Python package to extend Airflow functionality with CWL1.1 support
- 0
Feedback for CWL v1.2.1 requested.
#91 opened by acoleman2000 - 5
Run workflow failed with dockerPull
#84 opened by kokleong9406 - 1
run_as_user flag in default_args error
#85 opened by kokleong9406 - 1
CWL-airflow on AWS
#83 opened by stewalsh04 - 3
Getting standard output in airflow scheduler
#78 opened by kokleong9406 - 1
Conditional Workflow
#77 opened by kokleong9406 - 0
- 3
Getting standard error
#75 opened by kokleong9406 - 6
Failure to install and run
#64 opened by azzaea - 3
BashOperator + CWLDAG
#73 opened by kokleong9406 - 5
- 5
- 3
Change airflow dependency to less restrictive
#69 opened by agaszmurlo - 2
CWLJobDispatcher, {task}, CWLJobGatherer not running after triggering with Airflow API
#68 opened by kokleong9406 - 1
cwl-airflow api error 404 issue
#65 opened by kokleong9406 - 4
CWL-DAG Schedule bug
#57 opened by seongwoo-jang7 - 1
- 2
Use of Conditional workflows
#58 opened by francescobianco - 2
Support for managed Airflow via plugin
#60 opened by jeremyadamsfisher - 1
- 3
#54 opened by mdrio - 1
Question: Scatter Support
#48 opened by dagrooms52 - 1
Does cwl-airflow support execution on Kubernetes?
#47 opened by mr-c - 3
CWLJobDispatcher Fails
#39 opened by manoskout - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
Tool fails to execute of include id field
#43 opened by michael-kotliar - 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
Do not deploy on each job from Travis
#38 opened by michael-kotliar - 0
Configure conformance tests properly
#29 opened by michael-kotliar - 0
Since the update to Airflow==1.10.6 we don't need retry parameter in cwl section of config
#33 opened by michael-kotliar - 4
install problem
#35 opened by summerghw - 2
singularity support?
#25 opened by ionox0 - 0
parallel invocations of cwl-airflow fail
#13 opened by mr-c - 10
- 1
"cwl-airflow init" is gone?
#31 opened by mr-c - 1
please support `cwl-airflow --version`
#20 opened by mr-c - 2
- 1
Fix bug with docker pull
#12 opened by michael-kotliar - 3
- 5
cwl-airflow init error
#24 opened by TBI-YMN - 2
dag start time
#16 opened by WRYFans - 2
AWS batch extension
#17 opened by Raphtor - 2
- 1
Job Cleanup not linked to the rest of the DAG
#19 opened by Ocaenyth - 1
CWL conformance tests no longer run
#15 opened by mr-c - 0
Update readme
#14 opened by michael-kotliar