Android app to save ARCore results (Visual-Inertial Odometry) to a series of text files for offline use.
- 1184919257
- astracker
- cagdas61
- candeeboy
- chanho-code
- CoderChen01Anhui Polytechnic University
- danglu999
- FinleyPanTencent
- flankechen
- gisbi-kimDGIST
- green512
- hillday
- hyuwuhan
- itstorInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
- jjysh014
- jmk7791
- JzHuai0108Wuhan University
- louzq16
- LoveDHMedInTech Inc.
- ManojklHochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
- mariamagedCairo, Egypt
- MichaelSprague
- msoftwarew3logistics AG
- NikitaDavidoff
- prisirasabukaru
- salmanmaq@psychiatrai
- sanyatuningVCC Live @vcclive
- ShepherddotBeijing
- stihuangyuan
- thenightlytalesThe Nightly Tales
- trygveuCognite AS
- Tumucin
- WY-2022
- x29959National Taiwan University of Science and technology
- YiChenCityUCity University HK
- ylling123