Merge the depth images from two depth cameras (RGBD, TOF, structured light...) into one depth image as it would be seen from an "arbitrarily" positioned virtual depth camera
- ahoarauParis
- azhan-99
- comocTokyo, Japan
- DonJon86
- huckl3b3rry87Honda
- hyunsung-leeSUM. Inc
- JimmyDaSilvaISIR-Sorbonne University
- koikonomouLaboratory of Robotics and Automation
- LousinZhejiang University
- minefantastthe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- mmiles19
- PriestOfAdanosPoland
- rfzegThe Construct
- sirovenmittsPendleton, OR
- traversaroItalian Institute of Technology
- Usthiel
- xiaoyanluobeijing
- Yuchen-Tao
- zhangyachun
- zhongpei
- zhulei2017