Multi-modal ROS-based people detection and tracking framework for mobile robots developed within the context of the EU FP7 project SPENCER.
- AAdeleye
- Abhilash22
- AftermathKAVL
- BillWSYUC San Diego
- cassieqiuydUCSD
- cfiscko
- cnieto
- cogrobdev
- eemailme
- francisvac
- fraserlai
- hicgtUC San Diego, Contextual Robotics Institute
- jaskaran1San Francisco
- jhcloos
- jih189
- Jlsmith10San Diego
- MaidouPPUniversity of California, San Diego
- pntemiLa Jolla, CA
- quanvuongUCSD
- ruffsl
- sumitbinnaniSan Diego, California
- vkm22
- wecacueeUniversity of Maine, Orono