to display the robot model and joint states in real-time:
ros2 run rviz2 rviz2

Once Rviz is opened, add the TF and Robot model into the environemnt and it is now ready to be played.

1.3 Launch Files

We can see it is a pain to run all these commands in separate terminals to display our robot on Rviz. What instead we can do is build a launch file that has all these commands such that we will be able to run Rviz displaying our robot with only 1 command.

The code below does the steps 7, 8 and 9 as shown above in one simple command:

import os
from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory

from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument
from launch.substitutions import Command, LaunchConfiguration

from launch_ros.actions import Node
from launch_ros.parameter_descriptions import ParameterValue

def generate_launch_description():
    Generate a launch description for launching nodes to visualize the robot model in RViz.

    This function sets up the necessary launch arguments, parameters, and nodes to visualize the
    robot model using the robot_state_publisher, joint_state_publisher_gui, and RViz.
    # Get the directory of the 'teleop_description' package
    teleop_description_dir = get_package_share_directory('teleop_description')

    # Declare a launch argument for the robot model file path
    model_arg = DeclareLaunchArgument(
        default_value=os.path.join(teleop_description_dir, 'urdf', 'teleop.urdf.xacro'),
        description='Absolute path to robot urdf file'

    # Define the robot description parameter using the xacro command to process the URDF file
    robot_description = ParameterValue(
        Command(['xacro ', LaunchConfiguration('model')]),

    # Define the robot_state_publisher node to publish the robot state
    robot_state_publisher_node = Node(
        parameters=[{'robot_description': robot_description}]

    # Define the joint_state_publisher_gui node to provide a GUI for joint states
    joint_state_publisher_gui_node = Node(

    # Define the RViz node to visualize the robot model
    rviz_node = Node(
        arguments=['-d', os.path.join(teleop_description_dir, 'rviz', 'display.rviz')],

    # Return the launch description including all defined launch arguments and nodes
    return LaunchDescription([
  1. Again, we will repeat some earlier process:
  • Add dependencies in package.xml.
  • Update the CMakeLists.txt file in our package with launch and rviz.
  • Build the workspace using colcon build.
  • Source the workspace with . install/setup.bash.
  1. To visualize the URDF model, execute the following launch command. This will start the necessary nodes and processes defined in the file within the teleop_description package.
ros2 launch teleop_description

1.4 Gazebo

Gazebo is a robotics simulator that provides accurate and efficient simulation of robots in complex environments. It supports high-fidelity physics simulation, allowing to testing and validatation of robotic systems before deploying them in the real world. As such, inertia is essential for simulating realistic physical behaviors, such as gravity, momentum, and stability. Collision properties enable accurate detection and response to interactions between objects, ensuring realistic simulations of impacts, friction, and constraints.

Before our URDF file did not have any inertia or collision components. Hence, Rviz did a coarse visualization in a none physics-applied environment. However, in order to simulate the real-world we will need to modify our URDF.

<!-- Link element for 'base_link', the primary link of the robot -->
    <link name="base_link">
            <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="-0.5 -0.5 0"/>
                <mesh filename="package://teleop_description/meshes/basement.STL" scale="0.01 0.01 0.01"/>

Here are some changes to our URDF file:

  • Before no links had any inertial properties. So now we add <xacro:default_inertial mass="value"/> to the links to define its inertial properties, such as mass. This is important for physics simulations in Gazebo, as it allows the simulation to account for the link's mass and inertia, resulting in more realistic behavior.

  • Before no links had any collision properties defined. Now we add a <collision> element to the links to define its collision properties. This includes specifying the origin and geometry for the collision detection using a mesh file. Collision properties are crucial for realistic interactions in Gazebo, as they allow the simulation to detect and respond to collisions between objects.

<!-- Link element for 'base_link', the primary link of the robot -->
<link name="base_link">
    <xacro:default_inertial mass="1.0"/>  <!-- Default inertial properties with mass 1.0 kg -->
        <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="-0.5 -0.5 0"/>
            <mesh filename="package://teleop_description/meshes/basement.STL" scale="0.01 0.01 0.01"/>
    <!-- Collision properties of the 'base_link', used for physics simulations and collision detection -->
        <!-- Origin of the collision representation with zero rotation and translation -->
        <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="-0.5 -0.5 0"/>
        <!-- Geometry definition for collision detection using a mesh file -->
            <!-- Mesh file location and scale for collision detection -->
            <mesh filename="package://teleop_description/meshes/basement.STL" scale="0.01 0.01 0.01"/>

This command runs the launch file from the teleop_description package to visualize the robot in Gazebo,

ros2 launch teleop_description

By making these changes, the URDF is now better suited for simulation in Gazebo, providing more accurate and realistic physics and collision interactions.

