
ImportError: cannot load CLoader

domantasjurkus opened this issue · 3 comments

Stumbled upon this issue when running the tutorial notebook. In case anyone's stuck, follow these steps inside the container. In short:

  1. sudo apt install libyaml-dev
  2. sudo pip --no-cache-dir install --verbose --force-reinstall -I pyyaml

The container root password is password. I'm guessing ideally the container should be updated to have libyaml-dev installed?

It seems like yaml was installed in the script. If you commented that out in the dockerfile (as was suggested in #171 ) then yaml wouldn't be installed. I created a patch #174 that just adds yaml to our standard list of dependencies. This should fix the issue.

Thanks for pointing out the problem @domantasjurkus

This issue should be fixed by #176