- 1
- 1
Run wiith only one sample
#230 opened by Seongmin-Jang-1165 - 1
- 2
Question about datarep
#226 opened by cent0134 - 0
error in xpore diffmod step
#227 opened by mariachiaragrieco - 6
empty output files in dataprep stage
#214 opened by villegmb - 1
RNA004 Inverted DRACH Results
#225 opened by BrendanBeahan - 27
dataprep error and empty output files
#170 opened by Michael-m6A - 20
Request for xpore result of HEK293T-rep2
#160 opened by kwonej0617 - 6
dataprep high coverage sample
#162 opened by rania-o - 1
Question about xpore and Motif Output
#220 opened by niujiale - 0
- 1
The scope of application of the xpore
#178 opened by zzf77 - 2
enquire about interpretation of diff_mod rate column
#221 opened by g-s-2018 - 7
error in datapre step
#184 opened by huawen-poppy - 2
DataPrep error and empty output files
#222 opened by cent0134 - 2
question about the modification category
#223 opened by huawen-poppy - 3
- 2
error in xpore diffmod
#219 opened by lyj95618 - 4
KeyError: exon in xpore dataprep
#217 opened by mumdark - 1
version number needs to be updated
#218 opened by nickst85 - 9
- 4
diffmod error
#216 opened by rugilemat - 4
Biological replicate
#213 opened by AndreaYCT - 9
xpore dataprep empty output files
#212 opened by linyan168168 - 1
concern about the error in the dataprep step
#188 opened by lyj95618 - 5
Empty diffmod.table file, only header generated when running xpore diffmod after preprocessing my runs
#209 opened by nickst85 - 1
dataprep empty output files
#211 opened by linyan168168 - 3
- 1
Performance Warning
#208 opened by nickst85 - 1
question about replicates
#185 opened by huawen-poppy - 2
Can Xpore detect 5mC RNA modification
#189 opened by keenhl - 4
diffmod output files empty
#169 opened by anaesco - 3
Diffmode demo problems
#157 opened by tele-med - 1
"SettingWithCopyWarning" then xpore stops, when running xpore dataprep using the demo dataset....
#163 opened by sbridgett - 5
diffmod.table missing majority of positions
#180 opened by JannesSP - 1
Concern about the P value!
#186 opened by M-Chi-1 - 0
- 0
Three questions about xpore
#182 opened by iamwjy1 - 7
running into problem with Xpore after merging multiple .fastq and .bam files from same Nanopore run
#179 opened by annapopova-scripps - 7
Empty diffmod.table file, only header generated when running xpore diffmod with preprocessed files, not able to reproduce the data
#177 opened by kwonej0617 - 2
Request for xpore result of HEK293T-rep1
#165 opened by rezarahman12 - 4
diffmod.table and eventalign.index contain only header
#172 opened by dietvin - 0
- 1
HEK293T data fast5 untar problem
#158 opened by rezarahman12 - 4
output of diffmod and xpore post processing
#168 opened by rezarahman12 - 3
Diffmod and yml file outcome issue
#166 opened by Michael-m6A - 2
diffmod running problem
#161 opened by rezarahman12 - 3
eventalignment and bas fast5 file
#159 opened by rezarahman12 - 3
xpore dataprep indexing error: PerformanceWarning: indexing past lexsort depth may impact performance.
#156 opened by kwonej0617