Non-comprehensive list of projects and resources related to open microscopy.
- alexcariseySt. Jude Children's Research Hospital
- AndersBarth
- aquilesC@Solbion @pftl
- beniroquaiIPHT Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology's
- BrentonCavanaghRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- CamachoDejayUniversity of Gothenburg
- chasemc@KwanLab
- GenevieveBuckleyMonash University
- ghetto-developer
- haesleinhuepfData Science Center ScaDS.AI, Uni Leipzig
- jmdelahantyHHMI Janelia
- junelsolis@Turku-BioImaging
- kaabirlocalhost
- kasbah
- kirtiprakashInstitute of Cancer Research
- markianwallace
- mathiaslec
- mcarbotano
- MilkShakeYoungNanjing
- mkitti@JaneliaSciComp
- MosGeo
- nclack@chanzuckerberg
- nthndyThe Francis Crick Institute
- OptoManishKIndian Institute of Technology Delhi
- r07n1eCometti, inc
- rcerbinoMilan, Italy
- rmcgortySan Diego, CA
- SanliFaezUtrecht Univeristy
- Shengxuan-Chen
- SidduppalSchool of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- stevenvanuytselKCL
- thecobb
- theosandersonLondon School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
- vallyw
- VPozdina
- Vsaggiomo