A curated list of MXNet examples, tutorials and blogs.
If you want to contribute to this list and the examples, please open a new pull request.
- 1. Tutorials and Resources
- 2. Vision
- 3. NLP
- 4. Speech
- 5. Time series forecasting
- 6. Spatiotemporal
- 7. CTR
- 8. DRL
- 9. Neuro Evolution
- 10. One Class Learning
- 11. Probabilistic Programming
- 12. Transfer Learning
- 13. Tools
- Documents [site]
- Tutorial Documentation [English] [Chinese]
- New version of Documentation
- Gluon Tutorial Documentation [English] [Chinese] [Japanese]
- Gluon Api
- CheatSheet
- Using MXNet
- TVM Documentation
- NNVM Documentation
- Linalg examples
- NNVM Vison Demo
- im2rec_tutorial
- MXNet Blog (Chinese)
- MXNet Discuss Forum [English] [Chinese]
- r/mxnet subreddit
- Apache MXNet youtube channel [English] [Chinese]
- GluonCV
- GluonNLP
- ResNet [sym] [gluon] [v1b]
- DenseNet [sym] [gluon]
- SENet [sym] [gluon] [caffe]
- MobileNet V3
- Xception [sym] [gluon] [Keras]
- CapsNet
- NASNet-A(Gluon:star:)
- CRU-Net
- ShuffleNet v1/v2
- SqeezeNet
- FractalNet
- BMXNet
- BMXNet v2
- fusenet
- Self-Norm Nets
- Factorized-Bilinear-Network
- AOGNet
- NonLocal+SENet
- mixup
- sparse-structure-selection
- neuron-selectivity-transfer
- L-GM-Loss
- CoordConv
- IBN-Net
- Mnasnet [pretrained model]
- CompetitiveSENet
- Residual-Attention-Network
- DropBlock
- DropBlock(c++ implementaion)
- Modified-CBAMnet
- OctConv
- tasn
- 3rdparty Resnet/Resnext/Inception/Xception/Air/DPN/SENet pretrained models
- Collection of pretrained models (Gluon:star:)
- PVANet
- SSD [Origin] [Focal Loss] [FPN] [DSSD/TDM] [RetinaNet] [RefineDet]
- YOLO [sym v1/v2] [darknet] [gluon] [v3]
- Faster RCNN [Origin] [gluon] [ya_mxdet] [Focal Loss] [Light-Head]
- Deformable-ConvNets with Faster RCNN/R-FCN/FPN/SoftNMS and Deeplab
- Deformable-ConvNets v2
- Relation-Networks with FPN
- FPN-gluon-cv
- Mask R-CNN
- SqueezeDet
- IOULoss
- FocalLoss(CUDA)
- dspnet
- Faster_RCNN_for_DOTA
- RoITransformer
- cascade-rcnn-gluon(Gluon:star:)
- SNIPER with R-FCN-3K and SSH Face Detector
- Car-Detector-and-Tracker
- detnet
- CornerNet
- GroupNormalization
- faster-rcnn-rotate
- Detection and Recognition in Remote Sensing Image
- simpledet with FP16 and distributed training
- Deeplab [v2] [v3+Vortex Pooling] [v3plus] [v3plus+densenet]
- U-Net [gluon] [kaggle dstl]
- SegNet
- PSPNet with SyncBN
- ResNet-38
- panoptic-fpn
- AdaptIS
- MXNet Face
- MTCNN [w/ train] [caffe]
- Tiny Face [w/ train] [matconvnet]
- S3FD
- S3FD-gluoncv
- FaceDetection-ConvNet-3D
- DeepID v1
- Range Loss [CustomOp] [gluon]
- Convolutional Sketch Inversion
- Face68Pts
- DCGAN face generation(Gluon:star:)
- InsightFace
- Modified-CRUNet+Residual-Attention-Network
- LightCNN
- FacialLandmark
- batch_hard_triplet_loss
- facial-emotion-recognition
- RSA(prediction only)
- gender_age_estimation_mxnet
- Ringloss
- gluon-face
- age-gender-estimation
- iqiyi-vid-challenge 1st code
- sdu-face-alignment
- PyramidBox
- A-Light-and-Fast-Face-Detector-for-Edge-Devices
- learning-to-see-in-the-dark
- SRCNN [1] [2]
- Super-Resolution-Zoo MXNet pretrained models for super resolution, denoising and deblocking
- VisualBackProp
- VQA [sym] [gluon]
- Hierarchical Question-Imagee Co-Attention
- text2image(Gluon:star:)
- Traffic sign classification
- cicada classification
- geometric-matching
- Loss Surfaces
- Class Activation Mapping
- AdversarialAutoEncoder
- Neural Image Caption
- mmd/jmmd/adaBN
- NetVlad
- multilabel
- multi-task
- siamese
- matchnet
- Yelp Restaurant Photo Classifacation
- siamese_network_on_omniglot(Gluon:star:)
- StrassenNets
- Image Embedding Learning (Gluon:star:)
- DIRNet
- Receptive Field Tool
- mxnet-videoio
- AudioDataLoader
- mxnet_tetris
- Visual Search (Gluon:star:)
- relational-network-gluon
- HKO-7 [weather-forecasting]
- siamfc
- AdvBox
- Memory-Aware-Synapses
- sockeye
- gluon-nlp(Gluon:star:)
- Char-RNN(Gluon:star:)
- Character-level CNN Text Classification (Gluon:star:)
- seq2seq [sym] [gluon]
- MemN2N [sym] [gluon]
- Neural Programmer-Interpreters
- sequence-sampling
- retrieval chatbot
- cnn+Highway Net
- sentiment-analysis(Gluon:star:)
- parserChiang(Gluon:star:)
- Neural Variational Document Model(Gluon:star:)
- NER with Bidirectional LSTM-CNNs
- Sequential Matching Network(Gluon:star:)
- ko_en_NMT(Gluon:star:)
- Gluon Dynamic-batching(Gluon:star:)
- translatR
- RNN-Transducer
- Deep Biaffine Parser
- Crepe model
- RegionEmbedding
- Structured-Self-Attentive-Sentence-Embedding
- translatR
- BERT-embedding