To visualize the content of the camera, we need to simulate the RGB camera sensor in Gazebo. Gazebo will publish the video stream from the simulated camera to a ROS 2 topic. To achieve this, you need to add a <gazebo> tag to the URDF model of your robot. Within this tag, use a <sensor> tag to activate the simulation of the desired sensor in Gazebo. Below, we have adjusted the configuration parameters of our simulated camera to match the hardware specifications of a real Raspberry Pi Camera 3. Note that we can either insert the <gazebo> tags within the URDF file directly or we can create a separate file - .xacro file and reference it in our main URDF file.

    <!-- Gazebo plugin configuration for the 'rgb_camera' reference -->
    <gazebo reference="rgb_camera">

        <!-- Define the camera sensor -->
        <sensor type="camera" name="rgb_camera">
            <!-- Ensure the camera is always on -->
            <!-- Set the update rate of the camera to 30 frames per second -->
            <!-- Camera-specific parameters -->
            <camera name="rgb_camera">
                <!-- Define the horizontal field of view of the camera -->
                <!-- Define the vertical field of view of the camera -->
                <!-- Image properties -->
                    <!-- Image width in pixels -->
                    <!-- Image height in pixels -->
                    <!-- Image format -->
                <!-- Distortion parameters -->
                    <!-- Radial distortion coefficient k1 -->
                    <!-- Radial distortion coefficient k2 -->
                    <!-- Radial distortion coefficient k3 -->
                    <!-- Tangential distortion coefficient p1 -->
                    <!-- Tangential distortion coefficient p2 -->
                    <!-- Distortion center in normalized coordinates -->
                    <center>0.5 0.5</center>
            <!-- Plugin for interfacing with ROS -->
            <plugin name="plugin_name" filename="">
                <!-- ROS remapping for image and camera info topics -->
                <!-- Name of the camera in ROS -->
                <!-- Name of the frame for the camera in ROS -->
                <!-- Baseline hack parameter -->

Gazebo will simulate the camera within the virtual environment, while Rviz will visualize the content of the topics. Specifically, Rviz will subscribe to the camera topic and display its content.

2. Control

Control is about sending commands to a robot to make sure it moves as desired. This involves creating a controller that activates systems, like motors, based on inputs (e.g., rotating to 90 degrees). The system checks the current state against the desired state to find an error, that the controller will aim to minimize. In ROS 2, the ros2_control framework handles this using hardware resources, like actuators and sensors. The resource manager abstracts hardware details, while the controller manager connects control logic to the hardware, using predefined controllers from the ROS 2 library.

The ROS 2 Control library offers three control interfaces: position, velocity, and force/torque. Position control, which we will implement, involves moving a robot from its current position to a desired one, potentially following a specific trajectory. For instance, if a robotic arm's motor needs to rotate from 0 to 90 degrees, the control system calculates the error (90 degrees initially) and sends commands to minimize this error, making the motor rotate step-by-step until the error is zero. The system continues to maintain the position, correcting for disturbances. ROS 2 Control also supports velocity control (moving at a desired speed) and force/torque control (applying a specific force), useful for delicate tasks like grasping fragile objects.

We create a new teleop_ros2_control.xacro file in our urdf folder in the teleop_description directory. To connect the ROS 2 control library to hardware resources, we define two interfaces for communication with the hardware: the command interface and the state interface. The command interface writes commands to the hardware, such as telling a motor to move. The state interface reads the current state of the hardware, like the motor's position. In this configuration, both interfaces are set to control the motor's position. The command interface has limits set from -90 to 90 degrees. This ensures the motor operates within safe rotational bounds. Since all the movable joints of the robot will use the same command interface and also will provide the same state interface, we can copy and paste this tag joint for joint 1, 2, 3 and 4.

