Implementation of 6-DoF GraspNet with tensorflow and python. This repo has been tested with python 2.7 and tensorflow 1.12.
- 2
- 5
Question Regarding validation with own data and the variable "smoothed_object_pc"
#2 opened by gtan039 - 35
Generating My Testing Data
#11 opened by BetterLYY - 1
Where to find unaligned ShapeNetCore shapes?
#13 opened by Steve-Tod - 0
Grasps Evaluation in Flex
#28 opened by abhinavkk - 0
Performance of evaluator
#26 opened by tasbolat1 - 2
code for grasp evaluation?
#22 opened by tasbolat1 - 1
Anaconda/pip package compatability issues
#20 opened by LingweiZhang - 3
Extremely small scale for some objects
#25 opened by patrickeala - 1
- 1
Calculation of Success and Coverage Rate
#24 opened by patrickeala - 2
Any plan to release ACRONYM-trained weights?
#16 opened by seann999 - 1
The program cannot run normally after 'evaluator_checkpoint_folder' is changed to Npoints_1024_train_evaluator_0_allowed_categories__ngpus_1_, and the error prompt is as follows. How to resolve it
#19 opened by gzchenjiajun - 2
Generating New Data
#6 opened by c-keil - 1
A question about your dataset
#18 opened by xiaohythu - 2
How do I get the point cloud data from Realsense and convert it to the NPY files needed for the project demo?
#17 opened by gzchenjiajun - 1
How to generate uniform quaternions?
#15 opened by CZ-Wu - 0
Question on how to get the object_pc data from the depth image without the background
#14 opened by BetterLYY - 2
Question regarding robot experiments
#12 opened by fbottarel - 2
Grasp Coordinate Frame Convention
#8 opened by c-keil - 5
Most Grasps are in Collision with the Object
#10 opened by c-keil - 2
Library configuration issues
#9 opened by brkygokcen - 2
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pyTorch implementation
#3 opened by mateoKutnjak - 1
Remove surface or not for evaluation
#5 opened by seann999 - 8
InvalidArgumentError: Restoring from checkpoint failed. This is most likely due to a mismatch between the current graph and the graph from the checkpoint. Please ensure that you have not altered the graph expected based on the checkpoint.
#4 opened by saadehmd - 2
Need permission to download dataset
#1 opened by seann999