Pinned issues
- 3
- 5
- 3
- 5
- 5
How to add extra memory to proessor
#439 opened by karegoud - 1
custom FPU
#438 opened by ztachip - 4
Regarding the regression test...
#437 opened by nerdylye - 2
- 0
Verilog code integration with Murax SOC
#435 opened by xavier-design - 1
Exit cycle accurate simulation
#398 opened by ashuthosh-mr - 1
compiling CFU demo configurations results in : java.lang.Exception: Missing inserts : LEGAL_INSTRUCTION"
#430 opened by jahagirdar - 1
Verilator expects `-std=c++14`
#431 opened by goekce - 1
SiFive GCC link in is dead.
#429 opened by jahagirdar - 2
What tools are supported
#428 opened by SeanGan233 - 3
Instruction that need Multiple cycles for execution
#424 opened by karegoud - 3
- 3
Multiple register read from Register file
#422 opened by xavier-design - 6
Data buffer
#419 opened by xavier-design - 1
GenFullWithOfficialRiscvDebug failed
#421 opened by Logiase - 2
- 11
new custom instruction in vexriscv
#418 opened by Chaitanya-kumar-Y - 7
Help for custom instruction
#411 opened by ztachip - 4
- 2
machineCsr test failing
#416 opened by jbrown11111 - 1
Internal timer implementation
#415 opened by juliaazziz - 1
Wrong speculative execution when conditional branch argument is in TCM address range
#412 opened by vianney - 2
rdcycle and rdinstret instructions not working
#408 opened by MrJake222 - 0
default bus doesn't expose write mask
#409 opened by MrJake222 - 3
VexRiscV shift bus fail
#407 opened by MrJake222 - 7
EmbeddedRiscvJtag synthesis issue
#381 opened by gregdavill - 15
AxiCrossBar with Standard Axi4 Interface in Briey
#406 opened by ic-hjx - 10
How to use printf function?
#402 opened by Guochen-Shine - 10
Problem about how to compile the software that can be used in Vexriscv with FPU
#401 opened by ic-hjx - 0
- 1
- 2
About the Csr registers in Vexriscv
#403 opened by ic-hjx - 5
Problems with adding FPU in Briey
#400 opened by Guochen-Shine - 12
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- 5
Debug instructions executed twice
#396 opened by patstew - 3
EU Funding
#393 opened by PythonLinks - 3
FPU plugin to GenFull.scala
#392 opened by ashuthosh-mr - 6
Data Stream in/out SoC <-> FPGA
#391 opened by lk-davidegironi - 2
Adding VexRiscV as a dependency
#390 opened by DanielMadmon - 3
DE0-Nano Board with VexRiscV: IO and Fit Design Issues Including Specific Command Used
#389 opened by Tahamermer - 11
Murax XIP compile issue
#380 opened by lk-davidegironi - 1
Fetch dosen't performed correctly in the simulation of Murax SOC.(+Custom instructions are executed in unexpected time.)
#385 opened by nohahanon - 6
Regarding the result of dhrystone with TCM
#383 opened by piondeno - 1
- 3
CPU exception signal
#382 opened by snowprogrammer