The last two joints control the gripper fingers and have different motion ranges. Joint 4 has a range from -90 degrees to 0 degrees. Joint 5 ranges from 0 degrees to 90 degrees. Joint 5 is mechanically linked to Joint 4, moving together through a gear system. To reflect this in the control system, we use two parameters: mimic, which makes Joint 5 copy Joint 4's behavior, and multiplier, set to -1 to make the fingers open symmetrically in opposite directions.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<robot xmlns:xacro="" name="teleop_robot">

    <!-- Define the ros2_control block for the robot system -->
    <ros2_control name="RobotSystem" type="system">
        <!-- Define a property named 'PI' with the value of Pi -->
        <xacro:property name="PI" value="3.14159265359" />

        <!-- Specify the hardware plugin to be used -->
        <!-- Define the common interfaces for ros2_control -->
        <!-- Joint 1 configuration -->
        <joint name="joint_1">
            <command_interface name="position">
                <!-- Set the minimum and maximum command values for joint_1 -->
                <param name="min">-${PI / 2}</param>
                <param name="max">${PI / 2}</param>
            <!-- State interface for joint_1 position -->
            <state_interface name="position"/>

        <!-- Joint 2 configuration -->
        <joint name="joint_2">
            <command_interface name="position">
                <!-- Set the minimum and maximum command values for joint_2 -->
                <param name="min">-${PI / 2}</param>
                <param name="max">${PI / 2}</param>
            <!-- State interface for joint_2 position -->
            <state_interface name="position"/>

        <!-- Joint 3 configuration -->
        <joint name="joint_3">
            <command_interface name="position">
                <!-- Set the minimum and maximum command values for joint_3 -->
                <param name="min">-${PI / 2}</param>
                <param name="max">${PI / 2}</param>
            <!-- State interface for joint_3 position -->
            <state_interface name="position"/>

        <!-- Joint 4 configuration -->
        <joint name="joint_4">
            <command_interface name="position">
                <!-- Set the minimum and maximum command values for joint_4 -->
                <param name="min">-${PI / 2}</param>
                <param name="max">0.0</param>
            <!-- State interface for joint_4 position -->
            <state_interface name="position"/>

        <!-- Joint 5 configuration -->
        <joint name="joint_5">
            <!-- Mimic joint_4 with an inverted multiplier -->
            <param name="mimic">joint_4</param>
            <param name="multiplier">-1</param>
            <command_interface name="position">
                <!-- Set the minimum and maximum command values for joint_5 -->
                <param name="min">0.0</param>
                <param name="max">${PI / 2}</param>


In our teleop.urdf.xacro file we will define a macro that will assign a transmission to each of the movable joints of the robot. The transmission tag indicates the presence of a mechanical transmission that connects each motor of the robot to each link of the arm.

    <!-- Define a Xacro macro named 'default_transmission' with a parameter 'number' -->
    <xacro:macro name="default_transmission" params="number">
        <!-- Define a transmission element with a unique name based on the 'number' parameter -->
        <transmission name="transmission_${number}">
            <!-- Specify the transmission plugin type -->
            <!-- Define an actuator with a unique name based on the 'number' parameter and assign a role -->
            <actuator name="motor_${number}" role="actuator1"/>
            <!-- Define a joint with a unique name based on the 'number' parameter and assign a role -->
            <joint name="joint_${number}" role="joint1">
                <!-- Set the mechanical reduction factor for the joint -->

    <!-- Call the 'default_transmission' macro with the 'number' parameter set to 1 -->
    <xacro:default_transmission number="1"/>
    <!-- Call the 'default_transmission' macro with the 'number' parameter set to 2 -->
    <xacro:default_transmission number="2"/>
    <!-- Call the 'default_transmission' macro with the 'number' parameter set to 3 -->
    <xacro:default_transmission number="3"/>
    <!-- Call the 'default_transmission' macro with the 'number' parameter set to 4 -->
    <xacro:default_transmission number="4"/>

In our teleop_gazebo.xacro file, we add the ros2_control plugin:

    <!-- Gazebo ros2_control plugin -->
    <plugin filename="" name="gazebo_ros2_control">
        <parameters>$(find teleop_controller)/config/teleop_controllers.yaml</parameters>

Next, we create a new package in our src directory named teleop_controller. Do not forget to build the workspace using colcon build.

ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake teleop_controller

We create a config folder and create the teleop_controllers.yaml file where we will configure our robots parameters. In ROS 2, YAML configuration files simplify setting parameters for nodes and applications. For example, the controller manager node configuration starts with the node's name, followed by ros__parameters to indicate ROS 2 parameters.

