
Pick and place simulation with Moveit! in ROS melodic environment.

Primary LanguageC++

Pick and place simulation

Simulation of a pick and place pipeline, the robotic arm has to take some box and place them on a destination table. The simulation is divided into two main part: detection and execution.

The detection part is performed in Gazebo, we recreated a simple scene as shown in the figure:


A ROS node called "vision_node" is responsible to process images in order to find objects position and orientation and publish them into the \poses topic. For more info read "final_report.pdf" chapter 3.

The execution simulation is performed in Rviz, with the help of Moveit!


The manipulator receives the poses, in order to perform grasping and motion planning. For more info read "final_report.pdf" chapter 4.

You can see the video here:

Watch the video

Start the simulation

The project was developed in Ubuntu 18.04, with ROS melodic.

NOTE: This is a work in progess project, some error or bug may occour. To allow us improving please report us any problem.

  1. Install file:

    1. ROS
    2. MoveIt!
    3. OpenCV: sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-vision-opencv.
  2. Copy files in the utils folder to home/.gazebo/models.

  3. Launch!

For a simplest launch just digit in terminal roslaunch fanuc_cr35_config simulation.launch, or type in a terminal tab or window for each file:

  1. roslaunch vision scene.launch: this will start gazebo.
  2. roslaunch fanuc_cr35_config demo.launch: this will start rviz.
  3. rosrun arm application: this will add some collision objects into rviz.
  4. rosrun vision vision_node: this will show the detected target from gazebo and start the arm.


Alessio Saccuti, master degree student in computer engineering, alessio.saccuti@gmail.com.

Vito FIlomeno, master degree student in computer engineering, filomeno.vito@gmail.com.