- 2
- 9
trouble with BS-Seq
#80 opened by lucacozzuto - 7
Genome preparation:129S1 (paternal) mice × B6D2F1/J (F1 of C57BL6NJ × DBA2J, maternal) mice
#71 opened by lelesama - 1
About singletons
#81 opened by ddepierre - 4
- 2
Question about assigning 'unassignable' reads
#79 opened by RobertBaird - 11
Getting 0 reads processed
#74 opened by yonniejon - 1
How to define high-confidence SNPs?
#78 opened by Ulixmanna - 5
Zero segregation for scRNAseq
#77 opened by GangLiTarheel - 1
Bowtie1 as the aligner of Bismark
#76 opened by lelesama - 2
- 2
Tutorial for SNPsplit
#73 opened by yonniejon - 2
- 6
- 3
Why I can't split bisulfite data ?
#64 opened by chaoyang666 - 4
Using SNPsplit for single cell data
#69 opened by taolincj - 7
- 2
single end mode not working
#66 opened by rberrens - 8
SNPsplit for mouse RNA-seq data
#59 opened by Lu-103 - 2
How to phase Hi-C data using SNPs
#63 opened by hmyh1202 - 2
N-masking human genome
#62 opened by parichitran - 2
single-end mode does not work
#61 opened by shanwai1234 - 2
0-indexed or 1-indexed for the SNP output?
#60 opened by sshen82 - 2
- 1
- 3
Running SNPsplit in parallel
#50 opened by Grishnahk - 1
Nmasked human genome
#55 opened by fanghe0720 - 7
- 9
- 2
Error with SNPsplit_genome_preparation
#52 opened by jprippe - 2
Using the --full_sequence genome
#51 opened by ezecalvo - 11
- 2
Some questions about working on plant species
#45 opened by CrazyHsu - 11
- 2
Why all my reads are unassigned
#49 opened by skelviper - 5
- 3
BS-seq about SNP_split
#43 opened by zhangaicen - 1
Look at file type auto-detection
#42 opened by FelixKrueger - 1
SNP removal in Bismark
#40 opened by pubudumanoj - 6
#38 opened by nservant - 3
C>T SNPs preventing the assignment
#33 opened by GuidoBarzaghi - 2
Output genome files contain UA flags
#32 opened by GuidoBarzaghi - 4
'S' CIGAR operation not allowed
#36 opened by brainfo - 5
Supporting soft-clipping
#28 opened by Shians - 2
PrepareGenome input
#39 opened by nservant - 0
Add option to skip sorting
#37 opened by FelixKrueger - 1
SNP value column in input snp file correspond to which information in vcf format files?
#35 opened by brainfo - 22
STAR provides only unassigned reads
#34 opened by yeroslaviz - 8
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