
what are they ( mobile_base and world tf)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi @zzuxzt @philipdames How are you?
Anyway, i have two questions about this code.

  1. As you know, in this code uses "mobile_base" and "world" TF. What are they?. i can't see them in ros_tf_tree. Could you explain them?

  2. When i have launched a training, Odom TF was changing Whenever episode (or scenario was changed).
    How to fasten it until training is ended? i want to fasten it and to merge with map TF.
    Screenshot from 2024-02-26 19-29-54

zzuxzt commented
  1. The "mobile_base" and "world" are just the names of the models in the Gazebo world and do not belong to the TF. I just used them to get the robot model state in the Gazebo world through a service provided by the Gazebo simulator. More information about it can be found at Get Model State Example
  2. The changes of the odom TF are because the simulated world/scenario has been reset, which means the robot has restarted at a random position and its odom TF should change. It does not affect the training and the localization is provided by the amcl package.

@zzuxzt Hi , Thanks to your reply.
I have another single question.
A demo model weight which is called drl_vo.zip, How long it takes to train?.
I mean that number of steps are spended to train?

zzuxzt commented

When training from the pre-trained model, it takes about 1M steps.

thank you!