A project demonstrating Lidar related AI solutions, including three GPU accelerated Lidar/camera DL networks (PointPillars, CenterPoint, BEVFusion) and the related libs (cuPCL, 3D SparseConvolution, YUV2RGB, cuOSD,).
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libspconv.so FP32 inference support?
#304 opened by HanyuWu - 0
bevfusion cuda12 libspconv support?
#303 opened by xiongda777 - 0
When kernel_size = (1,1,1) for SparseConv3d, the onnx inference result is different from the torch
#302 opened by Icecream-blue-sky - 0
use myself camera ,lidar calibration parameters and data, use public models,can use cuda-bevfusion?
#301 opened by sen9910 - 1
The onnx output of bevfusion lidar backbone is different from the torch output
#300 opened by Icecream-blue-sky - 2
#279 opened by evil-master - 0
how debug into cuda kernel in vscode?
#299 opened by zranguai - 3
CUDA Runtime error cudaMemsetAsync(output_feature_, 0x00, volumn_output_ * sizeof(half), _stream) # an illegal memory access was encountered, code = cudaErrorIllegalAddress [ 700 ] in file CUDA-BEVFusion/src/bevfusion/camera-bevpool.cu:116
#295 opened by Icecream-blue-sky - 0
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the sparse convolution to onnx inference output does not match the torch output
#297 opened by Xiao-Hu-Z - 1
missing spconv in buidling cuda-bevfusion
#296 opened by Jayden9912 - 2
Why conv.weight.permute(4, 0, 1, 2, 3) in fuse_bn function of CUDA-BEVFusion/qat/lean/funcs.py?
#294 opened by Icecream-blue-sky - 4
libspconv source code
#281 opened by jongsik-moon - 1
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How to export Swint model to onnx?
#288 opened by jorgemn9 - 1
CUDA-BEVFusion sparsity
#287 opened by wjx10210 - 1
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add node cause result wrong!
#286 opened by NotOnlyAI - 5
Spconv Engine Implementation
#256 opened by barrydoooit - 1
export spconv onnx error
#269 opened by aaa1233211 - 5
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which ORIN chip for fps numbers?
#280 opened by kurquhar - 1
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ImportError: Lidar_AI_Solution/CUDA-BEVFusion/bevfusion/mmdet3d/ops/bev_pool/bev_pool_ext.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3c104impl8GPUTrace13gpuTraceStateE
#284 opened by anteaglew2hcs - 1
export ONNX error
#272 opened by slayerlpj - 1
export-transfuser erro
#278 opened by evil-master - 1
Is there some bug in TensorRT?
#271 opened by bujianyiwang - 1
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Sensor selection
#277 opened by suhansu - 2
Support for H100 and sm_90
#265 opened by maueki - 0
spconv onnx
#282 opened by GEN418 - 2
How to export the SwinT model from BEVFusion?
#275 opened by slayerlpj - 9
Failed to build model model/resnet50int8/build/head.bbox.layernormplugin.plan.
#261 opened by Happynewyear000 - 1
When running the nuscenes validation set on Jeston Orin 32g, it keeps killing itself. What could be the reason?
#276 opened by Xiao-Hu-Z - 0
How to deploy BEVSegmentationHead
#273 opened by whbdmu - 0
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Centerpoint Int8 quantization and deployment
#268 opened by zxxzxy - 3
an illegal memory access was encountered
#267 opened by erzhu222 - 0
The outputs is all NAN
#266 opened by chenzb0712 - 1
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Only lidar or camera
#260 opened by MarioUncle-Wang - 0
I train centerpoint with kitti, so how can i get rpn_centerhead_sim.onnx and centerpoint.scn.onnx??
#259 opened by ruishanyin - 1
Jetson AGX Xavier with Jetpack 5.10 nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_'
#258 opened by HXB-1997 - 0
#257 opened by Ankitzanzmera - 5
which model should I use?
#255 opened by mx2013713828