- 12
error reference_sequence.empty
#46 opened by KamilSJaron - 0
- 0
When I used the vcf file generated by sniffles to genotyping the ngs data, I got an error like this
#86 opened by mebius-S - 3
- 0
Whole Exome Data?
#85 opened by bbimber - 0
BAM header only has a subset of the reference chromosomes -- please make sure they match!
#84 opened by pingxinxing - 0
- 4
Errors on idxdepth
#60 opened by Yexin-Zhang - 0
- 2
Problem starting the script
#77 opened by aaaniich - 3
Format error in vcf line:
#81 opened by mrwangyz - 6
- 0
Issue's with Native Build and Boost
#80 opened by david2905 - 3
idxdepth error
#49 opened by biozzq - 0
Add support for VCFv4.2 breakend notation
#79 opened by nvnieuwk - 1
Error when working with `--ins-info-key`
#78 opened by nvnieuwk - 0
idxdepth regex option not working
#76 opened by weilu1998 - 6
Pysam error
#40 opened by jjfarrell - 0
Genotyping for SNP
#75 opened by Wangchangsh - 0
Stop using Werror and Wall
#74 opened by dpryan79 - 0
Install paragraph
#73 opened by vanhoan310 - 7
- 0
no BGZF EOF marker
#72 opened by xuefenfei712 - 1
- 0
How to merge multi-samples SVs and obtain breakpoints for genotyping a population
#71 opened by Zhiliang-Zhang - 2
#67 opened by duzezhen - 0
index file
#69 opened by MehmetGoktay - 0
grmpy error: [E::cram_itr_query]
#68 opened by jasonbhn - 0
--vcf-split option with no description
#66 opened by shangshanzhizhe - 6
Missing key SEQ for <INS>
#65 opened by brentp - 1
Error with idxdepth: "Assertion failed: _impl->header_contig_map.count(chr) != 0"
#64 opened by cassisnaro - 2
- 2
Handling of temporary files by
#54 opened by malemay - 1
- 1
Using more than one input VCF file
#47 opened by martinghunt - 4
How to better call and genotype population SVs?
#52 opened by biozzq - 4
Compatibility of paragraph and Sniffles VCF
#51 opened by biozzq - 6
Error processing an INV
#43 opened by jjfarrell - 2
- 1
Can paragraph be used for indel from 2 bp to 30 bp?
#62 opened by 349539427 - 2
Which aligner?
#56 opened by fergsc - 0
- 2
Trouble genotyping lifted variants
#55 opened by Parsoa - 2
SV calling and genotyping across a population
#50 opened by biozzq - 2
Errors when make
#48 opened by heyaoxi - 3
Stripping END tag in INFO field
#44 opened by WEClarke - 13
Compatibility of paragraph and manta
#42 opened by KamilSJaron - 6
- 3
- 2
Illegal character in reference sequence (W base and possibly other noncanonical bases)
#37 opened by dantaki