
Why there are not /Odometry message in my implementation

moonriver0922 opened this issue · 1 comments

Thank you for your excellent work. I have some questions concerning the repo implementation. I launched my Velodyne lidar's VLB16points.launch file in Velodyne and the run.launch file in your LIO-SAM workspace. I obtained the points data and viewed the map in Rviz. However, I am unable to receive the Odometry messages by subscribing to the topic /lio-sam/mapping/odometry. Is there something wrong?

It implies your mapOptimization module does not work properly. I would like to give you several suggestions:

  1. Check that your params.yaml includes correct topic names.
  2. Look for publishOdometry() function in mapOptimization.cpp and recursively go deeper with ROS_INFO_STREAM() to find there the error happens.