Pinned issues
- 1
- 0
- 1
.txt not exist!
#76 opened by Tannln - 0
Does OpenLane use the distorted or undistorted images from the Waymo Open dataset?
#77 opened by maxvandenhoven - 0
- 0
Question about centerline
#79 opened by huang6886 - 0
News on Nuscenes implementation
#74 opened by samueleruffino99 - 1
Where to find OpenLanev1.2 for global pose?
#73 opened by C-Prufrock - 1
Unaccuracy uv coordinate labels
#72 opened by hanweijing - 1
- 2
Ref_frame -> Lanes height
#51 opened by javierpastorfernandez - 0
4D data
#70 opened by yfChang-cv - 6
3D lane generation pipeline
#30 opened by manivmtc - 1
Stopline label
#69 opened by Yutong-gannis - 1
Tracking ID annotation
#66 opened by ppbangKGT - 1
- 1
Which category dose the stop lines belong to
#67 opened by jiajia0408 - 1
#68 opened by Luke199010 - 1
Unable to find download link for lane markings
#62 opened by Junkai-Liu - 1
Segments more than 200 frames?
#63 opened by javierpastorfernandez - 0
Pose Heading may not be correct
#64 opened by javierpastorfernandez - 3
How to project the 3D point to image?
#57 opened by GCQi - 3
- 1
GPS coordinates of image frames
#61 opened by SubMishMar - 1
Baidu cloud download link not available
#58 opened by shen-zhan - 1
#59 opened by Mollylulu - 1
pose info in document
#48 opened by AOtrans - 3
- 1
Missing image or label
#53 opened by Lizhuoling - 1
Question about v1.2 label
#52 opened by notabigfish - 1
Train and Test set split
#56 opened by user-235813 - 3
- 3
Possible unreasonable evaluation methods
#54 opened by qiaozhijian - 1
Why cam_extrinsics[0:2, 3] = 0.0
#50 opened by Lizhuoling - 0
matching score bias for invisible points
#49 opened by reutMuchtar - 2
- 4
[Data Quality] Too noisy lane2d and lane3d
#46 opened by z-bingo - 1
More detail about pose info?
#44 opened by Hzy98 - 3
About OpenLane V1.2
#45 opened by ZhangGongjie - 3 cann't unzip
#42 opened by xudongwang123 - 2
- 2
- 4
Comparing 3D annotations to Waymo Open Lane PCD
#31 opened by presmann - 6
About annotation quality
#38 opened by qiaozhijian - 3
About global pose of every frame
#33 opened by qiaozhijian - 2
Is there coresponding lidar data?
#37 opened by ppbangKGT - 3
Download problem in images.tar
#36 opened by artest08 - 6
Possible ways to improve the accuracy of GT
#35 opened by qiaozhijian - 1
- 0
#32 opened by EMIL-YORKU