Cybernetics, Complexity and Systems Sciences
University of California, Los AngelesLos Angeles
AruulmozhivarmanS's Following
- AishwaryaSivaramanSingapore
- albheimLund, Sweden
- amuellerMicrosoft
- amzn
- AtcoldNYU
- baggepinnenLund, Sweden
- CamDavidsonPilon@Pioreactor
- ChrisRackauckasMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- cpqCesanta
- cybergalacticNTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- dynamics-simulation-16-715
- EmbersArc
- ethz-aslZurich, Switzerland
- geohot@commaai @tinygrad
- guyvdbroeckUCLA
- haller-groupETH Zürich
- hamelsmuParlance Labs
- hyrodiumOsaka, Japan
- jacobjinkelly@google-deepmind
- jckantorUniversity of Notre Dame
- jcristLooking for work
- JuliaControl
- maxhcohenCaltech
- mfaltLund, Sweden
- mitmath
- Optimal-Control-16-745
- pestipetiself employed
- SciML
- shinhoang88Sungkyunkwan Univ
- SHoltzenNortheastern University
- Shunichi09Tokyo
- Sondreab
- timethy
- timholyWashington University in St. Louis
- unpingco