
Error when running Rviz inside the Nvidia docker container

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I installed the Nvidia runtime container and the Docker container properly following all the instructions but I get the following output when I run Rviz:

rviz2 -d src/isaac_ros_visual_slam/isaac_ros_visual_slam/rviz/default.cfg.rviz
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-admin'
MESA: warning: Driver does not support the 0xa720 PCI ID.
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
MESA: warning: Driver does not support the 0xa720 PCI ID.
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
MESA: warning: Driver does not support the 0xa720 PCI ID.
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
MESA: warning: Driver does not support the 0xa720 PCI ID.
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
[INFO] [1699038236.153340747] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[INFO] [1699038236.153407313] [rviz2]: OpenGl version: 3.1 (GLSL 1.4)
[INFO] [1699038236.201446488] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[INFO] [1699038236.425814995] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[INFO] [1699038236.522004214] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED

When I run a rosbag file for slam it stops recording data after 5 seconds but rviz stays open.

Nvidia-smi output:
Screenshot from 2023-11-04 13-33-54

Steps I followed:
Nvidia-container runtime
Quick start

Nvidia-container toolkit

Can anyone help me with this?

Was nvidia-smi run inside the container, or is that just the output from your host machine? If you didn't already, could you please run nvidia-smi inside the container spawned with run_dev.sh, and provide that output? We want to be certain that the container is properly able to access your GPU.

Other things to check:

  • Does rviz2 by itself (ie, without using the prepared config file) launch properly?
  • Are you able to run the quickstart of any other repo (isaac_ros_apriltag is a lightweight one to test)
  • Do the automated tests pass when you run colcon test --executor sequential as described in Quickstart Step 4?

Was nvidia-smi run inside the container, or is that just the output from your host machine? If you didn't already, could you please run nvidia-smi inside the container spawned with run_dev.sh, and provide that output? We want to be certain that the container is properly able to access your GPU.

Other things to check:

  • Does rviz2 by itself (ie, without using the prepared config file) launch properly?
  • Are you able to run the quickstart of any other repo (isaac_ros_apriltag is a lightweight one to test)
  • Do the automated tests pass when you run colcon test --executor sequential as described in Quickstart Step 4?
    Nvidia-smi inside the container:
    Screenshot from 2023-11-11 14-41-36
colcon test --executor sequential 
Starting >>> isaac_ros_common
Finished <<< isaac_ros_common [2.07s]           
Starting >>> isaac_ros_test
Finished <<< isaac_ros_test [15.4s]             
Starting >>> isaac_ros_apriltag_interfaces
Finished <<< isaac_ros_apriltag_interfaces [0.88s]            
Starting >>> isaac_ros_bi3d_interfaces
Finished <<< isaac_ros_bi3d_interfaces [0.85s]            
Starting >>> isaac_ros_gxf
Finished <<< isaac_ros_gxf [1.28s]            
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_bridge_interfaces
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_bridge_interfaces [0.85s]            
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_interfaces
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_interfaces [0.63s]            
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nova_interfaces
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nova_interfaces [0.86s]            
Starting >>> isaac_ros_pointcloud_interfaces
Finished <<< isaac_ros_pointcloud_interfaces [0.60s]            
Starting >>> isaac_ros_tensor_list_interfaces
Finished <<< isaac_ros_tensor_list_interfaces [0.86s]            
Starting >>> isaac_ros_visual_slam_interfaces
Finished <<< isaac_ros_visual_slam_interfaces [0.87s]             
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros [7.36s]             
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_april_tag_detection_array_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_april_tag_detection_array_type [6.39s]             
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_battery_state_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_battery_state_type [6.16s]             
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_camera_info_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_camera_info_type [6.14s]             
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_compressed_image_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_compressed_image_type [6.23s]             
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_correlated_timestamp_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_correlated_timestamp_type [6.11s]                 
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_detection2_d_array_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_detection2_d_array_type [6.18s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_detection3_d_array_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_detection3_d_array_type [6.18s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_disparity_image_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_disparity_image_type [8.31s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_encoder_ticks_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_encoder_ticks_type [6.31s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_flat_scan_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_flat_scan_type [6.33s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_image_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_image_type [6.50s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_imu_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_imu_type [6.24s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_occupancy_grid_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_occupancy_grid_type [7.31s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_odometry_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_odometry_type [6.40s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_point_cloud_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_point_cloud_type [6.30s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_pose_array_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_pose_array_type [6.25s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_pose_cov_stamped_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_pose_cov_stamped_type [6.31s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_std_msg_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_std_msg_type [6.08s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_tensor_list_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_tensor_list_type [8.40s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_nitros_twist_type
Finished <<< isaac_ros_nitros_twist_type [6.23s]                  
Starting >>> isaac_ros_visual_slam
Finished <<< isaac_ros_visual_slam [42.2s]                   
Starting >>> isaac_ros_managed_nitros
Finished <<< isaac_ros_managed_nitros [1.34s]                  
Starting >>> custom_nitros_image
Finished <<< custom_nitros_image [15.7s]                   
Starting >>> custom_nitros_string
Finished <<< custom_nitros_string [15.4s]                   

Summary: 36 packages finished [3min 59s]

Rviz opens normally with the following command

admin@shivam-ROG-Zephyrus-M16-GU604VI-GU604VI:/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev$ rviz2
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-admin'
MESA: warning: Driver does not support the 0xa720 PCI ID.
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
MESA: warning: Driver does not support the 0xa720 PCI ID.
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
MESA: warning: Driver does not support the 0xa720 PCI ID.
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
MESA: warning: Driver does not support the 0xa720 PCI ID.
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
[INFO] [1699732109.183035563] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[INFO] [1699732109.183101652] [rviz2]: OpenGl version: 3.1 (GLSL 1.4)
[INFO] [1699732109.241789931] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED

I haven't tried any other repo such as isaac_ros_apriltag. I can do that if it will help with this issue.

Could you confirm the specifications of your host computer? What operating system and version are you using? Are you using WSL?

Running isaac_ros_apriltag's quickstart would be a good debugging step. Please try completing that quickstart and see if you're able to launch the AprilTag graph without any problems.

Is it possible that the ROS bag given in the tutorial is only 5 seconds? Because I can see the map in Rviz but it is there for only like 5 seconds. Let me know.

Yes, we ship a short rosbag to avoid consuming too much storage. Unlike our other tutorials, we can't use the --loop playback mode for Visual SLAM, because the "jump" from the end to the start of the data sequence will lead to degraded performance with our algorithm.

If you need a longer dataset for some other tests, you can always use our R2B Dataset 2023 sequences.

Closing this because the issue is resolved

Hi @Shivam7Sharma, could you please share how you resolved this issue?

@doctorcolossus I believe this wasn't an issue because the ROS bag file was very small.

@Shivam7Sharma, ah, okay, thanks for the reply. I had thought that you were concerned with the MESA/DRI/iris errors, which I am also getting and am trying to figure out how to resolve, but now I see that you had a different issue related to your rosbags.

@doctorcolossus I think you can safely ignore those errors.