A Multi-Modal Large Language Model with Retrieval-augmented In-context Learning capacity designed for generalisable and explainable end-to-end driving
- annopackage
- BillChan226
- BoxMarsUniversity of Macao
- chaytonminInstitute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences
- chenghuang66Xi'an Jiaotong University
- David-Guoo
- ehsan-amiUniversity of Alberta
- eternaldolphin
- FM-He
- IdoCohenAB
- IrohXuUIUC
- jayyoung0802
- jokester-zzzZhejiang University
- kevin-ssyUniversity of Oxford
- kevinchiu19
- Krasjet-YuBISTU
- L4zyy
- lhyanLSingapore
- ljwwwiop
- lzrobotsFudan University
- maysonmaPurdue University
- MoeBuTaThe University of Western Australia
- mttgddMobile Robotics Group (MRG), Oxford Robotics Institute, University of Oxford
- only-for-stars
- product-think2049
- RecLusIve-FZeekr
- SprBull
- synsin0Tsinghua University
- uni-zhuan@ECNU
- VilongeFudan University
- Xiaolong-RRLPKU
- YuanJianhao508
- yyticadd
- zachtianImeprial College London
- zhouxiqin2017
- znzjugod