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vel_cmd for turtlebot3 in ROS2
#983 opened by mwsatman - 2
Turtlebot3 bringup orange flashing led
#990 opened by Srichitra-S - 2
- 1
failed bringup Turtlebot3 OpenManipulator
#1008 opened by chris9807 - 5
Error building turbot3_gaebo on ROS2 Humble
#1015 opened by raybietry - 2
ros2 foxy error
#1023 opened by Ashwath12052004 - 2
Problem with AMCL (multi robot) .
#985 opened by Daviesss - 0
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#1032 opened by yusuuferkan - 3
In the TurtleBot3 Gazebo simulation, the angular velocity exhibits significant fluctuations at certain points, leading to instability. ( I edited the .gazebo.xacro file)
#1029 opened by 2892510130 - 0
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Inquiry Regarding Turtlebot3 Odometry
#1017 opened by jmsantost - 1
Unable to Run SLAM on My PC
#1026 opened by Sreedharbot - 1
Unable to create map using Gmapping
#1022 opened by saad2121 - 24
Turtlebot velocity is not updating
#1028 opened by Faheemibrahim - 0
Can't load map with turtlebot3_navigation2
#1027 opened by Z-X20A - 1
Unable to sync with device; possible link problem or link software version mismatch such as hydro rosserial_python with groovy Arduino
#1016 opened by PVijayaGanesh - 0
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Running TurtleBot3 deactivates the sound output device and video playback of Youtube
#1024 opened by MithraGhlm - 1
How to launch multiple ROS2 turtlebot3 in real world
#1018 opened by zitongbai - 0
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Coordinated control of the base and manipulator
#1020 opened by shota0610 - 1
Turtlebot3 Unable to locate package ros-noetic-joy
#1019 opened by 3dokki - 3
Turtlebot3 Waffle Pi4: Teleop (with RC100B and keyboard) not working after Bringup
#997 opened by LW-G38 - 0
Faulty Odometry - The pose values published at startup are extremely large.
#1014 opened by dlwlrma1516 - 1
Open-manipulator X Simulation Issue
#1013 opened by weaki233 - 1
No reading from IR and bumper sensors
#1010 opened by elimas9 - 0
Failed Bringup
#1011 opened by Rongrongzzz - 0
Addition of xacro argument for odometryFrame and robotBaseFrame within diff_drive plugin
#1009 opened by maker-ATOM - 1
OpenCR USER1 LED - Cannot used /cmd_vel
#1002 opened by Cameronthepiper - 2
Turtlebot3 and Remote PC connection problem (only topics present are /parameter_events and /rosout)
#999 opened by alexgerea - 0
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empty topic list
#1005 opened by chris9807 - 0
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`static_transform` between `base_link` and `camera`
#1003 opened by wangzizhe - 2
ROS2 Humble Setup Issue
#1000 opened by pradrn - 1
AMCL is not yet in the active state
#988 opened by ebear11 - 4
Incorrect odom readings - angular velocity works fine, linear always shows 0 on x,y and z
#993 opened by CHubert5 - 0
Need LDS_01 lidars config file(.lua file)
#998 opened by Rajatsurya - 0
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navigation error: global_costmap: Pre-Hydroparameter “static_map” unused since “plugins” is provided
#994 opened by sixcandoit-6 - 0
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LDS-02 didn't spin
#984 opened by langung102 - 0
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Cannot move robot in Turtlebot3 Gazebo simulations
#986 opened by saadi-tech - 0
Tb3&manipulator software setup
#982 opened by Leo5017 - 0
im using ros2 humble and i cant find cmd_vel . its not connected . can someone please help . turtlebot3
#981 opened by MohamedYessinelaabidi