In our configuration:

  • We set an update_rate of 10 Hz for the control loop.
  • We define two controllers: arm_controller and gripper_controller, both using joint_trajectory_controller type.
  • The joint_state_broadcaster publishes the robot's joint states.

Each controller has parameters for the joints it controls, specifying command and state interfaces for position. The arm_controller manages joints 1, 2, and 3, while the gripper_controller manages joint 4. Parameters like open_loop_control and allow_integration_in_goal_trajectories are also set to true for both controllers.

    update_rate: 10 # Hz

      type: joint_trajectory_controller/JointTrajectoryController

      type: joint_trajectory_controller/JointTrajectoryController

      type: joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster

### ---------------------------------------------------------------- ###
      - joint_1
      - joint_2
      - joint_3

      - position

      - position

    open_loop_control: true
    allow_integration_in_goal_trajectories: true

      - joint_4
    interface_name: position
      - position

      - position

    open_loop_control: true
    allow_integration_in_goal_trajectories: true
### ---------------------------------------------------------------- ###****

Now if we use the following command the log confirms the interface between Gazebo and ros2_control is working fine:

ros2 launch teleop_description
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.264922604] [gazebo_ros2_control]: connected to service!! robot_state_publisher
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.265763371] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Received urdf from param server, parsing...
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.265818645] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading parameter files /home/toto/teleop_ws/install/teleop_controller/share/teleop_controller/config/teleop_controllers.yaml
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.278676671] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: joint_1
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.278802758] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 	State:
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.278810553] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 		 position
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.278816734] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 	Command:
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.278820892] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 		 position
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279263172] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: joint_2
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279287688] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 	State:
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279292146] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 		 position
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279300843] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 	Command:
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279304650] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 		 position
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279326441] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: joint_3
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279336890] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 	State:
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279342691] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 		 position
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279346799] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 	Command:
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279350275] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 		 position
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279367858] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: joint_4
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279376695] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 	State:
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279382937] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 		 position
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279395220] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 	Command:
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279403716] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 		 position
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279410899] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading joint: joint_5
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279443771] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Joint 'joint_5'is mimicking joint 'joint_4' with mutiplier: -1
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279463388] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 	State:
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279480029] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 	Command:
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279485960] [gazebo_ros2_control]: 		 position
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279577852] [resource_manager]: Initialize hardware 'RobotSystem' 
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.279855052] [resource_manager]: Successful initialization of hardware 'RobotSystem'
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.280013540] [resource_manager]: 'configure' hardware 'RobotSystem' 
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.280031113] [resource_manager]: Successful 'configure' of hardware 'RobotSystem'
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.280036292] [resource_manager]: 'activate' hardware 'RobotSystem' 
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.280049557] [resource_manager]: Successful 'activate' of hardware 'RobotSystem'
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.280174221] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading controller_manager
[gzserver-1] [WARN] [1716315275.315894292] [gazebo_ros2_control]:  Desired controller update period (0.1 s) is slower than the gazebo simulation period (0.001 s).
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315275.316217919] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loaded gazebo_ros2_control.

The URDF model is set up to load the Gazebo ROS 2 control plugin, interfacing the simulated robot with the ROS 2 Control library. We have defined the input and output interfaces for each joint and configured the controller manager to interact with the robot's hardware and other applications. Now, we will create a new launch file to initiate all these functionalities and ensure the control logic operates smoothly.

def generate_launch_description():

    robot_description = ParameterValue(
                "xacro ",

    robot_state_publisher_node = Node(
        parameters=[{"robot_description": robot_description}],

    joint_state_broadcaster_spawner = Node(

    arm_controller_spawner = Node(
        arguments=["arm_controller", "--controller-manager", "/controller_manager"],

    gripper_controller_spawner = Node(
        arguments=["gripper_controller", "--controller-manager", "/controller_manager"],

    return LaunchDescription(

We launch the launch file (no pun intended):

ros2 launch teleop_controller

The log indicates the successful loading, configuring, and activation of the gripper_controller, arm_controller and joint_state_broadcaster for the robot.

