- 0
[MINOR] Some minor issues Dockerfile
#246 opened by davidmeunier79 - 1
- 0
replace zeros by NaN in 5tt derivatives
#219 opened by lauralopezgaldo - 0
- 5
add pybids without session (no ses- in directory structure and file names)
#212 opened by davidmeunier79 - 0
add transfo in derivatives
#211 opened by davidmeunier79 - 1
Docker instructions missing path
#208 opened by danjgale - 1
Options when subjects fail in crop_aladin stage
#207 opened by julfou81 - 0
- 2
Adding and checking orientation of images
#113 opened by davidmeunier79 - 0
- 0
bug nifti_reg and spm version
#197 opened by davidmeunier79 - 0
- 2
- 0
- 1
adding a software license?
#155 opened by SylvainTakerkart - 0
Segmentation from T2w scans
#136 opened by kepkeeloh - 1
Making macapype cli run as executable (in particular if installed with pip)
#132 opened by davidmeunier79 - 0
Add -species in the command
#129 opened by davidmeunier79 - 1
Freesurfer space discussion
#96 opened by ostanley - 2
Integration of the JunaChimp Template and DaVi parcellation for chimpanzee images processing
#126 opened by FeHoff - 3
Myelin maps from T1 and t2
#120 opened by davidmeunier79 - 1
- 2
Adding freesurfer pipeline
#112 opened by davidmeunier79 - 1
wrap NMT v2 when available
#118 opened by davidmeunier79 - 1
- 1
[pipelines/] Dealing with oblique images with 3dWarp -card2oblique
#58 opened by kepkeeloh - 0
#55 opened by davidmeunier79 - 0
Pipeline from mask already computed
#52 opened by davidmeunier79 - 1
#54 opened by davidmeunier79 - 2
Adding individual json specifying some parameters for specific individuals/sessions
#43 opened by davidmeunier79 - 1
pipeline with T1 only file
#51 opened by davidmeunier79 - 1
- 1
BUG: Custom reorientation dimensions cannot be created outside of short prep pipeline
#88 opened by ostanley - 1
BUG: Reorient pipeline has wrong output connection in long single prep pipeline
#90 opened by ostanley - 0
- 0
- 0
small correction on the doc's homepage
#81 opened by SylvainTakerkart - 1
- 0
parse_key bug if node not in multi_params
#68 opened by davidmeunier79 - 2
macapype.__version__ does not exists
#60 opened by BastienCagna - 0
- 0
Rename pipelines
#44 opened by BastienCagna - 1
- 1
[nodes/bash_regis] Create a function that give the path of the bash directory
#21 opened by BastienCagna