
OpenCR USER1 LED - Cannot used /cmd_vel

Cameronthepiper opened this issue · 1 comments


  1. Which TurtleBot3 platform do you use?

    • Burger
    • Waffle
    • Waffle Pi
  2. Which ROS is working with TurtleBot3?

    • ROS 1 Kinetic Kame
    • ROS 1 Melodic Morenia
    • ROS 1 Noetic Ninjemys
    • ROS 2 Dashing Diademata
    • ROS 2 Eloquent Elusor
    • ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy
    • etc (Please specify your ROS Version here)
  3. Which SBC(Single Board Computer) is working on TurtleBot3?

    • Intel Joule 570x
    • Raspberry Pi 3B+
    • Raspberry Pi 4
    • etc (Please specify your SBC here)
  4. Which OS you installed on SBC?

    • Raspbian distributed by ROBOTIS
    • Ubuntu MATE (16.04/18.04/20.04)
    • Ubuntu preinstalled server (18.04/20.04)
    • Raspberry Pi 4B (2GB or 4GB) ROS Noetic image
  5. Which OS you installed on Remote PC?

    • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
    • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
    • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) - Used for bringup through Open SSH
    • Windows 11 - Through MATLAB
    • MAC OS X (Specify version)
    • etc (Please specify your OS here)
  6. Specify the software and firmware version(Can be found from Bringup messages)

    • Software version: [x.x.x]
    • Firmware version: [1.2.6]
  7. Specify the commands or instructions to reproduce the issue.

"roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_core.launch"

"roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_lidar.launch"

Then on MATLAB any use of the /cmd_vel topic causes this issue.

  1. Copy and Paste the error messages on terminal.


  2. Please describe the issue in detail.

Upon carrying out the turtlebot3 core bringup the USER1 LED on the OpenCR board begins (and continues) to rapidly flash orange. When trying to use the topic "/cmd_vel" nothing happens. However, when checking rostopic list - all topics are available.

Additionally, I am not receiving any errors in MATLAB (This code was working perfectly yesterday) or when viewing on the Linux machine and I am able to successfully use the topic "/battery_state". This would therefore suggest this is not a MATLAB or Windows issue

Any help appreciated.


*EDIT - Additionally to the flashing USER1 LED the Arduino LED on the OpenCR has also begun flashing could this have anything to do with this issue?

Issue resolved itself.

Battery Level was too low!

The issue signposted above actually fixed itself. The orange USER1 LED still blinks after the "core.launch" bringup however all topics and commands can utilised be carried out without any issues.