[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315539.228513760] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loaded gazebo_ros2_control.
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.147759954] [controller_manager]: Loading controller 'gripper_controller'
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.256109911] [controller_manager]: Loading controller 'arm_controller'
[gzserver-1] [WARN] [1716315558.289050687] [arm_controller]: [Deprecated]: "allow_nonzero_velocity_at_trajectory_end" is set to true. The default behavior will change to false.
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.355968644] [controller_manager]: Loading controller 'joint_state_broadcaster'
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.456053992] [controller_manager]: Configuring controller 'gripper_controller'
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.458171646] [gripper_controller]: configure successful
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.556961896] [controller_manager]: Configuring controller 'arm_controller'
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.557458688] [arm_controller]: No specific joint names are used for command interfaces. Using 'joints' parameter.
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.557746257] [arm_controller]: Command interfaces are [position] and state interfaces are [position].
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.557872895] [arm_controller]: Using 'splines' interpolation method.
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.561692300] [arm_controller]: Controller state will be published at 50.00 Hz.
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.576925156] [arm_controller]: Action status changes will be monitored at 20.00 Hz.
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.657490767] [controller_manager]: Configuring controller 'joint_state_broadcaster'
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.657799466] [joint_state_broadcaster]: 'joints' or 'interfaces' parameter is empty. All available state interfaces will be published
[gzserver-1] [INFO] [1716315558.856286022] [gripper_controller]: activate successful
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1716315557.077416363] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment base_link
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1716315557.077623602] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment base_plate
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1716315557.077635805] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment claw_support
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1716315557.077640083] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment forward_drive_arm
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1716315557.077643670] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment gripper_left
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1716315557.077647307] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment gripper_right
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1716315557.077650523] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment horizontal_arm
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1716315557.077654971] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment rgb_camera
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1716315557.077661463] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment world
[spawner-4] [INFO] [1716315558.257217217] [spawner_gripper_controller]: Loaded gripper_controller
[spawner-3] [INFO] [1716315558.357286928] [spawner_arm_controller]: Loaded arm_controller
[spawner-2] [INFO] [1716315558.456997833] [spawner_joint_state_broadcaster]: Loaded joint_state_broadcaster
[spawner-4] [INFO] [1716315558.957633921] [spawner_gripper_controller]: Configured and activated gripper_controller
[spawner-3] [INFO] [1716315559.158649522] [spawner_arm_controller]: Configured and activated arm_controller
[INFO] [spawner-4]: process has finished cleanly [pid 31173]
[spawner-2] [INFO] [1716315559.358607590] [spawner_joint_state_broadcaster]: Configured and activated joint_state_broadcaster

Now we can use the CLI, to control the gripper of the robot. If we want to get a list of all the currently configured and active controllers for our robot:

ros2 control list_controllers

If we want to get the list of hardware components currently available to work with the ROS2 control interface:

ros2 control list_hardware_components 

When we use ros2 topic list, we have the topic /gripper_controller/commands which we can use to publish new commands to the gripper. If we want to open our gripper, do:

ros2 topic pub /gripper_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "layout:
  dim: []
  data_offset: 0
data: [-1]" 

If we want to close the gripper:

ros2 topic pub /gripper_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "layout:
  dim: []
  data_offset: 0
data: [0]" 

3. Kinematics

We now have a real manipulator robot in Gazebo, controllable via ROS 2 Control. However, our current system only allows individual joint control, making complex movements difficult, like those needed for pick-and-place tasks. To simplify control, we'll study kinematics, which focuses on the robot's gripper position and orientation in 3D space rather than joint angles.

Currently, manually coordinating joints to move the gripper is complex and impractical. Kinematics helps us understand how joint movements affect the gripper's position, using forward kinematics (joint angles to gripper position) and inverse kinematics (gripper position to joint angles). This allows us to move the gripper directly in Cartesian space, with the math handling joint coordination automatically.

ros2 topic info /tf --verbose
Type: tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage

Publisher count: 1

Node name: robot_state_publisher
Node namespace: /
Topic type: tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage
Endpoint type: PUBLISHER
ros2 topic echo /tf
- header:
      sec: 1716587608
      nanosec: 671408293
    frame_id: base_link
  child_frame_id: base_plate
      x: 0.0
      y: 0.0
      z: 0.307
      x: 0.0
      y: 0.0
      z: 0.0
      w: 1.0
- header:
      sec: 1716587608
      nanosec: 671408293
    frame_id: base_plate
  child_frame_id: forward_drive_arm
      x: -0.02
      y: 0.0
      z: 0.35
      x: 0.0
      y: 0.0
      z: 0.0
      w: 1.0

ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_echo world claw_support
